Tony149 0 Report post Posted August 22, 2006 [b][i][color=#009900]MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY[/color]...[color=#999900]MONEYMAKER[/color]![/i] [color=#FF0000]SMN PRODUCTIONS[/color] PRESENTS... A [color=#FFCC00]SIMON SINGLETON[/color] Film A [color=#993399]MACKENZINE DECENZO[/color] Interview [color=#009900]MONEY[/color] [color=#999900]MATTERS[/color][/b] The interview is shot inside a moving LIMOUSINE. Seated next to Theodore in a pinstrip suit and mini-skirt is the smokin' hot Mackenzie DeCenzo, her smooth legs crossed in the most feminine matter. MACKENZIE Every media outlet wanted this exclusive, but only SMN Productions can bring it to you. Here with "The Billion Dollar Heir" Thedore Moneymaker. Thedore... * PUFF * * PUFF * * PUFF * * EXHALES * THEODORE (lowers smoking pipe) Please, call me Teddy. All my friends do. All my high powered friends. Heh heh heh ha. MACKENZIE Teddy, I must thank you for granting SMN Productions your first one on one interview since announcing to the world your signing with the OAOAST a few weeks ago. THEODORE Oh, it's my pleasure, Mackenzie. I know a good investment when I it, and SMN Productions is the fastest growing company in the world. Perhaps we can get together later in the evening and discuss my buying a stake in the company. MACKENZIE I'm sure something can be arrange THEODORE Of course I'd have to go over your figures thoroughly. MACKENZIE Whew, is it just me or is it getting hot in here? THEODORE It's gonna get even hotter in a few minutes. Trust me. MACKENZIE (clears throat) Anyway, let's talk about your debut next week on HeldDOWN~! THEODORE That's right, Mackie. After talking about it for weeks I'm finally going to put my money where my mouth is when I step inside the ring and show the world I'm not just some billionaire looking for a good time, but to become the greatest superstar in OAOAST history. I have the pedigree. I definitely have all the money. And I won't be afraid to use all the resouces at my disposal to become the greatest the sport has ever seen. The limo pulls up in a driveway and parks. THEODORE Ah, we're here. Better put these on. Theodore hands Mackenzie, Simon and an unknown third man HARD HATS. The DRIVER opens the door for Theodore, who escorts Mackenzie outside. Because Teddy and Mackie are the first out the door, leaving Simon and his Siclopys behind, we're treated to a [color=#FF99FF]PANTY SHOT[/color]~! The unknown soon becomes the known, as NED BLANCHARD, in the trademark Beverly Hills Blonds silver vest, marvels over the sight of... [img=] [b][color=#009900]MONEY MANOR[/color][/b]? THEODORE Welcome to Guacamole, Mexico! NED (marking out) Holy shit! That's a dead ringer for my ex's pad. THEODORE It's a dead ringer all right -- a dead ringer for Money Manor. MACKENZIE I don't understand. How? THEODORE Lupita, Augusto, venga aquí, por favor. SIMON (Off-Screen) Isn't that legal in Vegas? A Mexican couple, early 30s, exit the mansion and warmly greet Theodore and company. AUGUSTO Señor Theodore, bienvenida. Welcome. Mi casa es su casa. THEODORE (chuckles) Ain't that the truth. Lupita, how are you? LUPITA Muy bueno, senor. THEODORE Good. Good. Are you excited about my in-ring return next week? AUGUSTO (broken English) Oh, yes. Very much. It's been the talk of the town. Theodore Moneymaker all the way! THEODORE All the way? AUGUSTO All the way! NED (to Theodore) Jesus Christ, son, you bring us all the way... AUGUSTO & LUPITA All the way! NED (glares at couple) Mexico just to ask Speedy Gonzalez and his old lady if they're excited about your return to the ring? I could be in the 90210 conquering some hottie, man. Instead we're out here burning in the hot sun. THEODORE Calm down. Or as your people say, chill. The show is about to begin. Lupita and Augusto are old friends. Contrary to popular belief, I don't crush dreams...I make them. I loaned them the money to build this place. And I've come to collect. AUGUSTO (nervous laughter) No, señor, you gave us the money under the condition the house was built to your liking. THEODORE Now you're catching on, amigo. LUPITA B-But it is our home. THEODORE So you have the money? AUGUSTO Señor, Teddy, we're friends. Let's be reasonable. THEODORE It's Theodore to you, little man. So do you or don't you have the money? Mackenzie and Ned struggle to hide their laughter, amused by what they're seeing. LUPITA Please, I beg of you. Have your way with me, just let us be. THEODORE Heavens, no! You're 33 but you look 60. I wouldn't touch you for all the money in the world. Well, maybe for all the money, but that isn't on the table. NED (to Mackie) My old man told me two things growing up: Never mess with another man's woman and never drink the water in Mexico. I've messed with another man's woman, but I kept my word on not drinking the water in Mexico. Hahaha. AUGUSTO But you gave it to us. THEODORE It's like I've always said, little man, "Money talks, bullshit walks." Now say hello to Money Manor Mexico. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Theodore's security team evict the family, dragging their kicking and screaming kids from the mansion to his delight. * STYLISH CLIP * The sun setting in the background, Theodore and the Beverly Hills Blonds lounge in the backyard, smoking CIGARS while Mackenzie swims in the pool. THEODORE I told you life is good if you're "The Billion Dollar Heir". See you next week in the ring. MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! [i]You break the laws You hustle, you deal, you steal from us all Come on come on, lovin' for the money Come on come on, listen to the Moneytalk Come on come on, lovin' for the money Come on come on, listen to the Moneytalk Moneytalks Moneytalks B.S. Walks Moneytalks[/i] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites