King Cucaracha 0 Report post Posted August 24, 2006 COLE Coming up next, it's the 24/7 Championship on the line and a momentous night as one of the SWF's finest makes his official OAOAST debut. Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix, a three-year veteran and former two-time World Champion has called this a 'warm-up' match ahead of his match at AngleSlam against Leon Rodez. Biff Atlas, one half of Nutrition's Real Gurus, will be the man with something to say about that and hopefully defend the OAOAST's honour. COACH You really think Biff's got a chance? COLE Landon Maddix is the most decorated athlete in SWF history, with thirteen seperate title reigns in his two and a half years with the company, plus four more title reigns in their old feeder promotion the SJL. There's no doubting that he's a great athlete. He's not the most popular of people either, hard to believe I know, so he's used to hostile atmospheres like he'll get tonight. On paper, to those who know about Landon, he's the favourite to win tonight. But wrestling matches aren't won on paper and tonight Biff Atlas comes with the entire OAOAST locker room and the fans in his corner and the lure of a career making upset here tonight. COACH He's got a lot of pressure on his big-ass shoulders though Mikey. Biff's a tag wrestler. This Maddix guy, he's a four-time SWF Tag Champion, right? COLE Four-time and current, yes. And feel free to steal more of my research notes any time you like. COACH No problem. Anyway, point is Maddix must be a great tag wrestler but he's made it as a singles wrestler first. Biff's a tag wrestler, but he's not got experience in singles. COLE Well that is true. Fingers crossed for Biff though, after Landon's comments at the OAOAST's expense. COACH Word. .:CUE: "Adrenaline", Gavin Rossdale:. If we're being honest, Biff Atlas has rarely been the most popular man in the OAOAST. But judging from the reaction he gets as he comes out through the OAOAST entrance doors, he might be tonight. Gone are the hula skirt and the ankle bracelets, tonight Biff is obviously all business as he's kitted out in his aqua NRG tights and looking ready for action. Biff exchanges a few high-fives on his way to the ring, looking a little over-whelmed by the reaction he's getting as he rolls into the ring and pops to his feet, wide-eyed as he glances around the arena. BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the OAOAST 24/7 Championship of the World! In the ring, the challenger... hailing from Venice Beach, California. Weighing in tonight at two hundred and twenty pounds. One half of Nutrition's Real Gurus... BIIIIIIIFFF... "SHAMPOO"... AAAAAAAAAAATTLLLLAAAAAAASSSSSSS!!!!! "YYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE What a reaction for Biff Atlas! I don't think he quite knows what to make of it all right now, but he needs to use it to his advantage and not get caught up in it like a deer caught in headlights. COACH Let's hope Biff can keep his eyes off of Maddix's hair long enough to beat him too. "Tell me exactly, what am I supposed to do Now that I have allowed you, to beat me! Do you think that we could play another game Maybe I could win this ti-ime." "I kinda like the misery you put me through Darling you can trust me, completely! If you even try to look the other way I think that I could kill this ti-ime!" Almost drowned out by boos but not quite due to a state of the art P.A system, "The Game" by Disturbed hits, as through the entrance doors steps Megan Skye, heralding the arrival of the 24/7 Champion. Landon Maddix stops at the top of the ramp and thrusts his hands out to his side to another crescendo of boos. All of which Landon takes in his stride as he walks down the aisle, carrying over his shoulder proudly the SWF World Tag Team Title, the 24/7 Title less proudly around his waist. BUFFER And introducing the opponent. He is led to the ring by his manager, Ms. MEGAN SKYE! From Huron, South Dakota by way of Madrid, Spain... weighing two hundred, twenty pounds. One half of the SWF World Tag Team Champions and the reigning, defending OAOAST 24/7 CHAMPION of the World! Making his official debut for the OAOAST tonight, ladies and gentlemen he is LLAAANNDDOOOONN... "LA CUCARACHA"... MMMMMMAAAAAADDIIIIIIXXXXXXXXXX!!!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Landon leaps to the apron, looking out at the crowd as Megan climbs the steps. Megan holds open the ropes and Landon bounds into the ring, spinning himself into the centre of the ring with every ounce of his ego powering him and posing with Megan. Biff watches on from a neutral corner, a little pensively. COLE He's certainly not understating this first official entrance, is he Coach? Unstrapping his 24/7 Title, Maddix hands it to referee Charles Robinson. He doesn't however entrust him with the SWF Tag Title, which he instead passes off to Megan with a wink and a smile. A confident smile. Go figure. "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" COLE A hostile reaction from these OAOAST fans, although to be fair he's not the most popular with the SWF fanbase either. Of which there are a few here tonight who I've seen with SWF shirts on. COACH They're lucky they ain't been run out of here already. *DINGDINGDING!* The bell sounds and it's official, Landon Maddix's first official OAOAST match is officially underway. Your official, Charles Robinson. Biff still looks a little nervous and his eyes dart around the arena, perhaps a little lost without long-time partner Flex Phillips in his corner or even at ringside. Looking entirely more confident, Landon shuffles out of the corner and measures his opponent up. And despite the identical body weight, Biff clearly looks the more impressive physically. So rather than coming bulling out from the bell, the crafty 24/7 Champion comes to a stop, one hand pinned behind his back, the other extended for a friendly handshake. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COACH I dunno if this is how they do things in the SWF or not, but I smell a rat. COLE Well, Biff isn't reknowned as a smart cookie. But surely he's not going to fall for this. Trying to look as genuine as possible Landon encourages Biff to shake the hand. Looking around the arena nervously, Biff doesn't seem sure of quite what to do. The mass of downward pointing thumbs and frantic shaking of heads scattered around the OAOAST crowd tells him that something is amiss though and as he turns back to Landon he declines the shake, instead showing off TEH GUNZ~! which causes Maddix to turn away, furious at being upstaged. COACH You're no Lex Luger buddy. One pose like that and he'd have suckas diving for cover. Accepting defeat in the battle of the bodies, Landon offers up a greco-roman knucklelock to the americo-roman knucklehead. Biff cautiously accepts... ...and gets jabbed in the eyes! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE Patented Landon Maddix I'm afraid. As Biff blindly stumbles backwards, Maddix goes on the attack with his strike of choice, the forearm. A quick succession of four back Biff into the ropes and set up an irish whip, sending Biff shooting across the ring and back into a high, spinning back elbow! Sneer, pose, soak up Megan's applause, all patented Landon. Eventually, Landon then makes the pin... 1... ...and gets PRESSED off of the pin by Biff! "YYEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH!" COLE That might just give Landon's ego a bit of a battering. Landon quickly applies a side headlock as Biff pulls himself up and looks to keep the pocket powerhouse under control. Going to the gut with an elbow, Biff simply powers Maddix off into the ropes though. Building up a head of steam, the confident Champion barrels right back with a shoulderblock...and goes down! Hard! Up clambers Landon with a hold of the back of his head, turning to meet Biff as he comes off the ropes, connecting with his own shoulderblock, which again sees Landon bounced off the canvas like a rubber ball! Maddix is already hoping for a timeout now, but Biff mows him down with a clothesline despite his attempts to beg off, forcing Maddix to retreat to the floor to get a breather. COLE That's what Biff Atlas has to do if he stands a chance of winning the 24/7 Title tonight. He's got to be smashmouth and use his power advantage, not allowing Landon to show off his athleticism. COACH Or to cheat. COLE That too. Although, with No Disqualifications in the 24/7 Division, he could also just cream Landon with a dumbell. COACH No complaints here. Despite there being No DQs and falls counting anywhere, Biff doesn't follow Landon out to the floor and allows him time to regroup. Over comes Megan with some words of advice and her trusty towel, mopping any sweat Maddix has already accumulated from his brow. "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" Those tactics don't earn Maddix any fans, but he's not concerned. Team conference over, Landon eventually re-enters the ring, making sure Robinson keeps Biff back as he does so. Another lock-up is offered from La Cucaracha and understandably Biff is even more wary this time, after the thumb he got in his eye last time. Crossing his heart, Landon swears he's genuine this time. He's not, of course, as he lunges past Biff and applies a waistlock. Not a technical expert, Biff uses his power to prise Landon's hands apart, then performs a standing switch. Reaching back, Maddix looks for an escape from Biff's waistlock...and finds it, wrapping his hands around Biff's head and wrenching his neck into a cravaté! COLE Uh-oh, that 3/4 chancre that's known in British circles as the cravate. A pet hold of Landon, it's not that pretty but it's...well, it's not that effective either actually. It's basically a headlock. But it is his pet hold. And trust me, he will hold onto that cravaté until you fall asleep if he feels like it, because he doesn't really know what he's doing. Lucky then that Biff has no plans on staying put in the hold, barging Landon back into the corner and driving back, crushing him against the turnbuckles. Another barge forces Landon to break the hold, before Biff takes a run-up, looking for a more forceful barge. Maddix gets the foot up to block, dazing Biff for... ...another cravaté! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COACH Ugh! COLE Now, if this were someone like Zane Maxwell, this would be a good tactic because he would be working towards something. Landon learnt this hold from an old tag team partner while trying to improve as a technical wrestler. But he gave up halfway, so he's left with a hold that he doesn't really know what to do with except apply and hold. COACH So, he's just dumb, or he's doing this to piss the fans off? COLE A little from column A, a little from column B. He's not a mat tactician by any stretch of the imagination. Maddix clings onto the hold with the support of Megan and only Megan behind him. The rest of the crowd route behind Biff, as he powers up and lands an elbow to the gut. Another elbow. And a third, breaking the cravaté. Biff then grabs Landon and shoots him to the ropes with a whip. The succeeding clothesline is avoided though as Landon rolls underneath the well-developed arm, coming to his feet and looking for a knifedge chop. Biff ducks that though, taking Maddix's far arm on his way and twisting it around into another whip. This time Landon comes back and gets pressed into the air by the powerhouse, but he manages to shift his weight in mid-air and come down with a hurricanrana, taking Biff over into a corner and giving the 24/7 Champion another chance to posture for his new fanbase. COLE Hurri-Lanrana. COACH Cute. As Biff pulls himself up in the corner, over swaggers Landon, measuring Biff up... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!* ...and landing a knifedge in the corner. *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!* ...and a second chop, across Biff's ripped pectorals. Being ripped, they absorb the chops a little more... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!* ...but a third seems to do the job as Biff slumps a little deeper in the corner. Landon takes advantage, placing his leg across Biff's throat and choking him against the buckle, knowing full well the referee is powerless to warn him. Retracting the leg, Maddix then takes a moment to argue with some of the more vocal members of the Lincoln crowd as Biff crawls away to catch his breath. "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" "LAN - DON SUCKS!" Following after Atlas, Maddix hooks his leg under an arm, taking Biff over with an Oklahoma roll... 1... 2... No! Beating Biff back to his feet, Landon lands a boot to the head to keep him at bay. Followed by another boot, just for fun. Lording it over the fallen Biff, Landon then turns out to the crowd and shows off his own, not quite as impressive but present nonetheless GUNZ~! MADDIX WHO'S GOT THE POWAH NOW, HUH~! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" The only person in danger of swooning is Megan as Maddix shows the crowd what's he's got. Biff is up in mid-posedown, but Landon spots him and cuts him off as he reaches his knees, landing a knee before holding Biff's head in place and grinding him across the face with a BOOTSCRAPE~! COACH That's a real dick move. Landon's kickpads don't do much to soften the blow for Biff, still recoiling with a hold of his face as Maddix looks to bring him back to his feet. Irish whip by Landon sends Atlas into the corner, the smaller half of NRG nestling against the buckles as Maddix runs in, leaps and lands a big forearm smash! "OOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Biff staggers out of the corner as Maddix fires off the ropes, connecting with a second leaping forearm strike to this time put the challenger down. On his knees already, Landon decides why not make a cover... 1... 2... Kickout! Straight on goes another cravaté, Landon controlling Biff's movement and slowly bringing him up to his feet, still trapped in the hold. Before Biff can even think about firing back, a knee to the gut doubles him over, Landon cravatemaring Biff over onto his seat... *SMACK!* ...and he just PUNTS Biff in the spine with a Dragon Kick! COACH That'll make you piss blood in the morning. Biff kicks his feet nursing the back, as Landon comes off the ropes behind and pulls a move out of the Curt Hennig playbook, tumbling over Biff and taking the head with a Perfect Neck Snap! Of course, Landon takes the chance to posture as soon as he comes to a stop. But he does then scramble over and belatedly follow-up with the pin... 1... 2... Kickout! Shaking the finger at referee Robinson, Landon looks for Biff to get back up. Using the ropes Biff does so, but as he turns around Maddix busts out an impressive Dropsault to knock him right back down! Landon is already warning referee Robinson about his count, even as he's crawling over to make the cover... 1... 2... Kickout! MADDIX Come on! COLE A little show of frustration from the Champion, who obviously doesn't think much of the OAOAST and it's roster, so it's safe to say he's underestimating Biff. Landon pulls Biff up by his shiny bald head, then takes that same bald head and hurls it face-first into the top turnbuckle. Spinning Biff to face him, Landon then loads up... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...and fires in another knifedge. Referee Robinson tries to order Landon into getting Biff out of the corner, but the 24/7 Champion is under no real requirement to do so and connects with another couple of forearm strikes before whipping Biff out. Biff hits the buckles on the opposite side and is rebounded out, being waited on by Landon who scythes him down with a drop toehold. Up to all fours bounces Biff. And if he'd done his research, he'd know that was a bad position as Landon steps over and looks to snare the head to apply the Land Of Nod! Frantically Biff starts to twist and turn, throwin' elbows and eventually forcing his way to safety, crawling back through Landon's legs. Not dwelling on the disappointment, Maddix hits the ropes and charges at Biff. Clothesline attempt is ducked by Landon, who keeps on running, bouncing off the opposite side...just as Biff tumbles through the air, cutting Landon off with a Spinning Wheel Kick right to the jaw!! "YYEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE That might well be a knockout! Landon sprinted right into Biff's heel! COACH But Biff ain't following up, he's gotta follow up! COLE Biff's taken most of the punishment in this match Coach. Both men are down and I'm not sure if you can have a double countout in 24/7 Title matches, Robinson certainly isn't counting. Stumbling to his feet, the knocked loopy Next Generation wanders aimlessly around the ring. Megan is frantic trying to get him to turn around. But even though he does as told, it's a mistake, as Biff is in the middle of an adrenaline rush and firing up. Around turns Landon and he gets popped with a right hand! "BIFF!" Right hand. "BIFF!" Right hand. "BIFF!" Right hand. "BIFF!" Taken aback momentarily, Biff turns to the crowd to check that they really are chanting his name. The cheer he gets for simply looking at them tells him they are, so Biff gets into the spirit of things, wiiiiiiinding up and... ...Landon ducks, catching him under the arm and pulling Biff down with the Complete Shot!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE Aw man, Biff got a little carried away and it cost him. Still dazed in his own right, Maddix takes a moment to roll Biff's dazed frame over. But when he does, he finally gets serious, hooking the leg on the pin... 1... 2... NO! "YYEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!" Megan yells at her man not to panic as he climbs back up, shaking out the cobwebs and stalking behind Biff waiting for him to get back up. "SMART - MARK SUCKS!" "SMART - MARK SUCKS!" "SMART - MARK SUCKS!" "SMART - MARK SUCKS!" Slowly Biff starts to clamber back up. But he's still dazed. And as he gets halfway up he has to stop to try and collect his thought, unfortunately having fed one knee out and enticing Landon in to spring off the leg... COLE SHINING WIZAAA... ...NO, BLOCKED!! Biff throws up his muscular forearms and sheilds his face, Landon's knee bouncing harmlessly off the arms and leaving him to crash back to the canvas. Scrambling back up, Landon tries to make up for the failure with a forearm strike. Biff ducks underneath though, grabbing a waistlock and throwing the 24/7 Champion over with an instictive German Suplex, folding him up on his head!! "YYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE WHAT A MOVE! Where the hell did Biff pull that from!? COACH Who cares? Pin him you dumb musclejock, pin him! Chances are Biff can't hear Coach. But he can hear the Lincoln fans yelling the same (well, similar) thing at him and all that support spurs him on, rolling Landon over and making the cover... 1... 2... Kickout! COLE Only two, but this is Biff's chance! The crowd are hyped now, sensing Biff may very well pull off the upset they're begging for. With a handful of Landon's blond and apparantly very interesting hair, Biff pulls La Cucaracha up to his feet. He manages to pull himself away from feeling Landon's purty hair long enough to then club him down with a clothesline. Maddix bounces back up through instinct more than anything else, to get knocked down with a second clothesline. Up comes Maddix again and down he goes again from clothesline number three. Firing up the crowd, Biff then hits the ropes and catches Landon on the way up with an Akiyama-esque knee under the jaw. COLE That's the Biff Upper Lip! Could that be enough? 1... 2... No, two! COACH Apparantly not. COLE Biff has got the 24/7 Champion on the ropes though. Has he got enough in his arsenal to finish Landon off now, without his tag partner by his side? Biff catches Landon on the way up again, keeping the pressure on as he whips Landon into the ropes. As The Next Generation bounces back Biff then aims for the head with another clothesline. Still with enough of his wits about him, Maddix is able to weave underneath again, this time hooking around Biff's powerhouse of a right arm and lever himself up, looking for a crucifix pin attempt. Biff blocks the takedown though and hoists Landon up into a fireman's carry, ready for the Bad Hair Day! Apparantly Megan has done her homework and freaks out... ...until Landon manages to elbow Biff in the temple, strong enough to escape his clutches and land behind Atlas. He takes the head with him for good measure, wrapping on an inverted front facelock. Slamming an arm into the gut, Landon then drops to a knee, dropping the bottom out on Biff! Snapping off of the knee, Biff stays upright, barely. But Landon quickly chains into another move, hooking the head and dropping to one knee again, this time with a short neckbreaker! Biff is still standing, but he's virtually out on his feet and unable to stop Landon from rushing the ropes in front. With a stationary target, Landon comes back and hits a full one and a half turn in mid-air, driving his foot into the face with the Cucaracha Kick, to finally fell Atlas! COLE Fantastic sequence of moves from Landon Maddix. And a lot of resiliance shown too. COACH Yeah, he's a stubborn little... COLE COVER! 1... 2... NOOO!! "YYEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Hanging his head Landon slams his fists into the canvas before taking the count up with Robinson. Megan convinces him to get back on Biff though, Maddix raining in some stomps to keep Biff at bay before backing off and encouraging him back to his feet. "LET'S GO BIFF!" "LET'S GO BIFF!" "LET'S GO BIFF!" "LET'S GO BIFF!" Biff, with the crowd solidly behind him, reaches his feet. He's met with a forearm strike. And another. Make it three. But Biff is still on his feet, so Landon backs off the ropes to get a better run-up on the fourth forearm. Biff remains standing though, so the 24/7 Champion decides on a change of tactic. Maddix takes a step and hops up onto Biff's shoulders for a Hurri-Lanrana... ...BUT BIFF DROPS TO HIS KNEES, STACKING MADDIX WITH A POWERBOMB!! "YYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE COUNT IT! COUNT! 1... 2... 3 -NOOOOO!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE AH, so close!! COACH No way did he kick out! COLE Robinson seemed to hesitate for just a second and that may have been crucial! "THAT WAS THREE!" "THAT WAS THREE!" "THAT WAS THREE!" "THAT WAS THREE!" As Megan tries to regain her breath on the floor, Biff despairs at being so close yet so far from a career making victory. Arguing the count isn't going to do any good now though, so instead Biff brings Landon back to his feet. Scoop and a slam by Biff, planting the Champion in position as Biff cuts the thumb across the throat to singal that it's ovah~! Hobbling over to the corner, Biff then begins to scale the turnbuckles facing out into the crowd. COACH Woah, where's he goin'!? COLE Biff he going for a Moonsault!? I don't think this is too smart, this isn't Biff's area of expertise what-so-ever! COACH But if he hits it, it's OVAH~! COLE I wouldn't doubt that. Biff seems a little unsteady up top and the sensible thing to do would be to cut his losses and climb back down while his vertebrea are still safelt attached. But with the flashbulbs going off around him and the crowd on their feet, Biff seems to be intoxxicated with the reaction and completely caught up in the moment. So he steadies himself, flexing a bicep before veeery carefully standing upright on the top... ...and peforming the crispest backflip you're ever likely to see... *WHAM!* "OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Unfortunately, Landon rolls out of the way and Biff ends up belly-flopping into the canvas! COLE The Biffsault misses!! COACH Never shoulda gone for it. Winded, Biff pushes up off the canvas. But he makes it no further than one knee, before Landon Maddix springs into action... COLE SHINING WIZAAARD~! The knee connects this time, KOing Biff to the delight of Megan and nobody else. And this time, Landon wastes no time in converting the move into the pin... 1... 2... 3!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" *DINGDINGDING!* COLE And that'll do it. Landon Maddix scores the victory in his OAOAST debut, but a valiant effort from Biff Atlas. He just got a little carried away. One big mistake and you can't make that big a mistake against a former World Champion, else you get beat, just like that. Maddix does his best to sugarcoat the victory, acting as if he hasn't even broken a sweat as he pushes up to his knees and poses triumphantly for the crowd. If he could hide the fact he's nursing his neck, it'd be more convincing, but oh well. BUFFER Your winner of the contest...and STILL OAOAST 24/7 Champion... LANDON "LA CUCARACHA"... MMMAAAAADDIIIIXXXXXX!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Megan slides into the ring and begins to celebrate with Landon... ...until suddenly, clapping can be heard over the P.A system. COLE What's that? RODEZ Laaaaaandooooon. Oh, Laaaaaandooooon. "YYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Suddenly the Lincoln crowd go NUT~!, as the familiar face of LEON RODEZ shows up on the AngleTron! At first Landon seems confused, until Megan points him in the direction of the Tron, at which point Landon becomes in danger of losing it. Leon looks to be cutting this promo from a gas station for some reason. Good a place as any I guess. RODEZ Yooooooooo hoooooooooooooooo! Landon Maddix, well well well. Never thought I'd be addressing you, but here we are. Now, I've taken the liberty of cutting a couple of promos here on the road to Miami because to be honest, I don't know if you won or not. Assuming you're hearing this one, then you did beat Biff Atlas and for that I congratulate you. Not least because that leads us to AngleSlam, for the 24/7 Title. Rodez takes a bite out of his Snickers and chews. And chews. And regrets taking a bite out of it, because it's going to double the time he'd planned on spending on this promo. RODEZ After what you did to me a couple of weeks ago, people might think I'm a little stock-crazy to have signed up to wrestle you at AngleSlam. A barbed wire bat to the face shouldn't leave you wanting more. But this time, it'll be different. It'll be one on one and I'll be expecting you. Bruce'll be busy with my comprendé Zack Malibu and Cortez and Bloodshed...hate you. Yeah, see Landon, I've done my research on you. You've been an SWF World Champion, SWF Tag Champion, SWF ICTV Champion, SWF USJL Champion, SWF International Champion, SWF everything champion. You're pretty good. I just hope you've done your research on me Landon. If not, a pointer. One thing you'll find out if you intend on sticking around these parts, is that I'm a notoriously easy going guy. So when you came into the OAOAST and... well basically, you called me out... that was fine with me. You're a great athlete. And you should be a great challenge for me at AngleSlam. Sure, it'd be nice if you'd just [i]asked[/i] me for a match instead of shredding the flesh off of my face to get my attention, but hey, different strokes for different folks, I understand. Rodez takes a bite out of his microwave burrito. Less chewy. RODEZ Maybe that's not your intention though. Apparantly, this is about the SWF or the OAOAST or some such manner of deal. So now, I'm representing the OAOAST against the 'evil invaders' all of a sudden. How that happened, I have no honest idea. Either way, I'm more than willing to wrestle you at AngleSlam. So if you want to make this 'SWF versus OAOAST' then that's fine. I'm even willing to compete with you in any of the SWF's finest and purest forms of competion. So, take your pick- Mall Brawl, Calvinball or of course the dreaded Stairway To Panda Match! Landon is, like, so burned but he tries his best to hide it, even going so far as to applaud Leon's undercutting of the SWF's reputation. Mockingly, of course. RODEZ I kid, I kid. Although, if it were a Megan Skye On A Pole Match then I'd be willing to talk. "YYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" In the arena and ring, Landon and Megan flip out as Leon winks to the camera. RODEZ You talk a good game Landon. You talk the SWF up, you talk the OAOAST down. You're hot on the 'stick' as they say. But talk is cheap. Like I say, I did my research. These claims you make about being this flawless technical wrestler that the entire SWF roster envies aren't fooling anyone. Hell, from what I can tell, none of them even like you. And yet, the more that I think about it, after all your compatriots have been doing to Zack and his family in recent weeks, maybe it's about time I started standing up for him, indirectly as it may be. Looking down at the floor, Leon shakes his head. RODEZ SWF versus OAOAST? So be it. But to me, Landon... it's just gonna you and me, one on one and a chance for me to get my 24/7 Title back. I'm looking forward to a good competitive match at the big show. And if you don't want to give that to me, then too bad. Everything's going crazy around the OAOAST recently and it's hatred and venom everywhere you look. That's not me. No death, no mutilation, I'm going to settle for taking my title back and shutting your mouth. Another bite of the burrito allows time for the crowd to applaud on Leon, messing with Landon as he yells at them to 'pipe down'. RODEZ Prepare For Landon? Already done. Landon, you'd better Prepare... For Leon... ...wait, that's [i]terrible[/i]. Ugh! (hangs head) Just...just cut. God, that sucked! Leon skulks off past the gas pumps mumbling in disappointment, as eventually the handheld feed cuts to static. Left in the ring, Landon watches the blank Tron for a moment before snatching his 24/7 Championship and holding it overhead for the Lincoln crowd one last time. COLE Landon Maddix, Leon Rodez, 24/7 Title this Sunday at AngleSlam. I can't wait. COACH Word. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites