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Zack Malibu

Blank/Malibu segment for HeldDOWN~!

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We return to HeldDOWN~!, and find an odd site (well, not that odd by normal OAOAST standards!) The one and only Mean Gene Okerlund is standing in the ring, somewhat befuddled by his assignment, as the cameras begin rolling once again on this live broadcast.



Ladies and gentlemen, my name is "Mean" Gene Okerlund, and tonight, my presence was requested to introduce a man who claimed victory at Angleslam, and would like to reveal his thoughts on the matter. After surviving a brutal bloodbath this past Sunday night, he is now proclaiming to have vaniquished his arch rival. Ladies and gentlemen, at this time I am...I am FORCED to introduce to you, BRUCE BLANK.


Gene doesn't look happy with himself, but it's what pays the bills. "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" is cued up mere seconds after the mention of the hardcore superstar, and sure enough he appears on the ramp, looking as proud and smug as one can be while still stitched and bruised, the victim of Zack Malibu's vengeance.





Oh look at that smug bastard...I hope he's happy with himself!



You and I both know he is, Michael...as sick as it sounds. I mean, we can take some solace in looking at him all banged up, now can't we?



Not nearly enough if you ask me. He can still walk.


Bruce CAN still walk although there is a pronounced limp to his walk as the big man walks down the aisle, grin on his face, cowboy hat firmly in place (white a large white bandage adorning his forehead and poking out from under it).



Bruce Blank, I don't know how I drew the short straw with your formalities, but let's get on with it, because sir, I for one do not feel comfortable nor happy with myself standing in the same ring with you!


Gene holds up the microphone and then just stands there tapping his foot, waiting for Bruce to get on with it. He’s been told to go out there and interview Bruce Blank even if he doesn’t want to and he’ll be damned if he does more than just the bare minimal required with this guy. Bruce doesn’t waste any time in taking the microphone away from Gene, holding it up to his bruised and cut face, while the sea of fans cusses, curses, flips him off, and all other sorts of PG-13-NC-17 related behavior.







Bruce’s grin grows even wider as the crowd heat turns nuclear, he looks like he’s been through hell (and he has) but he also gives off a vibe that it was totally worth it (which it was).



Hey don’t be mad at me because Zack let you down.





He did not let us down you dumb ox! He stood up and fought longer than any of us thought he would!



Tell him Michael!!



Now, now you backed a loser and he lost! You can’t really blame me for that now can you? You know even before I joined the OAOAST I had heard about Zack Malibu, how he was supposedly tough and resilient and had this never say die attitude...and what good did it do him? His pain, his suffering, it could have ended MUCH earlier than it did this past Sunday!


The crowd boos incessantly, not taking kindly to Blank treating Malibu as a simple afterthought after all he put him through to goad him into their feud.



You're booing me? You're booing me, for what? IT'S ALL HIS FAULT! HE'S the stubborn bastard! HE'S the one with the ego! It's not that Zack can't say die because he's too proud, too much of a man...it's that his own damn cockiness won't let him! That man don't give a damn about his girl, his daughter, or any of ya'll...he just couldn't handle the fact that I broke him down, tore him apart from the inside out, and Sunday night, left him LAYING, DEAD TO THE WORLD, because I AM A BETTER MAN THAN ZACK MALIBU EVER WAS OR WILL BE! Whether it was his pride, his sense of justice for his family, or trying to do right by you people, or his own damn selfishness, Zack Malibu was just too damn stupid. He could have laid down, taken a few shots like a man, and been done with it, but noooooo. He wants to gouge my eyes out, choke me with a wire, use my own weapon, MY baby, on me? HE GOT WHAT WAS COMIN' TO HIM, AND MY MARKET VALUE HAS RISEN BECAUSE OF IT! I beat him bloody, I beat him BADLY, and I...I can't believe, would you look at this!


The fans ROAR as Malibu, aching, bruised, and in even worse shape than Bruce Blank, slowly starts coming down the aisleway. Immediately, staff and other wrestlers come and try to form a wall, attempting to block Zack from making the trek down to the ring, but Malibu uses whatever strength he might still have left to push them aside and get down to confront his worst enemy.



Here he comes, the little engine that could! Well let me tell you, little engine, you're about to cross over to the wrong side of the tracks if you get down here, boy. Do not think I won't finish the job here tonight on live TV, and force all the major networks to air your funeral in the mornin'!


Zack is just about at ringside, when more wrestlers, including his former World Tag Team Championship partner Leon Rodez head out, Rodez leading the charge. Rodez tries to talk sense into Malibu, telling him there is no sense in doing himself more harm by going after Blank in his state, while Blank leans over the ropes snickering, and fixing the brim on his cowboy hat.



Zack Malibu is out here, and even as a friend, I can say that he doesn't belong out here!



Malibu is in NO condition to be out here confronting this sick son of a bitch! These guys have to get him to the back before this breaks down!



It doesn't look like he'll let them stop him, Coach, he's putting up a fight!


Malibu looks like he's been through a meat grinder, barely able to effortly fight past the makeshift barrier that the OAOAST staff is trying to form around him.



What's the matter, Malibu...you gotta come out here to save face? Lookin' at the number I did on it, that might not be such a bad idea after all! C'mon Zack, move past your boys here...don't let them keep you back, you're a FIGHTER after all!


The wrestlers and staff holding Zack back all seem ready to let him have at Blank. Even Gene Okerlund has now exited the ring, not wanting to get caught in any crossfire. Still, with Zack's best interest at hand, nobody will let him past, despite him swinging wildly and violently, with only Rodez seemingly able to calm him.



C'mon, Zack, make up for your failure! Make up for the fact that you had to go home and tell your girlfriend that she had to bandage you up, because you couldn't defend her honor! Make up for the fact that you couldn't hold baby Jenna when you got home, because it hurts just to breathe! Make up for the fact that that little girl cries every night because it's my face she sees in her dreams, the face of a real man, not like her dad...


That's IT for Malibu, as he lunges forward, grabbing the ring ropes and trying to get in the ring, while the wrestlers and staff frantically try to hold onto him. Blank steps back, but as Malibu is being lured back to the floor, Bruce comes and delivers a hard right hand to the forehead, knocking Zack backwards into the arms of the staff, and bursting his stitches, instantly drawing blood!



What a son of a bitch! Using his family as a cheap way to get a reaction, and then suckering him in for a cheap shot!



See what happens, Zack? See what happens when you start wars you can't win? THIS is what happens? You've got thousands, millions even, disappointed in you. You've got a family disappointed in you...a COMPANY THAT ALMOST SHOWED YOU THE DOOR, DISAPPOINTED IN YOU! You are NOTHING anymore! NOTHING!


Malibu is incensed, BEGGING to be let go and charge the ring again, as his white dress shirt becomes stained with the blood from his now open wound. Nobody will let him past, and finally, Leon Rodez manages to back Zack up, pleading with his friend to let good sense prevail. Blank continues to taunt Malibu from inside the ring, until some of the staff hits the ring and orders Blank out the far side, telling him to hop the railing and walk through the crowd, not daring to let him past Malibu in the aisle. From across the arena, the two men stare at each other, showing body langauge that tells everybody in no uncertain terms, that this war is not over.

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