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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

OAO ECW on Sci-Fi Thread - September/12th/2006.

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Well the show definately came off very good on TV, probably a lot due to the NY Crowd, and their general knowledge and appreciation for ECW. Everyone says Vince listens to NY Crowds(probably only when it suits his own plans) but if there is any truth to that notion, then I hope he was listening tonight because just about every ECW Original besides Stevie(who barely counts because he doesn't use his old ecw gimmick) was massively over, while WWECW guys were booed and mocked and shit on by the fans......


I guess you muted the tv for Punk...



My bad, let me clarify, when I say WWECW guys, I am refering to the WWE jobbers/rejects that are placed on the show. Guys like Knox and CM Punk are in a third category which is just New ECW guys. Yeah Punk was over.

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This is your first exposure to me right?


I rarely mention gays, unless I'm making a Dupree joke or defending gay marriage.

You made two gay jokes about Joey Styles on page two of this thread.


O sorry then, I didn't mean to offend anyone.


I actually thought that CM Punk reaction was impressive. He's been in ECW for just over a month and he got that big of a reaction in MSG. I was impressed, especially considered at ECW does around a 2.0 every week.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
ECW last night, with no reason other than it not being live, fell to 1.9

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I still don't get why Show is in that match.


Show's gonna go flying off/through the cage for your HOLY SHIT moment of the evening.


I was actually thinking that it was going to be Shane that would go flying off/through the cage. Show falling can hurt someone else or himself very badly.


You know, as much as I think the way they book HIAC matches now, with more emphasis on grueling, barbaric punishment, part of me really misses the days of the crazy, 'holy shit' bumps they used to throw in. Nothing in a HIAC match will ever top the Undertaker-Mankind match, but it would be fun to see them try.


Show going flying would be a holy shit bump..unless they pull a Rikishi with it..


It would be amazing, but remember for the WWE "wrestling" fan that Rikishi spot was amaing.


When Rikishi went off the HIAC I didn't think it was that great. Sure the visual was impressive, but he landed in a truck filled with sawdust (or whatever it was) so people knew it wasn't going to be as "spontaneous" looking as Foley or even HBK.


Personally, Rikishi coming off the top of the cage and squashing Val Venis dead was a much bigger "Holy Shit!" moment. I didn't think he was really going to do it (I didn't think there was a chance in hell Val would risk getting landed on by a 350 pound man from that height) and there wasn't anything to tip it off.



Personally, I'm looking for Sabu to run out and distract Show, causing him to rip open the cell. They'll both end up on top of the cell, Sabu tries to do something nuts to show, which results in show chokeslamming Sabu off the top for the HOLY SHIT moment.

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I still don't get why Show is in that match.


Show's gonna go flying off/through the cage for your HOLY SHIT moment of the evening.


I was actually thinking that it was going to be Shane that would go flying off/through the cage. Show falling can hurt someone else or himself very badly.


You know, as much as I think the way they book HIAC matches now, with more emphasis on grueling, barbaric punishment, part of me really misses the days of the crazy, 'holy shit' bumps they used to throw in. Nothing in a HIAC match will ever top the Undertaker-Mankind match, but it would be fun to see them try.


Show going flying would be a holy shit bump..unless they pull a Rikishi with it..


It would be amazing, but remember for the WWE "wrestling" fan that Rikishi spot was amaing.


When Rikishi went off the HIAC I didn't think it was that great. Sure the visual was impressive, but he landed in a truck filled with sawdust (or whatever it was) so people knew it wasn't going to be as "spontaneous" looking as Foley or even HBK.


Personally, Rikishi coming off the top of the cage and squashing Val Venis dead was a much bigger "Holy Shit!" moment. I didn't think he was really going to do it (I didn't think there was a chance in hell Val would risk getting landed on by a 350 pound man from that height) and there wasn't anything to tip it off.



Personally, I'm looking for Sabu to run out and distract Show, causing him to rip open the cell. They'll both end up on top of the cell, Sabu tries to do something nuts to show, which results in show chokeslamming Sabu off the top for the HOLY SHIT moment.


Shane, is really the only realistic choice for any potential "Holy Shit" as that's all he's good for. Now, if they go run-in nuts as I expect them too...I wouldn't doubt the possibility that one of the S.S takes the huge bump.


Wouldn't that be great if the SS used the trampoline to propel to the top of the cell? It'd be a neat visual at least. I'd have Doane jump on the trampoline to the top side of the cell only for someone either on top of the cell or climbing the cell inside hit Doane with a chair and Doane crashes into the other SS's.

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Maybe the ratings are slipping because, like I said here, people are noticing that the show is mostly trash and its NOT getting better. Not appreciably...

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ECW last night, with no reason other than it not being live, fell to 1.9


RAW also experienced a decline on this week's ratings. It seems pretty obvious that there's some correlation between RAW's ratings and ECW's, as evidenced by the last 3 weeks. Two weeks ago RAW experienced a dip, so did ECW. One week ago RAW rebounded, so did ECW. Let's see what happens next week.

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I just finished watching this week's ECW. Heyman's promo was good(he's great on the mic). CM/Moore was way too short, but at least Punk got ring-time. Bigshow/Sabu was crap. RVD needs a more solid feud.

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I think some of it is that most people stayed tuned initially because they thought RVD would come back and simply challenge the Big Show and get the belt back. RVD came back, attacked Angle and Sabu (his best friend), jobbed a ladder match....and hasn't done much else.


Let's face it, The Big Show has never been able to sustain anyone's interest as world champion longer than a couple of months. His longest run was in WCW 10 years ago, and nobody cared about his reign per se since the NWO angle was starting.


Also, I think people are fed up with all the guest stars. There's no legit reason as to why all these Raw and SD guys keep showing up on ECW. They just....do.

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