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Zack Malibu

WWE: Usual Suspects/Dead Precidents Streetfight

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As "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" comes up over the PA system, it brings the frenzied crowd to a halt, as all of them return to their seats and take notice of the duo heading out, jeering them loudly as they step out before an arena full of fans here at World Without End.



This match...hell, why even bother saying match when we know what it's going to be...this FIGHT, a streetfight, is going to be contested without any rules or regulations put forth by the OAOAST. It's another chapter in the violent feud between Zack Malibu and The Wildcards, a chapter that took quite a turn when Leon Rodez decided to interject himself several weeks back, effectively reforming his World Tag Team Championship duo with Zack Malibu that was dubbed The Usual Suspects. With the team back together, the challenge was thrown out for Bruce Blank to pick a partner for this contest, and the man he selected was none other than a fellow Wildcard, and a man who became notorious for the havoc caused within other wrestling companies alongside Bruce Blank as a duo called The Dead Precidents. For the first time ever, one of the most popular tag teams in recent history will do battle with one of the most controversial, right here tonight!


Bruce Blank and Bloodshed make their way down the ramp, not bothered in the slightest by the fan reaction that they're no doubt accustomed to. As they reach the ring, Michael Buffer has the "pleasure" of introducing them, although he doesn't appear to be happy to be amongst them.



Ladies and gentlemen, this is the DREAM PARTNER STREET FIGHT here tonight at World Without End! There can be no count outs, no disqualifications, as it is ANYTHING GOES! Entering the ring at this time, they are known as Wildcards in the OAOAST, but tonight they revert back to a name made famous, some would say infamous, elsewhere. They are Bruce Blank and Bloodshed, THE DEAD PRECIDENTS~!


More booing ensues, as Blank and Bloodshed circle the ring, with Bruce taunting fans and Bloodshed simply creeping people out with his stoic demeanor.


As their music cuts, something much more upbeat signals the arrival of the opposition, despite the fact that the opposition is treating this as seriously as possible. Weezer's "Beverly Hills" is the anthem of choice for the fan favorite duo about to hit the ring, and the fans clap and stomp along with the beat, as both members of the team enter the arena.



Listen to the response, Coach!



Baby the heat is off the charts! It's gonna be a hot night with this crowd!



Their opponents, reunited for the first time in almost one year, are the former OAOAST World Tag Team Champions. A team made up of two of the most popular athletes in the OAOAST's short history, they are Leon Rodez and Zack Malibu...THE USUAL SUSPECTS~!


With a deafening crowd reaction welcoming them, the reunited team of Zack Malibu and Leon Rodez steps out onto the ramp. The matching outfits aren't on the agenda tonight, as Leon and Zack are both dressed for the occasion this evening, with both clad in jeans, although Leon is repping the team with the old Usual Suspects T-shirt. Malibu, fists taped, glares towards the ring as the duo makes their way down the ramp. Zack starts powerwalking as Blank and Bloodshed wave him on, but Rodez jogs past his partner and keeps him at bay, preventing him from doing anything rash. The hesitation is enough to agitate Blank, who makes the mistake of throwing down his trademark barbed wire bat. Noticing this, the Suspects just nod at each other and charge down the ramp, with Zack outracing his partner by a wide margin.





As soon as Zack is near the ropes, Blank steps back, pushing Bloodshed forward to thwart the onslaught of the Suspects, as Bruce steps back and picks his weapon of choice up off the canvas. Zack is barely through the ropes when he's pounced on by Bloodshed, who takes him by the head and backs him into the corner, attempting to gnaw at his forehead! Rodez steps in and approaches Blank, who snickers at him while standing with his bat propped against his shoulder. Fearless, Leon approaches, but jumps back when Bruce swings wildly at him with the bat!



Leon Rodez has to be wondering what the hell he got himself into!


Leon jumps back after another shot, dodging the lumbering redneck's attempts as best he can. Zack, meanwhile, responds to Bloodshed's attack by snaring him by the head and biting down on the skin above his eye, a tactic that worked well for him when he and Bruce Blank brutalized each other at Angleslam! Bloodshed flails his arms, trying to break free, but Malibu drives a knee into his ribs and then sends him out to the floor through the ropes, letting him crash to the ringside floor. With Bloodshed disposed of, Malibu charges up behind Blank and reaches over his shoulders, digging his fingers into Bruce's eyes and raking them back, blinding the big man and leaving him prone for Leon to hit a running kick to the nether regions, causing Bruce to drop his bat and drop to one knee! Malibu immediately picks the bat up, and while Bruce is rubbing his eyes trying to restore his vision, Zack pressed the barbed wire bat horizontally across Bruce's forehead, and starts raking it back and forth, forcing Bruce down onto his back while he kneels over him, slicing Bruce open with his own weapon!



We knew we weren't going to have to wait long for the blood to flow in this one, eh Coach?


Seeing Bloodshed coming up by the apron, Leon charges and hits a baseball slide that knocks the other half of the Dead Precidents into the guardrail! Leon rolls out to the floor and grabs Bloodshed by the arm, hurling him across ringside and crashing into the guardrail yet again! As Michael Buffer and the timekeeper scatter, Leon approaches...but Bloodshed quickly fold up one of the chairs left behind and throws it at Leon, catching him square in the face with it! Rodez stumbles and falls away, catching himself on the apron, and now Bloodshed reaches into his boot, revealing a long metal spike that he clutches in his right hand as he comes behind Rodez and tries to drive it into his forehead!



He's tryin' to stab him, Cole!



Coach, after what we've seen go down between all parties involved tonight, I don't think you could find ANYTHING that would surprise me!


Rodez grabs onto Bloodshed's wrist, trying to push the spike away as it gets dangerously close. Back in the ring Zack has discarded Blank's bat and has mounted his shoulders, throwing punches and elbows from the mount to stretch the open wounds even more and produce more bloodflow. Desperate, Blank tosses Zack off of him, but Malibu gets right back to his feet, pounding on Bruce's forehead some more as the big man manages to roll over and get on one knee. Again, he pushes Zack away, but Malibu keeps on coming...and this time the big man takes his big paw and uses it to grab something that he shouldn't be grabbing!



My God, look at this...he's literally squeezing the life out of Zack!



I don't care about chairs and spikes and bats anymore, Cole...that has to hurt more than any weapon these guys can produce!


Malibu winces, the agony on his face apparent, as the big man pushes up with Zack's family jewels in his possession. Now on his feet, the sick redneck, who is chuckling underneath his crimson mask, picks Zack up off the canvas and presses him over head...walking by the ropes and then hurling him over the ropes...OVER THE GUARDRAIL...AND INTO THE FIRST ROW OF FANS, TAKING SEVERAL OF THEM OUT!








Chaos hits the ringside area, as now event staff and security rush the area, checking on fans and aiding the possibly injured or shaken up. Blank steps over the ropes and hops to the floor, then steps over the guardrail, blazing a path simply by offering a sadistic stare to those within striking distance. As they scatter, the camera cuts back to Rodez, who is still at the mercy of Bloodshed, who has dug the spike into his forehead and produced bloodflow. With the hand that is bracing Leon's head, Bloodshed digs his fingers into the cut, as if he's trying to rip the flesh off of Leon's head!



He's sick! SICK! Look at what he's doing to Leon Rodez!


Rodez tries to force the hands away, and powers up to his feet, swinging around and then drilling Bloodshed across the face with a hard elbow shot, then taking him by the head and slamming the back of it against the metal ringpost! Rodez pauses, catching some of his blood in the palm of his hand, and then slaps Bloodshed across the face with the bloody palm, staining his cheek! He pulls Bloodshed up and rams him headfirst into the steel ringpost, then moves to the other side of it and grabs each of Bloodshed's wrists, pulling back so that Bloodshed careens face first into the post again without the ability to protect himself! Leon then picks the spike up off the ground and clutches it in his hand, then jabs at the forehead of Bloodshed with it, opening up his forehead as well!



We knew what this was coming into it, Coach. The same thing it's always been, ever since Zack Malibu and The Wildcards had their falling out. Ever since Bruce Blank and his boys decided to cross the line. We aren't witnessing a wrestling match here. We are witnessing a WAR!


Blank, having slammed a steel chair down across Zack's back several times, and then tosses it away in the direction of the fleeing fans, picks Malibu up off the ground and off of his feet, crotching him on the guardrail. With Zack aching, Bruce steps back and fools with the waist of his dirty jeans, taking his belt out of the loops and folding it in half, cocking it back and snapping it across the back of Zack Malibu!







He's whippin' him!


Blank taunts Zack, shouting "C'mon boy!" as he uses his strap as a whip, covering Zack's back with red welts the more he hits him. Malibu eventually falls lifeless, and gets shoved off of the railing by Blank...but before Bruce can do anything he looks up to see Rodez race across the apron and dive off, soaring over the railing with a bodypress that wipes Bruce out!



Thank God for Leon Rodez!








The crowd goes bananas after Leon's dive, and look on as the superstar rests on the concrete floor of the arena, using several precious moments to regain his composure before returning to the war at hand. At ringside, Zack Malibu staggers to his feet, but a bloody Bloodshed comes over and puts a halt to his recovery, quickly snapping him over onto the floor with a suplex!



Was that...did I just see a WRESTLING MOVE in this match!?



The OAOAST's got somethin' for everyone, baby!


With Zack down, Bloodshed stands over him and then drops a knee into his forehead, staining his white garb with the blood of Zack Malibu. He then leans over Zack and takes the point of his elbow, driving it into Zack's temple and digging it it, driving quick and repeated elbows into Zack's head before getting up and reclaiming his spike from the ringside floor. He walks over to Zack and stands over him, but just as he's leaning in, Zack shoots an arm up and grabs a testicular claw on Bloodshed, halting the onslaught enough so that he can push up to his feet and take Bloodshed down with a hard STO, knocking the spike out of his grasp! Malibu then uses some good ol' fashioned right hands to assault his foe, bloodying up his nose with shots that would make any prizefighter jealous. Zack then drags Bloodshed to his feet and stands him up, then pushes him forward into the ring apron, cracking his ribcage against the hard supports of the ring. Bloodshed doubles over after the manuever, but Zack spins him around and drops low, hooking Bloodshed's waist and driving him backwards into the apron, cracking the small of his back against it!



They're goin' at it tooth and nail tonight Cole...LITERALLY!



You've been waiting all match to say that, haven't you?





After slamming Bloodshed against the apron, Malibu takes him and sends him for a ride into the steps, courtesy of an Irish whip. The impact sends the stairs flying, as Bloodshed bounces off of them and falls to the floor. With one member of the opposing team taken out by him, Malibu now moves towards the crowd, where Bruce as well as his own partner struggle to get back to their feet. Leaning over the railing, Malibu grabs Blank by surprise and traps him in a front facelock, holding him over the railing, while calling to Leon and telling him to grab Blank's belt while he's being held at bay. Dazed from the dive, Leon gets up slowly, but manages to get the belt. He comes over and throws Blank's flannel shirt and t-shirt up, exposing the bare skin of his back...and now Leon Rodez starts whipping away at Bruce Blank while he's held down by Zack!



Look at Leon! He's getting into this!


The crowd roars as Leon Rodez earns his man points, strapping Blank numerous times without regard for the troublesome redneck. Malibu won't be letting go of Bruce anytime soon...at least that was the plan, until Bloodshed comes up behind him with a length of barbed wire, wrapping it around his head and pulling it tight, forcing the barbs of metal into his skin!



Where did he get that!?


Malibu screams out loudly as he's pulled away from Blank. He falls to his knees as Bloodshed tightens the wire, further increasing the pain, then lets go and kicks Malibu in the back, sending him to the floor. As Zack rebounds from the tactic, Bloodshed stands over him and takes the barbed wire and begins wrapping it around his own fist tightly, drawing his own blood! After completing the task, he takes Zack and rolls him back into the ring, then follows suit. He picks him up and sets him on both knees, then starts peppering him with punches with his barbed wire covered fist, making Zack nearly unrecognizable under the blood that covers his entire face!



These guys are all going to need transfusions by the time this night is over! The canvas is soaked in red!


Malibu struggles to stay up, but Bloodshed goes one further by taking his barbed wire wrapped hand, and decides to use an iron claw on Zack, again forcing the wire to rip him open! Zack grabs Bloodshed by the wrist, desperately trying to pry his hand off, while getting to his feet at the same time. He struggles, but as he brings Bloodshed in closer, he manages to kick him low, then takes him by the head and runs him towards the corner, sending him through the space between the middle and top turnbuckle, and runs him shoulder first into the steel post! Bloodshed goes limp upon impact, just hanging there, while Zack falls to one knee out of exhaustion, trying to wipe the blood away as fast as it pours out. He steps out to the apron and takes a moment to set Bloodshed up, then runs across the apron, delivering a running kick to the side of Bloodshed's head AGAINST THE RINGPOST! It's more than enough to rattle the Wildcard, and now his body simply hangs over the middle rope after having just been dropped with a knockout blow like that.


Down at ringside, Leon Rodez returns from the crowd the hard way...that being courtesy of a Blank lariat that sends him over the guardrail. He's followed by the big man, but just as soon as Bruce is over the guardrail, Malibu dives through the ropes, connecting with a tope that flattens his foe!



ANOTHER big dive takes Bruce Blank out, and the Suspects continue to give as much as they take tonight!


Malibu rolls onto his back, staring up at the lights, while Bruce is seeing stars. Leon is up and comes over to his partner, helping him to his feet, while Bruce struggles to gain the strength to get back to his. Together, the Usual Suspects haul Blank up off the ground and roll him into the ring. Zack rolls in, and strolls over to the barbed wire baseball bat, picking it up and holding it over his head, which draws a loud pop from the crowd. Bruce Blank starts to get up, unaware of what's coming to him...









Bruce drops to a knee, coughing and aching now. He powers up, but Malibu takes another shot, cracking him across the thigh with the bat, and having to tear it away from Blank's jeans as the barbs get caught! Zack takes another swing, but Bruce backsteps, causing Zack to whiff...then Bruce drills him with a big boot, knocking him down to the mat. Rodez, still on the floor recovering, hops up on the apron and springboards in, onto Blank's back...but finds himself carried over to the mat with a snapmare from the Southern sadist. The King of Pain, walking with a limp now, retrieves his prized posession and stalks Leon, who is getting to his feet just as Bruce reclaims his bat. Blank backs him up, and what Leon doesn't notice is he's being backed into a corner...the very corner where Bloodshed is starting to come to!



Leon Rodez is trapped between both Precidents, and Zack was knocked cold by that huge cowboy boot to the face!



Leon's gotta be regretting this now!


Leon steps back, trying to remain aware of his surroundings while avoiding contact with the barbed wire bat. He backsteps, as Blank laughs during the stalking session. Bloodshed comes to and turns to see Leon within distance, and he grabs his shoulder and spins him around, quickly spewing BLOODMIST~! in his face so that he can't see the final assault coming...





The more I see it, the more I hate it, but this time it backfired!


After ducking, Leon bolts forward, running Bloodshed back first into the corner and opening up on him with jabs, beating him down to the ground! Bruce, having dropped the bat, is staggering blindly, while Leon charges into the corner and drives a knee into Bloodshed's face. He pulls Bloodshed up, but as a last ditch effort, Bloodshed takes his barbed wire covered hand and plants it over Leon's face, attacking him with an iron claw with it! Leon gasps in horror as Bloodshed grows wild eyed, trying to do his foe in for good. Blank has now wiped his face clear and can see what's going on around him...namely Malibu pulling himself up with the aid of the ropes. Angrily, Blank charges and raises a boot, aiming a running kick at the recovering prep...BUT ZACK SIDESTEPS IT, CROTCHING BRUCE ON THE TOP ROPE~! Blank reels as he hits his sore spot, and Malibu grabs his leg and dumps him over...CAUSING BRUCE TO GET TANGLED UPSIDE DOWN IN THE ROPES~!



He's trapped, Mikey Cole! He can't go anywhere!


The crowd is at a fever pitch as Bruce dangles, his ankle twisted inside the middle and bottom rope. He struggles to get free somehow, but can't do it, leaving Bloodshed all alone! Bloodshed forces Rodez down to his knees, keeping the claw firmly held...that is until Malibu CRACKS him with a SCHOOL'S OUT~!, dropping him to the canvas with Leon collapsing on top of him! The referee, who has simply been there to make the three count, gets in position for the first time this evening, as an exhausted Rodez lay atop Bloodshed.











The first pinfall of the contest is the final one, and FINALLY Zack Malibu has managed to gain a measure of redemption on The Wildcards!



My man Leon Rodez manned up tonight, too! Ain't no way he could have been prepared for this, but he got the pin for the Usual Suspects, and stayed true to his boy Zack Malibu.


As the fans rejoice, Zack helps his battered friend up, barely able to hold Leon up as he himself is exhausted. Referee Nick Patrick comes over and quickly raises the arms of both competitors, singnalling a hard fought win, as Zack and Leon embrace, pleased that their combined powers won out over The Wildcards. As they turn to exit, Zack stops for a moment and turns to notice Blank, still caught in the ropes and helpless. Malibu looks at his feet, having stepped up to Bruce's bat, and once again picks it up, slowly walking towards the ropes.



What...what's going on now? Zack has the bat once again, and Blank has nowhere to go!


Zack steps out onto the apron and hops down to the floor, silently staring at Blank, who is cussing and cursing up a storm. Malibu stands still, emotionless...then pulls the bat back and swings...HARD...into the chest of Bruce Blank! Malibu releases his grip on the bat, and the barbed wire covered bat sticks to Blank, caught in both his shirt and skin as he hollers in agony. Somewhat satisfied, Malibu turns away and heads up the ramp, not bothering to turn back as Blank screams bloody murder.



He just cracked that cracka!



And I don't think it was a parting shot, Coach. I think that shot...that wasn't any final blow...that was a message to Bruce Blank by Zack Malibu to let him know that this is far from over!

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