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Feedback for 10/5

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Bag’O’Feed time


Drek is suspended for the use of the gun *thumbs up* hopefully he’ll see a series of asskickings as punishment ;)


So the Beverly Hills Blondes don’t like the Flaming Ones? Could be an interesting tag feud, good to see a team stay visible despite not being in a title race at the moment. Match, short, sweet and got the job done.


The match leads to Black T, title challenge, dissention in the ranks, mystery, intrigue – all rolled into one segment. I’ll be interested in seeing where this is going.


Next Bo pulls in all the “autonome” ;) tag-teams in the OAOAST and sets up … erm… something terribly elaborate for next week, I’m like the king of House Rules in the SWF and even I’m a little lost.


Hopefully next week will clear it up.


Jamie O’Hara and PRL? Let’s just keep the handguns out of this and it’ll be enjoyable ;)


Team American squashes “Los Genericos” in very short order


Reject and the Burrough Boys putting champions on notice, LOL I still can’t get past the Boys looks and think that they SHOULD play for comedy but well don’t really. Segment establishes the stable – hopefully with more to come?


LOL TJ Burns says “In 45 minutes there will be an X-Division match” I guess my clock is off but I think that it’s gone past 45 minutes ;) unless of course Burns was attacked backstage or Akira X showed up and spooked him.


But the X-Champ is here, good we need to revitalize the division.


Speaking of revitalizing the X-Division, my own addition to it with a bit of Latin flavour and a dark side.


Ramone’s debut leads right into the Wildcards not being happy about WWE and all, long story short – Shit’s not done hitting the fan ;)


Since the last two segments were either totally my own or at least partially my own I’m a little light on comments.


Man Barry Horrowitz got in more offence in his match with PRL than his entire tenure with the WWF ;) good match though leading to more PRL/O’Hara fun.


Main event time – I maked out over the appearance of Bruce & the Wildcarders, good touch and it makes Alf a double champion.


There’ll be no end of his bragging now ;) it’s good to see the six-man tag titles are being kept alive, thumbs up for that and a good TV match as well.

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Despite the post-PPV hangover that plagues the OAOAST every month, a good show.


The 24/7 meeting was the highlight, IMO. Lots of funny bits and lines.


That backstage segment with PR even got me to feel sorry for the guy. It had it all, including a Michael Winslow reference...kinda.


Anytime involving Charlie Moss and Quentin Benjamin is cool by me. They have the most entertaining squash matches of anyone. Speaking of entertaining, the Five Burroughs interview was just that. Reject going off on just about everybody was great.


TJ Burns returns and does an excellent job explaining the situation with himself and the X-Title.


Interesting new character.


Blank's shooting! :) Your typical awesome promo. BB might just win OAOAST Wrestler of the Year on his promos alone. Nice change of pace once the promo turned over to Maddix and then back to Blank, which sparks more chaos between The Wildcards, Zack Malibu and The GPX.


"The Manitoba Mammoth" has a nice ring to it. As big as Khali, but with more talent!


PR continues the streak of fun squash match, defeating Barry F'N Horowitz! Kind of weird to see signs of a PR face run, and it looks like we have a new fued.


The 6-man could've sucked and it still would've won MOTN. The only non-squash on the show and it was a good one. We all know run-ins are overused in wrestling, but it worked here. The Wildcards getting back at the Hooligans.


Match of the Night: Team Canada and Alfdogg vs. The Hooligans

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