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King Cucaracha

HD: CW vs. DDD

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"Tear Away" by Drowning Pool powers through the arena as we return to HeldDOWN~!, in time for the entrance of the seldom seen 2005 OAOAST Rookie Of The Year. Striding from the back with his face hidden by the cloak on his back, Christian Wright stops on the stage and waits for the lyrics of the song to kick in before tearing away the hood of his robe.

Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, hailing from Raleigh, North Carolina... he weighs in at two hundred and thirty three pounds. Your 2005 OAOAST Rookie Of The Year... "THE NATURAL"... CCHHHRRRRRIIISSSTTIIIIAAAANN... WWWWRRRRRRIIIIIIIGGHHHTT!!!!


Welcome back to Oklahoma City and we are ready for action, as Christian Wright makes his way to the ring. And he is indeed your 2005 OAOAST Rookie Of The Year, although 2006 has so far been quite a disappointment for The Natural.

What do you mean by that!?

Well, he hasn't really lived up to that Rookie Of The Year billing, that's all. He was in the main event at Zero Hour but since then it's been downhill, since losing the HI-YAH Heavyweight Title and his break-up with bodyguard Bohemoth, we haven't seen as much of Christian. Infact, that Rookie Of The Year tag might even be considered a bit of a curse, despite the constant reminders of it by Christian himself.

Harsh dude, harsh.

Wright enters the ring and gets the going over from referee Mark Hebner. Meanwhile it's countdown time as "Hung Up" by Madonna begins to play, the stage being covered by one large, holographic DDR stage. Eventually the intro runs to a close and as the song picks up and so does the ACTION~ as the stage is filled with a bevvy of scantily female dancers. The lights in the arena strobe out as The Dance Dance Dragon steps through the entrance doors and busts out some hot ass moves!

And his opponent. From Osaka Japan, he weighs one hundred, ninety nine pounds... "THE STRONG STYLE PARTY ANIMAL"... DANCE! DANCE! DDRRRRRRRRAAAAAAGGOOOOOOOOOOONN!!!!


Back from his tour of Japan, Dance Dance Dragon!

So the S.I.T didn't sacrifice him after all.

The who?

Having danced his way down the aisle, Dragon slides into the ring. Off comes the jacket as Dragon is ready to go. Presumably. We can't see his face under the mask (duh!) but one can only presume he's ready to go. Wright watches on from the corner as Dragon watches his dance troupe leave.

Big mistake, as Christian attacks from behind!


Christian Wright getting the jump before the bell can even sound!


Despite the referee's protests, Wright pounds away on the back of The Dance Dance Dragon repeatedly before setting him up for an irish whip. Back shoots Dragon and into a hard back elbow. Down he goes as Wright drops to his knees and follows up with a blatant choke which earns him another reprimand from the ref.


CW releases the choke, only to re-apply it...


Another break by Wright, right on time, keeps him from being DQed but earns him no fans in OK City.

Looks like Wright's got some built up frustrations.

And this dancing fool is on the recieving end tonight!




Wright puts the boots to Dragon now, stomping The Masked Dance Assassin before getting in the masked man's masked face and reminding him, as if neccessary, that he is the Rookie Of The Year. With a handful of tassels Wright then drags Dragon back to his feet and hangs his arms up over the top rope. A couple of quick punches to the gut soften Dragon up before CW pins back the head and...



...connects with a knifedge chop. Dragon's top absorbs some if not all of the blow though. And being the Strong Style Party Animal that he is, he fires right back...



...with a chop of his own to CW's bare chest!

Now THAT's a chop!



...a second!



...and a third, backing Christian up across the ring and forcing him to go to the eyes. Unfortunately, Dragon's mask has a panel over the eyes, putting pay to that plan and earning Wright a big forearm to the jaw for his insolence! With Wright staggered, Dragon now hits the ropes, coming back with a flying, spinning wheel kick that takes The Natural clean off his feet! Again Wright is left clutching his jaw, but he's got no time to nurse injuries this time, as Dragon follows up with a pin...




Allowing Wright up, Dragon jukes and jives a little before setting up an irish whip. CW spins out in front though, landing a boot to the gut and swatting away Dragon's hand. A forearm eventually follows, Wright loading up Dragon and sending him into the turnbuckles. In he follows... but right into one of The Dance Dance Dragon's dancin' feet!


Quickly Dragon vaults up onto the middle rope. And the Dragon flies, prompting Wright to duck his head anticipating the dive, only for Dragon to soar overhead and take CW over with a sunset flip...



CW slams his feet together and breaks the pin, before rolling back and out of the ring.

Absolutely nothing seems to be going right for Christian Wright so far...

Don't tell me, it's a 'curse'.

Well, maybe.


As he stumbles around ringside, Christian looks fully intent on using the referee's ten count to it's fullest advantage to get his bearings back. Dragon has other ideas though as he bursts across the ring. Wright doesn't notice until the last moment. 

And by then it's too late, as Dragon soars through the top and middle ropes and wipes CW out with a topé!!


Suicidal dive from Dragon and he got it all!

*clap clap clapclapclap*
*clap clap clapclapclap*

Dragon drags himself back up. And, as the Dance Dance Dragon, he of course dances to celebrate his dive!

Was that the Running Man?

I wouldn't know, I'm black.

Hey, no race angles here my friend.



Back inside we go and Dragon picks Wright back up, executing a quick snap suplex in the centre of the ring. Setting Wright in place, Dragon then sets off into the ropes at full speed. Inexplicably, he gradually slows to a stop on the rebound though, shaking off the shoulders and dusting it off before putting all his weight behind a kneedrop to the chest.

That's The Strong Style Shuffle!

Lateral press by Dragon...



Shoulder up!

As Wright looks to get right back up, Dragon clasps on a headlock to try and maintain control. Wright goes to the gut with an elbow though. A second. And a third elbow, Wright sliding behind and lifting Dragon up for a back suplex. Dragon manages to float over top though and lands behind The Natural, swiping at the back of the legs with a kick that drops him down to his knees. With his usual panache Dance Dance Dragon dance dances his way in front of CW and lines him up...


...for a stiff kick to the chest...


...and a second...

Looking for the Combo...

Slamming his fists into the canvas, Dragon now takes aim and whips out with a kick to the head... 

...DUCKED! Wright avoids the Combo completing kick and snatches a rear waistlock. Panicking, Dragon tries to punch the hands apart to free himself from the waistlock, but Christian holds firm and takes Dragon over with a German Suplex, bridging into the pin...




Excellent suplex, but not enough to slay the mighty Dragon.

I was hoping you'd avoid those puns.

You obviously don't know me very well Coach.

Wright keeps the pressure on as he puts the boots to the Dragon, Dragon retreating to the corner as the kicks rain down. In follows Wright and he pins Dragon down against the bottom turnbuckle, foot plainly placed across the throat which draws in referee Hebner.


Breaking on four, Wright pulls Dragon to his feet and out of the corner. A European Uppercut rocks Dragon back a step and leaves him wide open for CW to stoop in, lifting Dragon off the canvas and with a quick 180, Hotshotting Dragon across the top rope! The whiplash sends Dragon stumbling back and Wright is on the move, bouncing off the ropes and sweeping Dragon off his feet with an STO! That series of moves gets the crowd back on CW's back, but also leaves Dragon in position for the cover...




"DRA - GON!"
"DRA - GON!"
"DRA - GON!"
"DRA - GON!"

The crowd rally behind Dance Dance Dragon as Christian applies a rear chinlock to try and slow the pace of the match down.

I never had Oklahoma down as dance fans.

How can you not love a dancing masked dragon from Japan, Coach?

The way I am. Justifiably.

Dragon starts to feel the groove, bopping along to the crowd's beat as he climbs back to his feet. As he reaches his feet Wright cuts him off with a knee though, grabbing two handfuls of mask and throwing Dragon down to the mat, hard. He follows up with the cover...



But Dragon kicks out.

Back into the chinlock goes Wright. 

"DRA - GON!"
"DRA - GON!"
"DRA - GON!"
"DRA - GON!"

The chinlock doesn't last as long as last time though, as Dragon quickly bridges up off the canvas... and sits out, jacking Wright with a Jawbreaker! 


Wright is left dazed as Dragon gets to his feet, but recovers enough to charge at that point. For what little good it does him. Armdrag by Dragon! Armdrag again! And a third, Japanese armdrag this time, turning Wright for a complete loop! The Moral Highground is reeling now and finds himself pushed up against the turnbuckles by Dragon, in no position to fight back as Dragon unloads with a right hand.



...chop. And a right hand.



...chop. Right hand.



Chop, Right hand.

It's a Violence Party in Oklahoma City!

C'mon, get him out of the corner referee!

With Wright slumping down the turnbuckles, Dragon brings the party to an abrupt halt. Instead, he hoists Wright up and sits him on the top turnbuckle, running his thumb across the throat to singal that it's OVAH~!

Could we be about to see the Bemani Buster?

CDub's too big for it, no way he gets him up.

Sure enough, Dragon pulls down the head and tries to muscle him up for the buster, but Wright is clinging onto the ropes for dear life. Dragon lands a forearm before trying again, but again Wright won't budge. And eventually Wright is able to fight back, slamming his elbow into the back of Dragon's head and fending him off. Wright now grabs a front facelock and leaps off the middle rope, looking for a Tornado DDT. He's pushed off by Dragon, but lands safely on his feet in the centre of the ring and as Dragon charges him, he counters, taking Dragon over with a snap Powerslam!





Dragon almost got caught there, but the shoulder did come up just in time!

One person who doesn't agree is Christian Wright. Putting the validictorian badmouth on referee Hebner, Wright insists the count was 3. And when Hebner doesn't agree, Wright commits the cardinal sin of putting his hands on the official as he SHOVES Mark Hebner! Hebner doesn't much appreciate that and SHOVES Wright back...

...back into a schoolboy rollup from Dragon...





Wright almost lost it right there!

Well, no wonder he's been on a bad run. That's no curse, that's referees conspiring to try and cost him matches!

Wright storms back up but has no time to take issue with Hebner again, as Dragon beats him to the attack with a quick forearm strike. Another. And a third. Boot to the gut by Dragon doubles The Natural over and Dragon turns back to back with CW, cradling up the arms and looking for the Newbie Killer (Vertibreaker)! Standing upright, Wright is able to block that, sending Dragon tumbling over the back. He lands on his feet and with a waistlock he runs for the ropes, trying to bring Wright over with an O'Connor roll. Wright hangs onto the top rope and pushes Dragon off though, then turns and tumbles over top with a sunset flip...

...attempt, countered, Dragon leaping up and landing a big legdrop across the throat!


Rolling back to his feet Dragon kicks Wright a kick and keeps on kicking, nudging Wright over until he's facedown on the canvas before stomping him in the back of the head. Dragon then leaves the ring and heads up top, bringing the fans to their feet.

The Dragon is about to spread his wings!

The Dance Dance Dragon reaches the top and carefully stomps his foot on the buckle, building up a good score before he soars off the top, aiming his Perfect! double stomp at the back of The Natural's head...



Well, that was less than Perfect!, that's for sure.

Dance Dance Dragon could have blown both his knees out there, very easily.

Limping back to his feet, Dragon turns right into a quick kick to the right knee from Wright. Dragon manages not to go down, just yet, but Wright quickly picks the leg and leaves Dragon hobbling uneasily on one foot, cutting the forearm into the back of the knee and takes the Dragon over with the Dragon Screw! Hanging onto the right leg, Wright then gives 'the signal'.

Figure Four!


Around Wright goes with the spinning toehold and he reaches down to lock the legs...

...but gets caught by Dragon, who rolls him into a cradle...







Wright scrambles to his feet in disbelief, but Dragon is already wheeling away down the ramp in celebration, albeit it with a limp. Referee Hebner has gone too, fearing more than a light push this time as Christian fumes in the ring.


And Christian Wright's year continues to go from bad to worse! Dance Dance Dragon's had a good run in Japan this past month or two, but even so, this has to go down as somewhat of an upset!

Somewhat!? Christian Wright is the 2005 OAOAST Rookie Of The Year! He shouldn't be losing to... to [i]Dragons[/i]! I don't believe this! How!?

It's the curse I tells ya! Arrrr!


Sorry. On with the show!

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