Zack Malibu 0 Report post Posted October 19, 2006 The sound of Stabbing Westward's "Save Yourself" surprises the capacity crowd as HeldDOWN~! returns from break, and not only does it lead the OAOAST poster boy ZACK MALIBU out from behind the curtain, but three other individuals as well. LEON RODEZ, SCOTTY STATIC, and JOHNNY JAX all appear alongside Malibu, walking to the ring with purpose, after their absence last week. COLE It looks like we're about to hear from four men who were MIA last week! COACH It was kinda odd having a show without something breaking down between them and the Wildcards, I gotta say. COLE Well, we knew that last week only Todd Cortez was "available", as Bruce Blank, Bloodshed, and Landon Maddix all had previous commitments to the SWF organization. We understand that due to the incredible amount of tension between this group and the Wildcards, that these four men were pulled from last weeks HeldDOWN~!, and instead brought to the OAOAST Corporate Office while the rest of the roster were here for our broadcast. We're not sure of the details of that meeting, nor why it was held at such an odd time, but perhaps we're going to get some answers here tonight. COACH Don't count on it, playa. The Wildcards are in the house too, and it's only a matter of time before the ring is filling up with security! The four men hit the ring, but keep the crowd-pleasing to a minimum. Malibu motions for the mic, acting as spokesman for his tag team partner and the two Hooligans. MALIBU I'll get right to the point, since there's quite a bit to discuss. First off, I apologize for our absence last week, but it was corporate's choice to pull us from the show. Given everything that's gone down between myself, Leon, and the GPX with The Wildcards and Landon Maddix, with them not being here, it gave everyone a break from the chaos. However, it certainly wasn't a vacation last Thursday night, because the four of us, we got pulled into corporate headquarters. Not to be reprimanded, not to be fired, nothing like that at all. What happened to us was quite shocking, actually, and I'm sure The Wildcards are going to feel the same way about it. COLE What's he talking about? COACH Beats me. MALIBU It seems that we've got another Syndicated broadcast coming up, and corporate decided to kill two birds with one stone. Apparently, because of our inability to co-exist with The Wildcards, they were afraid that putting us in the same arena once again would lead to another locker room clearing brawl. There's no way we can promise it wouldn't, and I certainly can't do that, so they took the next step. They decided that maybe it was time to horde us all into the ring at the same time. That they could finally regulate some of that chaos. In fact, they went so far as to include two rings in this deal...and a cage surrounding them both, just to make sure we have enough room to tear you apart... COLE Two rings and a cage? WAIT... COACH No...NO! On Syndicated? MALIBU Boys, you know all that talk about starting wars...well we're going to end this war of ours in the most brutal match imaginable...OAOAST Syndicated, October 28th, Zack Malibu, Leon Rodez, the GPX, Bruce Blank, Bloodshed, Todd Cortez and Landon Maddix are going to play some WAR GAMES~! COACH YO~! The crowd roars, as Zack, pleased, nods his head. MALIBU The numbers are even now, Blank. The battle lines were drawn long ago, and you stepped over them. You crossed the line and haven't looked back, and now there IS no looking back! You brought this on yourself, and so help me God in that cage I'm going to make you squeal like the Southern pig that you are, more than I've even attempted to do to this point, and... "Whoa, whoa, WHOA now boy, just hang on a minute!" Zack hesitates, and quickly becomes flustered, as Bruce Blank comes out with a microphone, flanked by Cortez and Bloodshed, with Maddix and Megan Skye lurking behind, almost afraid to walk with The Wildcards. BLANK You cannot be this stupid, Zack. Your friends, maybe, but you? Come on now, after all I've done to you, to those you love, and you wanna lock yourself in a CAGE with me and my boys? A match where the whole point is to show no mercy and get your opponent to say uncle? Boy, you MUST be crazy! A match like that is a regular cakewalk for me and these boys here! You went cryin' to corporate, actin' like you had nothin' better to do because we were giving the SWF our star power last week, and now you've gotten your wish. You kiss their ass, they kiss yours, right, poster boy? Once again, Zack, you've proven to me that you're no've got the OFFICE fightin' your battles. You had to go and get a match booked to lure me out? What happened to the backstage assaults? What happened to tryin' to run someone down in the parking lot? Maybe break their leg and rub their nose in the concrete? I HAVE BEATEN YOU AND BLOODIED YOU NUMEROUS TIMES, BOY, AND THIS IS THE BEST YOU CAN DO TO MAKE ME TAKE NOTICE!? WAR GAMES!? Boy, you ain't even gonna make it that far! Blank throws down his mic, and his crew heads down the aisle, with Zack and company braced for the attack, until... "MEDAL" comes over the PA system, driving the fans BANANA~! COLE Wait...WHAT!? COACH IT'S ANGLESAULT~! Once again shocking the world, ANGLESAULT is on HeldDOWN~! Clad in a business suit, Anglesault storms out from the back, microphone in hand. ANGLESAULT Hang on, HANG ON A MINUTE. Not tonight, none of your crap is gonna fly tonight. So help me God, Blank, you guys back up or I'm gonna have you doing spot show main events in East Japeepee with The Sole Survivor. Zack, you too, you boys stay back, because this crap has dragged on long enough. Everyone freezes, but the crowd is rabid, as Anglesault stands in the aisle. ANGLESAULT Week after week, month after month, I have watched this show be taken hostage. By the war between Zack Malibu and Bruce Blank. By PRL and the man adventures of The Lightning Crew. By The Hooligans wreaking havoc. By Drek Stone, Hoff, or whoever else thought they'd make a good "figurehead". Let me tell you guys something right now...first off, it was ME who booked that War Games matchup, so if anyone has anything to say about it, speak now or forever hold your piece! All eight men, somewhat perplexed, simply listen on. ANGLESAULT Surprised, ain't ya? Well this is how it's gonna be from now on. See, personally, I think that if you guys want to maim each other, so be it. After all that's gone down, the feelings you have for each other are certainly deserved. In fact, this is WRESTLING. We're a business based on hatred and pain, vicious intent and injury. So let it be known, right now, that things are going to change around here...because I AM TAKING MY COMPANY BACK~! COLE WHAT!? ANGLESAULT I am SICK of people fighting over the god damn corporate titles and taglines. I'm sick of General Manager this, President that, Corporate...none of that matters anymore. This is MY blood, sweat, tears, and money, and I AM THE FINAL SAY-SO from now on. Everyone out here right now, everyone in the back, everyone with a valid contract works for ME. War're damn right I booked it as my first act of business. It's good for you all, and it's good for business, and maybe we can put some of this stuff to bed. Maybe, Blank, it'll be your swan song after all the stuff you've pulled in the last six months...but I guess we'll wait and see, now won't we? And even if it's not, I don't give a damn if Zack DOES try to run you over, or if you take a few swings at him with your bat...from now on, as soon as you set foot on arena property for an OAOAST event, you are FAIR GAME. No crying to security, no restraining orders...none of that flies. This is a man's business, a man's world, and you're sure as hell gonna act like it. The fans roar, as Anglesault is turning red from shouting his decree out, now that he's revealed he's in charge. ANGLESAULT Not to mention...the official titles, thrown around, put up at stake in matches...NO MORE. Bill Watts, I love the man to death, but he is not the final say-so. He will continue to directly represent this company and myself, and nothing more unless I say so. So whoever thinks they are in charge right now, consider yourself out of a job! I am the end all and be all around here, and if you want something, you go through ME. I realize that running a company can take a bit of time, so I have appointed several officials who answer to me, and carry out my word if and when I see fit. We'll call them...The Three Wise Men, with Mr. Bill Watts being one of them. The other two you'll meet in due time. So, all that said, if there are any objections speak now...although personally, I think the time for talking is done. You guys have a War Games to psyche yourselves up for, and I've got a company to run. With that, Anglesault turns and walks away, smiling proudly as the camera catches a shot of him before he vanishes behind the curtain. Back down at ringside, The Wildcards turn around...only to have Zack Malibu springboard off the ropes and crash down onto Blank and Cortez with a dive! COLE HEEEEERE WE GO! With Blank downed, Malibu starts firing off punches, until Maddix and Bloodshed pry him off. Zack immediately swings free and goes after Bloodshed, while Rodez, Static and Jax slide out of the ring and pair off, brawling with their arch rivals! COLE We've got a War Games coming up at Syndicated, we've got the namesake of the company taking control, and we've got complete chaos at ringside! Fans, it's been one of those nights, and we've got to get out of here while we can! We'll see you next week here on HeldDOWN~! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites