Zack Malibu 0 Report post Posted October 27, 2006 We cut back to the arena to a wide shot of the most fabled structure in wrestling, the double ring cage, which has been lowered into position. The crowd are buzzing as we get a quick tour around the cage, both outside and from out entrepid cameramen inside. Meanwhile, at the door to Ring One stands Michael Buffer, as it's time for war! BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time... for your MAIN EVENT of the evening! "YYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" SCHIAVONE Well, here we go Jesse! Roll up your socks and get ready for war! VENTURA What an atmosphere Schiavone, unbelievable! BUFFER Tonight, the personal grudge between two opposing factions will come to a head, in the environment that has been etched in wrestling folklore like no other, in WAR GAMES!! At this time, the rules of War Games. War Games consists of seven periods, with the 1st period lasting 5 Minutes. All other periods with last for 2 Minutes. The first member of each team, as specified earlier in the night, will enter the ring and the first period will begin. At the end of the five minute period, the team which wins the referee's coin toss will send in a second man, giving their team a 2 to 1 advantage. Two minutes there after, the opposing team sends in their second man, evening the odds. After period 3, the winners of coin toss sends in their third man. Teams alternate during the remaining periods until all eight men have entered War Games, at which point, The Match Beyond shall begin! The only way to win is via Submission or Surrender! There will be no pinfalls, no countouts and no disqualifications. War Games only ends when a combatants makes any one member of the opposing team surrender. With the rules out of the way, the crowd give another loud roar. BUFFER Wrestling fans, ARE YOU READY? "YYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" BUFFER Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania... ARE... YOU... RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR - EEEEEEAAAADDYY!!?!!?!! "YYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" BUFFER Then, for the thousands in attendance and the millions watching around the world on syndicated television... ladies and gentlemen... LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLET'S GET RRRRRRRRRRRRRRREADY TO RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUMBLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! "I walk a lonely road..." "The only one that I have ever known..." "Don't know where it goes..." "But it's home to me and I walk alone." The crowd collectively crap on "Boulevard Of Broken Dreams", but more specifically the four men that it plays to the ring. Leading the way is Bruce Blank, dressed for a fight and tooled up for a fight, with his trusty barbed wire baseball bat slung over his shoulder. Bruce jaws away at the fans who thrust their pro-Zack and anti-SWF signs in his path, just to wind the bigman up. Following regimently behind are Todd Cortez and Bloodshed, eyes focused ahead, not playing to the crowd at all. They're already in the proverbial 'zone', it seems. "I walk this empty street... "On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams." "Where the city sleeps... "And I'm the only one and I walk alone." But we have to go back a little further for their partner, as Landon Maddix and Megan Skye bring up the rear. And far from focused or daunted by the War Games structure, Landon is actually posing at the head of the aisle. Maddix eventually follows his three team-mates down, smugly declaring that he's 'ready for war', despite his cocky exterior. BUFFER Coming to the ring at this time, the team representing the Smartmarks Wrestling Federation! Accompanied to the ring by MEGAN SKYE! Hailing from Huron, South Dakota by way of Madrid, Spain... he weighs two hundred, fifteen pounds, LANDON "LA CUCARACHAAAAA" MMMAAAAADDIIIIIXXXXX!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" And introducing THE WWWIIILLLDCARDS! First, at two hundred, twenty-five pounds... BLLLLLOOOOODDSSSHHHHHEEEEEDD!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" From 'Hollywood Boulevard'... two hundred, twenty six pounds... "THE URBAN LEGEND" TTOOOOOODD CCOOOOORRRRRTTEEEEEZZZZZ!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" And finally, the man leading his team into battle... he is "The Redneck Superman" and already one of the most controversial superstars in OAOAST history, ladies and gentlemen, this is BBRRRRRUUUUUCCEEEEE... BBLLLLLAAAAANNKK!!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" SCHIAVONE A hostile reception, no more than these four are used to after their downright despicable acts ever since The Wildcards arrived in the OAOAST at the helm of Zack Malibu. The OAOAST has never been the same since and now, they join forces with Landon Maddix, looking to destroy four of the most recognisable faces in the company's history. VENTURA For as long as I can remember, people have been trying to knock Zack Malibu off of his perch. But nobody, nobody in the history of the OAOAST has gone to the lengths that Bruce Blank has, along with his Wildcard running buddies. They made this beyond personal and they pushed Zack to the edge. Tonight might be the night they send him spiralling the rest of the way into oblivion. They may be more powerful than ever after tonight. SCHIAVONE That's not a prospect that bears thinking about Jesse. The SWF team assemble at the door to Ring Two, the closest to the announce table. Luckily, with Tony and Jesse somewhere up in the cheap-seats there's no Coach or Cole around, meaning when Bruce slams his barbed bat down for safe keeping, only the fans closest are startled. Referee Nick Patrick is the man with the short straw guarding the door, keeping his distance from the foursome as he opens the door up... ...for Landon Maddix. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Landon looks for some high-fives on his way into the cage, but only Bruce obliges. So, with a quick kiss from Megan for good luck, Landon enters the War Games structure and takes it all in. Suddenly, Landon doesn't seem so cocksure of himself. SCHIAVONE Well, this is a bit of a surprise. Landon Maddix starting out for 'Team Wildcard', 'Team SWF' if you prefer, not the man I expected to lead the way. VENTURA I'm not sure how much say he had in the decision, but you don't wanna underestimate this guy. His record in Cage Matches in that other company is virtually spotless. Tougher than he looks. Plus, it gives The Wildcards some heavier ammunition as the match goes on. As Landon runs the ropes, making sure not to get a lashing of cage on the way, the opening strains of "Save Yourself" by Stabbing Westward bring the crowd to their feet! It doesn't take long for Zack Malibu to lead out the squadron, to another big roar, earning the fans a glowering from Bruce down at ringside. Behind Zack is his tag team partner, Leon Rodez. Much more serious than usual, although his cammo print robe and matching cammo print ring gear might be classed as a little goofy. No goofiness behind them as The GPX complete the team. BUFFER And, introducing their opponents! Representing THE ONE AND ONLY ANGLESAULT THREAD! "YYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" BUFFER At a combined weight of four hundred and thirty seven pounds... the former OAOAST World Tag Team Champions, SCOTTY STATIC and JOHNNY "JAM" JACKSON... THE GGLLOOBBAALL PPAARRTTYY... EEEEEXXXXXCCHHAAAAANNGGEEEEE!!! "YYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" BUFFER From Grand Rapids, Michigan... two hundred, twenty pounds, he is one of the most beloved superstars in the OAOAST... "SILKY SMOOTH"... LLLLLEEEEEOOOOONN... RRRRROOOOODDEEEEEZZZZZ!!! "YYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" BUFFER And finally the team captain! Stepping into war tonight, bent on revenge, he is the most recognisable superstar in OAOAST history! The former OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion... ZZZZZAAAAACCKK... MMMMMAAAAALLLLLIIIIIBBUUUUU!!! "YYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" SCHIAVONE There they are, Team OAOAST, four men who at one time or another have been both close friends and sworn enemies. Infact, The Wildcards were brought in at Zack's request to take out The GPX in the first place. Add in Rodez's former association with The GPX and the tag team wars these four have had against each other and it's a combustable team. The past is the past though and these four must put their past differences aside if they're to survive tonight. VENTURA They're not just fighting for themselves tonight, Schiavone. They're not just fighting for Zack, or Candie or baby Jenna. They're fighting for the OAOAST! For each and every one of these people in the arena, watching in TV land and for everybody in the back. And me. So they'd better get along! SCHIAVONE The history is well documented. The reasons need no further explanation. It's time for war! And will tonight be the ultimate revenge for Zack Malibu, or the demise of his legacy and perhaps the future of this company as we know it? As Zack's team make it down to ringside, the first call of duty is for Leon Rodez, to hold Zack back from starting the match on the floor! The three Wildcards begin to move around to meet them but luckily the referees and cooler heads on the teams manage to prevent a brawl on the floor. SCHIAVONE The problem for the OAOAST team is that on the SWF team, Landon has his Land Of Nod, Cortez has at least two 'patented' submission holds capable of getting the win, plus whatever Bruce and Bloodshed have in their locker. Where-as on Team OAOAST, they don't really have a submission specialist in the team. And with that the only way to win, it might be a case of improvisation, without a go-to submission hold... VENTURA That we know of. Zack and co have known about War Games for a couple of weeks now, I'd like to think they've been working on some hold or another between them that'll earn a tapout. SCHIAVONE A good point Jesse. As the OAOAST foursome take their place by the door, off comes the robe as it'll be Leon Rodez to enter at number one! Rodez climbs into the doorway and fires up the crowd. He then takes a last pep-talk from Zack before weaving in through the ropes, the door shutting behind him... *DINGDINGDING!* ...and the bell sounding to signal the start of War Games! SCHIAVONE Rodez and Maddix to start, meeting for the first time since their battle at AngleSlam which "La Cucaracha" came up on the winning end of. From opposite rings Landon and Leon get their first looks at one another and predictably enough, the insults start flying as Leon steps out of Ring One and scrambles into Ring Two, trying to avoid being jumped in the process. He needn't worry though. As soon as Leon gets into Ring Two, Landon has gone the other way, escaping to Ring One and encouraging his adversary to 'calm down'. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Leon is quick to reverse and go back to Ring One though... ...but by the time he gets there, Landon is sneaking back into Ring Two. VENTURA Looks like Landon's stalling for time. But he ain't gonna be able to run for five minutes, surely! SCHIAVONE He might just be trying to lure Leon in here Jess. VENTURA Well he's doing it with the wrong guy if he is. No chance of Leon losing his cool. Left alone in Ring One Leon climbs up to the middle rope and encourages Landon to join him, but The Next Generation is passing the opportunity up. "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" Realising he's wasting his time, Leon steps over and out onto the apron, rushing into Ring Two. Landon scrambles out towards Ring One, but Leon has caught on to his cat and mouse game by now and ducks right back out towards the other ropes, covering that option. Both men are now faced off on the apron and it seems the cat has caught the mouse. Maddix panickily ducks right, then ducks left, faking an entry into Ring Two, before ducking right again...and getting caught with a clothesline, sending him spiralling over the top and into Ring One with a thud! "YYEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" VENTURA Alright, now we're getting started! Landon sits back up and begs off from Leon as finally both men are in the same ring. And Maddix's escape route is blocked by the small matter of a steel mesh wall, backed up against the cage as he looks for a time-out. No chance. Leon catches him with a boot to the gut and whips La Cucaracha off the other side, catching him on the rebound with a BAAAACKbody drop, Landon clipping the cage roof on the way up and down! With a clutch of the back Maddix comes right back up, still looking for that elusive time-out. His guard is otherwise down though, earning him a jab! A jab! A jab! A jab! A jab! With a quick 360 of the crowd, Rodez blows the kiss to all... *SMACK!* ...and LANDS the enziguri, flipping Maddix inside out! SCHIAVONE Mama Said Knock You Out! And Leon Rodez might have done just that! Despite being down, dazed and looking up at the lights, the first thing Landon does is lift his arms overhead and call for a time-out. Rodez is determined to make him learn eventually though and hauls him up by the hair. Bruce is furious on the outside, yelling at his 'partner' to fight back... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" Leon fires off a knifedge chop. *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...a second. *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...and a third! Landon is left on rubbery legs in the centre of Ring One as Leon points to the cage wall and openly asks, "Shall I?" The pounding on the cage wall from The GPX suggests he should, so Leon grabs Maddix by the hair and runs him in... but Maddix throws up his hands, latching onto the links of the cage, DESPERATELY blocking a face-first meeting with the steel! SCHIAVONE Rodez trying to bring the cage into play, but not if Maddix can help it! With his face inches away from the steel Maddix's arms are shaking as he clings on for all he's worth. Eventually he manages to throw an elbow back and catch Rodez in the abdomen, releasing himself and allowing him to turn the tables and throw Leon in... but Leon blocks as well! VENTURA It's every these two can do to prevent eating that cage! SCHIAVONE Every female fan watching is praying right now at home. VENTURA And probably some guys. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Managing to hold out from a face-grating experience just feet above his team-mates on the outside, Rodez finally shrugs away Maddix's grip... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...and lashes him with another knifedge chop! *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...and another! Rodez changes it up with a hard right hand next and knocks Landon down, giving him time to retreat to the corner. Up to the top rope he goes, waiting on Landon to turn back around. Turn around he does, but with Megan warning him of what's waiting, prompting him to rush at the corner and The Silky Smooth One perched up high. Thinking quickly, Leon reaches up and grabs the roof of the cage though, pulling himself up, just as Maddix crashes sternum first into the turnbuckles!! "YYEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" SCHIAVONE Amazing athleticism! VENTURA And he lands back on the ropes too, tremendous! "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" Sure enough, Leon is back on the top. And as Maddix stumbles back out into the centre of the ring, Rodez soars off the top, managing to avoid clipping the roof as he wipes out La Cucaracha with a Ricky Steamboat esque Crossbody Block!! "YYEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Rodez rolls right through and back to his feet with a grin for everybody in attendance. Not grinning are any of The Wildcards, with Megan nervously pounding the cage, trying to encourage Landon to get his game together. Right now, that's easier said than done though. Clearly winded, Landon crawls away towards Ring Two and that time-out he seems so desperate for. Rodez is quick to deny him yet again though as he grabs a hold of Maddix's boot and drags him back inside Ring One. And as if Landon wasn't winded enough already... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...there's a knifedge chop in his future! SCHIAVONE Leon, laying them in with a little extra sauce for the OAOAST! VENTURA What does that even mean? With his chest reddening, Maddix backs off into a corner and tries to catch a breather. Leon is right in on him though and climbs up to the middle rope, pinning The Next Generation in and raining down the right hands! "ONE!" "TWO!" "THREE!" "FOUR!" "FIVE!" "SIX!" "SEVEN!" "EIGHT!" "NINE!" ...wait for it... "TEN!" Hopping off the ropes, Leon wrings out the arm and whips Maddix across the ring and into the opposite corner. Bumping out, the already struggling Landon takes a punch deep in the gut, doubling him over in mid-ring as Leon hits the ropes. Making sure not to hit the cage on the way, back rebounds Leon with a high Million $ Kneelift! One lucky fan at ringside gets a souvenir for the evening; one of La Cucaracha's front teeth. And Landon might be getting his own souvenir of the night soon as well, that being a big-ass scar on his forehead, as Leon grabs him behind the head and directs him towards the wall of the cage! VENTURA What's he waitin' for, do it already! SCHIAVONE Leon, looking to see which side of the crowd wants it more! Eventually The Silky Smooth One decides on the north side, scooping Landon up over his shoulder and preparing to spear him into the steel. However, the hesitation gives Landon some time to come back to his senses and as Leon charges him towards the cage, Landon manages to slither down the back and escape. Leon puts on the brakes just short of the cage wall and wheels around to make good on his mistake... ...and gets thumbed in the eye!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" VENTURA Costly mistake by Rodez there. He took way too much time and it might just cost his team big-time, because he had everything going his way until now! Maddix has finally got some offence in, but his team are far from impressed. Bruce even goes so far as to yell at his team-mate to "Stop fightin' like a dang girl!", as he slouches over the ring ropes and gets his breath back. Dropping to one knee, Maddix then starts to fiddle with his right boot whilst Rodez is blindly feeling his way around the ring, being directed by The GPX. To be fair, Leon is only lacking vision in one eye. Which means he can see Landon coming towards him, but also means he can't react in time... ...AS MADDIX THROWS A HANDFUL OF POWDER INTO THE EYES!! VENTURA WOAH! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" SCHIAVONE Faceful of powder and now Leon is even more incapacitated! And not surprisingly, Team SWF taking advantage of there being No Disqualifications to get ahead tonight! VENTURA It's war Schiavone, sometimes you've gotta fight dirty to win! As the cloud of powder hangs over the ring, Leon is left blindly swinging out at thin air. Maddix keeps his distance as the fists fly, waiting to pick his spot (through the smoke), which he does with a boot to the gut. Maddix then goes to work with clubbing forearm after clubbing forearm, making up for the early dominance of his opponent as he now beats him down to his knees. Shoving Rodez into the corner nearest the door, and his team-mates, Maddix then places a foot across the throat and starts to choke the life out of The Silky Smooth One, with Zack and The GPX just inches away but unable to help due to the cage wall in their way. Which becomes even more frustrating, as Maddix spits through the cage at the trio, sending Scotty Static into a rage as he leaps onto the cage and has to be pulled down by his partners! VENTURA That's really classy, huh? SCHIAVONE I don't think class is in Landon Maddix's vocabulary. The GPX can't get involved yet, but I've got a feeling Landon might regret that in due course. Pulling Leon out of the corner, Landon avoids another wild swing and goes to the gut with a knee. Snapmare puts Leon on his BUTT, leaving him wide open... *SMACK!* ...for a PUNTING kick, right to the spine! *SMACK!* ...and a second Dragon kick! Taking a step back to admire his handiwork, the red boot mark on Leon's back, Landon carefully measures him for what looks like a third kick. But at the least moment, Maddix fakes out on the kick and tumbles overhead, tweaking the neck with a Perfect Neck Snap! SCHIAVONE In the midst of all the spectacle and the feud between Bruce and Zack, we've got some smart wrestling here. Maddix realises that to win War Games, you need to earn a submission. And the Land Of Nod, his patented submission hold, works on the neck. VENTURA Picking a bodypart and working it over, as fundamental as wrestling gets. Rolling to his feet, Maddix spits and swats some imaginary gum. VENTURA And the cockiness to boot. Not what you're looking for in War Games, but who am I to complain about that? Maddix follows up with some boots, aiming for the neck now, a definate bullseye on Rodez's body. With a quick paintbrush across the face, Maddix then pulls The Silky Smooth One to his feet, locking him into a cravat! The Wildcards don't seem completely impressed again as Bruce can be seen asking Megan what her man is doing, putting on a headlock when there's a cage around waiting to be used. But Landon clearly knows what he's doing. Or, at least, what he wants to do. Because as he wrenches on the neck Rodez starts to rally! Zack, Static and Jax are all shaking the cage wall, routing behind Rodez as he comes up from his knees to his feet and buries in an elbow. Another. And a third, escaping the modified headlock. Maddix pops him with a quick forearm to keep control though, before grabbing top and tail, running Rodez in by the hair and the tights... *CLANG!* ...FACE-FIRST INTO THE CAGE WALL!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" SCHIAVONE The steel is tested for the first time tonight and sure enough, steel wins out against flesh. Frustrated at having to stand and watch helplessly, Zack turns away as The Wildcards are finally happy with their adopted brethren. Until he flashes a thumbs up their way, prompting Bruce to yell at him from across the way to stay on Rodez. Maddix does just that, putting the boots to the back of Leon's neck. "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" The chants seem to spur on Maddix more than anything as he speeds up with the stomps. Once Rodez's signs of fight have disappeared, Maddix then pulls him up and takes aim... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...with a knifedge chop, returning the favour from earlier! *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...make it two! *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...and that's the trio! Rodez is backed up towards Ring Two now as Maddix lands another forearm, dropping him back against the ropes. With a desperation kick out Leon manages to keep Landon at bay for a moment, but in the next moment Maddix has lunged forward and grabbed a hold of the face, starting to rip and tear away to fend Leon off! SCHIAVONE Make no mistake, Maddix does have a meanstreak. Leon manages to push Maddix away, but he comes right back with a couple of sharp kicks to the ribs. Grabbing hold of the arm, Landon pulls Leon off the ropes and glances behind him. Seeing a cage wall. And smiling. Maddix quickly lands a forearm before setting Rodez up and whipping him across the ring, full pelt towards the cage. But although the back of Leon's head does strike the cage, he manages to absorb it, just enough to come stromin back and MOW Landon down with a clothesline!! "YYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" SCHIAVONE Wow, what a clothesline! VENTURA A sudden explosion of energy and both men are down, centre of the ring! The perfect time, it seems, to get the formality of the coin toss over and done with. Getting the singla from the back, Charles Robinson produces a coin from his pocket and getting a nervous Zack's attention, he asks him to call. Bruce is left to complain across the other ring as to why he isn't getting to call, but they fall on deaf ears. Meanwhile, Zack gives a call of 'heads', as the coin bounces onto the arena floor... ...and as Team OAOAST peer in... ...their heads sink, as it comes up TAILS! BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of the coin toss are THE WILDCARDS... "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" BUFFER them the next entrant into this match. SCHIAVONE And that is bad news for Leon Rodez, because once these initial five minutes are up, he's going to be in a two on one disadvantage! VENTURA He ain't got much time either, we're about three and a half, four minutes gone already. He needs to try and take out Maddix before that clock runs down. "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" Both men are coming back to their feet now and the tension on Zack and The GPX's faces have risen as they encourage Leon on. It seems Landon has heard the announcement though and he decides to go back to Plan A, crawling off towards Ring Two and looking to stall for time. Rodez can't afford to be lured towards that ring though and he manages to catch Landon just in time, dragging him back into Ring One and spinning him around... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...into a chop! But despite the beat-red chest, Landon fires back... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...and retaliates with a chop of his own! :20 SCHIAVONE Twenty seconds left until The Wildcards get a second man! *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...chop by Leon! *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...chop by Landon! *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...chop by Leon! Sensing the tides aren't flowing his way, Landon looks to cut the chop exchange short as he goes to the eyes... ...but straight out of a Three Stooges sketch, Leon blocks with the edge of his hand, and POKES LANDON IN THE EYES! "YYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" :10 :09 As the counter ticks down in the corner of the screen, Leon takes a quick step back and winds up for a clothesline... :08 ...but despite the stinging eyes, Landon sees it coming and drops low... :07 ...clipping out Rodez's right knee! "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" SCHIAVONE Oh no! He got him in the knee! :06 VENTURA Just like AngleSlam, Rodez's injury comes back to haunt him! :05 :04 :03 As Rodez catches himself just short of planting face-first into the mat he hobbles off into a corner, trying to adjust the brace on the knee. Maddix follows right in though and like a shark that smells blood he zones in on the knee with some quick, hard stomps. On the outside Leon's team-mates despair at the turn in fortunes... :02 outside Ring Two, Todd Cortez has stripped off the bulletproof vest and gets a last peptalk from Bruce Blank. :01 *BZZT!* As the buzzer goes Patrick unbolts the door and the fired up Urban Legend climbs into the fray! BUFFER Now entering War Games, representing The Wildcards... TODD CORTEZ!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Quick as a flash Cortez flies through Ring Two and towards Ring One. But as soon as he steps to the apron he's called to a stop by Maddix, who has hung the right knee of Leon Rodez up across the middle rope and just finished putting the boots to it. He wastes no time in dishing out the orders to his just entered partner as he yells at him to "go for the knee". And Cortez does just that, running down the aprons and burying his foot into the trapped knee! SCHIAVONE Things couldn't be much worse for Leon Rodez right now. He's been in the action for five minutes already, his bad knee is being picked apart and he's now in a two on one situation. And those two just happen to be former SWF Tag Team Champions Landon Maddix and a 100% fresh Todd Cortez, formerly known as Martial Law. VENTURA Ah, but there is some good news Tony. SCHIAVONE Which is? VENTURA Well, rumour in the back is, he just saved a bundle on his car insurance by switching to Geico! HAHA! Maddix is happy to kick back and let Cortez take over. He even goes so far as he to lounge up onto the top rope, while Cortez puts the boots to the knee in the corner, Rodez unable to defend himself. SCHIAVONE Jesse please, this is bad news for the OAOAST right now! Leon's got to hold out for two minutes, two on one! VENTURA In all seriousness, there is some hope. These two aren't best buddies, so maybe they'll bust up here. It doesn't seem that way for now as Cortez now drags Leon out of the corner and snapmares him over, grabbing the right leg and stomping into the back of the knee. Keeping the leg pinned up, Todd then calls on Landon. Out of his makeshift hammock comes La Cucaracha, onto the middle rope as he soars off with a kneedrop, driven into the hamstring and leaving Leon writhing in agony! "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" All the crowd support in the world isn't going to help now as Cortez and Landon circle their prey like vultures, taking their turns kicking out at the helpless Rodez. SCHIAVONE Team SWF getting the luck of the coin-toss here Jess and it's looking bleak all of a sudden. VENTURA Well, I fully expect Bruce to come in number four, so he's fresh as possible for Zack. So these four have got a good line-up going. You've got Landon and Todd, former partners, with Todd's partner Bloodshed probably in next, followed up by Bloodshed's partner Blank. Obviously they've thought about the line-up long and hard to get the best out of their team. The GPX are stewing on the floor, but Zack is trying to keep his cool, willing Leon to find the strength to fight back. He doesn't seem to be finding it though, as Cortez retreats into Ring Two. With a beaming smile, Landon then encourages the rest of Team OAOAST to wave goodbye to Leon, as he's thrown unceremoniously out of Ring One, collected in Ring Two by Cortez. And now Bruce and Bloodshed can get a closer look as Cortez scoops his opponent up, slamming him in the centre of the ring. Landon watches on from the outside of the ring, as Cortez lands a stinging kick to the back of the knee, then takes a jump past Rodez and wrenches the leg in a direction it really shouldn't go! SCHIAVONE They're just picking apart that knee now. Maybe it wasn't smart to send Leon, the man on the team with the lingering injury, into War Games first up. Entering the ring, Landon snatches the right leg while Cortez takes the left, his partner taking the lead as he starts counting down from five. As he reaches one, it leads to a very painful experience for Rodez as Landon and Todd make a wish, splitting Leon's nether regions in directions they really shouldn't go! "OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" MADDIX C'MON PORNSTAR, WHATCHA GONNA DO NOW, HUH? Landon puts on the badmouth and it gets him a jab in the gut. He quickly shrugs it off though and boots Leon upside the head to quell his fire. "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" Landon now pulls Leon back up and stabs out at the knee with a kick. Around hops Leon on the good leg, swinging out at Landon in hope of suckering him with a punch. Maddix keeps ducking and diving out of reach though, buying time while Cortez sneaks up behind and lands a kick to the knee. Down to the other knee drops Leon, only to be pulled back up by Maddix who slides behind and drops him with a quick kneebreaker! Landon then hands him off to Cortez, who pulls The Silky Smooth One over with a Dragon Screw legwhip! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" SCHIAVONE This has to be the longest two minutes of Zack's life. VENTURA And The GPX. Like Bruce, I seriously doubt Zack'll be in before position four, when he can be fresh for their inevitable battle. With a wry smile, Maddix calls for a high-five from his partner. Cortez just looks at him like he's crazy but Maddix is so insistant that he eventually obliges, tagging hands and causing Landon to smile like a kid with the run of a candy store. SCHIAVONE There's definately some underlying tension there. Cortez takes a sideways glance at Maddix and shakes his head, as he blindly reaches behind him for a clutch of Rodez. However in turning his back he opens himself up to The Silky Smooth One, Rodez shoving him in the back... *CLUNK!* ...causing Cortez and Maddix to clock heads! "YYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" Maddix goes tumbling out through the ropes and out onto the aprons, while Cortez stumbles backwards. He goes right into Leon, who hopping on one foot can't risk doing too much. A right hand finds the mark. Another. Three, four, five... and a 'flying' forearm, knocking Cortez down but also giving himself a jarring landing. He hops back up to his feet though and fires up the crowd, getting a second wind! SCHIAVONE Leon, with the weight of the OAOAST behind him, is gallantly fighting the odds! VENTURA Now, what he ought to do is take a breather. Find a corner, fend whoever comes close off and wait for his team-mate's entry into the cage. That would be the mark of a lesser man though. Lesser, Leon is not. Instead he takes it to Cortez, *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...with the much used knifedge chop! *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...and now, even more much used! *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...and yet MORE much used! The chops avoid the problem of using the knee of course, but the irish whip that follows doesn't, Leon having to gut through the pain as he whips Todd into the turnbuckles. Unable to run in, Rodez instead waits on Cortez to stumble out. A back elbow stuns him, setting up what seems to be Feedback THIS, the Sliced Bread #2. Cortez puts the blocks on it though and grabs a waistlock, lifting Rodez up for a German Suplex... ...but Leon's feet hit Landon on the apron... ...and that buys him time to kick back and HIT the Feedback THIS!! "YYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Away rolls Cortez to recouperate, Bruce suddenly not so confident of how things are developing. Rodez hobbles back up and looks to go after Maddix. As he approaches him by the ropes though, in through the ropes sneaks Landon's leg, jabbing Rodez in the knee! SCHIAVONE Again to the knee! VENTURA That knee's gonna cause Rodez problems all through War Games, guaranteed. As Rodez falls to tend to the knee, Maddix checks to see if he's been busted open. Luckily for Megan he hasn't been though, so he's safe to carry on with the match, grabbing Rodez in a front facelock and setting him up for a suplex out onto the combined aprons! :10 :09 :08 As the timer winds down to entrant 4 and some assistance, Rodez tries desperately just to hang on and block. The arms and legs are wrapped around the ropes and no matter how hard Maddix tries, he can't lift Leon over! :07 :06 :05 SCHIAVONE We're going to even the odds in five seconds! :04 :03 Maddix is getting frustrated now and in his anxiety to get the suplex off, he climbs up to the middle rope, looking for some extra height and leverage... :02 :01 ...but even that isn't helping, as the door opens, the crowd rise... *BZZT!* ...and like a MAN POSSESSED, Scotty Static dives into the fray!! BUFFER Now entering War Games, representing The OAOAST... SCOTTY STATIC!!! "YYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Through Ring One, Static bypasses Landon for the moment as he vaults into Ring Two. Cortez is just reaching his feet as Static enters the ring and sure enough, Static hones right in on The Urban Legend. A spear tackles Todd to the ground, Static getting into the spirit of War Games as he mounts Cortez and goes WILD with a flurry of hard right hands!! Jax is going equally as wild on the outside cheering his partner on, as Static now lets up and rushes across the ring, giving the Ring Two door a kick and pointing a finger down at Bruce Blank! VENTURA Don't worry about him, worry about the guys in the cage! Static does just that now, as he spots Landon STILL trying to get the suplex off. Seeing The GPXer rushing towards him, Maddix panics and drops hold of Rodez. But before he can do anything offensive, he gets caught with a dropkick from Static, sending Maddix flying back off the middle rope... ...into the opposite ring's ropes... ...WHERE HE GETS TIED UP, ANDRE STYLE!! MADDIX NOOOOOOO! "YYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" SCHIAVONE And now it's two on one in Team OAOAST's favour! Maddix is tied up and going nowhere! With Maddix out, Static goes after Cortez... *CLANG!* ...AND SENDS HIM FACE-FIRST INTO THE CAGE!! "YYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Maddix can only look on despairingly now, as Static takes Cortez again, and like a rubber ball... *CLANG!* ...HE BOUNCES HIM INTO THE STEEL AGAIN!! "YYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Down goes Cortez, Maddix trying and failing to free himself from the ropes as Rodez watches on in amusement. MADDIX (voice cracking) IS THAT THE BEST YOU'VE GOT!?!?! Apparantly not, as Static and Rodez exchange a look, a nod, before exiting out onto the apron collectively! Maddix freaks out and starts to re-think opening his big mouth. Too late, naturally. But still. Wild kicks from Landon do no good and neither does begging for some mercy, as Static grabs a handful of Landon's blond locks and balls up the fist. But no! Rodez stops Static and encourages him to "leave it to me", as he balls up his elbow(?) and rains down a Bionic Elbow across the top of Maddix's unprotected dome! Another Bionic Elbow! Another! "FOUR!" "FIVE!" "SIX!" "SEVEN!" "EIGHT!" "NINE!" "TEN!" SCHIAVONE Leon Rodez gettin' funky like a spunky monkey, with a little Dusty Rhodes persuasion, if you wiiiiill! Not all that receptive to his partner's attack, Static unhooks the ropes and drags Landon out. With a pat on Leon's back he then tells him to "watch this", as he grabs a handful of Landon's hair and runs on down the aprons. Landon is dragged along for the ride and sent on another ride, as Static throws him... ...Maddix soaring OVER the ringposts... *CLANG!* ...AND RIGHT INTO THE CAGE!!!! "YYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" SCHIAVONE Scotty Static has knocked the intensity up a notch here! Man alive! Head rebounding off the solid steel bars connecting the cage between the two ringposts, Maddix collapsing back down the aprons. And as he sits back up, a loud scream pierces through the arena. The scream coming from Megan Skye, as she sees blood beginning to pool up right across Maddix's hairline!! SCHIAVONE And we have the first casualty of War Games!! Blood has been drawn and it's that of Landon Maddix!! VENTURA The first, but I doubt it'll be the last Schiavone! Static shows no let-up and pulls Maddix back up again, hurling him up over the top into Ring One. Meanwhile Leon steps back into Ring Two and for the first time in the match, the action has spilled into both rings at once, putting the intrepid directors into overdrive. Static targets the cut on Landon's head with right hands, while Leon goes after Cortez in the opposite ring. "O - A - O - A - S - T!" "O - A - O - A - S - T!" "O - A - O - A - S - T!" "O - A - O - A - S - T!" Team OAOAST are in the ascendancy now, with Scotty Static dominant in Ring One. Ruthlessly he digs his fingers into Landon's cut before adding in some TEETH, BITING Landon to the horror of Megan Skye on the floor! Static eventually comes up for air and spits a wad of The Next Generation's blood and flesh into the rabid crowd, as Maddix's forehead is now stained red, the blood flowing freely! VENTURA We've got a gusher! Meanwhile, Rodez has got Cortez. But despite the collisions with the cage he took Cortez has something left, cutting Leon off and lifting him up over the shoulder, dropping forward with the Sitout Spinebuster! Still holding onto the legs, Cortez then climbs up and steps through, lacing up the legs and applying The Sharpshooter on Rodez!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" So immersed in his battle is he, Static doesn't even notice the problem. And as he deals with Maddix, Leon is left to deal with the Sharpshooter alone! And with no rope breaks and no partner to save him... *TAPTAPTAPTAP!* ...RODEZ STARS TAPPING OUT!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" VENTURA Rodez is tapping! And look at Bruce, he loves it! Hearing the sound of tapping, Cortez pretty instinctively lets go of The Sharpshooter. Bruce gives his partner the big thumbs up, but is soon telling Cortez to get back on Static, prompting Cortez to leave Ring Two and go after The GPXer. VENTURA Rodez tapped out right there Tony and Zack's face has sunk. SCHIAVONE But Rodez tapping doesn't matter until all eight men are in. VENTURA Not true! Sure, it doesn't earn a submission yet, but it means that Leon Rodez is there for the taking. Team OAOAST are virtually a three man team now. Not only do they have to concentrate on themselves, they have to worry about guarding Rodez at all times, because if that submission goes on that knee he's gonna be tapping! SCHIAVONE Not neccessarily Jess. Leon might have tapped only because he knew it wouldn't lose him the match and to get Cortez to release the hold. VENTURA Maybe, but the pain on his face right now says different. Rodez rolls across the canvas, tucking himself under the bottom rope and against the wall of the cage, as he howls in pain about his injured knee. With Leon incapacitated, Cortez takes a final glare at him to make sure he's not crying wolf, before heading back into Ring One to double up on Scotty Static. SCHIAVONE Leon is hurting, and right now Team OAOAST also run the danger of having another man succumbing to too much damage. The Wildcards and Maddix have the odds in their favor, but with Leon down and only Scotty carrying the load, they also have to worry about the inevitable, upcoming entrance of the third man! Static fires a bloody Landon into the corner, and charges in, but eats boot on the charge, driving him away. He stumbles back and spins around, but ducks a Cortez lariat at the last second...the momentum of which carries in the corner, causing him to crush his own partner! Todd falls back as Landon slumps to a seated position, and Scotty follows up with a back suplex on the Urban Legend! He hops up to his feet and charges the corner immediately, driving his knee into Landon's bloody face, staining his own ring gear with the plasma of the egotistical outsider. Taking a page out of Landon's book, Scotty backs up as he stands over him, then hocks a loogie right into Landon's face, causing Megan to screech in disgust! If she thought that was bad, however, she probably hoped it stopped there, because next thing you know, Scotty does the same to her through the wall of the cage, causing a HUGE freak out at ringside! VENTURA That's one thing about those Hooligans, Tony...they don't give a damn about man, woman, or child. If you step to them, your ass is considered on their hit list! With Landon down, it's one streetfighter against another, as Todd starts getting up, only to be met with a HARD slap across the left side of his face...and a second to the right, before Static ducks and scoops Todd up by the waist, dropping him crotch first on the ring ropes! Cortez winces in pain, and then Scotty shoves him off, down into the crevice between the two rings, getting Todd out of his way so that he can focus on Maddix once again! SCHIAVONE Static is plotting his attacks accordingly, and without exerting too much effort. He's doing enough to get one man out of the way so that he can switch off in quick succession, not giving his opponents time to recover from the prior assault! Static moves towards the corner, and just as he does the countdown begins for the next entrant in the contest. :10 :09 :08 VENTURA We're going to be coming up on what SHOULD be a three on two, but is going to be more like a three on one advantage, Tony. Scotty Static might be having an easy time of it right now, but Leon has barely moved in the last few moments, and we're literally seconds away from one of the two more sadistic members of The Wildcards squad entering the ring! Landon comes up out of the corner, wiping the spit, sweat, and blood from his brow so that he can see clearly...see Static about to blast him with a European uppercut, that is! Landon falls back into the corner just as the buzzer sounds, and Static turns towards the door, waiting for what comes next. BUFFER Now entering War Games, representing The Wildcards...BLLLLLLOODSHEDDDDD! Despite his ability to inflict and absorb pain, the typically silent assassin of The Wildcards is not respected in the least, and the packed house lets him know that. Not that he cares, as he keeps his stoic demeanor in check as he rounds the cage and walks up the steps, into the ring...AND GETS TACKLED INTO THE CORNER BY SCOTTY STATIC! SCHIAVONE He's not wasting any time, Jess! The crowd erupts as Static jumps Bloodshed, pinning him in the corner and drilling him with shoulderblocks to drive the wind out of him immediately as he enters! Bloodshed clubs Static over the back, trying to beat him into a break, but it's not until Cortez and Maddix come over and pry Scotty back, holding him by the arms. Bloodshed recovers, and reaches down into the side of his boot, pullling out a familiar object that causes the fans to gasp in horror. VENTURA He's got that spike of his, and it looks like he's gonna start practicing for Thanksgiving on Scotty Static's forehead! Bloodshed inches forward, as Scotty is held at bay by the former Martial Law...but Static kips up, planting both of his feet into Bloodshed's chest to drive him back! He uses the momentum to float over, landing on his feet and snapping both Todd and Landon to the canvas with a double Russian legsweep, drawing a huge pop from the crowd! SCHIAVONE WHATTAMOVE~! Scotty Static is carrying the load for his team right now, and... "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!" SCHIAVONE NO! God, no! He just drove that spike into his head! The celebration is short lived, as the stunned Bloodshed recovers just as Scotty gets to his feet, and jabs his sharp metal weapon into the head of Static, dropping him to the canvas! Bloodshed drops to his knees and cradles Scotty's head, taking the spike and carving a gash into the Hooligan's forehead, drawing an agonizing yell from the outspoken Static! SCHIAVONE We've still got about a minute until Johnny Jax can legally enter the cage! Rodez is on the far side of the second ring, still licking his wounds, and now Scotty Static is at the mercy of these three men, at one point collectively creating the stable known as Martial Law! VENTURA And at that time, Bloodshed was a completely different man. His shift in attitude has done no favors for people like the GPX, Leon Rodez, or Zack Malibu. The man is homicidal, suicidal... SCHIAVONE I'm gonna stop you right there, lest we get sued for copyright infringment! VENTURA Fair enough. But you get the picture! After digging the spike into his head, Bloodshed pulls Scotty up, dragging him to the wall of the cage that both Jax and Zack are peering through. With a sick grin, Bloodshed looks down at his foes, then takes Scotty's face, already a crimson mask, and starts raking it from side to side along the wall of the cage! SCHIAVONE He's sick! He's taunting them with their own partner's condition! He LOVES what he's doing! VENTURA He considers himself a Picasso, or a Van Gogh...the only thing is that he paints with blood and our rings are his canvas! Jax pounds the wall of the cage, desperately waiting to be let into the cage. Maddix and Cortez are up, with Todd directing traffic, telling Landon to keep back, while he awaits Jax's entry. :10 :09 :08 :07 :06 :05 :04 :03 :02 :01 BZZZT! SCHIAVONE And the odds are about to be evened once again! The door swings open, and the powerhouse of The Hooligans charges into the cage, immediately trading blows with Todd Cortez! Jax, fueled with fire and rage, takes Todd by the head and simply biels him into the wall of the cage, sending the Hispanic superstar bouncing off the mesh and back onto the canvas! He turns to Landon Maddix, who puts his hands up in surrender and starts to back off, ducking out of Ring One and into Ring Two, pleading for mercy to Johnny Jax. As he backs away, the crowd comes ALIVE, and so does Leon Rodez, as although he's hobbled, he's now up on his feet...AND LANDON MADDIX BACKS RIGHT INTO HIM! VENTURA Uh oh. Maddix, knowing the predicament he's in right now, takes a deep gulp before Rodez shoves him forward, right into a HARD spinebuster that leaves an impression of the smarmy superstar in the ringmat! Back in Ring One, Bloodshed tries to use the spike once again, but Static clutches his wrist, desperately pushing the spike away as it comes dangerously close to him...and a well placed kick doubles Bloodshed over, since he's got the same weak spot as all males do...and now Static takes possession of the spike! Scotty wastes no time in seeking redemption for what's happened to him in this contest so far, as he starts digging the spike into the flesh of the sadistic superstar, drawing blood! SCHIAVONE We knew it wouldn't be pretty. We knew it was going to be violent, and not for the squeamish. We have seen a tremendous amount of blood spilt thus far, and we aren't even close to being done with this contest! Bloodshed tries to shy away, grunting under his breath as Scotty backs him into a corner, opening him up with that spike. As he continues to dig into him, Blank moves over to where Cortez is shaking off the cobwebs, feeling at the the blood dripping from his forehead. Through the mesh wall, Blank slips Cortez something, ordering him to get up...and when Todd does get up he creeps behind Static, taking a chain and wrapping it around his neck! VENTURA Now there's a chain in play, and Static is being choked out! Scotty kicks his legs, and manages to twist his body so that he can have an easier time at fighting free...and manages to shove Cortez towards the ropes...or rather, into a YAKUZA KICK~! from Johnny Jax, who has bolted into Ring One to aid his partner! Bloodshed bounds out of the corner, shrieking as he charges Jax, but Johnny sidesteps him and cradles him under his arm, dropping him to the mat with a HUGE side slam, knocking the wind out of Bloodshed! With those two down, Static takes the length of chain and wraps a bit of it around his fist, then lets the rest dangle, and he uses it as a makeshift whip, wailing on both Cortez and Bloodshed! Back in Ring Two, Maddix has struggled back to his feet, but Leon takes him by the head and leads him to the corner, smashing his head into the top turnbuckle repeatedly before he gets pulled by...and then hurled shoulder first between the middle and top turnbuckle, smashing his right shoulder into the ringpost! Landon slumps down in the corner, totally spent, as Rodez pulls him out and then sets him up on the top rope. He reaches up and pulls Landon down into a Tree of Woe, then delivers a few stomps and kicks to his chin for good measure. Too tired to fight out of it, Landon dangles in the Tree of Woe as Leon steps into Ring One, taking the chain from Static and wrapping it around Cortez's neck! A lariat from Jax dumps Bloodshed over the ropes and into the small space between rings, and now Jax and Static look at each other, noticing that Landon is all by his lonesome with no one to play with! SCHIAVONE All that's left are the captains of each team, with Bruce Blank entering next to give his team a brief advantage before Zack Malibu comes in and all hell breaks loose! VENTURA Hell hasn't broken loose yet? Have you been paying attention!? Landon hangs upside down, while the GPX stand across the ring. Jax takes Static by the arm, but Scotty swings around and sends his partner towards the corner with a ton of momentum, and Jax slides across the canvas, cracking Landon in the face with a baseball slide! He rolls out of the way just as Scotty charges the corner, and the high flyer leaps into the air, seemingly pausing in mid-leap before gravity brings him back down to earth with a hesitation dropkick to the chin of Landon Maddix! SCHIAVONE The GPX have annihilated Landon Maddix, and the crowd is loving it! Jax and Static get up, but before they can pick their next course of action, Bloodshed springboards from out of the crevice between rings, and nails the both of them with a springboard clothesline! Without his spike, he resorts to biting, as he takes Jax by the head and starts using his teeth to tear at his flesh, staying with him even as Jax gets to his feet! They stumble back to a corner, and when Scotty gets up he comes over and swings Bloodshed around, his fist cocked for a punch...but when he does Bloodshed blasts him with BLOODMIST~!, blinding Static with his own plasma in a sickening scene! VENTURA That's just WRONG. Scotty, disgusted and blinded, falls back, dropping to one knee, as Bloodshed turns back to Jax and continues to make him suffer. Back in Ring One, Cortez rams Leon back into one of the corners, breaking the chain-choke, then twists out of the hold and yanks on the chain to pull Leon towards him, grabbing him by the throat and setting up for URBAN ASSAULT...NO! Leon rakes the face, blinding Cortez, and then takes the chain from him and starts wailing away, whipping first at the legs, then across the chest of Cortez! The street thug tucks his arms, trying to cover up, but Leon keeps whipping away before wrapping the chain around his fist...and then cold-cocking Cortez with a hard right hand! SCHIAVONE They are hitting each other with everything and anything! They are busting each other open, they are wearing each other down, they are doing whatever they feel is necessary to bring the opposition to their knees! We knew it wouldn't be pretty! We didn't come here expecting a Flair/Steamboat classic, but tonight, we are seeing violence PERSONIFIED by these men! As Cortez drops, the countdown clock comes up, marking the last time The Wildcards need to worry about it. For at the end of these ten seconds, the last man on their team...the man who evolved from what Zack Malibu thought was a solution for his problems into his most hated rival to date, and the most controversial superstar in OAOAST history, will enter the ring. :10 :09 :08 :07 :06 :05 :04 :03 :02 :01 *BZZZT!* VENTURA You know what that means, Tony. SCHIAVONE All four of the Wildcards, the SWFers, whatever you'd like to refer to them as, are legal entrants in the War Games, because here comes the leader of the pack! Strolling around from his side of the ring, sporting his trademark gleeful snicker, is Bruce Blank. Bruce rounds the corner and stops for a moment, smiling at Zack and pointing his barbed wire baseball bat at him, then tilts his hat at him. The door swings open and Bruce steps up, entering the ring with his bat in hand. Rodez, seeing his best friends worst enemy staring at him, tosses Cortez aside and charges Blank, swinging his chain wrapped fist...but Blank knocks his arm away with the barbed wire bat! SCHIAVONE He just cracked him across the forearm with that damned bat of his! VENTURA And it's perfectly OK for him to do so! Leon reels back, just enough for Bruce to take the BUTT of his trusty equalizer and crack Leon in the head, knocking him on his back! With Leon down, Bruce taunts him, poking him with the bat like you'd poke a dead birds body with a stick...and Bruce looks out to Zack and smirks at him before bringing the bat over his head... ...AND DRIVES IT ACROSS THE RIB CAGE OF LEON RODEZ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zack Malibu 0 Report post Posted October 28, 2006 SCHIAVONE SON OF A BITCH! Loud booing, perhaps the most ever heard inside an arena anywhere in the world, drowns out the shriek of pain from Rodez. Malibu, infuriated, hops up on the wall of the cage, shouting at his foe...who responds by smashing the wall of the cage with the bat, sending Zack hopping back down to ringside! VENTURA We knew what this was going to be, Tony. We knew, and they sure as hell all knew. It's not surprising that Blank and his boys are looking to take it to the next level, but to have to endure what Zack has endured, and now be the one to have to sit and watch, even for those few moments, as the people who stepped up to help him are brutalized, has got to be affecting his fragile mental state! Leon, just like earlier, tucks and rolls, trying to get out of range of an assault. The barbed wire from the bat has opened up cuts on his lower torso. Blank now looks to his partner Cortez, checking on his condition, and together the two of them step out of Ring One and into Ring Two, where Jax and Static are paired off with Maddix and Bloodshed. Bloodshed pulls away from Jax, who is bleeding heavily from above his eye, and Cortez runs in and crushes him with a leaping corner splash before he and Bloodshed take an arm and whip him out of the corner, towards Blank, who stands waiting with the bat. Jax is sent forward, but he DUCKS THE BAT SHOT~! and bounces off the ropes, cracking Bruce on the rebound with his trademark YAKUZA KICK~! that staggers the big man, sending him falling back to the ropes! Jax hits the ropes again, but now Cortez and Bloodshed get in the way...only to be blasted by a double clothesline from Jax! SCHIAVONE Johnny Jax, the most recent entrant and thus the freshest for Zack's team, is taking it to the three Wildcards! Jax reaches down and picks up Bloodshed, pressing him over his head and hurling him from Ring Two back into Ring One! Before he can turn around however, Cortez crawls across the mat and hits a low blow, and Cortez and Blank then decimate him with a combination Cortez sweep kick/big boot from Blank! VENTURA The numbers game again gets put into effect, because it just took two of them to take out Johnny Jax! Angered, Static comes away from his being tied up with Maddix, and leaps onto the back of Bruce Blank! Quickly, Bruce tosses his bat aside and reaches up, snapmaring Scotty over to the canvas...and upon landing, he's prone for a basement dropkick from Cortez! The lumbering redneck hits the ropes as fast as he can, coming off and then drops his huge tree trunk leg across the throat of Scotty Static, another double team effort successful in taking out a member of the GPX! Bruce gets up and reclaims his bat, standing over Static and pressing the side of it alongside his forehead...and then quickly pulls back on it, raking the razor sharp wire across Static's face! SCHIAVONE This is torture! This is company sanctioned TORTURE! In Ring Two, Blank, Maddix and Cortez pummel the GPX mercilessly, beating on both Hooligans with vicious intent. In Ring One, both Bloodshed and Leon Rodez are wounded and aching, and Bruce Blank steps over one set of ropes, and then over the other so that he's in Ring One, looming over Zack Malibu's Usual Suspect partner. "LET ZACK IN!" "LET ZACK IN!" "LET ZACK IN!" The crowd reaction is thunderous, shouting at officials and hoping that Father Time moves faster than he has been, because Zack Malibu will be able to enter the ring and turn the tide. Malibu, desperate to get into the match, paces ringside, glaring through the holes in the cage as he has to sit by and watch his three allies suffer despite their best abilities. :10 :09 SCHIAVONE THE COUNTDOWN IS ON! VENTURA In just a few seconds, the roof is going to blow off this place, Schiavone! :06 :05 :04 SCHIAVONE He's ready, Jess, he's more ready for this than anything in his life! :02 :01 *BZZZT!* BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, the final entrant in the contest, ZAAAAAAAACK MALIBU. Now, The Match Beyond can begin, only to end on a submission or a surrender! The crowd EXPLODES as the door swings open and Malibu races up the steps...AND GETS BLASTED WITH A BIG BOOT FROM BRUCE BLANK~! Malibu flies off the steps and down into the guardrail, and now the monsterous redneck steps out of the cage, trailing his rival! VENTURA What can't leave a cage during War Games, that's the whole POINT OF IT BEING THERE! SCHIAVONE Blank didn't want Malibu coming in, but he's coming out after him! Slamming the door behind him, Blank comes and takes Malibu by the head, bringing him over to the wall of the cage and hurling him facefirst into it! Malibu bounces off the cage wall and falls on all fours, only to be doubled over with a soccer kick from the Southern sadist! SCHIAVONE There's carnage in the ring, and now there's chaos on the outside as well! Malibu struggles to get up, but as he does, Blank leans over the railing and shoves a twenty-something fan on his ass, stealing the man's ringside seat! Folding it up in his grasp, Blank brings the chair up over his head and then down onto the crown of Malibu's, the end result being a blow that echoes throughout the arena like a gunshot! VENTURA He laid him out before he even set foot in the ring, Tony! Blank stands over Malibu's body and takes the chair length-wise, ramming the edge of it down into Zack's throat and choking him out! Malibu wearily tries to fight it off, but can't do much after being knocked senseless. Suddenly, security and staff come flocking to ringside, deflecting the debris hurled by fans at Bruce Blank and try to get the redneck away from Malibu so that War Games can continue the proper way! SCHIAVONE We've got two rings surrounded by a steel cage, and an arsenal that would make a government operative jealous, and yet Bruce Blank just couldn't allow Zack Malibu to get inside those cage walls! VENTURA Blank might not look like a scholar, but he's a smart man. He came at Zack with some outside the box thinking. We knew about the obvious things tonight...the weapons, the numbers advantage, all of that was known heading in. What Zack Malibu did not expect is that the moment where he was expected to save the day, the moment where he was to shine, that he'd be blindsided and eliminated from this contest! SCHIAVONE And if he can't get into that cage, what does that mean? Will the OAOAST be able to send someone else out here? VENTURA You know anyone who WANTS that job? After being lured away from Zack, Blank reaches over and snags Michael Buffer's microphone, addressing his victim. BLANK Zacky boy! C'mon Zacky, this match can't end until we're all inside that cage together! Whaddya say we get you up and get you in there, huh? Blank motions for Zack again, but the staff keeps him at bay, as doctor's check the huge laceration across the top of his head. Blank shoves several people down, making his way to Zack, but he's driven back by the sheer number of people so that the medics can do their job. Blank laughs all this off, bickering with fans as he gets pelted with garbage. On his own will, he climbs back up the steps and opens the cage door, shouting for Zack to "come and get him"! SCHIAVONE That sick, sick son of a bitch. He's laid out Zack Malbu on the floor, and kept the numbers game in his favor...not to mention he's prolonging the matchup by doing so! VENTURA You called it torture before, Tony, and that's what he's doing. Bruce Blank has corralled the GPX and Leon Rodez, three people who decided to include themselves in Zack's war with The Wildcards, and he is punishing them for their actions! As the door shuts behind him, Blank grabs the recovering Leon Rodez in a full nelson, hoisting him off his feet and planting him with a full nelson slam on the canvas! Calmly, the big man reclaims his trusty equalizer and runs it along the wall of the cage, looking out at Zack Malibu, who is being helped to his feet down on the floor. SCHIAVONE He's so damn non-chalant about it! I don't think Blank even considers this a matter of winning or losing, as long as he can get under Zack's skin! VENTURA I'm pretty sure he's succeeded tenfold when it comes to that! In Ring Two, Maddix has Static pressed under the bottom rope, against the wall of the cage, placing his foot on his throat. Bloodshed tugs at the eyes of Johnny Jax, raking his face back as he sits on his back, and then starts viciously crossfacing him, beating him into a daze. Cortez switches off, helping both of his partners work the GPX over, until he's motioned by Blank to join him in Ring One. SCHIAVONE Blank calling for Cortez to join him now, and one can only wonder what's in store for Leon Rodez, who has taken perhaps more punishment than anyone in the ring tonight! Blank points to Leon with his bat, nodding for Cortez to bring Leon to his feet. Cortez obliges, and sets Leon in a standing headscissors. He reaches down and grabs him by the waist, yanking him up in the air...but as Leon is risen off the mat, he reaches up and grabs the roof of the cage, not allowing Cortez to bring him down! VENTURA He blocked the powerbomb attempt! Cortez pulls and pulls, and finally Leon's grip slips...BUT AS HE FALLS HE COUNTERS WITH A RANA THAT TAKES CORTEZ OVER! The crowd roars as Leon hops to his feet, but Blank swings for the fences with the baseball bat...AND IT'S DUCKED! JAB! JAB! JAB! JAB! Leon Rodez opens fire with his quick, educated right hands, but as he spins around for the parting shot, Cortez grabs him by the throat and lifts, dropping him with a modified powerbomb! SCHIAVONE URBAN ASSAULT! The crowd dies down as quickly as they picked up when Leon made his brief comeback. Cortez, after taking him down, locks the bad leg in a single leg crab, yanking on it and causing Leon to scream in pain, even as Blank comes and starts dropping elbows on his sternum! VENTURA They're doubling up on the most wounded party! This match is going to end very soon, Tony! SCHIAVONE It can't end until Zack gets in the ring! VENTURA IF Zack can get in the ring! Zack, who has been sat down and observed at ringside, finally comes to and starts shoving people away from him left and right. Medics, security, road agents, no one is safe, as Malibu starts flipping out at ringside! Malibu gets up and charges for the door, to the loudest pop you'll ever hear...and poor Charles Robinson goes FLYING as Malibu shoves him off the steps and sets into the ring himself! SCHIAVONE MALIBU IS IN! ZACK MALIBU IS UP AND IN THE RING! The bell sounds, signalling that we're now entering the final portion of the match. Fueled by the fans and his own personal rage, Malibu comes in the ring, and an unhappy Blank approaches...but stops dead in his tracks after Malibu splashes his face with something that causes the big man to scream loudly! VENTURA What the hell... With Blank frozen in place, Malibu takes what he's got and pours some on Cortez's head, causing Cortez to shout out in agony as well, and break his hold on Leon Rodez! After saving his partner, Malibu turns and blasts Blank across the head with what he's got, and then lets it fall to the canvas. The cameras close in on the object, and Malibu, ever the opportunist, swiped a bottle of ALCOHOL from the medical kit on the floor! SCHIAVONE That's a bottle of alcohol! That'll dry out any wound... VENTURA ...and blind you just as easily! Bruce Blank can't hurt what he can't see! For the first time in his life, Blank is helpless and unable to defend himself, as Malibu picks up the bat that he dropped. Standing before Blank, Zack cocks the bat back and swings, catching Bruce across the ribs! He steps over and swings again, this time cracking him between the shoulder blades and dropping him to one knee! Cortez, who wasn't blinded by the alcohol but just stunned, gets up and tries to rush Zack, but Malibu turns his head and sees him coming, and cracks the streetwise superstar with a SCHOOL'S OUT, knocking Cortez out with the fatal blow! SCHIAVONE Cortez goes down! Bruce is helpless! TEAM OAOAST IS COMING BACK! In Ring Two, Maddix has Static set up for a suplex, but Scotty blocks, and then lifts Maddix off his feet and drops him between the ropes and the cage wall, then takes the back of his head and starts ramming it repeatedly against the wall of the cage! Seeing Jax having trouble with Bloodshed, Scotty backs away from Maddix, and gets the bat from Zack, who voluntarily tosses it into Ring Two! Jax, in a last ditch effort to save himself from the assault, powers out of the corner and wraps his arms around Bloodshed's waist, shoving him forward...RIGHT INTO A RUNNING BAT SHOT ACROSS THE FOREHEAD FROM SCOTTY STATIC! VENTURA They're on the comeback trail...but why would Zack get rid of the bat? Like any good question, the answer is imminent, as within seconds, Malibu reaches into his boot and pulls out his own hidden object. Metallic with three prongs on the end of it, Zack Malibu now brandishes a FORK, and digs it into the head of Bruce Blank, peeling back his flesh with an object normally used to eat a salad! SCHIAVONE HE'S GOT A FORK! ZACK MALIBU IS CUTTING BRUCE BLANK OPEN WITH A FORK! Blank shouts and screams, but the pleas fall on deaf ears, as none of his teammates are in the shape to help him! Being that they're the only ones in the arena who actually would, Blank is shit out of luck, as Malibu goes to work, running a cut across the length of his forehead before leading him over to the ropes. Malibu takes Blank's head and presses it down on the top rope, pushing his throat hard onto it...then he leans over and tugs on the middle rope while forcing Bruce down, pulling the middle rope over the top rope and trapping Blank's head between the strands! VENTURA He's got him trapped! Blank has nowhere to go! SCHIAVONE And if he doesn't get himself untangled, he's going to run out of oxygen! Blank kicks his legs, his eyes tearing from the alcohol that has blinded him and put him in this position. With Bruce's head trapped, Malibu takes the barbed wire bat again and starts WAILING on Bruce's back, each shot ripping at his shirt and his flesh, until Malibu tears the remains of the shirt off and starts raking the bat across his back, peeling the flesh back at a rapid pace! Over in Ring Two, Static has found Bloodshed's spike, but as he picks it up, Maddix swings him around...only for Static to take his legs out from under him! Holding Landon's two legs in the air, Scotty shows the crowd the spike, and drops to his knees, jabbing the sharp point of the spike into an area that NO MAN wishes a sharp object to go near! VENTURA That's just WRONG! Maddix starts screaming and kicking to get away, but Static drags him by the legs towards the center of the ring, and threatens to make another play for the sore spot, until Maddix's panic leads to words that his allies certainly did not want him to say. "Nnnnnn...nnNOOOOOOOOOOOO...NO...I QUIT! I QUIT! I QUIT!" SCHIAVONE HE GAVE UP! LANDON MADDIX HAS SURRENDERED! THE WILDCARDS JUST LOST WAR GAMES! VENTURA There's a certain part of me that doesn't blame him, Schiavone! The bell sounds, and the fans go WILD, as Zack Malibu, Leon Rodez, and the GPX are triumphant. Immediately upon the bell sounding the door opens, and officials try to quell the madness, since there is no need for more. Malibu, of course, is the toughest to seperate, as he leans in to Bruce's trapped head and mouths in his ear the ominous words "I'm not done with you, you son of a bitch!" The cleanup crew has hit the ring, and Megan Skye rushes in, running right for Landon to check on his (and his "little friends") condition. SCHIAVONE It's madness inside the cage, because even though they've gotten the victory, they don't want to let this go! The GPX put their hands up as officials block them off from Maddix and Megan, and even Bloodshed, who sits himself up against the corner and wipes the blood from his eyes. Malibu is kept back by a wall of officials as Blank's head is freed from the ropes, and he simply collapses to the mat out of exhaustion and lack of oxygen, which has to make everyone in the arena happy. Rodez, who rolled to the spot in between rings, is helped to his feet by Charles Robinson and Nick Patrick...but as the two referees help him to his feet, Todd Cortez, recently recovered from the School's Out, comes and snags him by the head, pulling him away from the referees... VENTURA What's HE doing? Get some control in their, Patrick! SCHIAVONE Oh no... VENTURA Holy... Cortez, in a flash, lets go of Leon alright...but not before leaping over his back and bringing him back down to earth right on the top of his head, compressing his neck and spine as he drops him on the hard surface of the two ring aprons pushed together with the RIOT ACT PLUS~! SCHIAVONE No! NO! THIS MATCH WAS OVER! THE MATCH IS OVER! VENTURA HE JUST BROKE HIS NECK, TONY! Upon seeing this, Malibu bolts through the wall of people keeping him at bay, tackling Cortez to the canvas and unloading on him! Everyone tries to get Malibu off of him, but then the GPX start fighting THEM for interfering with Malibu's attack! SCHIAVONE It's chaos in the cage! Everything is going to hell! Cortez manages to roll away in the madness, with the GPX fighting through security to try and get at him, while Zack crawls over to Leon. Zack looks at him, and the cameras show a glazed look in Leon's eyes as he lays perfectly still. Malibu screams "HE'S NOT MOVING! SOMEONE HELP HIM, HE CAN'T MOVE!" as loud as he can, and time suddenly stands still. OAOAST staff stop worrying about everything and anything and rush to Leon's side, checking on him but being sure not to jar his body or move him in the slightest. The Wildcards have been led out of the cage, and despite the loss tonight, despite their condition, they know that mentally, they still came out ahead. Malibu walks to the wall of the cage and screams for a stretcher, shouting "WE NEED HELP OUT HERE! NOW!" as two more medics, wheeling a stretcher, and even Anglesault himself charge out from the back. Zack turns back to his friend, who is still motionless, while the camera cuts to a shot of The Wildcards, Maddix, and Megan, looking like they just stepped out of a car wreck...and HAPPY ABOUT IT. VENTURA Tony, I fully admit that sometimes I advocate unfair play. Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat. Tonight, I mean, it's par for the course for The Wildcards to cross the line, but this is uncalled for. SCHIAVONE A man's career may now hang in the balance, again due to the unfortunate plague of ultraviolence that has been let loose on the OAOAST. Zack Malibu's team walks out with a checkmark in the win column, but the real story here is that The Wildcards have once again brutalized one of the OAOAST's brightest stars. On that note, the camera cuts back to the ring, where Rodez is slowly being slide under the ropes and onto the stretcher, as the cage is lifted off the ground. Malibu and the GPX hover over the medical staff and watch on, and fans are on their feet, checking with concern. A neckbrace is fastened to Leon's neck, and it's then that the scene fades out, leaving what should have been a night of celebration to end on a somber note. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites