KingPK 0 Report post Posted November 17, 2006 There's no need for anticipation tonight, as we dive right into the action as soon as the show is set to start! Already in the ring are Zack Malibu and Todd Cortez, looking as if they've been brawling for a while, and it's Malibu who is on the receiving end of the punishment, as Cortez has him slouched in the corner and is driving his foot into Zack's throat! COLE Fans, we're live, and we are losing control already! Zack Malibu and Todd Cortez, who have each been throwing out challenges to the other since the night of War Games when Cortez injured Leon Rodez's neck, cannot be seperated! COACH Remember when Anglesault took the reins back, Cole. He said that as soon as you set foot inside an OAOAST arena, you are fair game, and these two are both out for blood! Cortez stomps away at Malibu, then drags him up out of the corner, but Zack quickly drops and shoots for the legs, taking Cortez down to the canvas and getting the crowd worked up! Now that their hero is on the offense, the crowd comes alive, watching as Malibu tries to keep Cortez on the canvas and open him up with elbows! COLE Just like with anything we've seen in the past, this is not your typical wrestling feud. This has been a war raging for months not only over respect, but over actions towards a man's family, and now because his best friend is in a hospital bed recovering from a broken neck! Malibu fires elbows off, then starts clawing at the face of the "Urban Legend", trying to dig his fingers into his eye sockets! Cortez tries to push Malibu off of him, but can't...and now the crowd TRULY comes alive, as ANGLESAULT HIMSELF charges down to the ring and yanks Malibu off of Todd Cortez! COLE WHOA! The boss man is here, and he's taking charge! Malibu, incensed at the interference, even from a friend like AS, goes for Cortez again, until the company owner shoves him back! Anglesault and Zack have a tense moment, but Anglesault reassures him to relax, then turns just as Cortez is getting up, and shoves him away before he can get to Zack! COACH This guy can sit behind a desk, or send Watts or whoever out here to take care of this, but instead he's the one trying to keep the peace? That's how you know we got an owner who cares. COLE You said it. COACH Now if he shows it when it comes time for the Christmas bonus, I'll be straight. Anglesault, now with the microphone, stands center ring, while the two wrestlers burn holes in one another with their stares. ANGLESAULT You guys want to kill each other. I know that neither of you want nothing more, and to me, personally, that's fine. Thinking that's an OK for the brawl to continue, Zack and Todd move towards one another, until AS steps back in the middle of them. ANGLESAULT GET BACK! Zack, you too, get back! You know damn well I wouldn't be out here if I didn't have a reason. See, I know that there are two ways for this thing to end. Either Zack goes down in a blaze of glory while searching for justice and redemption, OR, and this one is my favorite, he unleashes a side of him that very few people have had to deal with, something even worse than what you've experience so far, Cortez, and once that happens we'll never hear from you or the rest of you damn Wildcards again! The crowd roars, as Cortez sneers at Anglesault's comment. ANGLESAULT However, THIS is not the time for that. Neither is November Reign, when the two of you meet one on one! COLE WHOA! COACH How's THAT for an official announcement? ANGLESAULT I know how you feel, Zack. I know what you've been through, and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt there's no one in this company with more respect for you than me. YOU, Cortez, I sure as hell don't respect you, but I don't let the fact that you run with the garbage like Bruce Blank take away from the fact that you are a hell of an athlete. You've got that sadistic streak burning inside of you, and you take it out on people like Leon Rodez. You've got one of my best workers laid up with a snapped neck, you've made this mans life a living hell, when you could have taken the world by the balls with your God given talent, but NO, you took the easy road. Well let me tell the two of you something. I've given a lot of leeway in recent months. The brawls, the street fights, even War Games, I made the final call on all of them because I KNOW that a standard match can't contain the hatred between the two that's why we're breaking from tradition at November Reign. It's not going to be a street fight, or a No Holds Barred match, or anything like that. It's gonna be the two of you, Zack Malibu and Todd Cortez one on one, with all rules and regulations applying! Now the crowd is booing, and Anglesault chuckles, seemingly expecting it. ANGLESAULT I knew that was coming, but hear me out. Because IF I made a match like that, what's it going to solve? I know that it's what The Wildcards want, since that's their enviroment, and I know it's what Zack would like so that legally he can do as he pleases to you, Cortez...and personally, after losing Leon for God knows how long, maybe forever even, I'm not ready to let another star of mine risk his career, his LIFE, because of you. So Zack, you have to bite the bullet for me on this one, trust me. You know that you're going to get what you want from these guys down the line, so I'm asking you...actually, I'm telling you, but I'm doing it face to face, man to man, that at November Reign I want the two of you to take that hatred, take this war, and give me a GOD DAMN MATCH OF THE YEAR BECAUSE...BECAUSE IF YOU DO...then ONE of you, whichever one is the better man that night, is going on to fight in the main event for the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE! COLE WHOA! COACH YO~! Now Zack and Cortez seem a bit more receptive to this. ANGLESAULT Zack, you're the name synonymous with this company. You're the guy who made ME swallow my pride, even just a bit, and admit that I respected you, and you were a better man than me. Cortez, for all you've done, I know about you. I know what you can do. You've got that killer instinct, and quite frankly, you've crossed the line and there's no coming back from it...but I'm not running the risk of putting more of my stars on the shelf. Having Blank give up on the SWF to focus on the OAOAST...he might be doing it as part of his war, but now he's made things between my company and you're old company a little...personal. See, your war isn't the only war going on essentially Todd, I'm using you. I'm using your talent to MY advantage, to show your old employer what they missed out on when they cut you loose...and I'm putting you against a guy who is at his absolute best when his back is against the wall and he's got something to fight for. I am turning you loose on each other not just for your own benefits, but for mine...and that's why whoever is still standing when the bell rings is getting a shot at that belt, because Zack deserves another chance to be on top of this company, and Cortez, if you can prove me wrong, then I will admit that as much as I'd rather see you rot, that you'd deserve the chance as well. And after November Reign, unless you guys cave in and can't wait, you can get back to brawling and bleeding and cutting and smashing and whatever you want to do...but for now...JUST FOR NOW, you work for me, and you're going to do what I want. Now get out of the ring, we've got a show to get on with. With that, Anglesault motions for Cortez to leave first. The "Urban Legend" nods cockily, then ducks out, pointing and taunting Zack Malibu, who stands firm and sucks it up. Anglesault starts to leave but pauses and looks back at Malibu, who keeps eyeing him. Anglesault offers a smirk to his friend, but Malibu, despite the shot at becoming a participant in the Triple Cage match, doesn't look happy. COLE What a speech by the company owner! Putting a cease fire on the Malibu/Wildcards war until after Novemeber Reign so that he can stick it to the SWF! COACH Man, things are heating up in the wrestling world, and of course, we're at the center of the controversy! COLE Isn't it always that way though? Fans, we'll be back with our previously scheduled HeldDOWN~! right after this quick commercial break! Mini-commercial break The camera cuts to the backstage area where "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican is walking, minding his own business. He is wearing his Corporate suit and tie and is carrying his spray-painted briefcase like usual. The crowd cheers loudly the moment Tha Puerto Rican appears on screen. P.R. is going to go somewhere when... COLOMBIAN HEAT Yo, G! Colombian Heat appears, and he doesn’t look to be in a good mood. P.R. stops in his tracks, and offers up a cocky smirk to his former best friend turned mortal enemy. Heat is walking along with Spanish Fly, who gives PRL dirty looks. P.R. puts his briefcase down and stares at Heat. "THE CORPORATE CHAMPION" THA PUERTO RICAN Ah, Colombian Heat. My old friend. How are you doing these days? It’s been what? 4, 6 months since you last won a match? COLOMBIAN HEAT Ha ha. Dat’s ni-zice, dogg. Real funny. I’s just beaten Reject last month. Speakin’ of which, last month you beat Jamie O’ Hara, but you had to hold his pants in order to get de win? Watupwitdat? PRL I’ll tell you "watupwitdat" Heat. It was in the heat of the moment, no pun intended. I wanted to beat J-OH so bad, that I resorted to my old ways. Trust me, I’m not like that anymore. I’m a changed man. HEAT Oh yeah? Well, I’s say dat you are a dirty liar! PRL Oh? Oh really. HEAT Yeah, G! I’s knows you betta than anybody in the OAOAST. I was yo’ best friend for six years, dogg! We were tight. You were like my brother! If anybody knows how youse really are, it’s me, Colombian Heat! And, I’s knows that youse is lying! I see right through you, P.R.! Youse a liar! Youse hasn’t changed at all! PRL First off, it’s "you" NOT "youse", and second of all, you don’t know me as well as you think you do. You see Heat, it is possible for people to change. I know you don’t understand that, what with your little pea brain and all, but, yeah, it’s possible. I have changed for the better. I’m not the same man you fought at Anglepalooza. No. There’s a different PRL in the OAOAST now! CH Uh-huh. And just how many people have you managed to fool with dat phony crap? PRL It’s not phony. It’s the truth, Ruth! And if you want proof, just ask D*LUX! COLOMBIAN HEAT I feel sorry for D*LUX. They’s actually brought your lie! PRL It’s not a lie Heat, and I’m gonna prove it to you later on tonight when we get in the ring. PRL gets face-to-face with Colombian Heat. PRL Because when we get to the ring, I’m finally going to show the world that I’m better than you by beating you fair and square 1-2-3! No cheating, no interference. I’m gonna lay the smackdown on you ON MY OWN and there’s nothing you can do about it! HEAT Oh really? You’re gonna beat me? You can’t beat me without any help! We both know that. Just tell the truth. Youse hasn’t changed! PRL YES. I. HAVE! HEAT Okay. Okay. Keep telling these people that. But youse can’t fool me! SPANISH FLY And me neither! HEAT We don’t trust you, P.R. And nobody, ESPECIALLY D*LUX, shouldn’t either. Come on Fly, let’s go. Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly walk away. P.R. just stands there and watches them go. He looks pissed off, the McMahon SNEER~! etched on his face. (Cut to Triple C) COLE There is still tension between P.R. and Colombian Heat even though they haven’t crossed each others paths in months. And that tension just may explode tonight when PR and Popick meet Heat and Spanish Fly in a tag team match! COACH Colombian Heat is right about PRL! He hasn’t changed at all! Colombian Heat seems to be the only one who sees this! COLE Well, D*LUX are still a little hesitant, but I think they’re starting to come around. COACH These are the HI-YAH World Tag Team Champions for goodness sakes! How can we have Tag Team Champions so gullible? COLE You can say that. Or you could say, "How can we have Tag Team Champions so trustworthy?" COACH Nah, gullible is better. COLE Coach. COACH Hey, don’t come crying to me when PRL and Popick steal the Tag Team Titles away after a punch to the face with brass knuckles on November 26th. It’s gonna happen. I know it. I can see the future. Call me Coachadamus! COLE That was terrible...even for you. Renagade hits, and Reject comes through the curtains to big-time boos. COLE I guess the director wants to move the show along tonight because we're set for our next contest. The X-title on the line! Let's go to Michael Buffer! BUFFER The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the OAOAST X-Division Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, from the Bronx, weighing in at 236 pounds...RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREJECT!!!!! COLE And Reject has held the X-championship before, back in 2003, beating EvenflowDDT for the title! Tonight, he looks to become the first man to hold that title on two different occasions! COACH You mean, in three+ years, no one has ever held the X-title more than once? COLE That's exactly right, I didn't believe it either, I had to go look it up! Reject does the arms-outstretched pose on the buckles, drawing boos, as Cover Me by Part Chimp hits, and TJ Burns gets an enormous ovation as he comes through the curtains. COLE But Reject will try to become the first tonight, and here comes the champ, and what an ovation! BUFFER His opponent...hailing from Donegal, Ireland, and weighing in at 189 pounds...he is the OAOAST X-Division champion...TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEJ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY BURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! TJ acknowledges the fans, who respond positively, and slides into the ring, handing the referee the X-title belt. *DING DING DING* Reject and TJ circle the ring, and tie up. COLE Here we go, X-title on the line! After some jockeying for position, neither man can gain an edge. TJ backs off, then moves in again for another tieup. Reject goes behind, and TJ quickly gets to the ropes. Reject messes with TJ's hair as the referee tries to back him off, then quickly ducks under the ropes on the opposite side as TJ comes after him. COLE And Reject trying to get under the skin of TJ Burns early on in this one! COACH And it looks like he's doing a good job of it thus far! The referee backs TJ off as Reject ducks back inside. Reject comes out of the corner, and the two tie up once again, with TJ grabbing a side headlock. TJ cinches it in, but Reject backs him into the ropes, then pushes him off. TJ comes back and knocks Reject to the mat, then Reject flips over to his stomach as TJ hops over. Reject then hops up and goes for a hiptoss, but TJ blocks and delivers one of his own! COLE Nice counter by the X-champion! Reject gets up, and is immediately caught in a side headlock! Reject counters with a headscissors, which TJ escapes with a KIP UP~!, then delivers a dropkick! COLE And great quickness and agility on the part of TJ Burns! TJ whips Reject into the ropes, and tries another dropkick, but Reject hooks the ropes! Reject then backs TJ into the corner, and delivers a CHOP~! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! COACH WOW, you could hear that one all the way in Rancho Cucamonga! TJ sinks in the corner, and Reject picks him up and whips him across the ring. Reject charges, but TJ moves out of the way, then delivers a backdrop! Reject reaches back with his feet, and kicks TJ off, then gets up and delivers a bodyslam! TJ returns the favor, kicking off Reject, then catches him in another side headlock as the crowd applauds! COLE What action here in this matchup for the X-title, and the crowd is loving it! Reject battles his way back to his feet, and pushes TJ off into the ropes once again. TJ ducks a clothesline, and catches Reject with a flying bodypress! 1... 2... Kickout! Reject shoves TJ out to the floor on the kickout, but TJ is right back up, and delivers a shoulder to the gut, then slings over the ropes for a sunset flip! 1... 2... Kickout! Reject charges with a clothesline, but TJ ducks and delivers a foot to the gut, followed by a CHOP~! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! And another! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! And a third! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! TJ then backs Reject into the ropes, but Reject reverses an Irish whip, TJ ducks a clothesline, but Reject catches him with a BIG spinning wheel kick! COACH YEAH! COLE What a shot that was from Reject, into a cover... 1... 2... Kickout! Reject gets to his feet, and stomps away at TJ, then picks him up, and delivers a high dropkick, sending TJ rolling to the floor! Reject does the arms outstretched pose once again, as he is showered with boos. COLE And the advantage is all Reject now, all it takes is one blow like that spinning wheel kick, and it can turn the tide of a match! Reject waits on TJ to slide through, then drags him into a corner, and delivers a CHOP~! COLE WOW! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! And a second! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! TJ sinks down, allowing Reject to deliver some forearm shots to the back. He then stomps TJ as he lays on the mat face down. Reject then picks up TJ, and lifts him in a suplex, letting the blood rush to the head, then falling back and floating over for the cover... 1... 2... Kickout! Reject tosses TJ to the outside, then follows him out, picking him up and ramming his back into the ringpost! COLE And TJ meets the steel post! Reject rolls back into the ring and poses some more, and the reaction from the crowd never changes. COACH He doesn't want a countout here, though! TJ crawls onto the apron, and Reject pulls him up by the hair and through the ropes. He lifts TJ onto his shoulders in a fireman's carry, then flips him over onto his knee! COLE OH, and a unique looking backbreaker by Reject, right into a submission hold! Reject keeps TJ positioned, and applies a surfboard! COACH Reject wrenching back on the hold, using the wrists of TJ and pulling back! Reject pulls back, as TJ tries to get his feet underneath him. After some struggling, he does, as the crowd cheers him on! COLE And the crowd here in LA strongly behind TJ Burns! Burns bridges up, then breaks the grip of Reject, and hiptosses him to the mat! TJ attempts a standing moonsault, but Reject brings the knees up! COACH Oof! COLE The standing moonsault attempted, but lands right on the knees of Reject, who's going to the top rope! Reject goes to the top, and SKIES, hitting a MISSILE DROPKICK~! COACH This is it! New champion! 1... 2... NO! TJ gets a shoulder up! COLE And Reject NOT happy with the speed of the count! Reject has a finger right in the face of the referee, as TJ sneaks up and schoolboys him! 1... 2... Kickout! Reject catches TJ with a roundhouse kick to the midsection, then lifts TJ, and drives him with a FISHERMAN'S BUSTER~! 1... 2... Shoulder up! COLE And TJ refusing to quit here! Reject hooks TJ, attempting a Northern Lights suplex, but TJ blocks, then delivers a knee to the face! COLE And a hard knee from TJ... TJ hooks Reject, then runs to the corner, kicks off the top buckle, and delivers a TORNADO DDT~! COLE And a Tornado DDT out of desparation from TJ Burns! TJ crawls over for the cover... 1... 2... NO! Reject gets the shoulder up! COACH And now it's Reject kicking out just in the knick of time! Reject rakes the eyes of TJ, then delivers a foot to the gut, setting up for the PITCH BLACK~!!!111, but TJ blocks, and sets up Reject for a slingshot, delivering right in the corner, then tripping him up and applying a Boston crab! COLE And now TJ with a submission hold! Reject screams in pain, as TJ sits back on the hold. The referee checks on him, with his hand in the air ready to call for the bell at any second. Reject, however, fights the pain and is able to pull himself to the ropes! COACH And look at him fight it! Atta boy! Reject pulls himself up using the ropes, and TJ grabs his leg again, and pulls him to the center...only to be hit with an ENZIGURI~!, which sends him for a 360! COLE And a big move from Reject, the enziguri! Reject slowly gets to his feet, and delivers another CHOP~!, this one knocking TJ right off his feet! Crowd: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~! Reject goes up to the top rope, and measures TJ. He attempts a SOMERSAULT SENTON~!, but TJ rolls out of the way! TJ then pulls himself up, and charges Reject, hitting a running enziguri! He rolls Reject over, and covers... 1... 2... NO! Reject gets the shoulder up! COLE Wow, this is an amazing match! COACH And this is just the start of the night! TJ whips Reject into a corner, and charges. Reject backdrops him to the floor, but he lands on his feet, and trips up Reject from behind! COACH Oh, no! COLE Oh yes! TJ pulls Reject back, crotching him into the post! TJ then rolls back in, and picks up Reject, driving him with a RUNNING POWERBOMB~! 1... 2... NO!!! Reject kicks out! TJ stands up and drives an elbow to the sternum, then picks up Reject, and delivers the IRA FOREVER~!!!111 COLE The IRA Forever! That'll do it! 1... 2... NO!!! Reject gets the shoulder up! TJ signals for the end! COLE He says it's time to go home! COACH And that can only mean one thing! COLE The Irish Car Bomb~! COACH GET UP, REJECT~! TJ picks up Reject, and lifts him for the IRISH CAR BOMB~!!!!!11111, but Reject struggles long enough to kick off a corner, flipping down in front of TJ, and attempting the EULOGY~!!!!!11111, but TJ shoves him off into the ropes, and their heads crack, sending them both to the mat, as the crowd gives a standing ovation! COACH What a tremendous match! Spectacular! The referee begins to count... ONE!!! TWO!!! THREE!!! FOUR!!! FIVE!!! SIX!!! SEVEN!!! EIGHT!!! TJ sits up, then starts to get to his feet. Reject follows, then goes for a spin kick, which TJ ducks, and delivers a German suplex! 1... 2... But Reject kicks out! COACH Geez! What's it going to take to end this thing? Both men get to their feet once again, and TJ whips Reject into the ropes. TJ catches Reject for a tilt-a-whirl slam, but Reject lands on his feet...and catches TJ with the EULOGY~!!!!!11111 COACH HE GOT IT! COLE Reject with the Eulogy! He hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3!!! *DING DING DING* COACH YYYYYYYEAH!!! COLE And we have got a NEW X-division champion! What a way to kick off HeldDOWN~! The referee hands Reject the X-title belt, and he holds it high in the air with his right hand. BUFFER The winner of the match...and NEWWWWWWWWWWWW OAOAST X-division champion...RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREJECT!!!!! COACH I called it, Cole! I said Reject would be wearing the gold before year's end, and he's done it! The Burrough Boys run out to the ring to celebrate with Reject, high-fiving and jumping around, and Luther and Waldo lift Reject on their shoulders as he holds the X-title in the air. COLE Reject has indeed done it, becoming the first man ever to hold the X-division title on multiple occasions! But TJ Burns made it a hell of a match, and listen to the ovation as he walks back to the dressing room! The fans cheer on TJ Burns, and pat his back as he walks down the aisle. A "T-J" chant is started. COLE As the fans chant "TJ", we've got a lot more in store after that amazing match! The camera shoots the ring once more, as Reject poses on the buckle with his newly won belt, looking down at the camera and saying REJECT Today, the November Reign,'s the WORLD. *cut to Sofa Central* COACH *clapping* Man, I am PUMPED UP after that match! Way to go, Reject! You deserve it, baby! COLE Reject said he would bounce back after his loss at Syndicated to Colombian Heat, and he has bounced back in a BIG way, he is the NEW OAOAST X-division champion! We've got more for you, so stick around because HeldDOWN returns! Commercial break Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingPK 0 Report post Posted November 17, 2006 We return to a jubilant scene backstage, where Reject and the Burrough Boys are celebrating with champagne, World Series-style. Josh Matthews is back there to catch the action. JOSH I'm back here with the brand new X-division champion, Reject, and needless to say, the modd is jovial back here! REJECT Hey little man, you think this is something, you just wait until after November Reign, when I walk out holding the big belt, the World Heavyweight title. USA, Canada, it doesn't matter, they're gonna be dancing on the streets... The celebration halts, and all eyes turn to Alfdogg, who has just walked into the room flanked by Team Canada. The crowd explodes upon this sight. Alf gives the sarcastic slow clap, then pulls the mic to his face. ALF Reject! Congratulations, the brand new X champion. Now, let me bring you back down to Earth, son. You're forgetting one very important element of November Reign, which would, of course, be me. You see, after we bring down Brock and his boys, it's going to be me moving on to the Triple Cage, and me moving on to regain the World Heavyweight title. All eyes turn again, as Thunderkid walks into the room to the boos of the crowd. TK You know Alf...we haven't seen eye-to-eye on much lately...but I agree with you on one thing. Reject won't be walking out of November Reign with that big gold belt. However, where you make the mistake, is that you forgot to mention who will be across the ring from you, along with Brock Ausstin. That would be me, Alf! *crowd boos* ALF I didn't forget. I'll be waiting for you at November Reign. And much like Bret "The Hitman" Hart won his first world title right here in Saskatoon...*crowd cheers*...I am GOING to move on to the Triple Cage, and win back my World Heavyweight title. *crowd cheers* REJECT You may move on, Alf...but politics won't help you in a Triple Cage. I'll do what I SHOULD have done at the Bash, and win the World Heavyweight title. And as for you (looks at TK)...what happened at AngleMania? What happened at Living Angleously? What makes you THINK, that it'll be any different inside a cage? TK If you haven't noticed...I've bounced back, as well. Since you beat me, I've been the hottest ticket in town. And at November Reign, you two don't need the Weather Channel...because, rest assured, I WILL bring the THUNDER. *crowd boos, then cheers as the camera shoots a tense staredown between the three former Deadly Alliance comrades.* COLE Things are heating up going into one of the biggest main events in OAOAST history at November Reign. To recap what we know about the match so far, OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion Drek Stone and seven challengers will be put in a massive, three-tiered steel cage where they will fight to climb upwards to the top cage where those left standing will battle to claim the World Heavyweight Title belt. That may seem to be a pretty general description, but Anglesault and Bill Watts are being awfully tight lipped about the specifics of the match. COACH Drek's taken a sabbatical from the OAOAST to train for this match, so don't think that Drek will just let himself be thrown to the wolves like Watts wants. We will see Drek's finest hour next Sunday. *BZZZZT* *SHHHHHHHHHHHHH* Suddenly, the picture starts shorting out before going to static. The picture clears as we hear..... "To be give metallic container of carbonated beverage" The picture clears to show a weird creature only known as "It" backstage pointing his blaster pistol at a Soda Machine while emitting weird squeaks in between his broken, oddly phrased English. "TO BE GIVE! ZORF!!" "It" pulls the trigger on his gun *ZOOOOW-OWWW-OW* To you, me and every sane person on earth the blaster in "It's" hand is just a toy but somehow it seems to work as the machine spits out a can of orange soda. "It" pulls it out of the machine and then sniffs it "Aluminum, it is what It is having for late in the cycle feed" The alien makes a few more strange sounds and then pauses as it hears someone coming down the hallway. We quickly cut to the other end of the hallway where four masked men clad in brightly colored outfits are WALKING~! and talking in Japanese, with helpful voice over provided, in short - Here comes the Space Cadets. 他の夜 Battlestar Galactica をつかまえたか。? VOICE OVER (Space Phaero) “I am looking forward to finally making my debut this week, when I find out who hit me over the head last week there will be hell to pay (Trust me that’s TOTALLY what he said) The other Space Cadets nod VOICE OVER (Supernova) We are with you valiant comrade, the Space Cadets fly together VOICE OVER (Venom) INDEEEEEEEEEEED! When IT opens the can of soda the pop alerts the Space Cadets to his presence, Discovery stops the others and then gesticulates towards the alien VOICE OVER (Discovery) LOOK SPACE CADETS!! It’s the wanted criminal from the Toilet Bowl Nebula who wants to steal all the soda on earth. VOICE OVER (Supernova) And he’s got a can of tasty, tingly Orangunade©!! VOICE OVER (Space Phaero) Get him! VOICE OVER (Venom) INDEEEEEEEEEEED! When “It” sees the four Space Cadets come running towards him he emits a high beep and then runs off as the four men give chase VOICE OVER (Supernova) You cannot escape evildoer!! When the Space Cadets turn the corner they realize that “It” must have ducked into one of the locker rooms because the only person in the hallway is the janitor who’s busy mopping the floor. VOICE OVER (Space Phaero) Greetings Sanitation Engineer, have you seen an alien run by here? The Janitor points to a door down the hallway. VOICE OVER (Space Phaero) Thank you kind sir, we will remember you in our Crime Logs The Space Cadets head for the door while the Janitor keeps on mopping for a second, then when he’s sure they’re not looking he takes off the cunning janitor’s hat disguise, drops the mop and goes back to his sweet, sweet aluminum can. Meanwhile the Space Cadets have reached the door that the “Janitor” pointed to and quickly opens it “WHAT THE HELL?” The only person inside is Ramone Juan Jesus Gutierez who seems to have been caught off guard without his mask on as he quickly grabs a towel and uses it to cover his face RAMONE Get the hell out of here Vatos! The Space Cadets look at each other in confusion, this is not the type of alien they were looking for. VOICE OVER (Supernova) A thousand apologies Mr. Latino Person, we shall depart immediately Supernova quickly closes the door and they head down the hallway continuing their search for “It”. Moments later the door opens once more and the now masked face of Ramone appears. He stares at the Space Cadets as his eyes narrow and a flash of red shoots across them. VOICE OVER (Discovery) Maybe he was the one that attacked you last week Phaero. VOICE OVER (Space Phaero) If he is then he will pay for his misdeeds! VOICE OVER (VENOM) INDEEEEEEEEEEED! And with that we fade back to Coach and Cole at Sofa Central who both just sit there with their mouths open trying to figure out what the HELL that was all about COACH & COLE :huh: :huh: COACH *Clears throat* Did the Sci-Fi Channel just cut into our feed? COLE I think that was backstage Coach COACH No way! COLE I’m afraid so. And they're debuting tonight? Well, it takes all kinds to make an e-fed, I guess. AC/DC's "Money Talks" blasts through the loud speakers as Mackenzie DeCenzo leads the team of Theodore Moneymaker and Christian Wright to the ring. BUFFER Wrestling fans, the following contest LIVE on TSM is scheduled for one fall with a 15 minute time limit. Introducing first, representing The Enterprise, accompanied to the ring by their business consultant MACKENZIE DECENZO, total combine weight 462 are CHRISTIAN WRIGHT and THEODORE MONEYMAKER! Wright and Moneymaker are the personification of stylin' and profilin'. Their entrance attire more expensive than most people's houses. Christian hands off his trusty briefcase to Mackenzie for safe keeping, as he and Theodore prepare for action. COLE Our next match is a direct result of the ongoing feud between Los Diablos de Fuego, Los Conquistadors and the Beverly Hills Blonds, who also are members of The Enterprise. As seen last week on HeldDOWN~!, the Enterprise and their stooges Los Conquistadors laid a beatdown on Los Diablos de Fuego following an impromptu match that ended rather controversially. COACH In your opinion. COLE Yeah, whatever. Everyone who saw that match knows what I'm talking about. Anyway, Rescue 911 took it upon themselves to come out and save Moracca and Mariachi from any further damage, clearing the ring of The Enterprise, a gesture well received by the masked luchadors. COACH And one not so well received by the Enterprise. Rescue 911 should've minded their own business. You say its urgent Make it fast, make it urgent Do it quick, do it urgent Gotta rush, make it urgent BUFFER Their opponents, from the OAOAST First Responders Unit, 485 pounds...EMT TIM and OFFICER BOSLEY...RESCUE 911~! As usual, the women go crazy for the men in uniform, as do the more vocal Los Diablos de Fuego fans in attendence. COLE Rescue 911 quickly developing quite a following in the OAOAST. Their courage and bravery not going un-noticed by our great fans. Which the guys have taken notice of. OAOAST A small square box SWOOPS~ in and settles on the upper right hand side of the picture. There, Officer Bosley and EMT Tim stand in front of a grey OAOAST backdrop. EMT TIM Hey there, wrestling fans. My name is EMT Tim and this here is my tag team partner and fellow public servent Officer Bosley; collectively known as Rescue 911. We're here to tell you how excited we are to be competing in the OAOAST and in front of the best fans in professional wrestling. While we haven't been in the sport long, we're rapidly improving with every match and with your help plan on leapfrogging every tag team in the Top 10 and straight to the World tag team titles! OFFICER BOSLEY You're exactly right, partner. Fan support means a whole lot to us. I know it's the same for you down at the hospital as it is for me at my precinct, and that's everyone wants to know is why we helped Los Diablos de Fuego last week; stuck our nose in other people's business, so to speak. Well, we live by 3 basic principle: Serve the public's trust, protect the innocent, and uphold the law. And last week the law was broken when the Enterprise decided to engage in gang activity and assault a couple of innocent bystanders. As if that wasn't enough, they were also in possesion of a weapon -- a barb wire coal miner's glove. The Enterprise then fought the law and the law won. And the law will prevail once again in just a matter of moments. So to all you kids out there, please remember: crime doesn't pay. HELDOWN~! COACH I'm sure Rescue 911 are very popular in the red states, but don't they know the rich and famous are above the law? COLE No one's above the law, Coach. * DING DING * Rescue 911 pop the females by simply removing their tops. Theodore Moneymaker and Christian Wright none too impressed, trading barbs with their opponents and then blows as the war of words turns into a war! Both teams battle out to the arena floor, with Moneymaker and Officer Bosley quickly taking it back inside. A series of bodyshots stun the "Billion Dollar Heir" in the corner, as EMT Tim and Christian return to their respective sides of the ring. Bosley sends Theodore to the far corner and charges in, only to eat a KNEE TO THE FACE! Moneymaker steps onto the middle rope for a double axe handle smash...but Officer Bosley catches him on the way down with a shot to the gut, flipping Teddy over! Bosley brings Moneymaker up in an armbar and takes him to the Rescue 911 corner. Following a tag, Tim comes off the top with a double axe across Theodore's outstretched arm. He then wrings the arm and takes Moneymaker to the mat with an armdrag. Teddy doesn't stay on his BUTT for long, rising back up to RAKE the eyes! Then with just a glance over at his corner, Christian Wright sticks his knee through the middle rope and face-first goes the medic. COACH Even you gotta admit that's great teamwork, Mikey. No words. Just eye contact. You only see that out of the best teams. COLE Pretty impressive when you consider Moneymaker and Wright have never teamed before prior to tonight. Tag made to Wright. Still reeling from the eye rake and knee to the face, Tim is unable to defend himself from the onslaught of European uppercuts and knife-edge chops employed by Christian. Wright pulls Tim out of the corner and shoots him to the ropes, snapping him over with a powerslam and then bringing him right back up to hit in succesion a Triple H-style facebuster, an inverted atomic drop, an STO and then a kneedrop! COLE C-4! An explosive maneuver on the part of the 2005 OAOAST Rookie Of The Year and now Enterprise Financial Analyst, Christian Wright. All he has to do now is cover EMT Tim and it's over. The Natural rules against going for the pin at the last second, wagging his finger as if to say not yet, which tickles Theodore Moneymaker pink. The Billion Dollar Heir and Enterprise CEO laughing maniacally in the corner as CW goes up to the middle rope for a big elbow...but misses as Tim moves! COACH He was playing possum! That shows me Rescue 911 know they can't beat the new CW and Theodore. COLE It shows me EMT Tim is picking up on the subtleties of wrestling, the chess games that go on during a match. As Tim nears his corner Theodore rushes in and knocks Officer Bosley off the apron. Well worth the tongue-lashing he receives from the referee afterward. Teddy just brushing Nick Patrick off like a middle class citizen. Christian makes it to the corner and the Enterprise have their third tag of the night. Moneymaker steps back in and slaps Tim upside the head, stomping and laughing at his face. Theodore traps Tim against the ropes and hammers away, the sweat flying off Tim's face and onto your television screens. Firmly in control, Teddy whips Tim to the ropes and winds up paying for it as the EMT ducks under an attempted back elbow smash and nails him on the rebound with a CROSS BODY! But rather than go for the pin Tim chooses to tag out and launch Officer Bosley into the ring...SLINGSHOT SHOULDERBLOCK! ONE... TWO... KICKOUT! Turnbuckle smash rattles Theodore in the corner. Moneymaker has another unpleasent experience with the turnbuckles as he's sent hard into the far corner, causing him to shoot right back at Officer Bosley and into a backdrop. Teddy goes for another ride, this time to the ropes...MILITARY PRESS SLAM! With Theodore flat on his back and running high on adreanline, Rescue 911 decide to go for it all right here, taking a major chance by having Bosley slingshot Tim into the ring for a big splash...but Moneymaker gets the knees up! COLE Aw, man. Rescue 911 took a chance and it didn't pay off. Theodore Moneymaker had that move well scouted. He knew Rescue 911 love to use various slingshot maneuvers. COACH Like his opponents, the Moneyman is a rookie in the sport of professional wrestling...but he's had the best training money can buy. Rather than stay down and take a minimal breather as Moneymaker makes a tag, Tim rises to his feet and gets drilled by a Christian Wright SUPERKICK! ONE... TWO... THR-- NO! Bosley breaks up the fall and draws the wrath from Wright and Moneymaker, as does the referee who the Enterprise representives feel didn't scold him harshly enough. Christian shakes it off and drops the fist dangerously close to Tim's throat. He scoops the EMT across his shoulders in a fireman's carry and rolls forward...BANK ROLL! ONE... TWO... THREE-- NO! Again Bosley makes the save. Moneymaker and Wright beginning to close their patience with the referee. Mackenzie DeCenzo screaming for a disqualification. The determination of Rescue 911 starting to worry the Enterprise members. Sensing the frustration creeping in on the team of Christan and Theodore, Bosley leads the crowd in a chant of... "9-1-1!" "9-1-1!" "9-1-1!" Mackenzie and Theodore attempt to quell the chants with verbal insults, which naturally drives the crowd into further civil disobedience. WRIGHT SILENCE! "9-1-1!" "9-1-1!" "9-1-1!" COACH I hope the fans keep chanting 9-1-1, because EMT Tim's gonna need it once CW hits this. Coach is referring to the Stockmarket Crash, Wright's Gordbuster finisher, which Tim blocks and counters into a suplex! Tim rallies with rights and lefts, rocking the reigning Rookie of the Year. What looks like the start of a big comeback only turns out to be a tease, as Christian reverses Tim's Irish whip, allowing Theodore to ram the knee into the spine of the back! The EMT crumbles to his knees, grimacing in pain as he holds onto his back. Yet another tag is made by the team of Christian Wright and Theodore Moneymaker, who continute to isolate EMT Tim from not just his partner but their side of the ring. Moneymaker capitalizes on a beautifully executed vertical suplex by dropping A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS! ONE... TWO... THR-- KICKOUT! Theodore SLAPS the taste out of Tim's mouth prior to stomping him viciously in the face. Moneymaker gives EMT Tim the opportunity to resign from the match, forcing him to look the referee dead in the eye. Tim responds by jabbing his fist upside Teddy's head! "YEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!" COLE EMT Tim letting Theodore Moneymaker know never to disrespect him like that again. Likewise for Moneymaker, who spikes the elbow square between eyes for good measure. Theodore then places Tim in a double chicken-wing as Christian peppers him with closed fists and European uppercuts. The pair continuing to widen the gap in the number of tags made. Moneymaker releases the medic and exits to avoid a DQ. Meanwhile, Wright wraps both arms around Tim's and plants him in the middle of the ring with a belly-to-belly suplex! Christian uses that as the prelude to his next move...the Frog Splash...but Officer Bosley begins SHAKING the top rope and causes the Natural to CROTCH himself! WRIGHT COACH No matter your opinion of CW, every man in the world feels his pain. Even Michael Cole. Luckily for CW and Teddy, it happens in their corner so a tag is easily made. While Christian recoups on the apron, Moneymaker fires Tim into the ropes and lowers the head as the EMT bounces off and back...and slams him face-first into the mat! But Tim is much too exhausted to do anything, like make a tag or attempt a pin. Unfortunately for Theodore, CW still hasn't fully recovered from the turnbuckle crotch, so after a head-rattling, mind-altering experience, he must continue for his team. And it probably plays a key role in Tim countering a piledriver with a backdrop! To prevent EMT Tim from making the tag, Moneymaker pops right up...jelly-legged and all...and locks him in THE BANK VAULT! COLE No one--and I mean no one--has managed to escape the Bank Vault. Theodore Moneymaker's version of a corba clutch sleeper. Almost immediately Tim starts to become woozy, struggling to maintain his balance as Moneymaker shakes him around like a ragdoll to apply further pressure. So out of total desperation he slips in under Teddy's side and lands a back suplex! "YEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!" COLE Oh, my! He did it! Tim broke the Bank Vault! COACH You jinx'd him, you idiot! You said no one had broken the Bank Vault. COLE And no one did...until now. Tim slo-o-o-o-wly rolls to his corner, building up the suspense and the pressure on Moneymaker and/or Christian Wright to prevent the tag from happening. That job falls in the hands of CW who must fill-in, illegally I might add, as Teddy is in no position or condition to do so. EMT Tim sees Wright storming in out of the corner of his eye and lunges towards his corner...making the hot tag! COLE There it is! There's the tag! Officer Bosley and Theodore Moneymaker the legal men. And Bosley is a house afire, decking both Wright and Moneymaker. Then two scoops and two slams. Bosley fires Christian into the ropes, and down with a dropkick. Teddy tries sneaking up on Bosley from the blindside, but again gets nailed with a shot to the gut, then a side Russian legsweep. EMT Tim re-appears, clotheslining CW over the top rope, sending both tumbling to the arena floor where they resume hand-to-hand combat. Mackenzie gets involved in the action, RAKING Tim across the back and draws blood! Tim turns around to get him some of Mackie, but Wright shoves him into the ringpost! COLE Tim is down and he may be out, ladies and gentlemen. COACH Heh. Tim's the one who needs an EMT now. Serves him right for wanting to physically harm Mackie. COLE She's the one who attacked him! COACH Whatever. I just know Christian Wright is a protector of women's rights. Nick Patrick sees Tim down on the ground and goes to check on him. Just the opening the Enterprise need. Inside the ring, Officer Bosley has Theodore set for the first part of his Arrest & Trial finishing maneuver, a brainbuster into a rear naked choke, but he doesn't even get Moneymaker off the ground as Christian comes in and... * THUNK * ...wallops him in the back of the head with his BRIEFCASE! COLE No, damnit. Not another one of these finishes. We saw one just like this last week, when Los Conquistadors produced a barb wire coal miner's glove from the purse of Mackenzie DeCenzo and used it to defeat Los Diablos de Fuego. Theodore shields Officer Bosley's eyes with his hand to prevent the referee from noticing he's unconscious. ONE... TWO... THREE! * DING DING DING DING * BUFFER LLLLLLadies and gentlemen, the winners of the match...THEODORE MONEYMAKER and CHRISTIAN WRIGHT! "YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" The fans aren't cheering the announcement, but rather the arrival of LOS DIABLOS DE FUEGO who return the favor Rescue 911 did for them last week. Having achieved their goal of winning, Theodore and Christian high-tail it up the ramp along with Mackenzie. Moracca and Mariachi get on their hands and knees and beg Wright and Moneymaker to come back inside for a fight. But they won't have any of it, nor will the OAOAST officials who swarm the area such as Rick Martel and Terry Taylor. Christian and Theodore are then joined by their fellow Enterprise associates, the Beverly Hills Blonds, and Los Conquistador stooges, which suddenly give them the urge to fight. COLE Oh, yeah. Look how tough these guys are when numbers are on their side. Wright and Moneymaker wouldn't dare face Los Diablos de Fuego on their own, but once they're buddies and kiss asses showed up, they were ready for a fight. Hopefully OAOAST officials can get this match signed for November Reign, because I sure want to see the Enterprise get theirs. Back with more in a minute. Commercial break Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingPK 0 Report post Posted November 17, 2006 Wrestler-turned color commentator-turned actor-turned politician Jesse "The Body" Ventura stands in the ring, microphone in hand. VENTURA Last week my broadcast colleague "Mean" Gene Okerlund was supposed to conduct an interview with the reigning tag team champions of the world, the Sooner Bruisers. I say supposed to because thanks to my next guests that interview never took place. So without any further ado, I introduced to you the team that shook the wrestling world one week ago, the greatest rock n wrestling band of all time...THE HEAVENLY RRRRROCKERS! "YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Synth and Logan enter the arena to Nirvana's "Heart-Shaped Box." Logan Usher Mann carrying a broken BROOM HANDLE, persumably the one used last week on Big Frank Bruiser. As the former tag team champions continue their march to the ring, Cole recaps last week's violent confrontation involving the Heavenly Rockers and Sooner Bruisers. Once the footage ends, it's back to Jesse in the ring with Synth and Logan. "WEL-COME BACK!" "WEL-COME BACK!" "WEL-COME BACK!" Synth and Logan acknowledge the chant, nodding and pointing at the crowd. So deafening are the chants the start of the interview is briefly delayed. VENTURA Well, it's fairly obvious the fans here in Saskatchewan are happy to see you back, but I know two guys who aren't and they just happen to be the World tag team champions. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" LOGAN Of course they wouldn't be happy. The Sooner Bruisers got a taste of what's in store for them. Having said that, I'd like to apolozie to Frank for my actions last week. I'm sorry I cracked this broom over your back, big man, I was aiming for your head but with that jacked up physique you're like a turtle inside its shell. SYNTH Hot damn, Ah think somebody got served. LOGAN An animal is said to be at its most dangerous when wounded, and right now the Heavenly Rockers are wounded mentally and physically. But that didn't stop us from coming back and unleashing hell on the men who did us wrong, Frank and Uber Bruiser, the Sooner Bruisers. Make no mistake about it, the Sooner Bruisers are a great team. The most dominating tag team in wrestling today and by far the toughest men we've faced in our two-plus years in the industry. It was them who ended our reign as World tag team champions at Angleslam. In one night they nearly accomplished what other men tried to do for months...and that's put us out of business. But as you can see, they failed. Synth and I know how to take a licking and keep on ticking, baby. It's why we've overcome every obstacle thrown our way. That and along with something called the heart of a champion. We worked too hard for us to stick our head between our legs only to leave because some people want us out. If there's one thing you don't do, it's push the Heavenly Rockers around. VENTURA The Sooner Bruisers might not be able to push you around, but they certainly can to somebody like your wife, Holly-Wood. The last time we saw her... LOGAN Don't you think I remember seeing her beautiful body lying on the mat motionless?! It's an image I'll never get out of my mind for as long as I live. And it's not just her who got bullied by the Sooner Bruisers. Not that long ago so did a couple friends of ours, the Sk8ter Boiz. I've heard the phrase used on television that I think is worth repeatedly -- the Sooner Bruisers are bullies. Their existance is based on intimidation with a little jealously thrown in. Jealous of the fact a couple rock n rollers like ourselves rose to the top while all their amatuer accolades got them nowhere in the OAOAST accept the occasion match here and there. That's when their whole outlook on life changed. Rather than work hard, they took the cheap way out. Well no more. Hate's a strong word, but not strong enough to describe our feelings about the Sooner Bruisers. Inside a cage, falls count anywhere or whatever kind of match you want, know one thing...your days of bullying people are over because the Heavenly Rockers are back to get you and the World tag team title! VENTURA All right. There you have it. The Heavenly Rockers say they're back for two things -- the Sooner Bruisers and the tag team championship of the world. We still got more to come--right now apparently! Talk about instant feedback. The SOONER BRUISERS hit the ring to deliver theirs personally, but the Heavenly Rockers are ready for more than just a critique of their promo...they're ready to fight. Big Frank tackles Logan to the ground, causing him to drop the broom handle. The two roll around the ring trading punches, while Synth and Uber go outside and hit each other with everything from steel chairs to a fan's digital camera! Various tag teams rush from the back to breakup the brawl. They include America's Team, Team Canada, D*LUX, the Beverly Hills Blonds, Team Jamaica, NRG, the Burrough Boys, and the South Central Militia. Frank isn't pleased when America's Team and Team Canada pull him off Logan, and shows it by pie-facing Charlie Moss. Quentin Benjamin stands up for his partner and takes a shot at Frank...but he ducks and the punch intended for him hits Fliex Strutter! That's all the ammo Team Canada need to get into it with Moss and Benjamin. All the other teams decided to get in on the act and suddenly a 20-man street fight erupts! COLE It's breaking loose in Saskatchewan. We desperately need to restore order. Ladies and gentlemen, don't touch that remote. We'll be back! --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOVEMBER REIGN 2006 Sleep off the turkey and Black Friday shopping on Saturday, because you won't want to miss Sunday! ONLY on pay-per-view! Coming back, the ring has been cleared of everyone but Michael Buffer and a referee for our next match. Magic, huh? MICHAEL BUFFER The following match is a 2 out of 3 falls Lucha Libre rules tag-team match. ”Some things in life are bad They can really make you mad Other things just make you swear and curse.” COACH What the hell is this Cole? COLE You never heard this song before? COACH Yeah I have dumbass, but what kind of entrance music is THAT? ”When you're chewing on life's gristle Don't grumble, give a whistle And this'll help things turn out for the best... ” MICHAEL BUFFER Introducing first making a stop on their world tour, From Copenhagen, Denmark at a combined weight of 460 pounds, The King of Beers, Danish Dynamite – the Red & White EXPREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSS!!! ”And...always look on the bright side of life... Always look on the light side of life... ” COACH Who? COLE They were part of the World Tag-Team cup remember? COACH No COLE Team Denmark, they had a really great match against Team Jamaica. The office thought they would give them a chance to showcase their skills on HeldDOWN since they were in Canada anyway. ”If life seems jolly rotten There's something you've forgotten And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing. ” The curtains part and out comes the red and white clad, face painted Danish Dynamite high fiving the closest fans, Dynamite is quickly joined by the green shirted, Singapore cane wielding, Carlsberg beer drinking King of Beers who pops the crowd by tossing a couple of cold ones into the crowd YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!! COACH Trying to bribe the fans, how pathetic COLE It’s not a bribe Coach, these guys are just a couple of nice guys who want to entertain COACH “They’re just nice guys”? I’ll grant you it’s unusual in wrestling but that’ll NEVER work! ”When you're feeling in the dumps Don't be silly chumps Just purse your lips and whistle - that's the thing. ” The Red & White Express enters the ring and then strikes a quick, smiling, fan friendly pose so that fans with cameras can get a good shot of the world traveling duo. COACH I wonder if the Space Cadets will actually make it to the arena tonight, they didn’t last week. COLE Yeah thanks to the Wildcards ”And...always look on the bright side of life... Always look on the light side of life... ” MICHAEL BUFFER AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND THEIR OPPONENTS!! Coming to you straight out of the Space Academy, half of the Space Cadets – OAOAST give it up for DISCOVERY & VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENOM!! The theme to the Japanese cult series Ultra-Man begins to play as two brightly clad figures appear striking a pose back to back, cape to cape before running to the ring. COACH You know with those masks and the full body suits it could be ANYONE under those masks COLE Oh yeah totally, I mean Discovery could be Gibraltar under the mask. COACH Oh shut up that’s not what I meant COLE And look out here comes the ghost of Andre the Giant dressed up as Venom COACH Alright, alright joke is over! COLE Indeed it is, these four Space Cadets come from HI-GATE and from what I understand they are the 2006 Young Lions’ award winners COACH What the heck is that? COLE It’s a Japanese version of the “Rookie of the Year” award, this year they gave it to the Space Cadets as a group. COACH Well that and a dollar will buy you a cup of coffee COLE As long as you don’t go to Starbucks Both Discovery and Venom have disposed of their capes and are ready for some action. Dynamite extends his hand in a gesture of sportsmanship, quickly shaking the hand of both Venom and Discovery. COLE It’s nice to see that Sportsmanship isn’t dead in the OAOAST COACH Sportsmanship isn’t dead Cole, but it is on life support *DING*DING*DING* Discovery and Danish Dynamite circle each other, both holding back a bit to see what the other one has to offer, then they both suddenly lock up after which Danish Dynamite quickly turns that lock up into a wrist lock. Discovery only stays in wrist lock for a split second before he runs towards the corner, leaps up the turnbuckles and then flips over dragging Danish Dynamite to the ground with an arm drag COLE I think the Space Cadets will really liven up the X-Division Coach COACH It could definitely use it. Dynamite is quickly up again and runs at Discovery, the Space Cadet drops to the ground to let Dynamite run right over him into the ropes. On the rebound Discovery ducks down for a back drop but Dynamite spins around and rolls backwards over Discovery’s back landing on his feet right behind him. Dynamite grabs Discovery around the waist and takes him down with a Belly to Back suplex that he rolls with into a pinning position ONE! TWO!! KICK OUT!! COLE Dynamite is showing some speed tonight too COACH Yeah that’s nice COLE He may only be 22 but he’s already as seasoned pro Coach, he’s competed extensively in both Europe and Japan where he’s held several light heavyweight titles Dynamite goes for a clothesline but Discovery counters it by ducking under the arm and then hooking Dynamite’s head for a spinning Christo Huracanrana type of move that throws Dynamite clean through the ropes. The Dane hardly has time to get on his feet before Discovery runs across the ring, does a handstand flip over the top rope and takes the red and white clad Dynamite down with a stunning Space Tiger Drop HOLY SHIT!! HOLY SHIT!! HOLY SHIT!! HOLY SHIT!! Since this is Lucha Libre rules both Venom and the King of Beers enter the ring legally despite the lack of tags. The slighty bigger brawler waits for Venom to make the first move as he remains in the corner with his back against the turnbuckles. COACH What kind of name is “The King of Beers”? COLE Well he won a tournament in Europe to earn that name Coach, Before he was Carl Berg COACH Carlsberg? That’s the stupidest name I’ve ever heard COLE He beat a guy called Budd Wizor in the finals COACH I take that back. Venom runs at the King and leaps at him for an aerial attack, but the King of Beers puts his hands up and lifts Venom up even higher, up over his head so that he lands on the top turnbuckle instead. Venom bounces on the rope once, then leaps backwards and catches the King of Beers by surprise as he Huracanranas him to the ground. When The King of Beers gets back on his feet Venom tries to kick him in the gut but his foot is caught in mid air, the King flips Venom backwards hoping to drop him on his face but Venom flips with the momentum and lands on his feet. COACH I can’t even keep up with these moves! Venom raises his hands to showboat after successfully escaping that last move but it proves to be a mistake as it gives the King of Beers the opening to land a lariat on Venom. The King of Beers throws Venom out of the ring and then tags in Danish Dynamite. Dynamite notices that Discovery has jumped off the apron to check on Venom and uses this opportunity to leap up on the middle of the top rope, pause there for a second and then KNOCK BOTH SPACE CADETS DOWN WITH A HIGH ANGLE CROSS BODY PRESS!! HOLY SHIT!! HOLY SHIT!! HOLY SHIT!! HOLY SHIT!! The King of Beers, despite not really being a luchador decides that the crowd deserves a little something extra and follows Dynamite’s leap with a Corkscrew Tope on top of Venom. Dynamite and the King of Beers toss Venom back in the ring, followed by Dynamite. The King of Beers pulls Discovery to his feet to help him to his corner, but he didn’t expect Discovery to leap up on the apron, bounce off the bottom rope and flip over on top of the King of Beers COLE Wow, I don’t know what else to say Coach COACH I got to admit it, I’m impressed with these guys. Dynamite runs at the ropes like he’s going to leap onto Discovery but the moment the Space Cadet ducks down Dynamite does a handstand against the ropes, flipping his body backwards instead of leaping out of the ring. By faking out Discovery Dynamite took his eyes off Venom for a second, something he pays for as Venom leaps up and sits on Dynamite’s shoulders before rolling forward propelling Dynamite into the corner. When Dynamite staggers out of the corner Venom runs at him, launches into another spinning Christo but this time instead of Huracanranaing Dynamite down he manages to turn his body around and roll up Dynamite in a small package ONE!! TWO!! KICK OUT!! Dynamite rolls backwards out of the ring to let the King of Beers take over. The green clad brawler rushes Venom only to find himself trapped by a monkey flip from Venom that tosses the Danish Beer lover into the turnbuckles. Venom waits for the King to get back up and then rushes him once more. The King of Beers moves out of the way at the last moment causing Venom to strike the top turnbuckle with his knee and flip over out of the ring. COLE I’m sorry fans I know we would normally tell you all sort of information about the guys in the ring COACH They don’t need it Cole, they could be four guys in white trunks and masks and the crowd would still love it. COLE Very true, they are making a splash here on HeldDOWN! Discover rushes the King of Beers only to find himself backdropped for his trouble. When Discovery kips up, the King quickly sweeps out his legs to put him back down. After the second kip up the King of Beers once again sweeps Discovery’s legs out from under him only to see Discovery kip up a third time. He doesn’t kip up from the big boot to the face however! The King of Beers quickly pick up his much lighter opponent and places him on the top rope, then he crawls up on the second rope himself, grabs Discovery under the arms and raises him up for a Razor’s Edge off the second rope. COLE This could be it right here! COACH NO!!! Discovery turns the “Splash Mountain” attempt into a Huracanrana tossing the King of Beers half way across the ring and then knocking the dazed guy totally out of the ring with a drop kick to the chest. Venom joins his partner in the ring as they both race across the ring diagonally and then… LEAP OVER THE RINGPOST!! HOLY SHIT!! HOLY SHIT!! HOLY SHIT!! HOLY SHIT!! COACH Man did you see the elevation on that one? COLE HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE COMES DYNAMITE!! Dynamite has leapt onto the top rope and stuns everyone with a Shooting Star Press OVER the ringpost!! COLE Holy crap I thought he was going to hit his head on the top of the ringpost COACH It was SO close, these guys are taking so many risks it’s not even funny. Dynamite grabs Venom by the mask and rolls him into the ring, then he leaps up on the apron, another leap up on the top rope before he flips backwards into the ring with a Moonsault COLE MISSED!! Venom moved! COACH This is where the high risk moves backfire Cole. Venom pulls Dynamite to his feet, whips him into the ropes, ducks under when Dynamite returns and then tries to catch him on the rebound with a back drop. But instead of the backdrop Dynamite manages adjust his trajectory so that he ends up STANDING on Venom’s shoulders instead before flipping over backwards. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!! When Venom attacks again Dynamite tries to duck under it but the quick thinking Space Cadet leaps over the top of Dynamite and rolls him up with a Sunset flip ONE!! TWO!! TH-KICK OUT!! Venom signals for Discovery to join him in the ring as Dynamite staggers back to his feet. The two Space Cadets show off their incredible team work by leaping up on Dynamite’s left and right thigh respectively and then kicking the Dane in the back of the head with a double Dangerous Wizard! SPACE CADETS!! SPACE CADETS!! SPACE CADETS!! SPACE CADETS!! COLE Listen to the crowd Coach! The King of Beers decides to join the action as he grabs Venom around the waist and then throws him over the top of the ropes with a release belly to back suplex. Dynamite launches himself at Discovery with a spin kick while the King of Beers sweeps Discovery’s legs out from under him. COACH Cover him!! Come on cover him!! But instead of a cover the King of Beers picks up Discovery and lifts him up into a power bomb position while Dynamite gets ready for one of their well practiced moves. The King holds Discovery up in the air, he gets an extra strong grip and then tosses Discovery straight up and a bit to the right. When Discovery comes down again Dynamite grabs him and lands a sit out power bomb DYNAMITE!! DYNAMITE!! DYNAMITE!! Dynamite is no longer the legal man in the ring so he can’t cover, instead he quickly exits the ring so that the King of Beers can go for the cover. ONE!! TWO!! HAND ON THE ROPES!! COLE What is *HE* doing out here? The “He” that Cole is talking about is Ramone Juan Jesus Gutierez who’s seen casually strolling down the aisle towards the ring as he watches the match in progress. COACH He’s a fan? COLE I doubt it COACH Oh but everyone likes a nice guy Cole COLE That’s not funny at all. Ramone stops at ringside and just watches as Discovery ducks under a clotheline attempt from the King of Beers, leaps up on the top rope and spins around kicking his opponent in the chest in sheer desperation HOLY SHIT!! Ramone even applauds it, albeit slowly and sarcastically. Venom yells something in Japanese to encourage his partner but is quickly silenced as Gutierez runs over and pulls his legs off the apron dropping the Space Cade face first on the apron. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! COLE Damn it! He’s ruining a great match Ramone grabs the dazed Venom in a front headlock, positions himself against the ring steps and then DDTs VENOM ON THE STEEL STEPS!! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Venom folds like a cheap suit as Ramone drives his skull into the metal. The man known as La Citatrix just gets up, brushes some dirt off his vest and then walks off leaving the masked man laying at ringside. COACH Oh dear Ramone is a bit clumsy COLE Clumsy? He may have cracked Venom’s skull open! COACH Yeah but it was an accident Neither Discovery nor the King of Beers actually saw what happened outside the ring but Dynamite has jumped off his spot on the apron and is checking on Venom who appears to be out cold. Discovery goes to tag out only to find his corner empty, but before he can see Dynamite on the floor with Venom and get the wrong idea Dynamite rolls into the ring and explains the situation to the referee. COACH What’s going on here? After making a few more comments Dynamite and the King of Beers both nod in agreement to a question. *DING*DING*DING* COLE What’s going on? Dynamite and the King of Beers joins Discovery and Venom on the floor as the referee informs Michael Buffer of the decision. MICHAEL BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, since Venom is unable to continue the match the Red and White Express have asked that the match be ended and ruled a no contest. COACH Those idiots asked to end the match? Why? They finally had the numbers advantage COLE Yeah but that wouldn’t be fair COACH Oh screw fair! This isn’t a fair sport. Just ask Venom. COLE The Danes obviously disagree Coach Dynamite and Discovery both help Venom back to his feet and then checks on him to make sure he’s alright. Then as a final sign of sportsmanship Dynamite and the King of Beers raise Venom and Discovery’s hands in the air. A move which the crowd approves off. COLE Isn’t that nice to see? COACH Oh barf in a bag, what did being nice guys do for Venom? Gutierez drove his skull into the steel. COLE And I’m sure neither he nor the rest of the Space Cadets will forget that Coach COACH Venom might, a blow to the head can seriously affect your memory. COLE Droll, very droll COACH I’d like to think so yes. Fade to commercials as the Red and White Express high fives a few fans on their way out of the arena. Commercial break Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingPK 0 Report post Posted November 17, 2006 MATTHEWS Fans, we're back on HeldDOWN from Saskatoon! I'm backstage with the HI-YAH Tag Team Champions D*LUX and of course Jade Rodez. Obviously you've got plenty on your mind with those titles and we'll come to Tha Puerto Rican and Stephen Joseph Popick in a minute. But first, Jade, I've got to ask how your brother's doing. Jade hangs her head a little, obviously a rough subject for her, as D*LUX talk amonst themselves for the time being. JADE He's doing okay. Well, he's not, but you get what I mean. The last prognosis from the doctors was a little more positive and Leon's determined to get into rehabbing his neck as soon as physically possible. To be honest, he's going a little stir crazy, not able to do what he loves week in and week out. But the rest should do him good. And on behalf of the family, I'd like to thank everybody who's sent cards and letters and left get well messages on the website for keeping his spirits up in this tough time. And I'm sure they'll help speed up his recovery and he's adamant he'll be back in the ring sooner than we all think. MATTHEWS We certainly hope so. Now, onto D*LUX business and... "Yo!" Surprised by the interruption, Josh looks around in time with his three guests, as Tha Puerto Rican jogs into view. Popick is close behind as ever, taping up his wrists in mid-walk as the out of breath PRL comes to a stop beside J.Math. PRL I'm sorry Josh, but we've got some D*LUX business ourselves here. TYLER Oh, really? PRL Listen, I know you're planning on watching us tonight against Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly, scouting up on this. And we hope you like what you see. But... well, me and Popick are a little worried about them. JADE Why's that? PRL Well, I won't bore you into details, but lets just say that Heat and Fly have got some problems with moving on and letting bygones be bygones. They've got a grudge against me, see. With good reason, I'll admit. But I know how concerned you are with us proving to you that we're fair and just wrestlers and we think that might be a problem tonight. Heat and Fly, they've... well, they've told us in no uncertain terms they don't trust us. D*LUX don't seem to get how this concerns them still, as PRL runs a hand over his head. PRL I've been in some real wars with those two. And trust me, they're capable of ANYTHING. Especially against me and Popick and that's the Truth, Ruth. We want a fair match. And I don't think they do. So, seeing as you'll be watching the match anyway, we were wondering if you could... watch our backs. TYLER Us? PRL You, yes. I know you don't want us injured before November Reign, you want a fair match, right down the middle. So, we just wanna know that if things get out of hand with Heat and Fly, you'll have our backs. Just incase. Looking a little taken aback by this plea, the HI-YAH Tag Team Champions seem to take a moment to discuss it with each other. The moment is killed though, as like any good manager, their manager has made their decision for them. JADE We've got your backs. PRL Thank you, we really, REALLY appreciate it, right Popick? POPICK (looks up) Huh? PRL ...nevermind. Listen, thanks again guys. You're good kids. PRL flashes a cheesy thumbs up to D*LUX before he and Popick scuttle off, leaving D*LUX to find a monitor and watch said backs. I walk a lonely road The only one that I have ever known Don't know where it goes But it's home to me and I walk alone WHITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TRASH!! WHITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TRASH!! WHITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TRASH!! COLE Aw *beep* what does HE want now? COACH I dunno Michael, after he announced that he had left the SWF I have given up trying to guess with these people. Unpredictable is their nature, so we gots to deal with it. Bruce is out there alone tonight, no Wildcards, no Landon Maddix or any else as he just walks to the ring with a grin on his face and a very, very surprising T-Shirt on, a T-Shirt that reads O.A.O.A.S.T. 4-Life Which only seems to anger the fans even more BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! YOU SUCK!! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! YOU SUCK!! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! YOU SUCK!! I walk this empty street On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams Where the city sleeps and I'm the only one and I walk alone COACH He has some damn nerve showing up in an OAOAST shirt with all this "company pride" after all the crap hes done to us. COLE Im surprised its a CLEAN t-shirt! Bruce takes the microphone from Michael Buffer and then enters the ring to the sound of tens of thousands of OAOAST Fans booing him. The booing doesnt seem to bother him tonight, in fact hes smiling and giving the fans a thumbs up as he waits for them to stop booing. Then he actually APPLAUDS the crowd and nods like they were chanting his name. Which in a manner they are: Bruce Sucks! After a couple of more moments of booing the crowd finally quiets down so that Bruce can say what he came to say. BRUCE BLANK Thank you, thank you everyone. COACH & COLE Th...THANK YOU!? BRUCE BLANK GOOOOOOOOOOOODEVENING SASKATOON!! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! BRUCE BLANK Hey now is that any way to greet a guy whos a tried and true OAOAST supporter? Is this any way to greet a guy whos quickly become a cornerstone in this federation? A fixture, nay an institution in the OAOAST? F*CK YOU BRUCE!! F*CK YOU BRUCE!! BRUCE BLANK Some might even call me the phenom of the OAOAST and unlike some of the supposed heroes I am man who isnt afraid to say it like it is. You see unlike Zack Malibu I have been up front with everyone since day one You knew what I was the moment I took that mask off. COACH Yeah a pain in the ass! COLE Amen! BRUCE BLANK Unlike YOUR Hero, Zack Malibu MALIBU!! MALIBU!! MALIBU!! MALIBU!! MALIBU!! MALIBU!! MALIBU!! Bruce pauses for a moment to let the fans get it out of their system. BRUCE BLANK Unlike Malibu I dont play games, I dont pretend to be something Im not and you lot should respect that. COLE Hes an asshole but at least he admits it so its okay? BRUCE BLANK You talked about change Malibu, how youve changed yet you havent how this place has changed and boo-hoo weve been so mean to force the change on you. Listen man, change is good otherwise youll end up being a balding, bleachblonde fifty year old doing the same punch, big boot, leg drop combo time and time again. One thing hasnt changed though Zacky, you still havent stopped me! Sure youve managed to put Bloodsheds shoulders to the mat, yes youve made Landon quit but ME? SCOTTY STATIC Someone doesnt remember the Great Angle Bash! Scotty Static seems to have taken exception to Bruces comments and is out there to correct a few misconceptions, much to the delight of the crowd already bored with Bruce's false sincerity! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!! BRUCE BLANK How about you just turn your skinny ass around, walk away and dont come back until youre able to do it WITHOUT Malibus help! Bruce grins, he figures that would take the wind out of Scottys sails and Scotty does turn around much to the surprise of everyone in the arena. Static walks through the curtains only to spin right around and come back out again. SCOTTY STATIC That would be now! BRUCE BLANK Are you serious? Right now? SCOTTY STATIC Unless you need to go to the back and find your spine first? BRUCE BLANK Oh Im ready Scooter, Im ready to show you and the rest of the OAOAST that I am the Irresistible Force. In fact Im so confident that if you can pin me Ill tear up my OAOAST contract. No Strike that! Bruce looks more than a little pissed off, the kind of pissed off where you speak before thinking. BRUCE BLANK If ANYONE can pin me without interference then Ill tear up my OAOAST contract. COACH No F*cking way? COLE Oh Bruce went and put his foot in it, his career is on the line here. COACH And not just here, if Bruce isnt pinned tonight Im sure a long line of people are ready to attempt it just to get rid of him COLE GOOD! SCOTTY STATIC So lemme get this straight I pin you and you leave the OAOAST? BRUCE BLANK I swear on my mothers grave, I will tear up my OAOAST contract if anyone can pin me without interference. If not you tonight, then whoever next week, or at November Reign...I don't care if some lucky punk gets my shoulders down during a house show under a tent in front of a crowd of twenty, I swear if someone thinks they can't beat me, then get to it, and if you succeed, I'll walk! SCOTTY STATIC Thats good enough for me! And with that Scotty drops the microphone and races towards the ring! Scotty slides under the bottom rope ring into the waiting arms of Bruce who wastes little time in attacking the GPXer! *DING*DING*DING* COACH Weve got a match right here and now!! COLE Scotty is still in his street clothes, he wasnt scheduled to wrestle tonight but thats not stopping him! Scotty avoids Bruces next kick, kips up to his feet and then leaps up in the air preparing to strike Bruce either square in the chest of maybe on the jaw with a jumping Yakuza like Kick.. Bruce swiftly takes a step backwards and grabs hold of Scottys leg as he quite obviously saw his opponent coming. *WHAM!* COLE He took his head clean off! Cole says as Bruce swiftly goes from holding Scottys foot to spinning Scotty 360 degrees in the air with a Lariat! COACH He suckered Scotty in! COLE What are you talking about Coach? COACH He looked like he didnt see Scotty kip up, but the second Scotty tried attack him Bruce caught him, hes not fast enough to react like that unless he prepared for it! Bruce drags Scotty back to his feet, twists his opponents arm with an arm wringer and then pulls Scotty forward sending him bouncing off Bruces shoulder not once but twice. Moments later Scotty finds himself straddling Bruces shoulder, trapped by the big man for a moment before Bruce drops the GPXer with a shoulder breaker. The shoulderbreaker obviously hurt Scotty but even then he still tries to fight Bruce off the best he can, throwing a couple of fists at Bruces mid section. Bruce easily shakes the blows off, clenches his mighty ham of a hand and then blasts Scotty across the back with that clobbering forearm smash hes hurt so many opponents with. COACH Hate him or love him its an awesome sight when Bruce just lets rip like that. With Scotty down Bruce uses the opportunity to land a couple of fists drops to Scottys neck and shoulder area, ensuring that Static remains totally under his control. If Bruce thought that controlling Scotty would be easy he has another thing coming tonight, Scotty is fighting tonight to kick Bruce out of the OAOAST and hes not about to let it stop him. Although a poke in the eyes does thwart Scottys plans of a comeback at least for now! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! When youre as powerful as Bruce its easy enough to whip Scotty into the ropes and then catch him with both hands. Bruce manages to lift the much lighter opponent up in the air pressing him over his head with the Gorilla Press like it was nothing. As he pumps his arms Scotty starts to wiggle and squirm enough to escape Bruces grasp. Static slides down behind Bruces back landing in a Sun-set flip position with both hands on Bruces tights as he tries to drag him to the ground for a pin. COLE Thats quick thinking from Scotty, now if he can only get him down Bruce goes down, but not in the way Scotty had hoped though as Bruce sits down on Scottys chest with all of his 295 pounds behind it. When the referee gets to his knees to count the pinfall on Scotty Bruce puts his hands on the top rope for added leverage ONE!! COLE It cant end like this! He's got the ropes! TWO!! But there is no three, the referee has seen Bruces hands on the ropes and immediately broken the count. Instead of giving Bruce the customary 5 count he uses his own discretion and kicks at Bruces hands instead, making the Wildcarder release his hold AND roll backwards straight into a roll up from Scotty Static! ONE!! COACH BRUCE COULD BE OUT OF HERE!! TWO!! But not three, Bruce has managed to flip his body forward again so that hes sitting on Scottys chest once more but this time with Scottys legs hooked as well. ONE!! COLE No, no, no kick out Scotty! TWO!! THR-NO!! Scotty kicks out by flipping Bruce back down onto the canvas with his legs, but Blank uses his momentum to roll through it so that he sits up on his knees as well. The moment Static sits up straight Bruce leaps off from his crouched position and lands a shoulder tackle that knocks the smaller Static back down! WHITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TRASH!! WHITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TRASH!! In the past the crowd has been able to distract Bruce with their chanting but nothing hes as focused as hes ever been, determined to not make a mistake, to not let Scotty get a moment to breathe because it could cost him his career in the OAOAST. After getting back to a vertical base Bruce pulls Scotty up by the jeans and pushes him back into the corner where he peppers him with a series of elbow smashes that threaten to knock Scottys head off. COLE I hate to admit it but Bruce is looking very strong tonight, and he has yet to play it dirty. COACH We heard Anglesault earlier said he wanted Todd Cortez to prove himself as something more than a streetfighter, and now tonight it looks like Bruce is following that lead by doing some actual WRESTLING! Bruce whips Scotty across the ring to the other corner, then he runs at Scotty ready to crush Static under his gigantic frame. Bruce doesnt make contact with Scotty through, quite the opposite as Scotty lets loose with a low drop kick that knocks the legs out from under Bruce. When Bruce gets to his knees Scotty moves in and tries to wrap his arms around Bruces for a double underhook position but the moment Blank feels the set up for the Spiked Punch he quickly pushes Scotty off and moves backwards until hes got his back against the turnbuckles. COLE Bruce was not about to get caught napping! COACH His contract is on the line Cole, he cant afford to be napping! Scotty capitalizes by Bruces position in the corner by rushing in, placing a foot on Bruces knee as he steps up and then... *BLAM!* Plants a knee on Bruces jaw knocking the Redneck Superman down with the Shining Wizard. COLE Scotty is going to take to the air! This could be that one big move Scotty needs to turn everything around tonight!! Cole screams in excitement as Scotty Static quickly climbs up the turnbuckles and then gets his balance right. This could be just the ticket for Scotty, unfortunately he doesnt quite get to punch the ticket as Landon Maddix comes running to the ring, jumps up on the apron and then shakes the top rope. Scotty drops and lands on the metal bracket that holds the top rope tight, Scotty drops with one leg on each side of the bracket taking the full impact on his groin area! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH!! COACH Right on the mommy/daddy button! COLE OH COME ON! After he professed to be able to beat Scotty cleanly? COACH Not surprised though. Look at Landon giving Bruce the thumbs up, I think hes trying to get on Bruces good side after War Games. Its rare that Bruce ever goes to the ropes but the opportunity is just too good to pass up since Scotty looks totally incapacitated. The Redneck Superman climbs up on the middle ropes, hooks Scotty around the head and then lifts him up in the air for a Super-plex on the already battered Scotty... *WHAM!!* As with all Super-plexes the guy performing the move takes some of the impact as well which is why Bruce doesnt immediately cover Scotty but takes a moment to see straight again before crawling up on top of Scotty. ONE!! TWOO!!! COACH Oh no! THR-SHOULDERUP!! COLE Bruces size is working to his advantage in these situations, its 295 pounds laying on you that you have to shift to kick out. Not wasting time with a second pinfall attempt thats bound to fail Bruce gets back up on his feet, pulls Scotty up by the hair and the arm and then he whips one half of the Global Party Exchange hard into the corner. Bruce gets up on the second rope, grabbing the top rope with his left hand to balance himself before Scotty has a chance to regain the air that just got knocked out of him. Bruce raises his huge right fist in the air and then ONE!! Right fist upside the head! TWO!! Another shot strikes Scotty upside the head but somehow, somewhere Scotty is able to foster an idea and then let that idea take life as he reaches up with both hands, unsteady as he might be, and then pushes Bruce to the right. The desperation push is enough to throw Bruce off balance and send him tumbling over the top rope, landing with a thud on the floor at a really awkward and painful angle. COLE This could be the break Scotty needs! COACH Cmon Scotty! Landon grabs Bruce by the arm and the shirt and helps the dazed redneck to his feet only for Scotty to take full advantage of the position by blasting the leader of the Wildcards in the mid-section with a baseball slide drop kick! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH! COLE YES!! COACH Just stick and move Scotty, stick and move!! Landon tries to help Bruce up once more but the big man doesnt seem to welcome it, not after what his last attempt at helping did to him. Instead he crawls under the bottom rope and into the ring while still gasping for air. Scotty stalks Bruce like a predator on the prowl waiting for the opportune moment to strike, taking his time. Bruce is only up on one knee before Scotty launches his attack... *WHAM!!* With Bruce on his knee Scottys spinning leg kick hits the big man right across the face knocking him back down HARD! COACH Scotty is ON FIYAH~! COLE This is his opportunity Coach, this is a chance to rid the federation of Bruce once and for all! Scotty backs off and leans back against the ropes ready to attack Bruce once more, maybe with another spinning kick but unfortunately its one of those things we will never know as Landon reaches in and takes a swipe at Scottys legs. Scotty easily avoids the swipe but the constant interference pisses Scotty off to the point where hes demanding that Landon gets in the ring and fights him right now. COLE Thats crazy! He should focus on Bruce and not make it a 2 on 1 match! COACH We need Johnny out here, where is Johnny? Or Jamie? With Scottys attention diverted by Landon he quickly falls prey to Bruce as the big man grabs the Global Partyer by the back of the head and the jeans and throws him over the top rope. Fortunately for Scotty hes got enough presence of mind to shift his weight around and land on his feet instead of his ass. Landon rushes around the corner runs straight at Scotty hoping to get a few shots in on Scotty Static before he can regain his senses. *SMACK!* The only shot anyone gets in is Scotty Superkicking Landon in the jaw as La Cucaracha approaches. Scotty just grins as he slides in under the bottom rope before Bruce has a chance to realize what just happened. Bruce lunges at Scotty like a wild bull without forethought or planning, Scotty however keeps his cool and sidesteps Bruces charge like he was an experienced bullfighter dancing with a horned beast. Even though he missed the first charge Bruce charges Scotty again, only this time in addition to side stepping Bruce he also drills a knee into Bruces midsection. HUUUUUURGH! With Bruce doubled over Scotty steps up and locks Bruces head between his knees, but before he can pull Bruce into a piledriver position the big man stands up straight backdropping Scotty over his head! COACH Damn it that Piledriver could have finished it off. Bruce quickly grabs Scottys legs, steps through them with his left leg as he crosses Scottys legs setting Static up for a Sharpshooter, but before Bruce can turn Scotty over the young man reaches out and grabs the ropes for the easy out. COLE What was THAT about? Has Bruce been studying some tapes or was that not the Sharpshooter? COACH I guess he wants to show us all that hes not just a brawler I got news for you hayseed, thats not going to cut it. Since Scotty grabbed the rope Bruce has no choice but to release his hold, but that doesnt mean he cant kick Scotty which is exactly what he does even while Scotty is holding on to the bottom rope. It only takes 3 or 4 kicks to finally draw out Johnny Jax who runs to ringside, leaps up on the apron making Bruce take a step back out of his reach. JOHNNY!! JOHNNY!! JOHNNY!! COACH Now the sides are even! A recovered Landon pulls Johnny off the apron and then plants a right fist upside his head before tossing the other half of GPX up against the guardrails! Neither Scotty nor Bruce seem to notice the fight on the floor, instead two men are circling the ring, each trying to find an opening, trying to gain the advantage in the match. Scotty fakes an attack and then when Bruce tries to counter he drives the tip of his boot into Bruces midsection. The stiff toe kick doubles Bruce over as well as driving him back a step or two, giving Scotty enough room to run across the ring, bounce off the ropes and then launch himself at Bruce. And launch is the right word to use in this case as Bruce straightens up at the last moment and catches Scotty, pushing him up into the air and hurling him overhead with ease... COLE HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLY!! *CRASH!!* COACH TOSSED INTO THE CROWD!! HOLY SHIT!! HOLY SHIT!! HOLY SHIT!! HOLY SHIT!! The crowd is stunned as Bruce uses his awesome power to throw Scotty Static clean over the top rope, over the barricade and into the crowd. Fortunately for Scotty the fans cushion his blow so that he is not seriously hurt, but its still a hell of a drop for someone to take. COLE This is going to end badly I know it. Bruce complains of a leg pain which distracts the referee at the moment that Scotty Static forces himself to his feet... *WHACK!* COLE Landon with a chair!! COACH You son of a b*tch!! Landon cracks Scotty over the back with a steel chair knocking Static down to the floor without the referee seeing it! Once Landon has backed off Bruce calls attention to the fact that Scotty is out of the ring! ONE!! TWO!!! THREE!! The referee doesnt look happy about it but has no other recourse but to count. FOUR!! FIVE!!! SIX!!! COLE Oh come on, it cant end like this SEVEN!! COACH Oh look at Landon, hes dancing with joy over there. EIGHT!! NINE!! COLE No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!! TEN!! *DING*DING*DING* COACH F*CK!! Landon raises both hands in the air like HE just won the match, but the smile on his face is quickly wiped off when Johnny Jax jumps him from behind and drives La Cucaracha to the mat. Bruce looks at Johnny and Landon on the floor, then with a shrug of the shoulders he exits the ring, and then pulls Johnny off Landon. COLE Bruce didnt look too pleased with having to help Landon out. After being pulled off Landon, Johnny goes over to check on Scotty while Landon runs over and takes the microphone from Michael Buffer. LANDON MADDIX Ladies and gentlemen!! The winner of the match in lets say 7 minutes, give or take, the leader of the Wildcards THE REDNECK SUPERMAN BRUCEEEEEEEEEEEE BLANK!! WHITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TRASH!! WHITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TRASH!! WHITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TRASH!! Landon looks at Bruce to gauge his mood, then he apparently gets a bright idea as the grin on his face attests to. LANDON MADDIX Let that be a lesson Scotty! No one messes with Blank, the Wildcards or Landon Maddix!! Well fight anyone, anywhere! Bruce takes the microphone from Landon, apparently he has something to add. BRUCE BLANK You know Landon I like the way you think. I also think that its time that YOU got some payback from War Games. You ready to show me what you got? You ready to show me that you can run with us? Landon nods feverously, Bruce seems to be in a forgiving mood and Landon is going with it in hopes of keeping the Wildcards as allies even after submitting during the War Games match. BRUCE BLANK So how about you and me strike a blow for the cause at November Reign together we will show these two that a few losses may have slowed us down but we cannot be stopped!! You and me Landon...against THEM! COACH Blank and Maddix vs. the GPX at November Reign? COLE Hopefully itll be a lot cleaner than tonight! The GPX nod in agreement as the camera closes in on them, wanting a piece of Blank and the all-too-cocky Maddix as we cut away, headed towards another break in the show. Commercial break Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingPK 0 Report post Posted November 17, 2006 (edited) *As we return, Josh Matthews is backstage with Bill Watts.* JOSH Backstage with Bill Watts, just as advertised! Mr. Watts has a big announcement. WATTS Well Josh, as you know, Thanksgiving is a big day for us here in the OAOAST... JOSH Heh, I can see that! Watts gives a cold stare to Josh, and Josh clears his throat and continues holding the mic. WATTS As I was saying, Josh, last year, we had that big ten-team elimination match, remember that? *crowd cheers* WATTS Considering the success that that match was last year, and also after the events that transpired earlier week, we're gonna round 'em up again! *crowd cheers* WATTS On one side of the ring, you'll have a team captained by the World tag team champions, the Sooner Bruisers! *crowd boos* WATTS On their side, you'll have the Beverly Hills Blonds, the South Central Militia, the Burrough Boys... *crowd boos* WATTS And, Felix Strutter and Ken Pantera, Team Canada! *crowd ROARS* WATTS The other team will be captained by the challengers at November Reign, the Heavenly Rockers! *crowd cheers* WATTS Their teammates will be Charlie Moss and Quentin Benjamin, America's Team... *crowd boos* WATTS Along with D*LUX, Team Jamaica, and NRG! That'll take place right here on Thanksgiving HeldDOWN~! next week! JOSH OK, so a huge match announced for next week! I thank you Mr. Watts, let's go back out to Sofa Central! COLE Wow! 10 tag teams, 20 men in all in one match for our special Thanksgiving HeldDOWN! Those teams mixed it up earlier tonight, but next week they'll be able to get it on in the ring and settle their differences much like the Cole family does every Thanksgiving. COACH Har har Cole, very funny. COLE I'm not kidding. Every year my family is nice and cordial to each other to start, but once the second football game gets to halftime and everyone has a few wine coolers, it turns into a full out brawl. Why do you think I take this shift every year? COACH Wow....I'm sorry to hear that, Michael. COLE , I had you going there for a minute! COACH Last time I'm nice to you. The camera cuts to The Lightning Crew dressing room. "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican grabs his spray-painted briefcase and is about to leave through the door ready for his match. CUBAN WALL Hey P.R.! "THE CORPORATE CHAMPION" THA PUERTO RICAN Aww geez, what is with people interrupting me tonight? Cuban Wall, Mr. Boricua, Thomas Rodriguez, and Vitamin X walk up to Tha Puerto Rican. CUBAN WALL P.R., we need to talk. PRL Yes, I’m sure we do. But right now I've got a match, so it’ll have to wait for later. Cuban Wall slams the door shut. WALL No. It can’t. PRL Yeah, you’re right. I’ve got a few minutes...hours...uh...months to spare. Yeah. VITAMIN X P.R., we’ve been watching you these past few months-- THOMAS RODRIGUEZ Yeah, and we’ve seen the way you’ve acted. CUBAN WALL The way you’ve treated the wrestlers, the fans. MR. BORICUA P.R.! P.R.! P.R.! YEAAAA! VITAMIN X And P.R. We don’t like it. CUBAN WALL Yeah. We don’t like your attitude change as of late. VITAMIN X Yeah, your new attitude it--well stinks. THOMAS RODRIGUEZ Yeah. MR. BORICUA Old. P.R. YEEAAAAAAHHHHHH! New. P.R. BOOOOOOOOOOOOO! P.R. takes a moment to let this all sink in. The crowd cheers for him. PRL Wow. I...I just don’t know what to make of all of this. THOMAS RODRIGUEZ Say you’ll change back! PRL Well guys. I...can’t. "YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" PRL What happened at World Without changed me. It changed me for the better. I’m a new man now. I’m not the bum I used to be. I’m a new me! And if you guys can’t accept that then...then I don’t know what to say. CUBAN WALL P.R., we don’t WANT to accept your new attitude. Your new attitude SUCKS compared to your old one. We want your old attitude back. The one that led The Lightning Crew. The one that has won multiple titles and garnered the recognition of fans all over! THAT’S the P.R. we want! PRL Well Wall, that P.R. is in the past now. I’m a new P.R. now, and the new P.R. will become HI-YAH World Tag Team Champion on November 26th at November Reign. The PRL of old is gone now. Finish. Finito. Done FOREVER. And you’re just going to have to deal with it. PRL looks at Cuban Wall one more time and then leaves. The members of The Lightning Crew watch him leave, shocked. The crowd is cheering PRL for standing up to Cuban Wall. The camera zooms in on Cuban Wall who ISN’T happy. In fact, he is fuming right now. Wall ANGRILY looks at the door as we fade to black. FADE OUT Commercials A piano plays a melody causing the crowd to cheer. The lights go down in the arena, turning back on in tune with the melody. DMX COME ON! *BOOM~!* Pyro explodes, leaving behind fire that burns on both sides of the entrance stage. "Gasolina (Remix)" by Daddy Yankee featuring Lil’ Jon and Pitbull starts playing. The entrance doors slide open, and the crowd cheers louder as Colombian Heat comes out full of piss and vinegar! Heat raises his hands, acknowledging his fans. Colombian Heat points to both sides of the arena, and then walks down the entrance ramp slapping hands with the fans along the way. *DING DING DING* BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, the following tag team match is scheduled for one fall, with a thirty-minute TV time limit. Introducing first, coming to the ring at this time. Originally from Bogotá, Colombia, but now residing in Miami, Florida. Weighing in at 180 lbs. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! Colombian Heat continues walking to the ring, mouthing the words to his theme song. COLE We’ve got something of a warm-up match for November Reign as all four men will be in tag team matches at the pay-per-view. "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican and Stephen Joseph Popick will take on D*LUX for the HI-YAH World Tag Team Titles, AND Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly will be apart of the West Atlantic Connection that takes on The Five Burroughs in a Survivor Series Elimination Match! COACH A lot is on the line at November Reign. Pride, titles, and egos! PR could become a Tag Team Champion for the first time in his OAOAST career, while Popick could hold Tag Team gold for the second time. COLE PRL has been Tag Team Champion before, in IWA: Puerto Rico. And his partner? Colombian Heat. Colombian Heat kisses Stacey Robertson (who’s in the front row again) on the lips. COACH Stacey’s back! COLE Calm down Coach. It’s not gonna happen. COACH Not unless she drinks the love potion I’m making! COLE What? COACH Uh...nothing! Nothing! Colombian Heat hops into the ring. He gets on the second ring rope and does the "WESTSIIIIIIIDE" hand signal, receiving cheers. Heat then gets on a second turnbuckle, and throws up the "W" hand signal again, receiving more cheers. The camera cuts to Stacey Robertson throwing up the "W" herself. COLE Heat and Fly teaming up to take on their old enemies PRL and Popick. It’s gonna be the first time since Battlebowl in July that PR and Heat will be in the same ring. COACH Yeah, and you heard what Heat said backstage. He doesn’t trust PRL. He doesn’t believe he has changed. And, I’ve never thought I say this, but I agree with Heat. COLE Well what about what happened later on, when Cuban Wall told PRL he didn’t like his new attitude, and PRL basically told him to deal with it? COACH Well...okay. I can’t explain that one. BUT I will find out the reason before November Reign! I will! I will! COLE Sure, Coach. Sure. Colombian Heat gets off the second turnbuckle, and points to the entrance. "Gasolina (Remix)" by Daddy Yankee featuring Lil’ Jon and Pitbull dies down. The lights go down in the arena again. Two spotlights shine on the entrance. After five seconds... *BOOM~!* Spanish Fly shoots out from underneath the entrance stage with pyro behind him. Spanish Fly raises his right hand in the air causing the crowd to cheer. "Krokodilamadurinn" by Quarashi starts playing as Spanish Fly points to both sides of the arena and then walks to the ring, slapping hands with the fans along the way. BUFFER And his partner. Originally from Tijuana, Mexico but now residing in San Diego, California. Standing 4’11" and weighing in at 175 lbs. SPANISHHHHHHHHHH FLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Spanish Fly, wearing a Spanish Fly chain around his neck and a Spanish Fly visor continues walking to the ring. COLE Spanish Fly is making his return to the OAOAST after a 5 month absence! Fly has been busy competing in HI-YAH in Japan and Mexico. COACH With his size, he’d fit in perfectly in Japan. COLE COACH! COACH What, it’s the truth! How many Japanese people are over 6 feet tall except for Yao Ming? COLE Yao Ming’s Chinese not Japanese you dingbat! COACH So what? Like there’s a difference! COLE Actually there are many differences between China and Japan such as-- COACH *Yawn* COLE Screw you, Coach. Spanish Fly gives his visor to a young fan and then enters the ring. He high fives Heat and then gets on a second turnbuckle raising his hands in the air to cheers. Spanish Fly gets off the second turnbuckle and gets on *another* second turnbuckle, raising his hands in the air again to cheers. Fly gets off the second turnbuckle and high fives Heat again as the lights go back on in the arena. Fly removes his Spanish Fly chain and hands it over to a ringside attendant as "Krokodilamadurinn" by Quarashi dies down. COACH Hey, Colombian Heat didn’t say his prematch schtick! We’re saved! COLE Coach, he’s got a mic. I think he’s gonna say it. COACH Awww. Dang! Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly get the crowd hyped up. Heat puts the mic to his lips. COLOMBIAN HEAT Now, I’s know that they’s fooled D*LUX, but I knows they haven’t fool y’all yet, SO, if all of y’all are ready to see me and mah homie Spanish Fly make those two corporate bitches feel the Heat, then make some noise UP IN THIS-- "BI-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATCH~!" The crowd cheers, although surprisingly, there are some boos scattered here and there. Stacey Robertson cheers on her man. COLE I think these fans love Colombian Heat as much as they love Tha Puerto Rican! COACH I’ll be the judge of that! Colombian Heat’s a little bothered by the boos, but he shrugs them off, and puts the microphone away. Heat jumps up and down as Spanish Fly looks at the entrance. Both men get ready for their match. *THE CHAMP IS HERE!* "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "It Ain’t Over For Me" by Terrence Howard starts playing. White pyro starts cascading down from the top of the AngleTron. The entrance doors slide open, and Stephen Joseph Popick, former OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion and The Most Hated Man In The OAOAST comes out; his arms outstretched in a crucified position. *PYRO~!* *PYRO~!* *PYRO~!* *PYRO~!* *PYRO~!* Popick turns around with a smirk on his face to cheering fans. SJP does the Outsiders "pointing" pose. The entrance doors slide open again, and "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican comes out, and somehow the cheers get LOUDER. PR also has a smirk on his face, carrying his spray-painted briefcase as always. P.R. looks at the crowd and raises his briefcase over his head. COLE This place is shaking! The fans are going nuts for Tha Puerto Rican! COACH They love him more than Heat! I knew it! PR high fives Popick, and the two of them begin their walk down the entrance ramp as "It Ain’t Over For Me" continues playing. BUFFER And their opponents. First, from Atlanta, Georgia. Weighing in at 225 lbs. He is a former One And Only AngleSault Thread World Heavyweight Champion AND The Most Hated Man In The OAOAST. STEPHEN JOSEPHHHHHH POOOOOOOOPPPPIIIIICCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! And his partner. From San Juan, Puerto Rico. Weighing in at 220 lbs. He is the leader of The Lightning Crew AND The Man With The Golden Contract: "The Corporate Champion" THA PUERTOOOOOOOOOOOOOO RICCCCCCCCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! COLE Tha Puerto Rican & Stephen Joseph take on Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly in a "warm up" match for November Reign! What’s going to happen when these two teams collide once again? We’ll be right back with the match right here on HeldDOWN~! Tha Puerto Rican and Stephen Joseph Popick continue their walk to the ring as "It Ain’t Over For Me" by Terrence Howard continues playing. Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly stare down P.R./Popick as we go to commercials. Commercials We return from the commercial break with Colombian Heat stomping on Tha Puerto Rican. COLE Back on HeldDOWN~!, and Tha Puerto Rican is really getting hammered by Colombian Heat! COACH Just like I predicted. COLE When? COACH my mind. Heat picks up Tha Puerto Rican. He nails him several forearm shots to the face and then goes to the CLUBBERIN’~! THEY BE CLUBBERIN’~! forearms to the back of the neck. Heat whips PRL into the ropes--PRL reverses--leapfrogs over Heat, Heat hits the ropes, PRL does a REVERSE leapfrog over Heat. And then an arm-drag! The crowd cheers! Spanish Fly enters the ring, and he too gets arm-dragged by Tha Puerto Rican! Colombian Heat is back up, so PRL nails him with a Rock-style punch to the temple. He then does it again! And again! PRL SPITS ON HIS LEFT HAND! And then does another Rock-style punch to the temple, knocking Colombian Heat to the mat! COLE PRL is back in this match! No titles are on the line in this match, but if PR and Popick win here, they’ll definitely have momentum as they head into November Reign on the 26th to take on D*LUX for the HI-YAH Tag Team Titles! P.R. grabs Colombian Heat by his right arm and whips him into a neutral corner. P.R. follows that with a Stinger Splash! Colombian Heat stumbles out of the corner, so PRL grabs him and gives him a hip toss! PR covers Heat! 1... 2... KICK OUT! COLE Close fall! COACH But not close enough! P.R. starts with the shaky leg kicks all over Heat’s body. The crowd starts craning, "HEAT!" Suddenly, PR runs over to Spanish Fly and punches him in the face, knocking him off the ring apron and to the floor! COACH DID YOU SEE THAT! HE HASN’T CHANGED! HE HASN’T CHANGED AT ALL! COLE Yeah...that did seem a bit out of character for him. COACH It wasn’t out of character! That was perfectly in character! PRL realizes what he just did and apologizes to Fly, who can’t hear him obviously. Popick yells at PRL, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" PR panics in the ring, but then takes a deep breath, and goes back to work on the fallen Colombian Heat. Puerto gives him a vertical suplex. PR rolls through and hits him again with a vertical suplex. P.R. rolls through a second time and lifts Colombian Heat up for a third vertical suplex. However, Tha Puerto Rican just stands there, holding CH up in the air. COLE P.R.’s letting the blood rush to Heat’s head. Popick (and the crowd) applaud PRL. After a few seconds, which may seem like an eternity for Heat, P.R. does his usual "You can’t see me!" hand gesture, and then walks over to the ropes, dropping Heat’s stomach on the top ring rope, and follows that up with a slingshot suplex! The Corporate Trifecta! Afterwards, PRL applauds himself and the crowd joins in! COLE Saskatchewan is loving Tha Puerto Rican here tonight! COACH Pfffft. Know-nothing Canadians. PR covers Heat...and gets a two count. So PRL picks Colombian Heat up and takes him over to his corner. Tag to Stephen Joseph Popick to cheers. P.R. holds Heat for Popick to kick him in the stomach. Popick hits Heat with the CLUBBERIN’~! THEY BE CLUBBERIN’~! forearms. *CHOP!* "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" *CHOP!* "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" *CHOP!* "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" *DOUBLE CHOP!* "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Popick Irish whips Colombian Heat into the ropes. Heat bounces off the ropes, into a back elbow from SJP! He goes for the cover. 1! 2! HEAT PUTS HIS SHOULDERS UP! PRL LET’S GO POPICK! Stephen Joseph Popick picks up the winded Colombian Heat. He lifts him up in the air. High angle neckbreaker! He goes for the cover again...and gets two! "LET’S GO PO-PICK!" "LET’S GO HEAT!" "LET’S GO PO-PICK!" "LET’S GO HEAT!" "LET’S GO PO-PICK!" "LET’S GO HEAT!" "LET’S GO PO-PICK!" "LET’S GO HEAT!" COLE These fans sound evenly divided between PRL/Popick and Heat/Fly! COACH Pick a team and stick with it! Popick stomps on Heat, and then makes the tag to PRL. "YEEEEEAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" The Corporate Champ nails CH with the shaky leg kicks. Puerto Rican picks the dazed Colombian Heat and hits him with a Rock-style punch to the forehead! Irish whip into the ropes is reversed. Spinning heel kick from Colombian Heat! Heat follows that up with the "Where The Hood At?" onto Tha Puerto Rican! He then rolls over to his corner and makes the tag to Spanish Fly! COLE And now Spanish Fly is in the match for the first time tonight! Spanish Fly runs over to PRL and stomps him on his head. Standing moonsault! ONE! TWO! KICK OUT! Spanish Fly picks up Tha Puerto Rican. He nails him with a European Uppercut. Fly kicks P.R. in the gut. He then runs to the ropes, bounces off of them, runs up to PRL...and hits him with the Rube Goldberg Bulldog! NO! PR turns it into a Backdrop Suplex! COLE What a reversal from Tha Puerto Rican! PR stops to pose and the fans cheer! Colombian Heat is itching to get a tag, and Stacey Robertson is biting her nails. COLE And Stacey Robertson is really getting into this match. COACH She’s sweating. She needs a towel. I’ll gladly be a towel for her. COLE Ewwwww. "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican glances over at Colombian Heat. Puerto Rican picks Spanish Fly up and whips him into a neutral corner. P.R. charges forward and nails Fly with a STIFF clothesline! P.R. then makes the tag to Stephen Joseph Popick. PR whips Popick into the corner where Fly is. Popick also nails Fly with a STIFF clothesline! COLE I must say, PRL and Popick have worked tremulously well as a team. Stephen Joseph Popick grabs Spanish Fly by his mask and gives him an inverted atomic drop. Short arm clothesline! Cover! 1...2...Shoulder up! Popick picks Spanish Fly up. Stephen Irish whips Spanish Fly into the ropes. Fly ducks the clothesline...bounces off the ropes...spinning wheel kick onto Popick! Fly makes the tag to Colombian Heat! COLE Heat is back in this match! Heat stomps on PRL. He picks Stephen Joseph up. Heat punches Popick in the face. He punches Popick in the face again. He punches Popick in the face a third time! Colombian Heat DANCES~! And then knocks Popick down with a FOURTH punch to the skull! Shake, Rattle, & Roll! Colombian Heat bounces off the ropes, does a SHIMMY~!, and then drops a knee onto Popick’s face! He goes for the cover. 1... 2... KICK OUT! Colombian Heat makes the tag to Spanish Fly. Spanish Fly sits on the top turnbuckle. Heat picks Popick up and takes him over to Fly. Spanish Fly applies a facelock on Popick, and then jumps off the top rope, hitting Stephen Joseph with a Tornado DDT! Cover! ONE! TWO! SHOULDER UP! Fly applies a headlock on Popick. "P.R.!" "P.R.!" "P.R.!" "P.R.!" PRL is itching for the tag. Fly cinches the headlock tight. However, Popick soon gets to his feet. He elbows Fly in the stomach. He does it two more times. Popick chops Spanish Fly across the chest to break up the headlock. SJ bounces off the ropes, right into a dropkick from Spanish Fly! 1...2...Right shoulder up! COLE Heat back in. Colombian Heat picks Stephen Joseph up. He whips him into the ropes. Popick goes for the clothesline, but Heat ducks, grabs Popick from behind, and gives him the Slam Dunk (Full Nelson Slam)! Heat poses to cheers and some boos! Heat’s a little confused with the reaction. Heat stomps on Popick. "P.R.!" "P.R.!" "P.R.!" "P.R.!" Tag to Spanish Fly. Fly picks Popick up. SF whips Stephen Joseph Popick into a neutral corner--NO!--Whip is reversed. Spanish Fly hits the turnbuckle HARD! Stephen Joseph charges into the corner, into a right boot from Fly! Spanish Fly climbs the top rope. However, Popick recovered quickly and runs up to the top rope and hits Spanish Fly with a Frankensteiner! COLE Whoa! Frankensteiner from Stephen Joseph Popick! The crowd cheers loudly! PR is pacing on the ring apron begging for the tag. Spanish Fly and Stephen Joseph Popick lay on the mat. Popick is breathing hard. COLE Who’s gonna make the tag first? Popick or Fly? Popick and Fly start moving. P.R. and Heat put their hands out. Popick and Fly start crawling over to their corners with the crowd getting hotter and hotter by the second. COACH It’s gonna be Heat! Heat’s getting the tag! P.R. climbs the bottom rope, hoping to get an edge on Heat. Popick and Fly inch closer and closer and closer and then... TAG TO COLOMBIAN HEAT! and... TAG TO THA PUERTO RICAN! "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" PRL is in! Clothesline for Colombian Heat! Another clothesline! And another! P.R. whips Colombian Heat into the ropes--Heat reverses--flying clothesline from Tha Puerto Rican! Spanish Fly enters the ring with a clothesline. PRL ducks, grabs Spanish Fly from behind, and hits him with a German Suplex! THA PUERTO RICAN THE CHAMP IS HERE! "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Colombian Heat grabs Tha Puerto Rican from behind and punches him in the face several times. Heat Irish whips Tha Puerto Rican into the ropes...whip is reversed...PR grabs Heat...and gives him an overhead belly-to-belly suplex! P.R. covers Colombian Heat, hooking his right leg! 1... 2... 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO! SPANISH FLY BREAKS IT UP! COLE That could have been it! Referee Mike Chioda orders Spanish Fly to go back to his corner. COACH Spanish Fly saved his team! Stacey Robertson breathes a sigh of relief. P.R. picks up Colombian Heat. NO! Colombian Heat hits PRL with the Pele Kick! COLE The Pele Kick! Colombian Heat just hit PRL with the Pele Kick! COACH He can hit it from anywhere! The crowd cheers loudly for the Pele Kick! Heat stops to catch his breath and recharge his stamina meter, and then gets up to climb the top rope. COLE Colombian Heat’s going up! Colombian Heat hunches over on the top rope. Suddenly, Tha Puerto Rican gets up and runs over to Heat! Colombian Heat shoves him off the top rope and onto the mat! Heat then stands up on the top rope! THE FATAL MISTAKE!!! COLE Fatal Mistake! Colombian Heat’s version of the Frog Splash has just hit Tha Puerto Rican! Colombian Heat covers PRL, hooking his right leg! 1... 2... 2 1/2 2.9999999999999999999999999999999999 POPICK BREAKS IT UP! AND THEN APPLIES THE HIGHER CALLING (Rings Of Saturn) ON COLOMBIAN HEAT! COLE Popick’s not the legal man, but he’s still applying the Higher Calling on Colombian Heat! COACH Get him out of the ring! He can seriously hurt Colombian Heat! Spanish Fly saves his partner by hitting Popick in the back of the neck with a double axehandle. Fly stomps on Stephen Joseph for good measure. He goes back to his corner before Mike Chioda can force him to. Colombian Heat slowly gets up. Popick’s kissing the canvas. Colombian Heat gets to a vertical base. P.R.’s panicking on the ring apron. COLE You can bet the Five Burroughs are keeping a close eye on this match along with D*LUX. Colombian Heat exits the ring and climbs the top rope. He waits for Popick to get up. COLE Heat on top again! Colombian Heat tells SJP to "get up fool!" Stephen Joseph Popick slowly gets up. Heat is itching for Popick to get to his feet. SJP gets to one knee. COACH Popick could be in trouble here! Stephen Joseph Popick gets to a vertical base. When he does this, Colombian Heat jumps off the top rope and nails Popick with a picture perfect missile dropkick! Colombian Heat sits up and looks at his right hand. The crowd cheers. COLE Uh-oh! Here we go! Here we go! COACH He’s not going for it, is he? COLE I think so! Colombian Heat starts shaking his head like he’s in a seizure. Stacey Robertson is looking at her right hand and shaking her head too. The crowd gets hotter. Colombian Heat stretches his arms out and yells out "WASSSSSUUUUPPPPPPPP!?!?" and then does the Spin-A-Roonie! COLE Spin-A-Roonie! Spin-A-Roonie! The illest move in sports-entertainment! COACH What!? The crowd approves of the Spin-A-Roonie. CH picks Popick up. He whips him into the ropes--Popick reverses, and knees Heat in the stomach! Stephen Joseph grabs Heat and gives him a wheelbarrow suplex! Popick picks Heat up again and whips him into the ropes. Colombian Heat goes for a clothesline, but Popick ducks, grabs Heat from behind, and gives him a German Suplex! SJP gets up again and stomps on Colombian Heat, and then picks him up. Popick kicks Heat in the stomach and gives him the X-Factor! COLE Popick with those three moves in succession! He does those three moves straight everytime! SJP picks Colombian Heat up and makes the tag to Tha Puerto Rican. Popick holds Colombian Heat up. PRL then bounces off the ropes, jumps up, and hits Colombian Heat with a clothesline completing the Hart Attack! COLE Whoa! Hart Attack from PR/Popick! And the cover! 1... 2.... KICK OUT! PR curses out loud. Puerto Rican picks Colombian Heat up and Irish whips him into the ropes. P.R. gives Colombian Heat a Samoan Drop, and afterwards applauds himself. The crowd applauds too. COLE PR with the Samoan Drop! P.R. goes for the cover. It gets two. P.R. then picks Colombian Heat up. He goes for a punch--BLOCKED! Colombian Heat with a punch! Colombian Heat with another punch! Heat punches PRL until he is dazed and confused, and then nails him with the Pimp Juice! Colombian Heat covers PRL! 1... 2... LEFT SHOULDER UP! COLE Close, but yet, so far! Colombian Heat can’t believe that didn’t get the win, and he yells at Mike Chioda! After calling him a "stupid gringo", Colombian Heat picks "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican up. Heat motions for Spanish Fly to head to the top rope. Spanish Fly does so, climbing the top turnbuckle. Colombian Heat grabs PRL by his hair and takes him over to where Spanish Fly is standing. "LET'S GO P.R.!" "LET'S GO HEAT!" "LET'S GO P.R.!" "LET'S GO HEAT!" "LET'S GO P.R.!" "LET'S GO HEAT!" "LET'S GO P.R.!" "LET'S GO HEAT!" Suddenly, PRL shocks Colombian Heat by shoving him into the turnbuckle where Spanish Fly is! Spanish Fly loses his balance and crotches himself on the top turnbuckle! Colombian Heat hit the turnbuckle sternum first so he’s in pain, not to mention stunned. So, PRL grabs Heat by his orange basketball shorts and rolls him up! Mike Chioda counts! 1... 2... 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *DING DING DING* (10:32) COLE PRL and Popick win! COACH But they cheated to win! PRL had to throw Colombian Heat into the turnbuckle in order to get the win! BUFFER Here are your winners...Stephen Joseph Popick AND "The Corporate Champion" THA PUERTOOOOOOOOOOOOOO RICCCCCCCCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! The crowd cheers loudly for the announcement. PRL jumps up and down and raises his hands in victory with a smile on his face. Meanwhile, Colombian Heat gets up and is shocked that he lost. P.R. notices that Spanish Fly is still on the turnbuckle feeling pain in his groin and his smile fades. PR then turns his attention to Colombian Heat, who is fuming at Tha Puerto Rican. COLE I think PRL feels guilty about crotching Spanish Fly. COACH He’s just faking it. No way does he feel bad about doing that. COLE How can you say that? Look at what PRL has done these past two months. He really has changed! COACH Oh poor, gullible Michael Cole. Always falling for anything. COLE Crystal is in love with you. COACH REALLY!? COLE No! Talk about gullible. Colombian Heat stalks PRL. PRL begs off, trying to plead his innocence, saying he didn’t mean to do it. But Heat doesn’t believe it and starts beating the crap out of Tha Puerto Rican! COLE Hey! Wait a minute! The match is over! Colombian Heat shouldn’t be doing this! The match is over! He lost! COACH He just can’t stand losing to a cheater! Colombian Heat punches PRL in the face in a turnbuckle. Popick tries to stop it, but Heat takes him down with one punch! Heat goes back to beating on Tha Puerto Rican as the bell rings repeatedly. COLE Come on Heat! That’s enough! Stop it! The match is over! COACH Why don’t you go and defend your boyfriend in the ring? COLE My boyfriend’s not in the ring...not that I have a boyfriend...not that there’s anything wrong with that. Spanish Fly finally gets off the top turnbuckle and helps Heat by stomping on Stephen Joseph Popick! Colombian Heat is still beating on Tha Puerto Rican which actually causes the crowd to BOO Colombian Heat! COLE I can’t believe I’m hearing this! These fans are BOOING Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly! COACH What’s wrong with these Canadians anyway? The crowd starts chanting for D*LUX as the beatdown continues. And sure enough, the crowd roars its approval as the leather jacket wearing D*LUX come running down the entrance ramp and into the ring! COLE D*LUX is here! They’re repaying the favour from last week! Shayne Brave beats on Spanish Fly, while Tyler Bryant takes on Colombian Heat. The crowd goes wild as D*LUX beat the stuffing out of Heat/Fly! COLE D*LUX said they would watch PR and Popick’s backs, and they’re men of their word! Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly come back, and suddenly we’ve got a four man slugfest on our hands. Meanwhile, "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican and Stephen Joseph Popick roll out of the ring. Popick recovers on the floor, while PRL is on his knees holding his head in pain. But The Corporate Champ doesn’t rest for long as from the crowd appear Cuban Wall and Mr. Boricua...AND THEY’RE ATTACKING THA PUERTO RICAN!!! COLE Hey! What...what the...what the hell? Am I seeing things!? No, Michael Cole, you are not. Mr. Boricua and Cuban Wall are really stomping on Tha Puerto Rican! Boricua then picks Tha Puerto Rican up and holds him while Cuban Wall punches his big ass hands into Tha Puerto Rican’s face! COLE Cuban Wall and Mr. Boricua are beating up their leader! Mr. Boricua and Cuban Wall are pummeling the man who has guided their careers for almost four years! COACH ...okay. Maybe I’m wrong about PR and Popick turning on D*LUX. P.R.L. is dazed and confused. And Popick can’t do anything about it because he's in pain on the other side of the ring. D*LUX are still brawling with Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly so they can’t do anything about it either. Cuban Wall grabs the weakened Puerto Rican and lifts him up onto his right shoulder. He drops to his knees, giving PRL a backbreaker! The Wallbreaker! COLE Oh! And a Wallbreaker on the outside! COACH They must not have liked what PRL told them earlier, huh? COLE I guess not. And they’re beating the holy hell out of him as a response! The crowd boos loudly as Cuban Wall and Mr. Boricua stand up over the fallen Puerto Rican. PRL is lying face down on the outside. Cuban Wall and Mr. Boricua both have sneers on their faces. COLE I never thought I see the day, but here it is, happening right before our very eyes! COACH It looks like The Lightning Crew is history! Mr. Boricua yells at Tha Puerto Rican. Cuban Wall spits on him. CUBAN WALL Piece of crap. Cuban Wall and Mr. Boricua walk away, the damage done. COLE I...I just...I...I can’t believe it. The Lightning Crew has just turned on their leader! Cuban Wall and Mr. Boricua have turned their back on Tha Puerto Rican! The Lightning Crew is in shambles! Is there even A Lightning Crew anymore!? Stephen Joseph Popick crawls over to Tha Puerto Rican. He is panicking. Popick checks on the possibly unconscious PRL while D*LUX and Heat/Fly continue to brawl in the ring! STEPHEN JOSEPH POPICK P.R. P! Speak to me buddy! Come on! P! P.R.! Wake up! Hello? P! Stephen Joseph Popick checks Tha Puerto Rican to see if he’s okay. Judging by the fact that he’s face down on the floor and hasn’t moved since getting hit with a Wallbreaker, he is not. Meanwhile, Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly have gained the advantage and are now the ones doing the beating! The crowd is shocked at what they are seeing. COLE The men who will face each other for the HI-YAH World Tag Team Titles on November 26th are BOTH at the mercy of TWO separate tag teams! COACH What’s gonna happen next between these teams? COLE Anything’s possible now! What a scene out here. What a wild, bizarre scene out here! Cuban Wall and Mr. Boricua have just beaten up Tha Puerto Rican and Colombian Heat and Spanish Fly are in control of BOTH members of D*LUX! We....we're out of time here. We'll see you next week for Thanksgiving HeldDOWN! Goodnight from Saskatoon! Stephen Joseph Popick has tears in his eyes. He calls for an ambulance. "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican is still knocked out. Cuban Wall and Mr. Boricua have left through the entrance doors. Colombian Heat is stomping a mudhole in Tyler Bryant in a turnbuckle, while Shayne Brave is punching Spanish Fly in the face repeatedly, causing the crowd to cheer loudly as we..... Fade to black Edited November 17, 2006 by King Cucaracha Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Cucaracha 0 Report post Posted November 17, 2006 CREDITS~! King Cucaracha Bruce Blank Tony149 EWC Alfdogg Zack Malibu? I think. I dunno. Maybe some others. Technically, this isn't my job see. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites