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SNL Review- finally here

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SNL Review- Alec Baldwin/Christina Aguilera


Sorry this is so late y’all. The night of the show, Flames-Canucks was on, so I didn’t get to watch it all of it. I wasn’t able to watch the whole show until Monday, and I’ve been so busy recently that finding the time to write this was a challenge.


Sports Report-


Leafs- They’ve been playing very well recently, and I’m officially on the Paul Maurice-Andrew Raycroft bandwagon. Let’s hope they don’t suffer too much without Mats.


Canucks- They are on the other hand….not so much. It’s been so frustrating following them.


Nets- They are also off to a very good start. Antoine Wright and Marcus Williams have both been contributing and J-Kidd’s been tremendous this season. Plus, VC in a contract year! Yay.


Saints- Rough loss to the Steelers. I think I almost broke my hand watching that game. I hope this isn’t a sign of things to come and that they can beat the Bengals.




[email protected] writes-


Hey Bob-


I have a fun question for you. I was wondering if you’ve liked all of

Vince’s Kiss My Ass Club bits on RAW over the years. What do you think

of them as a whole? Do you find them funny? If so, which installment is

your favourite? If not, which installment do you hate the most?


Personally, I think the Vince Kiss My Ass Club bits are pretty

lame...and gross, considering it’s a 61-year-old man showing his ass on

national television. I felt embarrassed when Regal had to go through with it.

The only time I liked the bit is when Bischoff was asked to join the

club, because it’s always fun to see Bischoff get humiliated.


Plus, consider this scenario-


You work at a newspaper- One day your boss walks into your office,

drops his pants, removes his underwear, bends over in front of you, and

tells you to literally kiss his bare ass in order to keep your job.


What would you do in that situation? How would your reaction be

different if your boss is, say, Jenna Fischer from The Office?


Thanks, Bob.






Well that’s an odd question.


I think the KMA stuff is ridiciously stupid. The only good one was when Vince’s head was shoved up Rikishi’s ass by The Rock. The worst one was the one with JR. I just felt bad for him. Regarding Regal, it was his idea to do the bit. Vince had the idea where they would tease it and just shake hands, but Regal said they should go through it.


And no, I would not kiss my boss’ ass to keep my job. Even if it was Pam. That’s just messed up.


Wanna be in the mailbag???? Email me at [email protected]


Cold Opening

Cast- Kristin Wiig, Will Forte, Fred Armisen

Thoughts- At first I groaned because I thought yay- a solo cold opening! We need more of these. Kristin did a good Nancy Pelosi and I like that she got the eyes down flat. I’m not saying this just because I’m a Republican, but she seriously looks evil. Okay, maybe I am saying that b/c I lean right but seriously- look at her! She looks like the offspring of that Damien kid in the Omen. The additions of Forte and Fred to the skit made it that much better. They were hilarious, and I loved seeing Fred as the Gimp. Pulp Fiction references rule! This was really funny, and it’s always good to see Forte doing something messed up. ***3/4



Cast- Tina Fey, Tracy Morgan, Alec Baldwin

Thoughts- Come on guys. This is a monologue, not a commercial for 30 Rock. It was bad enough when they inserted an advert in between Update but to devote a whole monologue to it? Lame. Especially when you have someone as awesome as Alec. I’m not saying this wasn’t funny, because it was, but I just find cheap advertising like that to be well.…cheap. And who had 5 shows in the When Will Tina Fey Make Her Triumphant Return to SNL pool? I am anxiously awaiting the battle between Dr. McDreamy and Tina McScar. **


E-Z Date

Cast- Jason Sudeikis, Kenan Thompson, Wiig, Forte, Amy Poehler, Armisen, Maya Rudolph

Thoughts- As someone who gets solicited by hookers on an almost daily basis, I found this amusing. This had some okay lines, but Kenan’s behind joke was stupid. I did crack up at Amy’s “THANKS EZ DATE” at the end. **1/2


Divorce Proceedings

Cast- Sudeikis, Poehler

Thoughts- If y’all went to know, the y’all count in this was 13 y’all. It seemed to me y’all that Amy was doing a generic Southerner rather then a Britney Spears impression. Y’all can bet that I laughed about the nightclub for pitbulls and K-Fed having friends named Razzmatazz (Two z’s sayeth Microsoft Word y’all) and Rey Rey. Given K-Fed’s connection to WWE, y’all think the Rey Rey Amy mentioned was Rey Mysterio? Booyaka Booyaka! Besides some of the one liners, this was a pretty generic way to do a skit on Britney’s divorce y’all. Especially since Amy wasn’t even trying to do the impression y’all! Dang! **1/2


Fun with Saddam

Cast- Baldwin, Bill Hader, Armisen

Thoughts- You know you’re an excellent host when you’ve mastered two impressions. This was a funny well-written skit with lots of good lines. The references to Osama, the midterm elections and Borat were well done. I think “Spoiler Alert: I Did It!” was one of my favourite lines of the night. Ending was a bit weak, and it looked like it got cut off a bit but this was still very good. ***3/4



Cast- Baldwin, Poehler

Thoughts- This was a funny premise with Baldwin playing his usual great dirtbag performance. I felt the joke got a bit tired at the end but Baldwin saying, “And that was the end of it,” was funny stuff. ***


Awkward Car Ride

Cast- Baldwin, Wiig

Thoughts- “Bobby McFerrin raped my grandmother” might be the line of the year. This is why I like Baldwin shows- most of the skits are easy setups with funny premises and good payoffs. This was really funny, with good lines going back and forth, especially the Bigfoot and Celine bits. I thought they got a bit cute in the middle with the rock/throwing things exchange but “Bobby McFerrin raped my grandmother” was the perfect payoff to all the awkwardness. ***3/4


TV Funhouse

Thoughts- Another weak effort by Smigel. Even though Kobyashi scares the crap out of me, it didn’t translate into a very funny cartoon. I laughed pretty hard at the random moments where the Refrigerator said damn. There wasn’t much else besides that. **


Platinum Lounge

Cast- SIR PAUL MCCARTNEY, STEVE MARTIN, Martin Short, Baldwin, Rudolph, Hader

Thoughts- Yep, This sucked. DUD


I’m just kidding-


Holy shit. This was perfect. Just perfect. First off, the Steve Martin-Alec Baldwin face-off rocked. Not only was it hilarious, but it also worked as a little dramatic play. The Baldwin v. Martin thing that began in February is a really good story and something that should be continued when they host. I was legit interested in seeing who would win. I also liked that Steve Martin, as always, was in his self-absorbed asshole persona with Alec Baldwin as the gruff aggressive asshole with a short fuse. Martin Short was the waiter (It’s sad isn’t it) was also a very funny gag. But the switching of the drinks, hey is that Paul Simon (my heart stopped) and the big payoff with Baldwin going “Well excuuuuuuuuse me” was amazing. I was dying at this point. Also loved Martin spitting out the tooth and them realising “Hey, the record is 14- not 13.” To show my SNL nerdiness, I actually kept thinking that Baldwin hadn’t tied the record because he was only 14 times. I could probably name almost everytime Martin hosted, but not as fast as Alec did. But I am not God like Alec Baldwin is. Oh and then…..




That’s why SNL is awesome. These anything can happen moments that they can put together because it’s live TV. It’s one of those reasons to love the show. And even though Sir Paul didn’t do anything- it’s still awesome because come on- he just showed up out of nowhere!


And Alec Baldwin’s face when he saw Sir Paul. If that doesn’t sum up everything awesome and amazing about this moment, then nothing else will. And to make my night even more, they mentioned Paul Simon again! I love SNL, I love live TV.


I said last time that Baldwin wouldn’t let some limey and Kazakhstani top him, and I knew he had something up his sleeve. But Steve Martin, someone from the movie Get Over It and A FUCKING BEATLE? My God! *****


Christina Aguilera “Ain’t No Other Man”

Thoughts- This is a good song but a couple things bothered me. What was with the fence? Why did the backup singers sing most of the song when all she did was sing unecessary high notes? And didn’t she learn from the Lady Marmalade video that big hair= disaster? ***


Weekend Update

Cast- Seth Meyers, Poehler, Darrell Hammond, Thompson, Wiig, Andy Samberg

Thoughts- I never thought I would say this, especially when we are nearing the two year anniversary of the greatest letter to the editor in USA Today history, but Amy’s actually not horrible anymore. She’s getting to be kind of good. I don’t know if it’s from this being her third season at the desk or having Seth there to assist. The lack of “Look two women doing Update” bits is also refreshing. And Amy and Seth….had some interaction! Even though they still haven’t done an official bit together. I guess with Sir Paul McCartney cameoing, Lorne didn’t want the excitement overload that a combo of first official bit and Sir Paul cameoing would cause. Seth had some good jokes too. His Bush jokes are especially of high quality. While Tina would just go “Lol Bush is dumb”, Seth’s jokes actually have bite and are funny. The commentaries were a little weak though. The Rumsfeld bit was alright, Andy’s bit involved math so boo, while Kristin’s bit was amusing but could’ve been better. The jokes really carried this one, which is refreshing to see. Seth’s just so good at this. ***1/2


Tony Bennett Show

Cast- Tony Bennet, Alec Baldwin, Samberg

Thoughts- Seriously, does Alec Baldwin know how to top Borat or what? Tony Bennett! I’m sorry, but if you don’t love Tony Bennett after watching this, then you have no soul. He’s 81 years old, and was just so cute. Who knew he could be up after 12:30? Seriously, he’s awesome. Another reason I liked this was because they changed up the formula. Instead of doing person getting impersonated confronting the impersonator and it’s awkward, they did something different and it worked. For the record, even though Tony Bennett did crack up a bit, you can’t fault him for it, since well, he’s Tony Bennett. He can do what he wants. Kudos to Baldwin for keeping the skit together, maintaining his composure and perfecting this impression. He really is the best host not named Steve Martin. ****1/2


The Pick Up Artist

Cast- Baldwin, Rudolph, Poehler, Armisen, Samberg, Sudeikis

Thoughts- A skit after 12:30 where Maya Rudolph sings? Get out! Luckily, she wasn’t the centrepiece like I feared. This was fine for its position in the show and Baldwin was rocking the porn moustache. Baldwin had some good lines, and that loud random noise was well random. This wasn’t that good, but it had its moments. **1/2


Christina Aguilera “Hurt”

Thoughts- Christina violated one of my musical guest rules by singing a boring introspective song second that no one gave a crap about. Thankfully she redeemed herself with her third performance. **


A Moment with the Out of Breath Jogger from 1992

Cast- Samberg

Thoughts- George H.W. Bush barfed on the Japanese Prime Minister in 1992. Home Alone 2 came out in December 1992. They need to never do these bits again. DUD


Tony Bennett and Christina Aguilera “Steppin’ Out With My Baby”

Thoughts- Here’s one: Tony Bennett is 80 years old, yet still was totally pimp during this performance with Aguilera. He also still has a great voice. What an icon of Americana. The guy served in World War II, liberated a concentration camp and did a duet with Christina Aguilera. Come on! ****


The Bottom Line- Avg. skit was **.98 making this the best show of the season and probably one of those memorable shows that everyone will remember. Two fantastic skits, a great musical performance, this was a fun show all around. It got off to a slow start but once this show got rolling, it never stopped, save for one dumb Samberg bit. How can you not love a show with Alec Baldwin, Steve Martin, Martin Short, Sir Paul McCartney and Tony Bennett? Answer, you can’t.


Thumbs Up

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Like I've already told you, it was favorite episode of SNL in years. Maybe even my favorite since Will and Jimmy left the show. I enjoyed it from top to bottom (I even give a pass to the stupid Out of Breath Jogger bit since it was so short, and was just there to fill a minute), and it also gave us a few classic SNL moments, something that also hasn't happened in a very long time.


“Bobby McFerrin raped my grandmother” indeed.


It's too damn bad that Alec Baldwin, Steve Martin, and Christopher Walken can't just host the show each and every week.

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I agree with Downhome, just a great show. I think this season has slowly been building momentum throughout and I must say I've been enjoying it. Sure some of the episodes have been a bit mediocre (The first three episodes come to mind) but it seems like this whole season they've been swinging for the fences with these bizarre premises.



My expectations are low for tomorrow night's show but hey I liked Ludacris in Hustle&Flow and Crash, I guess stranger hosts have done a good job as SNL hosts than him.

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