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Zack Malibu

HD:Thanksgiving Flashback

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Fans, thanks for tuning in tonight to the OAOAST's Thursday, and Thanksgiving Tradition, HeldDOWN~! Up next is a little flashback, a trip back in time to when things weren't the way they are now?






Singing aside, our flashback here is from our very first Thanksgiving episode, back in 2002. A matchup pitting Zack Malibu, then a rising star, against relative newcomer at the time, the one and only Reject. A great match with an interesting twist at the end, back before a mutual respect was forged between Malibu and then-champion, now-owner Anglesault. Let's take you back now to Thanksgiving 2002, here on HeldDOWN~!




HeldDOWN~!, Thanksgiving 2002

Zack Malibu vs. Reject


"Hate Me Now" plays over the loudspeakers, and the song is fitting for who it introduces, as Reject heads to the ring. A scowl on his face, this does'nt look like a Happy Thanksgiving for the man from NYC. Reject gets in the ring, and swipes the mic from the announcer.


Reject:"Do me a favor people, and quiet on down, because what I have to say is more important than anything you could be saying right now!"


Reject soaks in the boos, attempting to speak several times but refraining as the jeers were too loud.


Reject:"Thanksgiving. A day of thanks. All you people should be thankful that you've got someone like me, a role model, an idol and icon to little children everywhere, performing for you! I could be chillin' with celebrities, having sweet potato pie with P. Diddy, or maybe "stuffin' the turkey" with J Lo. But nooo, I get booked to wrestle. So you know what, I'm not thankful for anything. I'm just gonna make this quick, cuz I got things to see and people to do!"


Reject hands the mic back to the announcer, taunting the fans even more, as his opponent is introduced.


"Die Another Day" starts up, and the fans go wild, as the Pissed Off Prep, Zack Malibu, comes charging out from the back! Malibu goes from side to side, working the crowd up, and then jogs down to the ring, ready for battle.


Malibu slides in the ring, and just as the announcer is exiting through the ropes, Zack asks for the mic.


ZM:"Whoa, Reject ,what's your deal? You'd better be thankful this year...thankful that I don't knock the taste out of your mouth as bad as I'm going to. All this people are getting prepared for Season's Greetings, but between you and me tonight, it's all about Season's Beatings!"


Zack tosses the mic to the announcer, and we're underway.


Reject and Zack circle the ring, then lock up. After a brief struggle, Reject simply shoves Zack back. Zack measures him up, then goes for another lockup, but Reject shoves him off again. Zack confronts Reject, only to get the taste knocked out of HIS mouth, courtesy of Reject! Another lockup follows, and Zack grabs a headlock, only to get sent to the ropes. Reject tries for a hiptoss, but Zack blocks and takes him over with a headlock takedown. Reject gets up and comes at Zack, but Zack takes him back down with a drop toe hold, but when Zack goes for a headlock, Reject slips out and grabs Zack's arm, locking him in a hammerlock. Zack gets to his feet while still in the hold, and fires an elbow back into Reject's cheek, then another. Zack spins out of the hold and into a hammerlock of his own on Reject, but Reject reaches back and snapmares Zack over, then locks on a chinlock, but Zack fights to his feet again, and back suplexes Reject! The ref checks on Reject but Reject brushes past him, angry that Zack got one up on him.


Reject calls for a lockup again, but as Zack reaches up for it, Reject kicks him in the stomach. Zack takes two punches to the cheek, dazing him, and Reject follows up by Irish Whipping him to the ropes. Reject ducks as Zack comes off, and Zack kicks him up, then goes to follow up with a lariat, but Reject ducks it, and grabs Zack's head, snapping him to the mat with a neckbreaker! Reject bounces off the ropes and drops a leg across Zack's throat, then covers...Zack kicks out before the ref hits two!


Reject taunts Zack as he's getting up, lightly kicking him in the head, as if to toy with him. He pulls Zack up, and sets him up for a suplex, but Zack slips out and lands behind Reject. Zack shoves him towards the ropes, trying to roll him up, but Reject holds on to the ropes. Zack rolls to his feet and charges, but Reject ducks and Zack takes a HUGE back bodydrop, landing face first on the floor! Reject laughs to himself, as the ref goes over and begins the standard 10 count.


Zack is barely up on all fours before Reject rolls out of the ring and comes up behind him. He grabs Zack by the head and unceremoniously tosses him into the guardrail. Zack hits shoulder first hard, and fans in the first row reach over, trying to touch their hero.


Reject comes over and grabs Zack by the head, then rolls him back into the ring, just as the referee hit 8 on his count. Reject climbs back in as well, then scoops Zack up, and drops him with a shoulder breaker. Reject goes for a cover, but Malibu kicks out at 2!


Reject continues to work on Zack's shoulder, using arm wrenches and blatantly pulling at Zack's arm, as if to rip it out of the socket. Zack is finally able to counter an arm wrench, and sends Reject in, then tries for a hiptoss, but it's blocked by Reject and countered into an armbar! Reject takes Zack to the mat, and pulls back hard, trying for the submission, but Zack doesn't quit!


Zack fights up to his feet, as Reject segues into a hammerlock, but Zack elbows out of it like before. Zack turns to Reject and hits two stiff elbow shots to his mouth, backs up and rotates into a ROARING ELBOW on Reject, taking him out! Zack picks him up and slams two forearms across the back of his neck, then lifts him up and drops him with a sideslam. Zack goes up to the top rope, and comes flying off...Guillotine Legdrop! Zack covers, hooking the leg, but Reject kicks out at 2!


Reject rolls over onto his stomach, and Zack goes to pick him up. Zack sets him up for a back suplex, but Reject reaches up and gouges Zack in the eye. With Zack blinded, Reject bounces off the ropes, and takes him out with a spinning wheel kick! Reject covers, but again Zack kicks out at 2. Frustrated, he pulls Zack to his feet and whips him into the corner, hard, and Zack hits chest first, then stumbles backwards, right into a WICKED Release German Suplex! Zack nearly lands on the top of his head, and it out on the mat. Reject stomps him a bit, then sets him up on one side of the ring, then bounces off the ropes...ROLLING THUNDER...NO! ZACK ROLLS UNDER IT! Reject holds his lower back, giving time for Zack to get up...FLYING FOREARM BY ZACK! Reject falls through the middle ropes and to the floor, as the fans go nuts!


Zack goes to the ropes, and waits for Reject to get up, then as he holds onto the top rope, kicks through the ropes, nailing Reject (think Jeff Hardy on that move). Reject staggers back a bit, then Zack slingshots over and wipes him out with a pescado! Fans are getting more into this match, and as Zack and Reject brawl at ringside, we see ringside fans and kids being entertained by a turkey?


JR:"Ha ha, shades of the Gobbeldygooker! I guess the OAOAST staff has spared no expense in entertaining the fans tonight."


Zack goes for Reject, but Reject backdrops him into the front row, and a few fans get up close and personal with Zack! Reject comes over and starts wailing on Zack, then goes to ram him headfirst into an empty chair, but Zack blocks the shot, and Reject meets the steel facefirst! Reject staggers back, running right into the Thankgsiving Turkey! Reject gives a WTF look to the turkey and shoves him off, not seeing Zack come at him and clothesline him over the railing! Zack works the crowd into a "Zack" chant, then hops over the railing.


Zack rolls Reject back into the ring, but as Zack goes to reenter, the Turkey comes over the railing and pulls on his leg. Zack tells the Turkey to back off, but the Turkey starts clapping, apparently wanting Zack to help him treat the fans. Zack tries to go back into the ring, but again the Turkey pulls him away. Zack is getting a little angry now, so he takes the Turkey and brings him back to the railing, telling him to go back into the crowd. The Turkey seems to oblige, but as Zack turns his back, the Turkey grabs a steel chair, and CRACKS Zack in the back of the head! Zack falls to the floor, and the Turkey picks him up and rolls him back into the ring. Reject covers an out cold Zack, and the referee makes the count...1...2...3!!!




Reject is somewhat in shock, but he beat Zack so he hightails it out of there, gloating all the way. The Turkey reenters the ring, carrying the chair, and starts wailing away on Zack with it. The referee tries to pull the chair away from him, but the Turkey nails HIM as well. After staring down at Zack, the Turkey asks for the mic.


Turkey:"Be thankful, everybody. Be thankful that I didn't drill your hero here into the ground. Be thankful Zack, that I let you off easy tonight. Because I'm no turkey Zack, and I'm definetly not a chicken..."


The Turkey takes off his mask to reveal the Champion, Anglesault!


AS:"MALIBU, you're the cough that won't go away. You've diseased this company, MY company, for too long. No more Zack. I don't care what Popick promised you, I don't care if you're the so called Number One Contender...if you think you can live in my world, you're wrong. You're lucky I'm in the holiday spirit, because this is your last chance. Get out while you can, Malibu. You think you've got POP? I don't think that stands for Pissed Off Prep, I think it stands for Pleasure Or Pain, and believe me, it'll be my pleasure to put you through pain you've never felt before!"


AS drops the mic on the unconscious body of Zack, and exits the ring, as the medical staff comes out to check on Malibu.

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