King Cucaracha 0 Report post Posted November 23, 2006 COLE Right now, we've got some footage sent to us from SMN Productions, although I guess after their merger with Moneymaker Enterprises that SMN doesn't actually exist anymore. I don't know, business isn't my fortay. Anyway, it's courtesy of Mackenzie DeCenzo and Theodore Moneymaker and we are, apparantly, under a great privilege to showing this video. COACH What do you mean apparantly? COLE Well, technically it's their privilege to get TV time on HeldDOWN. COACH Mikey, Theodore Moneymaker is heir to the entire TV station! He's giving us the privilege of even having a TV show, technically. COLE I don't think that's strictly true. But in any event, Theodore Moneymaker called together his Enterprise cohorts for a Thanksgiving feast at his grandious Money Manor on Wednesday night ahead of his Thanksgiving edition of HeldDOWN. And, I guess we're going to see what happened right about now. COACH Awesome. Makes up for me not being able to attend. [i]Presenting...[/i] [color=green][b]*$*An Enterprise Production*$*[b][/color] The luxurious grounds of STATELY MONEY MANOR greet us on a typically cold, crisp November evening. Outside the grounds, the vast swimming pool and patio complexes are all covered up. Unwelcoming conditions for rich visitors now. But not so inside the halls of Money Manor. In the grand hall, the large mahogany banquet table has been stacked to it's limits with a grand feast. The biggest, most succulent turkey you've ever seen in your life takes centre stage on the table, as the real wood fire roars away in the background. Making very cosy surroundings for the host of this feast, Theodore Moneymaker, sat at the head of the table with a full glass of red wine in hand. Around the table for this Thanksgiving get together are The Beverly Hills Blonds, Simon hawking down a spoonful of sweet yams while Ned kicks back, one of Theodore's many attendants refilling his glass. Mackenzie DeCenzo is dressed to the nines in a luxurious and more importantly expensive evening gown and sharing a private joke with Christian Wright, who's also dressed for the occasion. *CLINKCLINKCLINK* Suddenly, attention is gained by Moneymaker as he clangs a fork against his glass. MONEYMAKER A moment please. Let's take a moment on this holiday of thanks, to thank my chef Rosarita for this fantastic meal. A typically apathetic murmur goes up. MONEYMAKER Okay, that'll do. SIMON (with mouth full of food) Mmmfmf... is gd grb... mmm. MONEYMAKER Good grub indeed, Simon. And most importantly I want to thank you, my fellow Enterprise patrons, for sharing this meal with me here at my humble abode. I'd like you to consider this a token of my thanks, to you, for your work this past few weeks in getting this Enterprise off the ground. So eat, drink and be merry because tonight, the party's on me! HAHAHAHAHA! The Blonds, Mackie and CW all join in with their associate's laugh. MONEYMAKER Now, obviously our work so far has been just the groundwork. Very good groundwork. But groundwork nonetheless. The key to success is to stay one step ahead of your competition. Just like myself and Christian stayed a step ahead last Thursday night on HeldDOWN~! So, as much as I feel the need to celebrate tonight, I want to put out an air of caution to you, Ned, Simon. Mouthful of turkey leg, Simon glances up. Ned's glass is charged now and he takes a swig of the fine vintage wine. MONEYMAKER Tommorrow night, you will be representing The Enterprise in the 10-Man Survivor Series Match. And I trust that your class and style will lead your less-upmarket team-mates into victory, in the name of The Enterprise. MACKENZIE Don't worry Teddy. I intend on making sure our partners know in no uncertain terms who the true CAPTAINS of the team are. MONEYMAKER HAHA! That's what I like about you Mackie, you're a woman in charge and you know it! Mackenzie winks at Moneymaker. MONEYMAKER Well, myself and Christian wish you the best of the luck tommorrow night. BLANCHARD Much obliged. MONEYMAKER But as you all know, we have some more pressing matters to discuss. And seeing as you're all here, we're going to do just that. Because as you all know, the OAOAST top brass have seen fit to push us into another Survivor Series Rules Match at November Reign. This is going to be our first time teaming together as a foursome and obviously, we're going to have to rely on our fine business understanding to translate into the world of professional wrestling. But I've no doubt we'll do just that. Especially on the heels of mine and Christian's successful tag team debut last week. And, especially considering our... *ahem*... 'competition'. Los Diablos De Fuego and Rescue 911. Another murmur from the four seated members of The Enterprise goes up, this one a lot more amused. A very sarcastic "Oh no!" goes up from Ned in particular, while Christian seems very unconcerned with the threat of the names mentioned. Meanwhile, Simon is loading up with some more cranberry sauce. Moneymaker sees fit to call them all to order though. MONEYMAKER Obviously, these four nickel and dimers are gonna be no match for The Enterprise. But, it seems like these four have been a thorn in our sides for a while now. Far too long, really. Nods of approval go up around the table. MONEYMAKER We've gone at Los Diablos with barbed wire, with coal minor's gloves, with Conqusitadors. And still those pesky little cockroaches are standing! And now we've got two fifths of the OAOAST YMCA tribute band comin' at us as well! Two common, working-class public servants. No match for me and my wealth. No match for us. I see bright futures for The Enterprise. More success. More money. But we can't achieve any of these goals, concentrate on titles and big money matches, when we've got these irritations to deal with week in and week out. In business, you can't waste time on the minor issues when you have big aspirations and gentleman I have big aspirations for us all! So, this Sunday, I'm asking for you to be at your most ruthless! WRIGHT Pray tell Theodore, what contrivance shall The Enterprise heed upon? MONEYMAKER No plan, Christian. Just a goal. A business goal. At November Reign, I don't just want a victory. I want to deal with those four for GOOD and put them out of our business for GOOD. Bill Gates style. MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! The Enterprise share in a group laugh before resuming the expensive meal with wide smiles on their faces. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites