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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

Promo: On a dark desert highway...

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

“Gooood afternoon, gentlemen!” shouts Edwin MacPhisto as he bursts open the door to the Carnival’s locker room. A lesser man would feel sheepish when he realized that the room was empty, but not Edwin. Instead, he takes a quick look around, puzzled by the lack of Carnies present.


“Odd,” ponders MacPhisto, unwrapping the World Title from around his waist and placing it on a plush leather couch, “There should be SOMEBODY here. I know for a fact that Mag said he would be at the arena by now.” Suddenly, Edwin’s warped sense of logic comes into play, as a playful grin comes over his face. “I know! He must be hiding!” he shouts, to no one in particular. “Oh, I’ll play your game, you rogue.” Says Edwin, mysteriously gaining a cheesy Scottish accent as he begins searching the locker room up and down.


---A good thirty minutes later---


“Ah ha!” fends Edwin as he lifts up a loveseat and looks beneath it, sure he had caught the luchadore’s hiding place. Disappointed at not seeing Magnifico, MacPhisto drops the chair and stands up, looking more puzzled than before. “Hmm, he’s better at this that I feared.” Suddenly, Edwin notices a note on the table that he had not noted before in his search. He picks it up and begins reading it.


“Mis amigos...




Magnifico couldn’t keep his eyes off of the ocean as he walked down along the winding coastal road. It was simply so beautiful, so endless, so calming that it kept his mind off of his troubles. However, he couldn’t block them out of his mind forever. He sighed as the image of Erek Taylor, lying on the mat and clutching his knee while crying out in pain, came rushing back into his head. It had plagued his thoughts ever since the Pay-Per-View ended.


“I cut him down...I cut him down in his prime...” Magnifico mumbled as a seagull squawked overhead. “He was only here for a month...and I crippled him...for what? For a title?” ELM glanced backwards at the bag he was carrying over his shoulder, which contained his LHW Title, among other things. Magnifico couldn’t help but feel guilty for Erek’s injury; it was like he lost all sense of decency once he entered the ring with Taylor. Bashing him in the knee repeatedly with a steel chair...ELM lowered his head and cursed himself as he pondered what caused him to commit such a violent act...


---Back in the Carnie locker room---


“....blah blah blah, I need some time to think, whatever, blah.” Finishes Edwin eloquently. “Well, that kind of sucks, but I don’t suppose I can blame him. I know, I’ll whip up a batch of strawberry daiquiris in his honor! Where’s my blender?” MacPhisto drops the note and begins searching once more...


---Back to Magnifico...---


I’ll go back soon enough, Magnifico thinks to himself, but I just can’t be in that ring without thinking about Taylor. A little traveling will do me good, the luchadore thinks as a convertible with the top down slows down and suddenly pulls up next to him. Magnifico cocks his head to the side to see a rather enchanting woman with flowing dark hair and tanned skin, who lowers her eyeglasses, turns towards the luchadore, and smiles a generous smile.


“Need a lift?” she questions as she unlocks the door to her car. A grin coming across his face, Magnifico dumbly nods and throws his bag into the back seat before opening the door and climbing in himself. The woman lowers her sunglasses and continues on down the road, while ELM lays back and closes his eyes.


Yeah, he thinks to himself, a little traveling will do me real good...




Note: Kinda short and slapped together, but it gets the job done. This is basically to explain why I won't be around in character for the next two weeks or so. Out of character, I won't be here because I'm going to Japan for the first time. Try to get along without me, OK? ^_^

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Guest Thoth

Wow, I feel bad for Erek too...


And OOC, where are you going in Japan?  I can point out a few good travel stops, mayhap.

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

Well, I'm actually going to stay with a host family, so they're pretty much gonna take me wherever. I hope the little bit of Japanese I know will be enough to get by.


I think I'm staying in Sayama, if you know where that is...

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Guest Thoth

Demo... sono bun wa issaku no bun o uchikeshimasu...


Magnifico-san no nihongo wa juubun da sou.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Great, great promo.


But shit.


For the next two weeks, unless Rotten re-materializes, it looks like the active Carnival is...MEEEEEE!

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Guest HVilleThugg



Well, at least it's only a couple weeks.  At least you didn't wuss out like me, Stevens, and a bunch of other people.


Wait a sec...Taylor's gone???  I am soooo out of it!  What the hell have I been doing the last 2 and a half weeks?


Da "what the..." H

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

Well, Erek didn't really make a big thing about it, because as far as I know his absence is only temporary. I'm not sure exactly when he's coming back, but it shouldn't be too far away.


Edwin? What happened to Raynor? Am I further out of the loop than the Thuggster?

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