Zack Malibu 0 Report post Posted January 1, 2007 "Oh No" is heard throughout the arena, and the fans react quickly to the music, jeering loudly the man the music belongs to, who is now on his way to the ring. COLE Here comes a man who is persona non grata in the OAOAST locker room. One third of The Wildcards, and now a man seemingly on a mission of his own to prove to the OAOAST fanbase what is "real" and what isn't. COACH Let's not forget he's the same guy who dropped Leon Rodez out of his head and sent him to a hospital bed. This playa ain't playin', Cole! Todd Cortez hits the ring, unstrapping his bulletproof vest and removing his shades, looking all sorts of ready for what tonight should bring him. In order to find out, we cut from the ring over to Maria and "Mean" Gene Okerlund, ready to reveal the results of the vote, and thus the opponent for "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez tonight. MEAN GENE OK folks, it is now time to find out which one of The Hooligans you've voted for to do battle tonight, with Todd Cortez. After tabulating the votes, 41% of you have voted on JAAAAAAAAAMIE O'HAAAAAAAAARAAAAAAAAAAA~! A quick cut backstage shows Static and Jax patting Jamie on the back and sending him on his way. O'Hara quickly takes a quick swig of his ever-present 40 oz. and then runs through the curtain, sprinting down to the ring sans theme music or anything, sliding under the bottom rope and looking right up at Cortez. O'Hara seems ready to go, and Cortez has been waiting on this moment since he first stepped in the ring. Now that the vote has been cast and O'Hara is set, the bell sounds, kicking off another contest here on Mainframe Monday! DING! DING! DING! Instantly, the two stars come at each other and tie up, but O'Hara quickly pulls away, yanking both of Todd's legs out from under him and then leaping onto him, attempting a pin within seconds of the contest getting underway! ON-KICKOUT! Todd pushes him off rather easily, but as he rises to his feet, Jamie snares a sleeperhold! Cortez quickly twists so that it's more of a headlock than a sleeper, and lifts O'Hara up over his shoulder...but Jamie floats through, and grabs the sleeper again! Once again, Todd twists out of it and pushes Jamie to the ropes, charging him during the rebound with a kitchen sink (the running kneelift, not the actual item!)...but Jamie hops over the knee and rolls Todd up with a schoolboy! ONE! NO! Cortez kicks out of that, and gets up and charges O'Hara, who takes him to the mat with a drop toehold, then stands over Cortez and paintbrushes the back of his head, angering the Latino superstar with his taunts! COLE Jamie O'Hara usually comes out like a cannonball, flying around the ring within seconds, but tonight it looks like he's already gotten under Cortez's skin by utilizing a new game plan! COACH He's had his shoulders on the mat twice, AND he's treating Cortez like a joke...if there's anything that Todd Cortez hates, it's blatant disrespect. COLE Which is a bit hypocritical, don't you think? COACH Since when do you care what I think? COLE Since the company has refused to replace you on commentary. COACH Good poi...HEY! Cortez gets up, and as Jamie makes a go for him, Todd shoves him away. Once he's up on his feet, Cortez fires off the CHOPPAGE~!, striking Jamie once, twice, thrice before taking him by the arm and sending him into the ropes. O'Hara bounces back and gets hiptossed over, but he lands on his feet and then tucks his arm under Todd's and launches him over with a hiptoss! Cortez scrambles to his feet, and Jamie leaps onto his shoulders, trying for a rana...but Cortez shoves him back over to his feet, then follows up with a hard lariat that turns the Birmingham Bad Boy inside out! Now it's Cortez's turn to taunt, as he gets down on all fours and crawls over to O'Hara, lifting his head up by the hair...and spitting in his face before dropping his head back to the canvas! COLE Now come on, is there any reason for that?! O'Hara gets flustered easily, and this is no exception, as he scrambles to his feet and bolts towards Cortez! He takes him by the waist, but Todd quickly snares him in a front facelock, then hammers him across the back with his free hand. Cortez lifts him up and then crotches him on the top rope, but when he follows him up, O'Hara shoves him back down to earth! Todd gets up, but as he does Jamie leaps off the top rope and over his back, rolling him up with a sunset flip from the top! ONE! T-KICKOUT! Both men roll to their feet, and Jamie avoids a charge, sending Cortez crashing into the corner. He stumbles back right into Jamie's grasp, but quickly counters with a rear waistlock of his own, and hurls Jamie up and over...but O'Hara lands on his feet, nailing Cortez with a spinning wheel kick as he turns around! With Cortez down, Jamie hits a senton from the standing position, then runs the ropes and hits a rolling senton, crashing down onto Cortez a second time! ONE! TW-KICKOUT! COACH Cortez is takin' a lot here in the early going, Mikey Cole. My man J is runnin' circles around him! COLE O'Hara has the speed factor, as well as the unpredictability of his moveset. Cortez's resilience is countering it thus far, and Jamie's going to have to keep from making any major mistakes if he wants to start 2007 off with a victory. O'Hara now plays to the crowd for a moment, getting their approval for his offense, before he brings Cortez up to his feet. Forearm shots follow, but Cortez fights back with a hard forearm of his own, then grabs O'Hara and hits the INVERTED ATOMIC DROP~! O'Hara reels, and Cortez delivers a second one, then snatches him and tosses him overhead with a release Northern Lights Suplex! Jamie hits hard, and then rolls out under the bottom rope, reeling from the attack from the Urban Legend. COLE Jamie headed for higher ground to catch a breather, and...HOLD ON! Cortez races across the ring and slides under the bottom rope with a baseball slide...but O'Hara sidesteps it and yanks his leg, pulling him right out of the ring and flapjacking him on the floor! Cortez is stunned as he comes up from the floor, while Jamie jumps back onto the apron and sprints across it, leaping up to the top rope and then floating backwards with a diving moonsault down onto his opponent! COACH YO~! Thatta way, J! O'Hara pops back up and works the crowd, as they applaud his daredevil tactics. The chosen Hooligan pulls Todd up and rolls him back into the ring, then gets back up on the apron. O'Hara then propels himself into the air, springboarding off the top before coming down with a splash...but Cortez rolls under it, back out to the apron. Luckily, O'Hara manages to tuck and roll as he lands, rolling to his feet...but when he turns around he's met with a springboard dropkick from Cortez! COLE Excellent counter by Cortez there! With Jamie down, Cortez drops a pair of knees across his forehead, then hits the ropes and connects with a third one. He covers, impatiently awaiting the referee's count. ONE! TW-NO! O'Hara escapes, and is pulled up by Cortez, who follows up with a hard kneelift to the gut. Cortez lifts him up for a vertical suplex, but as he's lifted off his feet Jamie kicks his legs, shifting his weight back down to earth, and reversing the suplex! He lifts Cortez, but Todd falls free and uses a go-behind, running him towards the ropes...but Jamie hangs on when they make the ropes! Todd rolls back and gets to his feet, delivering a kick when O'Hara turns...but Jamie catches his foot, delivers a middle finger salute, and then swings him around, taking him by the head and rocking him with a jawbreaker! Jamie hits the ropes, but when he does Todd drops to his stomach, and Jamie steps over him, running to the opposite side, and ducks under a Cortez leapfrog...but pauses after that, waits on Cortez to turn around...and then snaps him over with a rana! Cortez scrambles to the corner, and O'Hara follows up with a cartwheel into a handspring back elbow, knocking Todd for a loop! Before Todd falls to the mat, Jamie pulls him up by his wrist, and shoots him across the ring into the opposite corner...HARD! Cortez stumbles forward, as Jamie races to the ropes...but somehow Cortez comes alive and catches him on the rebound, dropping him across his knee with a hard backbreaker before falling to the mat himself! COLE Cortez caught him, but he's got to be careful not to exhaust himself, especially against a speedball like Jamie O'Hara! Jamie gets up, favoring his back, as Todd shakes the cobwebs loose. He takes Jamie's head and stuffs it down, placing him in a standing headscissors, and then hoists him off his feet, trying for a powerbomb...NO! O'Hara once again uses his speed and small stature to slip free, and starts nailing Cortez with forearm shots...but Todd scoops him up and delivers an inverted atomic drop once again, then hits another backbreaker before dumping him on the canvas! Growing weary, Cortez rolls out to the apron and then pulls himself up, launching himself back into the ring with a springboard kneedrop that connects...and he rolls through and springs up onto the middle rope, floating back over with a quebrada that sends him crashing atop his rival! A hook of the leg follows...but will a three count? ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! COLE Jamie O'Hara kicks out again! Cortez doesn't look happy, as he leads O'Hara to his feet and stuns him with a European uppercut, then pulls him back towards him before he staggers away. He leads Jamie by the head to the corner, slamming his head into the top turnbuckle. Cortez then turns Jamie around and sends him to the far side...but Jamie scales the turnbuckles and backflips over a charging Cortez, who crashes into the corner and then stumbles backwards...right into a Blue Thunder Bomb by Jamie O'Hara! ONE! TWO! THR-NO! KICKOUT! COACH I'm glad I didn't put money on this one, Mikey can't tell whose gonna win! COLE Both of these men are enduring enormous amounts of punishment, but still moving at full speed. That three count, whoever gets it, is not going to come easy! Jamie pulls Todd towards the center of the ring, and then drops a leg across his throat, keeping him stunned. He then runs the ropes and somersaults towards his foe, popping up into the air and coming down with a second legdrop...but Cortez rolls out of the way! Both men pop up to their feet, and Cortez snatches him by the throat, lifting O'Hara up before driving him down with an URBAN ASSAULT~! COLE HE HIT IT! URBAN ASSAULT ON JAMIE O'HARA COULD SPELL THE END OF THIS CONTEST! ONE! TWO! THRE-NO! KICKOUT! COACH DAMN! COLE Oh don't you start that too. COACH What?! Cortez is flustered that it didn't get three, but pulls the scrawny Britain up and sets him in a standing headscissors again, possibly looking for the RIOT ACT PLUS~!...but out of desperation O'Hara backdrops Cortez over! O'Hara crawls, then pushes up to his feet, turning just in time to see Cortez up and he dropkicks his knee, knocking him facefirst to the canvas! Cortez sits up, resting on his knees, while O'Hara runs the ropes and delivers a second dropkick, this one to the back of the head! Cortez falls face first into the canvas again, and this time, when he's set on all fours, O'Hara hits the ropes again and delivers a third dropkick to Cortez's face, before rolling him onto his back. ONE! TWO! TH-SHOULDER UP! COLE And now it's Cortez kicking out of another O'Hara attempt of a win! COACH These two HATE each other, Mikey Cole, so it's gonna damage pride one way or another. COLE Cortez didn't know who he was going to have to face until tonight, but like the man or not, he's been doing a damn good job holding his own against the unorthodox style of Jamie O'Hara tonight! O'Hara pulls Cortez up, but Todd takes him over with a fireman's carry, slamming him to the canvas. A bootrake follows, and the crowd boos the tactic loudly, which only serves to fuel Cortez's onslaught. He pulls Jamie up and again lifts him for a powerbomb...but this time O'Hara slides down Todd's back, reaching back and pulling him over with a backslide! ONE! TW-NO! Cortez floats all the way over, escaping the move, and tries for a roundhouse kick...but O'Hara ducks, then leaps up and snaps Todd over with an inverted huracanrana~! A loud pop follows from the crowd as O'Hara takes Todd and leads him to the corner, then lifts him up onto the top rope before climbing the turnbuckles himself. COLE Jamie stunned him with that inverted rana, and now Lord only knows what he's going for! O'Hara rest Cortez on the top, then delivers two quick forearm shots to keep him dazed. He stands on the top rope, and holds Cortez by the head, then brings him up to his feet...but as he's being brought up Cortez takes Jamie by the waist and then launches the both of them off the top rope... ...and DRILLS O'Hara with a SUPER INVERTED ATOMIC DROP~! COACH I felt that, Cole! I felt it, and it HURT! BAD! O'Hara kicks and squirms in pain on the canvas, his manhood aching as much as it ever has. He can barely get to his feet, but as he tries, Cortez quickly snatches him in the ready position, and then springs off of the canvas, over his back...and drills him for a second time, this time onto the crown of his head! RIOT ACT PLUS~! COLE He connects! That same move that broke the neck of Leon Rodez has just laid out Jamie O'Hara! ONE! TWO! THREE! DING! DING! DING! COACH I'm still hurting, Mikey Cole! COLE It's all right Coach, it's over. "Oh No" gets cued up for the victor, as Todd Cortez comes off the canvas with his hand raised. He quickly snatches his arm away from the referee and walks the ring, the sweat dripping off his forehead from this fast paced bout. COLE He claims that The Hooligans are nothing more than a corporately sponsored image, something created in a board room and not out of reality. Whether that claim is false or true is beside the point tonight, as Todd Cortez has just defeated one of the most popular athletes in the OAOAST with one of the most deadly manuevers in wrestling history. Cortez hops out of the ring and heads up the aisleway, backing away from overzealous fans leaning over the railing, and disappearing behind the curtain, as we head to commercial. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites