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Zack Malibu

Zack's Go-Home promo before the PPV.

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We're just days away from Anglepalooza 2007, the first pay per view event of the year for the OAOAST, and what a way to kick off 2007. 30 men will enter the ring Sunday night, and only one will walk away from the Lethal Rumble with a guaranteed World Title shot at Anglemania VI!



True 'dat, Cole! Whoever wins heads on down the road to the big one, and is gonna hook it up with Drek Stone, or maybe even someone else by the time 'Mania rolls around!



The Lethal Rumble is an OAOAST tradition, but all eyes are on the Survive Or Surrender match this Sunday. Zack Malibu and Bruce Blank will be enclosed in a steel cage with no chance of interference, and no escape until one of those men gives up his career by surrendering to his rival. It was the most brutal war of 2006, and has spilled over to...hang on...what's this about now?


Cole's referring to the appearance of Anglesault at ringside, and the crowd pops at the sight of the OAOAST's owner. Anglesault, looking positively dapper in his business suit, approaches Michael Buffer for the microphone, and then gets into the ring. Cutting right to the chase, Anglesault takes the mic, and let's us know what he's doing out here.



Zack, for weeks now, I've tried to get you to change your mind. I've tried reasoning with you, I've even begged you, Zack. As a friend, I don't want you risking your career against that psychopath Blank. I know you want revenge. I'd like nothing more than for you to get it. These people, your fans Zack, want you to get revenge...and no one, not one person in this arena tonight wants to see you risking your career for BRUCE BLANK. I'm asking you again, Zack, and I know you can hear me back there...BACK OUT. Don't go into that cage this Sunday, Zack. Don't put your career, your LIFE, on the line! You're giving Blank just what he wants! He KNOWS you're backed into a corner now, and he's pulling your strings by attacking your pride. It's all a game to him, Zack. He's in your head, and he's making you act irrationally...


Anglesault goes to continue, but pauses, as the crowd rises to their feet upon the arrival of ZACK MALIBU~!, who is heading down the aisle.



Here comes Zack!



Maybe for the last time on HeldDOWN~! too, Mikey Cole.



Good job, Coach. Put us on a down note now.


Malibu rolls into the ring, and immediately snatches the mic from Anglesault, looking a little frustrated tonight.



What don't you understand, 'Sault? There is no way in hell I'm backing out of that match. There is no way in hell I'm not going to step into that ring, and let that cage come down over Blank and I, and settle the score once and for all. Now, I'm not saying I don't appreciate the concern of the fans, or you, or anyone else, but this is something I HAVE TO DO.


Anglesault, still trying to reason with his friend, leans in towards the mic.



Zack, listen...



No, YOU LISTEN! You have no idea what it's like to live with this burden. It's MY fault that The Wildcards are here, and it's going to be me who ends this whole thing. Leon Rodez is in the hospital because of ME, not you. My family...my BABY DAUGHTER...got brought into this, and that's all my fault. Candie, she had to look that monster in the eye, she was frozen in terror, and you think that I'm going to let it slide? Do you think I CAN let it slide? NO. If Survive Or Surrender is what it takes...if risking my career is what it takes, then that's MY cross to bear, and the chance that I have to take. I AM THE ONE WHO NEEDS TO END THIS, and if I can't...if I can't do it on Sunday, then maybe I am better off dead.


Zack burns a hole through AS with his stare, and throws the microphone down. Anglesault tries to reason with Zack, but Zack nudges his arm away as he turns around, and simply exits the ring. The tension is thick inside the arena, and whether you call him proud or stubborn, Malibu is intent on going through with the match this coming Sunday. He heads up the aisleway, but as he's walking, a voice is heard in the arena.


"Wait, Zack. Please."


The voice belongs to a female, and a moment later, CANDIE steps through the curtain, greeted by an enormous pop!



Candie's here! Zack Malibu's girlfriend, the mother of little baby Jenna Malibu, is back on HeldDOWN~!


Zack gives her a "what are you doing here" look, as he's taken off guard by the appearance of his significant other.



Zack, please. I know you think you need to do this. I know that you think that you let us down, that you let me and Jenna down, but you didn't. You don't have to do the match on Sunday, Zack. I don't want you to do the match on Sunday.


Zack, now speechless, tries to argue his point, but Candie stops him.



Stop it, just stop it, okay!? I know you love this business, Zack, and it's killing me to think that you're risking your life in it, because of me and your daughter! Do you realize the position that puts me in, Zack? Do you realize how that makes me feel? I love you, and your daughter loves you. I know you love us both. So please, do not go into that match on Sunday, for all of our sakes, because win or lose, Zack, you're not going to be the same. Blank wants to hurt you, he wants to TORTURE you, and do you think I want to see him do that to you? Do you think that it's been easy on me this past year, watching you try to be the hero for everyone, and wind up bleeding, and aching? Do you think I like seeing you sore, laying in bed, when you're able to be home with me and the baby? This war doesn't have to end in the ring, Zack. It doesn't have to end with you hurting again. It's not your fault that Bruce Blank did what he did. It's not your fault that Leon got hurt. The people who commited those acts...Bruce, Todd Cortez...THEY need to assume the responsibility for them, NOT you. Please...stop running yourself down. Forget about the Survive Or Surrender match. Come home to me and the baby, Zack. Just come home.


Candie's emotional plea breaks Malibu down, as his lip is quivering. The fans can see that it's getting to Zack, and Anglesault hasn't moved from the ring, watching on along with the capacity crowd. Zack asks for the mic, and Candie hands it over, again asking him "Please", in reference to his determination to finish off Bruce Blank once and for all.



Candie, I love you more than anything. I love our daughter more than anything, even my career. But I HAVE to do this. I have to.


Candie sighs, and tears start to fall from her eyes, and she starts saying the word "no" over and over again.



Baby...baby I have to. I'll be home when it's over, I promise. I promise you, I'm coming home.


Zack hugs his girlfriend tighly, her tears soaking the shoulder of his shirt. He puts an arm around her and leads her to the back, and when the two disappear behind the curtain, fans can only wonder if Zack will be going home voluntarily, or via forced retirement.



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