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DrVenkman PhD

Animation Domination - 2/18/07

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The Simpsons: A 'concept' episode that DIDN'T suck, how about that? I enjoyed the origin of the cat lady, but the Captain Mcallister / Disco Stu origin fake out was my favourite joke. The commercial for the Simpsons movie was great - the animation looks fantastic so let's just hope it's funny.


King of the Hill: Nothing wrong with it, but nothing memorable either. I found it odd that, with Bill's male cousin from New Orleans appearing and saying he was the only family member, no one ever mentioned the female cousins from the same episode this was a callback to.


Family Guy: It was there. I thought the muppets were funny but here I am, the episode just ending 45 minutes ago, and I don't remember much else that was great. Man I wish they didn't kill off the vaudville guys.


American Dad: Awesome stuff which is becoming the norm instead of the exception for this show. I don't want to sound like I'm just ripping off what Scott Keith has said about the show, but it's strength is that most of the show's good jokes are direclty plot based, so I found myself watching this show for 30 minutes wrapped up in the plot of the peanut butter conspiracy AND laughing all the way along. A novel idea, eh? To contradict what I just said, my favourite joke was the seemingly random scene in Burger King where Stan declared that "The economics of television have changed. Have it... your way".



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The Simpsons was entertaining thanks to the premise.


Family Guy was great outside the last few minutes. I dig the "Peter as a child" jokes, ditto for the "Stewie as a grown-up" jokes. Oh, Dick Cheney as Walmart greeter = priceless.


I missed a lot of American Dad. It didn't seem all that funny, and seemed to be a silly concept, even though I totally got all the Illuminati references.

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