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Lord of The Curry

Half Nelson

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Gee Christ. This was a great, great movie. Super-great.


I saw him in Murder By Numbers and didn't think he was that bad and I wasn't totally opposed to The Notebook either but I felt it did him more harm then good but in this movie Ryan Gosling realizes his potential and delivers a five-star performance. There isn't a wasted moment or motion in his performance and he captivates the screen better then any recent performance by a young actor that I can think of or anybody else would care to name. But unfortunately he had to share screen time with a young actress name Shareeka Epps who lives up to his performance, if not eclipsing it.


The story for those who don't know is about a young junior-high teacher in Brooklyn who teaches history. He's also a crack addict and one day one of his students (Epps) catches him fixing. What follows is a strangely fascinating relationship between two people who are affected by the drug trade and it's effects on their environment.


I haven't seen any of the other films in Best Actor but this Sunday I'm gonna be hoping Gosling somehow pulls up the massive upset and takes it. And after seeing this movie I can't give two shits about Jennifer Hudson OR Helen Mirren for that matter because Epps slayed the female acting market in 2006 with this beauty.


Go fucking see it. For reals.

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I haven't had a chance to check this one out. It never opened anywhere around here, but now that it's out on DVD I plan on picking it up here pretty soon. I don't think he will win best actor this year, that award is taken if you ask me, but I do think that he has many good years ahead of him on the big screen.

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I've seen 3 best-actor nominees this year (DeCaprio, Gosling, and Smith), and Gosling was head and shoulders above the others. I've been a fan for years, I'd love to see him pick up a win. Although, I could say the exact same thing about Whitaker, except I haven't seen Last King of Scotland. So, w/e. Half Nelson was great

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I watched all of it and thought it was pretty boring. Gosling's performance is fine but I wouldn't go as far to say it was the best of the year or anything even close to that statement. I came away from the film with nothing really. I didn't get anything out of the connection between the two.

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This movie did nothing for me. I was just waiting for something to happen and nothing really did.


Gosling did do a good job though.

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I have to concur with the "overated" sentiment. The movie was decent, but definately dosen't live up to the "this movie/performance is gonna rock your world" kind of hype that its recieved.

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I admit, his performance here wasn't as good as his in The Believer, and it's not necessarily the best I've seen all year (maybe it is, maybe it isn't, I'd have to think about it), but it's the best I've seen out of the nominated performances

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This movie did nothing for me. I was just waiting for something to happen and nothing really did.


Gosling did do a good job though.


what exactly didn't happen? do you need your movies spoon-fed, mole? i like you, but come on. something happened. lots happened.

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I'd be remiss to point out that Broken Social Scene providing the soundtrack for this movie definetly didn't hurt it in my eyes. I don't think I'll ever be able to listen to 'Shampoo Suicide' without thinking of Drey delivering the rocks to Dan at the motel. Speaking of, that's maybe the best scene in the movie because as a viewer we're waiting for the feel-good moment where Dan renounces his habit and realizes what it's doing to him and Drey and this was one of those moments where you felt it coming.


But no. He gives her the cash and she leaves. Great stuff.

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agreed on the bss. they chose the perfect non-descript, under the radar yfiip tracks. its like casually listening to one of my favorite albums while been immersed into a fab film. i never liked gosling until today. now i think he's delicious.

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