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Classic WWE Footage Entrance Music Clearence

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Good god, my head is going to explode over these entrance themes!


I picked up the new Royal Rumble box set today. On the 1991 Disc, Big Bossman's Hard Times music, which has been edited on all footage, is heard in full. So is Koko B. Ware's Birdman song, which is also constantly edited. On the 1990 Disc, they edit in Bossman's '98 theme, despite the fact that at that point, Bossman didn't have an entrance theme at all. Also on the 1990 disc, Koko's Birdman theme is edited into Piledriver, like they do on 24/7! On the 1994 disc, the Quebecer's "We're Not the Mounties" theme is in tact, despite having been edited on the Wrestlemania set. Demolition's theme is heard in full on the 1989 set as well, and they've never been consistent about editing it, sometimes it's there, sometimes it's edited.


For those wondering, the only other noticeable difference, from what I've seen at least, is taht the 1991 Disc is the Original PPV Version, which has a different opening montage then the Home Video version. The Home Video one has Vince McMahon doing the voiceover, this one has someone else who I can't identify but sounds vaguely like Todd Pettingill doing the voiceover.


Now I'm not one of these elitist fanboy snobs who gets all worked up over this shit, quite frankly the music, to me at least, is the least important part of the overall product. But what the fuck, at least be consistent about it. My understanding was that they have the rights to all Jim Johnston produced themes, while anything produced by Jimmy Hart, which is a lot of themes from the 80's and 90's, as well as anything produced by Rick Derringer, which includes the 2 Piledriver albums, except for Real American, requires a royalty, and thus gets edited.


I'm just so damn confused....

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They edited out Vince McMahon yelling the 30 entrants names? That's far worse than any music edit.


I don't think they edited that though. I think that for 1991 at least, the Vince Mcmahon opening was added to the Home Video release and just wasn't on the original PPV airing. The McMahon opening is there for 1990. Didn't check 1992 though.

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Oh, well that's different then.


Music edits don't really bother me that much (they suck, but rights are rights). What DOES bother me, much like you, is that it doesn't seem to be consistent or make sense.

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Bossman came out with Slick, and his theme is edited, and Bossman was a heel...thus you get his Attitude Era heel theme.


"anything produced by Rick Derringer, which includes the 2 Piledriver albums, except for Real American, requires a royalty,"


That explains Slick. But it doesn't explain why Koko's "Piledriver" is edited into WM 6.

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"anything produced by Rick Derringer, which includes the 2 Piledriver albums, except for Real American, requires a royalty,"


That explains Slick. But it doesn't explain why Koko's "Piledriver" is edited into WM 6.

And WMIII as well, which was before the album was even released.

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I can see why koko is edited at wm 3 cuz he used a real song. but I figured his 1990 song would be cool.


in 90 bossman likely came out to "jive soul bro" cuz he was with slick, which explains the dub.


Vince needs to just pony up the cash and buy exclusive rights to all his old songs so he doesnt have to have his guys worry about this and piss off the customers, I guess he just doesnt realize how much something so trivual as entrance music means to us fans

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I don't get why people obsess over this stuff. Yes, it would be cool to hear Demolition's entrance music on the newer releases, but does hearing generic rock music instead for 20-30 seconds really make a big difference?

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I don't get why people obsess over this stuff. Yes, it would be cool to hear Demolition's entrance music on the newer releases, but does hearing generic rock music instead for 20-30 seconds really make a big difference?

Well I dont mind as much when theyre dubbing over real songs (like in ecw footage) I understand that, but it's weird that they can't even have stuff that they made or had made heard. More annoying than anything else I suppose. I can deal with it, the logo blurring is what really gets to you


for collectors purpose yes it does bother you (if you are buying box sets then you likely are a collector, or a huge fan)

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Guest LividLiquid

What bugs me the most is when they overdub the most iconic themes in wrestling. Yes, I understand you don't want to pay for Voodoo Child as Hollywood Hogan's theme for a Wrestlemania DVD, but at least use the nWo porn music. Using generic rock for somebody like Chaz or D-Lo brown or Bossman is fine by me, but it really does bother me when iconic tracks are edited out of dvds. I don't know why.

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The only Mania Hogan used the Hendrix theme for was 19 and he was a face (so dubbing in Real American would make more sense). He just came out to the nWo theme (which they also overdubbed with some generic music on every DVD after that release, then put the music back on 24/7) at WM18.

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