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King Cucaracha

HD: PRL/partner vs. DDD/partner

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The lights go down in the arena. A Puerto Rican flag appears on the AngleTron. In big white blocky letters, the following words appear on the screen, with Tha Puerto Rican saying them:


With that, a lightning bolt hits the entrance, the PRL entrance video plays on the AngleTron, and "Know Your Role '99" begins playing, with the crowd standing up and booing. PR is heard saying, "THE CHAMP IS HERE!" throughout the song, while smoke fills the entryway and strobe lights appear on the entrance set. A few seconds elapsed, and out from the curtains and through the smoke come the OAOAST X-Division Champion Tha Puerto Rican, the OAOAST Women's Champion Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez and PRL's manager and "Career Consultant" Stephen Joseph Popick. 



The new X-Division Champion set for tag team action here on HeldDOWN~! and... I don't see a partner. You don't think he'll be teaming with Lindsay do you Coach?

He could do worse than the Women's Champion.

PR looks at the crowd in disgust, jawing with some fans. He looks at Popick, and the two of them begin their walk down the entrance ramp. Chants of "P.R. SUCKS!" fill the arena as PRL and Popick continue their walk to the ring. 

The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall! On the way to the ring, being accompanied by STEPHEN JOSEPH POPICK and the OAOAST Women's Champion, MS. LINDSAY GONZALEZ! From San Juan, Puerto Rico... he weighs in tonight at two hundred and twenty pounds. He is the new OAOAST X-Division Champion of the WORLD... THA PPUUUEEEERRRRRTTOOOOOOOOOO RRRIIIIIIICCAAAAAAAAAANN!!!!


Tha Puerto Rican gets on the ring apron and sneers at the crowd. Popick holds the ropes, and Tha Puerto Rican enters the ring. He spins around, soaking in the fans boos while "Know Your Role '99" continues playing over the P.A. system. Tha Puerto Rican does the HBK muscle pose while pyro goes off behind him. The crowd is still booing loudly and chanting "P.R. SUCKS!" PRL heads to a second turnbuckle and raises his hands. He then heads to another second turnbuckle, patting his X-Division Title belt before he raises his hands again. PR hits a third second turnbuckle, and raises his right arm in the air and "smells the electricity" a'la The Rock. PRL does the same Rock pose on the fourth second turnbuckle, recieving boos. 

Man, how great is it to see PRL with gold around his waist once again?

It certainly makes that darn catchphrase of his less redundant. Although, it seems normal service was resumed earlier tonight when PRL refused to grant Dance Dance Dragon a title-shot now that he's the champion.

You heard what he said, Dragon doesn't deserve a rematch so he's not getting one.

Tha Puerto Rican gets off the ropes, removes his sunglasses and earring, and chats with Popick while the lights go back on in the arena. "Know Your Role '99" dies down as a deep, slow voiced man yells out, "LIGHTNING CREW!" and the opening to "No Chance In Hell" starts up as the crowd stands up and boos.

And, his partner...

The AngleTron shows a picture of Cuban Wall posing in front of a Cuban flag with CUBAN WALL written to the right side of the screen in big white blocky letters.


HA HA! Yes, the Champs are ALL Here!

Strobe lights appear on the entrance set, while smoke fills the entryway. The crescendo hits, and "No Chance In Hell" by Bradley Royds begins playing. A few seconds later, Cuban Wall comes out to loud boos. Cuban Wall looks at the crowd and pumps his right fist into the air, with his 24/7 Champion draped over that same shoulder, then proceeds to walk to the ring, his eyes focused soley on it, with a serious expression on his face. In the ring, PRL applauds his partner

Hailing from Havana, Cuba! He weighs in tonight at two hundred and eight five pounds... the new OAOAST 24/7 Champion... THE CCUUUUUBBAAAAAAAAAAAANN WWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!


Wall shadow boxes a little bit, and then enters the ring over the top rope. Wall nods over at PRL as he walks to the hard camera side of the ring and does The Lightning Crew Salute. Wall jaws with a few of the fans as "No Chance In Hell" fades, PRL joining in on the abuse of the fans.

Well, we've got the X-Division Champion and the 24/7 Champion, by any accounts a formidable team. But considering both these men are part of the Lightning Crew and are used to working with each other, this looks like bad news for Dance Dance Dragon and his partner.

"Time goes by, so slowly
Time goes by, so slowly
Time goes by, so slowly..."

As PRL and Wall stand tall with their titles, not to mention Lindsay in the background, the clock begins to tick down as "Hung Up" by Madonna begins to play. A DDR stage hollogram shines down across the stage as the song kicks up a gear, the strobes go into overdrive, illuminating The Dance Dance Dragon! Dragon and his scantily-clad backing dancers proceed to break it down in Portland as the crowd go wild!

And, their opponents! First, hailing from Heaven's Dancefloor! He weighs in at one hundred, ninety nine pounds... "THE STRONG STYLE PARTY ANIMAL"... DANCE! DANCE! DDRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAGGOOOOOOOOOONN!!!


Dragon continues to dance down the aisle until he reaches the end of the rampway. Upon seeing the two Lightning Crew members he decides to wait it out until he's got some back-up, despite PRL's taunts as he hangs the X-Title over the ropes trying to entice DDD into the ring early.

I bet whoever got coaxed into teaming with Dragon is re-thinking their decision right now.

Well Dragon didn't have a whole lot of time to find a partner, but then again you don't have to travel too far down these halls to find one of PRL's enemies.

The arena grows silent now, anticipating the partner...



Oh, MY!

...and they promptly ERUPT as "Liberate" by Disturbed powers out through the Rose Garden Arena! The doors part again and through them marches Bohemoth, striding down the aisle with a glare shining through his orange tinted sunglasses. Cuban Wall growls at seeing the man he took the 24/7 Championship from as beside him, PRL's jaw DROPS!

And, on his way to the ring is his partner! Hailing from Greenville, South Carolina and weighing two hundred and eighty four pounds... "THE METEROSEXUAL MONSTER"... BBOOOOOOOOOOOO - HHHHEEEEEEEEEMMOOOOOOOOOTTHHHHHHH!!!!


Making light work of the aisleway, Bohemoth jogs up the ring steps and pulls off his trusty orange shades. PRL quickly scuttles out of the ring, taking Popick and Lindsay with him, while Cuban Wall follows a little slowly after them. Bo marches across the ring and pulls his shades off as he locks eyes with Wall, Dragon joining his partner in the ring now.

Man, what a coup from The Dance Dance Dragon! Bohemoth, the man who was robbed of both the Money In The Bank Battle Royal and the 24/7 Championship at AngleMania by Cuban Wall, having eliminated Wall himself. And you've got to figure Bo will be fired up for this one.

Now, how the hell did Dragon get Bohemoth as his partner!?

I doubt he had much of a say in the matter actually.

Well duh, he doesn't speak!

That's not what I meant... but, yeah.

Regrouping the troops, PRL calls a quick team conference as Bohemoth tells his partner in no uncertain terms that he'll be starting the match. Dragon seems content with that and seeing that The Meterosexual Monster is starting, PRL pats the 24/7 Champion on the back and tells his man to 'go get him!'


Wall walks up the steps as Bohemoth has to be held back by referee Nick Patrick. Not looking intimidated Wall climbs in over the top rope and jaws at Bo, who breaks away from Patrick and squares up to the man who took his title. Eventually, Wall says one word too many and eats a right hand! Wall retaliates, but then so does Bo... and before you know it, it's breaking down, Bohemoth and Wall slugging it out in the centre of the ring right hand for right hand!

"BO - HE - MOTH!"
"BO - HE - MOTH!"
"BO - HE - MOTH!"
"BO - HE - MOTH!"

Landing a couple of big soupbones, Wall manages to get the better of the exchange and goes to whip Bohemoth to the ropes. But it's revered and it's Wall who hits the ropes, barging back into Bo with a shoulder tackle... and nobody moves!

These two men very evenly matched.

The two bigmen square up again for a second before Wall makes for the ropes again, hitting another shoulder block. Again neither man goes down. But just as it looks like the big Cuban will try for a third time, he suckers Bohemoth with a soupbone of a right hand and instead sends him for the ride. Underneath a clothesline goes Bohemoth though, building up some speed as he tackles Wall and knocks him down with a shoulder block!


Scooping Wall right back up, Bo delivers another right hand! And again! Turning on his heels, The Meterosexual Monster now hits the ropes and builds up another head of steam. This time though he gets beaten to the punch, as Cuban Wall raises a big right boot and catches Bo right on the BUTT of the jaw!


PRL screams at Wall to make the cover, which he does on his leader's say-so...




Wall now helps Bo back up and begins to lead him over to the Lightning Crew corner in order to tag PRL in. However, the X-Division Champion quickly tells Wall that he's doing a good enough job himself and not to make the tag *just yet*. Wink wink. So Wall follows orders again and turns Bohemoth back around, pulling Bo forward into a Short Arm Clothesline.

PRL, not too eager to get into the match it would seem.

Ah ah, let's not start with that. It's simple tag team tactics, you keep the bigman in against the bigman at the start of the match and let him wear the opponent down, then you bring the smaller half of the team in later. Don't go implying things here.

Measuring Bo, Wall drives the flat of his boot into the back of his head as he tries to get up. A second stomp finds the mark. And then a third, Wall looking pretty good now as he leads Bohemoth to his feet. Wall pulls back and delivers a big headbutt before locking on a front facelock. But Bo suddenly drives forward and charges Cuban Wall all the way back into his corner, where Dance Dance Dragon makes a blind tag. Bohemoth doesn't seem to notice, driving in with his shoulder a couple more times before he's finally told to leave the ring by the referee, while DDD lines up on Wall...



...and connects with a knifedge chop!



...and a second, Wall absorbing the strikes seemingly. The Strong Style Party Animal keeps on the attack with a couple of forearms, until Wall shoves him away, prompting Dragon to hit the ropes. But as he sprints back, Wall throws out a hand and grabs Triple D around the throat with a mighty hand!

Alright, BIG Chokeslam coming...

...or not, as Dragon suddenly punts Wall in the kneecap, sending the bigman hobbling away into a neutral corner! Dragon follows in after him and dives, landing a big forearm strike in the corner! The 285 pounder shakes it off as he comes out of the corner, DDD waiting on him and leaping him with an attempted DDT. Attempted being the operative word as Wall catches Dragon over his shoulder, walking him into the centre of the ring before simply throwing him up in the air and letting him flapjack down to the canvas!!


Wow. Almost effortless from the 24/7 Champion.

I wonder how Bohemoth feels about Dragon tagging himself in, huh?

Wall stalks over DDD, alerted by signals from his corner. This time, PRL's demands are pretty simple. He wants the tag.

And he GETS it, to the expected reaction.


And of course NOW PRL wants in, now that he's got an opponent prone, now that Bohemoth is out of the ring.

PRL waltzes into the ring and starts to go to town on the fallen Dragon, stomping away with his shaky leg kicks all over the body of The Masked Dance Assassin. Kick after kick, until referee Nick Patrick moves in to stop PRL, who is all fired up~!

"P - R SUCKS!"
"P - R SUCKS!"
"P - R SUCKS!"
"P - R SUCKS!"

Pulling Dragon to his feet PRL leads him to the ropes and executes an irish whip, sending DDD for the ride. On the rebound PRL leapfrogs up and over, waiting on the rebound before reverse leapfrogging up and over, almost showing off now as he sweeps Dragon over with the arm drag as he comes back again. PRL jumps right back to his feet and "smells the electricity" as the Portland crowd continue to get on his case.

Man, PR looking so crisp! That's what being the Champion does for you, gives you all the confidence in the world.

As if PRL needed any more confidence to begin with.

Not letting up on Dragon as he comes to his feet, PRL follows Dragon into the ropes and lands with a right hand. Another. Another. Spits on the hand... and connects with the final punch, staggering Triple D. The ropes ease Dragon out towards the centre of the ring, PRL landing a quick kick to the gut to set Dragon up before making for the ropes, speeding back and executing a Swinging Neckbreaker dead centre in the middle of the ring. The perfect position it would seem, as Tha Puerto Rican jogs to the ropes, coming to a stop next to DDD and dusting off his shoulder, before dropping the fist right in the middle of the eye portal!!

Five Knuckle Shuffle!

That's some X-Division action for ya!

Hey, show some respect for that devestating move!

PRL quickly hooks the leg on Dragon...




Well Tha Puerto Rican knows well enough after AngleMania, Dragon's not going to go down easily. Unfortunately for PRL, he hasn't got any boxing personalities around tonight to hand him weapons.

No, but Popick's here...


...I mean... uhm...


PRL begins to pull Dragon up and suddenly locks eyes with Bohemoth, which seems to throw him for a second. That gives Dragon the opportunity to fight back with some forearms deep to the breadbasket. PRL fires down with some shots to calm DDD down though, before lifting him up and rattling him with a European Uppercut! And a second European! Tha Puerto Rican then executes a quick and simple vertical suplex, putting Dragon in place for a more conventional Fist Drop than his last.




Popping right back up, PRL drops a second fist and tries again...




And a third time the fist comes down, the leg hooked tight...



Another kickout!


"P - R SUCKS!"
"P - R SUCKS!"
"P - R SUCKS!"
"P - R SUCKS!"

Getting on the referee's case isn't the wisest move PRL could make right now and he forgets all about Dragon as he lectures him on his count. It's only when Lindsey convinces him to turn around that he sees Dragon making for his corner, capturing his trailing ankle just in time to cut off the tag. A confident smirk creeps over PRL's face as he holds Dragon away from the tag, talking down to the perennial underdog. But you don't earn the label of 'perennial underdog' without some fighting spirit, Dragon exhibiting that as he hops up onto one foot...


...and NAILS Tha Puerto Rican with an Enziguri! PRL Flair Flops to the canvas, letting go of the ankle as Dragon makes a sudden spurt AND MAKES THE TAG!


In comes Bohemoth as PRL staggers up from his facedown position on the canvas. 

And the moment he sees Bohemoth stalking towards him, the X-Division Champion jumps out of his skin like a cat spotting it's own reflection in a mirror and ZIPS across the ring to tag in Cuban Wall!!!


Oh, come ON! What was that!?

Okay, maybe PR is a little reluctant to wrestle Bohemoth right now...

A little reluctant!? He just RAN AWAY the moment Bo got near him!!

The crowd get on PRL's back on the outside as he complains of a 'pulled muscle' and gets his fiancee to tend to him. All this is a minor distraction as Cuban Wall comes back into the match and again begins to throw the heavy leather with Bohemoth, right back to where we started as the two bigmen exchange right hands! Bohemoth has the adrenaline rush this time and beats Wall back against the ropes, whipping him across the ring. Back bounces Wall and Bohemoth BACKDROPS THE 285 POUNDER to everybody's shock!!


Wall climbs up clutching his back and suddenly for the first time Wall isn't quite so forthcoming. Bo is though and delivers a hard right hand before looking to send Wall to the ropes again. A reversal this time though sends Bohemoth to the ropes...

...and to a stumbling halt, AS PRL GRABS HIS ANKLE FROM THE OUTSIDE!!


Breathing a sigh of relief, PRL pats Popick on the shoulder, before turning around... to see Bohemoth GLARING at him!



Luckily for PRL, Wall saves him as he levels Bohemoth from behind with a knee just as he begins to exit the ring after him. Wall then pulls Bo away from the ropes and grabs him by the throat. He pauses for a second however, as a sudden blur of black comes flying past him, courtesy of The Dance Dance Dragon, soaring through the ropes AND WIPING OUT BOTH PRL AND POPICK WITH A TOPÉ!!!


Dragons can fly!

As the heap of bodies crash to the floor though, the crowd's attentions turn to the ring, as Cuban Wall still has Bohemoth by the throat. And as he grabs the tights, it's a noticeable repeat of AngleMania, as he PLANTS Bohemoth with the Chokeslam!

YES! Wall got him, that's what won him the 24/7 Title!

That and a chair, yeah...

Wall drops down and hooks the leg...





...but it WON'T win him the match tonight, not yet at least!

Fuming, Wall brings Bohemoth right back up into the goozle again and gives the signal for a second Chokeslam! However Wall doesn't notice Dance Dance Dragon appearing back into view, scaling the turnbuckles and launching off the top with a Missile Dropkick to save his partner! Wall doesn't go down from the dropkick. But he does free Bohemoth, allowing The Meterosexual Monster to charge forward and MOW Wall down with the MURDERLINE~!


What a clothesline! He just took The Cuban Wall down with one big arm!

The referee has lost all control, he needs to get one of these two out of the ring! Bohemoth, for example.

Yeah, because otherwise it's two on one, because PRL's not coming back in if Bohemoth is in.

That's not why I said it!

The referee isn't needed however as Bohemoth shoo's his partner away and takes over on Wall himself. An irish whip sends Wall across the ring into a neutral corner, Bo following in and crushing the Cuban in the corner with a big Clothesline! Out staggers Wall, scooped up impressively onto the shoulder of Bohemoth, who turns to the centre of the ring ready for a big Running Powerslam. However, as Bo begins the running he loses Wall, the bigman able to slide down off the back and land on his feet. Bohemoth slams on the brakes and turns around, taking a boot to the gut from Wall and getting pulled in ready for a Powerbomb! But that won't be happening either, as Bohemoth backbody drops his way out of it! Wall climbs up and it degenerates again, as Bohemoth and Cuban Wall instantly go back to trading heavy right hands.


As the bigman go at it, referee Nick Patrick is desperately waving his hands, trying to get noticed as he hopes to get them to stop with the closed fists. Good luck with that though. In the background meanwhile, Dragon watches on, waiting for a chance to get involved. But the chance isn't coming, as Bo and Wall continue to go punch for punch. Bo! Wall! Bo! Wall!






...NO! Bohemoth stops short as his elbow encounters some resistance, in the form of poor Nick Patrick's orbital bone!


Okay, that's a DQ!

That looked unintentional to me. The referee got a little too close to the action there.

Bohemoth's concern costs him as Wall suddenly gets the better of him and fires off with the soupbones. As the referee hits the deck clutching his eye, Dragon tries to get involved. But he takes a clearly intentional elbow from Wall as he shrugs The Masked Dance Assassin off.

Meanwhile, on the outside, there's a commotion as Michael Buffer is on his feet. The reason being, his chair is gone, now in the hand of Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez, who sneaks it to PRL and points out to her man that there's no referee. Which is all the excuse PRL needs as he slides into the ring with chair in hand.


Watch out now, PRL with a chair!

As Dragon climbs to his feet, his lack of peripheral vision would seem to indicate he doesn't see PRL stalking behind him. PR waves Triple D to his feet, virtually ignoring the battle between Cuban Wall and Bohemoth, as The Meterosexual Monster suddenly lunges forward and takes Wall down with a desperation clothesline! As Bo pushes himself back up, Dragon meanwhile turns aimlessly around, right into the path of Tha Puerto Rican who's waiting with a wild home-run swing with the chair...




What a shot! That's how you swing a chair baby!

Lindsay and Popick jump on the outside, celebrating the vicious chairshot as you'd expect them to. But in stark contrast, PRL isn't celebrating. He stands over Bohemoth in shock, the chair hanging at his side as he freezes in horror at what just happened. Infact, it's left to Cuban Wall to deal with Dance Dance Dragon, marching past PRL and clotheslining Triple D hard enough to knock him right out of the ring. Lindsay hurriedly yells at her future hubby to get rid of the chair but PRL doesn't seem to hear her, just watching as Wall backs off the ropes, passing PR on his way back with the LIGHTNING CREW SPLASH on Bohemoth!!


With his one good eye, Nick Patrick is guided over to the pin by Popick, Wall covering tightly for the...






Wall got him again!

Again thanks to a chair! And by PRL's hands... I don't think he can quite believe what just happened.

Quickly PRL backs out of the ring, still holding the dented chair as he still sports a shocked look on his face. Lindsay and Popick guide him out, handing him his X-Division Championship, as Wall exits on the other side of the ring and raises his fist in victory.

Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match... the team of THE CUBAN WALL and THA PUERTO RICAN... THE LIGHTNIIIIINNGG CCRRRRREEEEEWWWWWWWWW!!


Wall seems pretty happy but PRL still doesn't look too happy about what just happened, watching wide-eyed as Bohemoth has groggily sat up. And as he looks up at the aisleway, it's clear to the world that he is PISSED~! PRL hides the dented chair behind his back in perhaps the most pathetic attempt at innocence ever, before discarding the chair altogether and scuttling ahead off towards the back while Bo slumps back to the canvas holding his head.

The Lightning Crew may have scored the victory... but I think PRL just signed his own death warrant!

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