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Guest Anglesault

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Guest chirs3
How did HHH do the burying anyway? He was being booked like a total loser before HHH even showed up.


Yep... a great fued with The Rock leading into his becoming the Undisputed champ... what a LOSER.


You'll notice, however, before Wrestlemania he began fueding with Tripl- Oh wait, no he didn't. Triple H was fueding with Stephanie. Jericho was just her cronie, who happened the be the Undisputed Champ. Then there was Lucy and the dog shit... there was Jericho losing at 'Mania, when a win would have cemented his status... there were COUNTLESS tag matches where, and I counted, his offense against Triple H was punches and chops and MAYBE a slam of some sort. Then there was the HIAC which could have at least seen him be a credible threat- lost that too.


I dunno about backstage politics, but on air, Triple H made him his bitch.

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Guest Sakura

That isn't how I remember his reign. I recall constant, 24/7 whining and bitching about how badly his reign was booked. I remember threads complaining that he needed so much help to win and how he was fighting mid-carders like Rikishi and Edge or losing to the DDT and Sharpshooter when fighting Rock. Besides one promo with Rock before the Rumble once he turned heel and won the title at Vengeance he was everyone's bitch. For some reason people forget or leave that out and blame HHH for his lack of credibility. Not a big surprise there.


And the WM build up was just about as bad for HHH. Like he looked great being worried about a dog?


There's no doubt he has been depushed since WM. But buried? Not yet. He didn't have much credibility to bury in the first place.

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Guest chirs3

Well, this is just my opinion, but from the minute "the promo" started until the dog shit, Jericho was absolute gold. I thought he was a great heel, and a great champion. Maybe that's why I'm so quick to blame Triple H.


It's hard to believe he (Jericho) has put up with as much as he has.


His fued with The Rock and the title win GAVE him credibility. And (most believe) Triple H then came along and killed it.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

the difference between the effects of the feud on Jericho and HHH is that HHH won it.


The storyline may have sucked...but HHH won.


Jericho was made into a bitch...and then a loser.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Wait a second...are you telling me that Jericho hasn't been buried?




Lesse...HHH flat out told him in his promo the day after the Rumble that Jericho wasnt good enough.


Then he went to Mania and proved it.


Then he proved it again 2 months later.


Jericho was made to look like a bitch, called a bitch, and then proven to be a bitch by HHH...TWICE!!!!!


And where is he now?


cheating to beat Mark Henry in the middle of SD! where HHH is the beginning and end of.

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Guest Sakura

Rock & Austin did the same thing only at the end of their ppv matches they lost to him with extreme interference and cheating. Meanwhile he was fighting Maven and Rikishi. I can't believe you don't remember this, I could have sworn you were one of the people outraged at how badly he was booked, even before HHH came back.


So Jericho is treated like a total bitch and has no credibility but retains the title. Then he loses a title and another ppv match and all of a sudden he's buried and HHH has undone months of build up? Er, how about not!? He had no credibility to bury. His reign sucked. It always sucked. They never took him seriously. Only difference now is that he isn't main eventing ppvs.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'm not even going to argue with you anymore.


From now on...All HHH marks will be ignored until his reign of terror over the WWE is at its end.

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jericho has to look like a bitch to get over, he is not big enough to demand that he will beat soemones ass.  He has to cheat to win to get over, because of his size.  Seriously, how dumb would it look for jericho to squash undertaker in like 3 minutes for the belt, it would look terrible.  Shit, if HHH really wanted to get over he would ahve turned himself heel and beat hogan and held the belt till summerslam to face austin to settle that thing.  Come on guys, use your heads.  If HHH really controlled shit that would be his best option to get over.



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Guest Sakura
I'm not even going to argue with you anymore.


From now on...All HHH marks will be ignored until his reign of terror over the WWE is at its end.

Great way to back up the hhhating. :sarcasm:


By the way....



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Guest alfdogg
I'm not even going to argue with you anymore.


From now on...All HHH marks will be ignored until his reign of terror over the WWE is at its end.

Great way to back up the hhhating. :sarcasm:


By the way....



Wow...someone actually tries to cut off an argument, so you flame bait him.  Way to go.

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Your sig is the most annoying thing I've ever seen, Alfdogg. Could you maybe cut back on the amount of pictures?

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you can disable sigs and avatars and all that stuff like me.  It's all wasted space



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Guest Sakura

It wasn't exactly a heated argument that needed to be stopped. I find it lame that he would imply that it's not worth replying to or that I am some blind "HHH mark". Everything I said was reasonable.



And as for the pic, I am really sorry if that offends anyone. I meant no harm, JUNIOR~!.

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Guest Vyce

the "clique" will get shitcanned by vince as soon as any trouble starts up with them.  vince learned his mistakes in 95 and 96 by letting michaels and co. have too much power and it almost cost him then.


Vince learned from his mistakes?




That's so collossally naive I can't even begin to touch it.


I don't want to get to into this whole mess, but I would think the fact that the number one Clique member is fucking Vince's daughter, coupled with recent developments like X-Pac whining out of a Heat match and Michaels' *management approved* and nonsensical slam against the Rock on RAW, proves that Vince doesn't much care HOW much power the Clique wields.


Vince doesn't give a shit if the Clique runs the promotion into another recession a la 1995/96, just as long as he can go out there every week to eat up airtime and make face with chicks half his age.


And to reply to the purpose of this thread, I'd say that Booker T gets immediately fucked in his feud with the nWo, Jericho continues to get fucked by being pushed ever further down into the midcard, and RVD will be fucked in the (near) future due to the fact that he's more over than ALL of the Clique and thus poses the next biggest threat to them.

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Guest bcu1979
How is Jericho "buried so badly"? Nobody is ever depushed anymore. They are BURIED. So silly. How did HHH do the burying anyway? He was being booked like a total loser before HHH even showed up.

Let's see.


Before Judgment Day Chris Jericho was:


a) in the main events of most Smackdowns

b) a focal point of the show appearing in numerous segments throughout the show

c) given a decent amount of mic time


In the 5 weeks since Triple H pinned Jericho clean yet again on PPV, Chris Jericho has:


a) wrestled losers like Mark Henry and Faarooq in 3 minute nothing matches on Smackdown

b) not appeared anywhere close to being in a tv main event

c) been given no significant mic time with the exception of his angle with Edge last week

d) been portrayed as just another midcard character


Meanwhile, Triple H is the star of the show. He is in almost every main event, appears in numerous segments and gets more airtime than anyone else. I think he got more airtime on Smackdown this week than Jericho has gotten in the last month.


I'd call that a burial if I ever saw one. And Triple H did the burying because he never portrayed Jericho as a legitimate threat in his interviews to build up the HITC match. Jericho was treated like an annoying knat, not a credible opponent. Triple H put all the heat on Vince McMahon as his real enemy. Jericho was nothing more than a lackey sent by McMahon. Triple H even said as much in his last big interview before the match. He then dismissed Jericho as a nobody once again in his interview after JD. There was no admitting he was in a war or admitting that Jericho was one of his toughest opponents. Just a quick mention of moving past Jericho and onto important things.


Yes, there were problems with Jericho's title reign from the start. But he was still the champion and was still portrayed as a focal point of the show. If people are portrayed as important characters long enough, then people will begin to see them as important characters. Just look at Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. And even though he was cheating to beat people like Rikishi and Big Show, JERICHO was the one cheating to beat them. He was still the focal point of his title reign. And he was starting to get some credibility thanks to Rock putting him over time and time again.


It was not until Stephanie McMahon came into the picture that Jericho became a lotion-carrying bitch. Jericho went from being his own act to playing Stephanie's flunky. The whole buildup to WM was Stephanie and Triple H fighting while Jericho stood to the side and held his belts. Every week Stephanie would come out and cut a promo on Triple H....Triple H would come out, ignore Jericho, and cut a promo on Stephanie. Triple H would then beat up Jericho, throw him out of the ring and then pose to a mild pop.


It makes me think of Kurt Angle's book, where Kurt recalls how Triple H told him to make sure Rock made him before Rock beat Angle to regain the title. What did Triple H do to make Jericho before he beat him at Mania? Or at JD for that matter?


But I guess it must be another one of those "coincidences" that the Jericho/Rock feud made both guys look good while the Jericho/Triple H feud only served to bury Jericho. It's not Triple H's doing of course, let's blame the writers.


Oh wait, the head writer is Stephanie McMahon - the boss's daughter and Triple H's girlfriend. But Jericho couldn't have been set up. That's just another one of those "internet conspiracy theories."

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I neither like nor hate Trips. After Foley put him over he improved in the ring but that was before his injuries slowed him down.


I'll admit I'm a Jericho mark but he left WCW because of the same thing. He had to go out and basically shoot an interview to get Goldbergs attention and even then Nash and Easy E screwed him over by telling Goldy that Chris was beneath him.


So he comes to the Fed after Vince kisses his ass and tells him he's the future of the Fed. Then Angle and Benny get pushed before him but it's okay because Vince keeps promising big things. They both deserved the pushes but is that how you treat the Fed's future. His first ME push get squashed by Trips in a triple main event after all the build-up and actual good matches they had. Back to the mid-card he goes with Chris until they break the glass ceiling and win the tag titles but he gets de pushed just as fast. He has a horrid PPV losing streak all the while Vince saying he's next in line for World Title. Finally his backstage friend Rocky and him go into a feud and even though he's booked like his bitch Rock puts him over[can't remember if it was the Fed World Title] but anyways Jericho actually looks credible and beats Austin garning the first UD World Title. He does a okay job as champ but Trips comes by again to smirk in his promo's and laugh in his face. He didn't even do this to Edge who has much less crediblity.


I guess Brock will be treated like this too since he's the next big thing. Sucks to be him.

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Guest Anglesault
..And that's why Scott Hall still has a job.

That's why he kept his job about 2 months longer than he should have.

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I see a point no one has seemed to have brought up about jericho's reign as champ.  He was given 4 months as a favor, and had to job to hhh no matter what, and I will explain why and end the conspiracy.  Austin beat rock and WMX7 and was a heel.  Heel champ for 3 months or so until angle beat him.  Angle a face held the title for 1 month and austin had the title for another 5 months as a heel.  Right before vengeance he became a face champ for about 2 weeks and jobbed the title to a heel jericho who held it another 4 months.  So now you have a heel champ for 10 1/2 months out of the year, it was time a face had a run, the only fuck up they made was givingit to hogan, or atleast letting him get a long run because now we have another heel champ.  They seriously need a face champ for atleast 4 months to even things out,  I don;t know if HHH is the guy, i'd say have the rock come back and do it but thats not my decision.  Anyways hopefully that shed some light onto the subject.



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Guest chirs3

I'm a little late in returning...


Sakura: Losing the fued didn't kill his credibility. It's the fact that Triple H didn't NEED to win at Mania, didn't NEED to win HIAC, didn't NEED to squash him in every tag main event on Smackdown!. They hardly helped his standing in the eyes of the fans at all. Had he lost at Mania, the fans would still have been behind him.


Jericho was on the brink of becoming a permenant Main Eventer (I think), and then Triple H came along and kicked his ass at every single turn. It made Jericho look like he didn't belong in the Main Event.


Of course, whether he belonged there is opinion, but the fact that he just kinda slapped around the very first Undisputed Champ like he was nothing eradicated any credibility the belt and his Rocky fued gave him.

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Guest Anglesault

Wow, let's see how many factual inaccuracies we can find in Rob Stone's post!


Austin had the belt for six months before Angle.

Angle had the belt two weeks.

Austin had the belt another two months after Angle


And that still doesn't explain why Jericho wasn't even made to look like a threat by HHH.

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blah, so I confused the first and second reign, and angle having the belt for 2 weeks, then that makes my post even more credible, by haveing a heel champ for 11 months total, come on, HHH had to squash him, they needed a long term face run bad, and btw, a squash does not totally kill someone off.  Just because your personal favorites are not on top, don;t shit on everyone else.



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Guest Rabbi_wilson13

Oh do NOT give me this bull shit that HHH didn't bury Jericho.


I'm not a HHHater.  However, I AM a Jericho mark and HHH has buried him specifically over the past...hell, since Jericho started moving up the ladder.  When Jericho works with Rock and Austin he looks credible.  He's the Ric Flair, cheating to win but winning and putting up a fight every time.


He had the chance for a great angle leading to Mania with HHH.  He put HHH out of action.  Walls would be like Death to HHH.  They had the classic Last Man Standing(Which HHH won).  But no.  Its Steph vs. HHH.  And its not like Jericho was using Steph to get in HHH's head.  Oh no, because Jericho's just a stupid little Canadian who can't stand up to Mr. Roid I'm screwing the bosse's daughter Rage.


So HHH wins at Mania.  That's fine.  Pay off.  Heels have won the past few years, so that's fine and dandy.  But then on Smackdown Jericho looks like a pansy to HHH.  So he's the underdog going into HIAC...AND HE LOSES!  Did HHH need the win?  Honestly, would anyone think any less of HHH if he jobbed ONE FRICKIN' MATCH?!  He's lost one PPV match since his return, to Hogan, and he already avenged that on Smackdown!.


If Taker, with the great job he's been doing as champ, just like Jericho was, loses at KOTR...grrr....

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Guest Anglesault

HHH did not "Need to squash him" He can beat him while still making the guy look good.

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Yeah, I do have to admit that Triple H has made Jericho look like his little bitch over Y2J's WWE career. But I don't like Jericho, so I could careless.


But you guys all missed one key point that was posted by someone: HHH AND HBK ARE NOT FRIENDS ANYMORE.


That right there pretty much crumbles all chances of a full blown Clique taking over. It ain't gonna happen. I think Vince has learned since then. If things were the same as in '96, Hall would have been given chance after chance after chance and still have a job.


I just don't see a Clique takeover happening. There's too many other backstage powers now.




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Guest Anglesault
But you guys all missed one key point that was posted by someone: HHH AND HBK ARE NOT FRIENDS ANYMORE


Then WHAT THE HELL was Michaels talking about on Raw?

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But you guys all missed one key point that was posted by someone: HHH AND HBK ARE NOT FRIENDS ANYMORE


Then WHAT THE HELL was Michaels talking about on Raw?

I missed Raw so I have no idea what you're talking about.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

HHH and HBK...


Here's what I think.


The glory hog is back in the limelight...and all is forgiven.


In this scenerio...the glory hog is HBK...

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Guest Anglesault
But you guys all missed one key point that was posted by someone: HHH AND HBK ARE NOT FRIENDS ANYMORE


Then WHAT THE HELL was Michaels talking about on Raw?

I missed Raw so I have no idea what you're talking about.

Michaels took shots at Rocky and claimed that The Rock was stealing his friend HHH's spotlight.

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