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Star Ocean 3

I lost my passport inside my piano

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So I file to renew my passport in late February. I accept the 6-8 week delivery time, instead of the faster one, not knowing that I would end up needing it for an application in April. Of course 6-8 weeks turned into 3-4 months, and I had to delay completing the application until I got my passport.


My passport finally came today, and I decided to keep it someplace safe. I could have just left sitting on a table since nothing's going to happen to it anyway, but I wanted to make sure I put it away. Instead of a drawer or something, I put it on my keyboard. Of course, I don't think about that when I put the key guard lid down, and then push it back up, it will carry the passport inside the instrument. This isn't an acoustic piano, by the way, it's an electric one, which is much worse.


First I try reaching in underneath the lid. Even my firm, yet delicate hands are unable to reach anything, and I realize that it's actually gone all the way in. My next idea is to flip the whole thing upside down, and hope it makes its way back onto the keyboard. This requires me to clear everything from it, all of the wonderful music I've acquired, books, blank sheet music, years worth of memories...all gone. Gone from the top of the keyboard, to the floor, temporarily. The main problem with turning the keyboard upside down is that it's very heavy. There was also no way the passport would slide out as easily as it slid in, because it was likely surrounded by the mechanics of the instrument.


Then I figured that there could be a way to open it up. I screwdrivered the back, took the lid off, and grabbed the passport. The end.

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Thank god you dont live in the UK, if you want to renew or get a new passport, you have to travel to a passport office(only like 3-4 in the country) and have a three hour face to face interview

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Even my firm, yet delicate hands


This part made me raise an eyebrow. Vanhalen should just go back to his gimmick being sucking, not sucking off a guy who also sucks.

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Guest Smues

A guy I work with applied for his passport (which he'll need at the end of this month) months ago, and hadn't gotten it yet so he called them earlier this week. Dear lord is their phone system terrible. He put it on speaker phone so I got to enjoy the pain. It takes about 5 minutes (the guy talks super slow) to get to the menu where you select what your issue is, then after he pushes whatever the button is to talk to someone about his passport it says all operators are busy, please stay on the line. And then like 10 seconds later "good bye" *CLICK* And there's no way to just hold for an operator. He called back a bunch of times and the same thing happened, so finally what he did was call, push the buttons to get to what he needed, and when it said all operators were busy pushed the buttons again to reset it, so it couldn't hang up on him. And he had to keep doing that until, somehow, he got an actual live person.


Smues - Prays he doesn't require a passport anytime soon.

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Yeah, well I left my wallet in El Segundo.

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