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Zack Malibu

Malibu promo for HD.

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The all too familiar sound of "Getting Away With Murder" brings us back to live action on HeldDOWN~!, as the fans filling the seats in the arena rejoice upon the arrival of the OAOAST's favorite son.



Here he comes...the number one contender, and the man that many feel should be the World Champion already!


Zack Malibu heads down the aisle, slapping hands with some fans while keeping his normal focused demeanor. Clad in street clothes, it's obvious Malibu is not out here to fight, but that he has something to say. Three guesses as to whom the target of his wrath will be. He hops onto the apron and enters the ring, catching the mic thrown to him by Michael Buffer, and prepares to address the crowd.



We are just three days away, people. Three days away from Drek Stone's worst nightmare. Three days away from the harsh reality that I am going to END YOU, Drek!


Malibu wastes no time in getting INTENSE~! with his promo, and the crowd loves every second of it.



By now, they all know the history, Drek. These people know what you've done. They've seen you, week after week for the last two years, try to do something you can't do, and that is bring this company to its knees! You tried to rally the troops, but when your Civil War plot cracked under the weight of too many egos, you high tailed it out of here as fast as you could, trying to free yourself of the blame! You pinned my shoulders to the mat for a three count at Angleslam 2005, and then what? You pulled a disappearing act, keeping yourself satisfied with that one win. You lucked out last year, because had it not been for my bringing in The Wildcards and everything that ensued, you'd have been gone a LONG time ago. The past year, your title reign, EVERYTHING, has been on borrowed time, Drek. When you finally got what you wanted...the OAOAST World Title, you never wanted it for anything other than a PROP. Something to use in your war against me, and this company. You didn't treat it as a title, as a championship, as a legacy...you treated it as a toy, as an AFTERTHOUGHT!



He's right, he did! I seen it!



You are not a champion, Drek. You don't have the heart for it. You're out for the same thing you've been out for since day one, and that is YOURSELF. You have no respect for me, for that locker room, for these fans...you have NO RESPECT FOR THE COMPANY THAT MADE YOU! What were you before the OAOAST, Drek? You were NOTHING! No one had ever heard of Drek Stone, and now the only way you keep your name in lights is through controversy! You have held this company...MY COMPANY...hostage long enough. You have avoided responsibility and retribution time and time and time again and I AM GOING TO PUT AN END TO IT! I swear on all that is holy, on the blood, sweat and tears of myself and everyone from the locker room to the camera crew to the caters who have put their sould into this company that I am TAKING IT BACK ON SUNDAY NIGHT! I am taking back the OAOAST World Championship. I am going to restore the honor and glory and prestige that was once bestowed upon it. I am going to take the sixteen pounds of gold out of the hands of the one man who did it wrong. There are guys in the back there, guys like Scotty Static and Johnny Jax, Jamie O'Hara...even guys like Landon Maddix, Tha Puerto Rican, guys I don't necessarily get along with, that would KILL to be given the opportunities you've had. They would KILL for that World Title, and while we're here week after week, busting our asses and stepping over each other to try and get to the top of the mountain, you're sitting pretty without a care in the world, blaming US for your actions! A court case? A GOD DAMN COURT CASE? You took us to court instead of fighting it out like a man, Drek. You think that makes you smart? IT MAKES YOU A COWARD! You want to be treated a certain way, then FIGHT FOR IT! You say that we're biased against you? That it's an unsafe working enviroment? You are DAMN RIGHT on that count, because I don't give a damn what your lawyers or my lawyers say...I...HATE...YOU. Everyone in this company HATES you, Drek. They hate what you've tried to do. Now, the only Civil War you've managed to accomplish is us against you. All of us, Drek...guys like me and Leon Rodez and The Hooligans and The Lightning Crew and Christian Wright...everyone, all the way down the line, are against you. We're against what you are, what you stand for, and what you've done. They're all ready to take you on, to take you out, and to sit on top of the world as a champion. As the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion. Because while I'm going to walk out of School's Out with that belt around my waist once again, if you think this is about just a title, you're mistaken. This is about our LIVES. This is what we do. I hate you enough on my own, Drek...but how can you withstand a company united, bonded by one common feeling, and that is the absolute disgust and disdain for YOU? You're not OAOAST. You never were. After School's Out, Drek, the only thing you're going to be...is history.


Malibu, simmering with rage, drops the mic and glares into the hard camera before walking off, receiving a huge pop for his comments towards the World Champion. Zack hops out of the ring and powerwalks back up the aisle, his feelings clear for Drek Stone, as we fade to commercial.

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