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Debbie Bean Benefit wrestling show

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There's a card being held in my hometown on June 10th (a Sunday), at 4 PM. I'm excited about this, because the last wrestling show anywhere near us was in our town by Showcase Pro Wrestling, and outside of the hint that Eddie Edwards might have been there...there wasn't much to promise me to go. That, and there was a party the same night, so I chose beer.


But here's the card:

Jason Blade & "Die Hard" Eddie Edwards


Kid Mikaze & "Heartthrob" Antonio Thomas

Kid Mikaze is nuts. He's a little spotmonkey, but he has enough of a martial arts-side to him (I believe capoeria, actually) to keep his spots interesting. Antonio Thomas was part of the Heartthrobs in WWE, Jason Blade's made a decent name for himself lately, and Eddie Edwards is fucking TIGHT and fresh off a tour with NOAH. This will be the match of the night, hands-down.


Slyk Wagner Brown


Brian Fury

Eh...Fury's alright, but was better when he was full-on teaming with Chris Venom. Brown I'm indifferent towards.


"The Epic" Mike Bennet


Rick Fuller

I haven't seen Fuller wrestle since Thunder was on-air, but he's become a big fucking deal in the NE indy scene in the last year, which is pretty cool. Mike Bennet can work well with most people, a little too hesitant in most of his matches, but he's not bad. I still remember a Bennet/Michael Sain match from NECW a couple of years ago that was off-the-charts in terms of heat.


Brother Runt


"The Ladies' Man" Gregory Edwards

Dunno who Edwards is, but Runt is, as we all know, Spike Dudley. And he can bump. Like a motherfucker.


Also Scheduled to Appear:

"Heavenly" Johnny Angel

Dunno who.


Frankie Arion

"Big Guns" is a solid cruiserweight who does his best work playing face-in-peril to bigger guys. Here's to hoping Michael Sain makes an appearance, because Arion/Sain is a solid "David vs. Goliath" match-up.


Nick Steel



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