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Weekly show feedback

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After what seems like forever, I finally had the chance to read the 3 shows that followed Triumph. Well, I had already read the June 4th edition but I didn't have much to say because it was mostly squash matches.


Things picked up on the June 11th edition, though. Right off the bat I learned a bit about Little Rock's history in reference to the first Skippy plant being located in the area. In fact, I marked over the entire opening segment. Apparently I more of a Food Network fan than I realized. :lol: But the star of the show was Vinny Valentine, IMO. Great promo.


June 18th: Some of the stuff that happened (TK/Deuce & Jumbo) went over my head because I have yet to read that week's edition of HD -- or the GAB for that matter. That said, hot way to close the show with TK going nuts.


I know I'm not leaving the greatest feedback in the world, but I thought I'd let you guys writing the shows know your work is being read.


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