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Two days, Two bits of good news!

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So, i finished University like a month ago, and have had no luck in finding a job. I've applied for many places (even secretary work i'm that desperate for money - but I failed the spelling test four times).


I was put forward by a job agency to be Program Controller at a local radio station given that I have experince of doing that role at my University radio statation. Although, I found out two days ago that they only wanted one person instead of two and they went for the other person as they'd already had the interview and training, despite not having the experince I had. Which bummed me out.


Yesterday, I got my University results back:


Although i was expecting more for my 10,000 word dissertation (I got 51%) I passed my degree with a 2:2 grade (the equvailent of a C) which I'm chuffed to bits with. I was even happeier to find out that i got a better dissertation mark than my housemates (but not my friend Steve who got 90%).


And today, I get a phone call from the agency:


The radio station decided they'd rather have me working for them due to my experience in the feild and superior qualifications. I have an interview tommorow and I'm so fucking happy!




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So, i finished University like a month ago, and have had no luck in finding a job. I've applied for many places (even secretary work i'm that desperate for money - but I failed the spelling test four times).


How hard is this spelling test?

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You wouldn't believe.


Personally, I blame MS Word. If you spell something wrong on there, it just chages it for you. Made me lazy.

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How hard is this spelling test?


I was put forward by a job agency to be Program Controller at a local radio station given that I have experince of doing that role at my University radio statation


The radio station decided they'd rather have me working for them due to my experience in the feild and superior qualifications.

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