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Patty O'Green

manifestion of mindful concepts of the 7/5 show

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the quote function was fucking up in the first post, so I had to compensate w/code function.


hey, a good show though. PRL you can edit the 24/7 title match wherever you'd like.

Edited by Patty O'Green

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Very enjoyable show this week, despite only two matches (24/7 had yet to be edited at time of feedback). But it's not often you get to see a Conquistador in such a high profile match. The match of the night, however, has to go to James Blonde/Faqu-Los Diablos de Fuego. I've always preferred Blonde & Faqu together even though Zack did a fine job building Faqu into a singles star, if you will, in a limited number of appearances. Los Diablos are just good, clean fun. Kinda like COD in that you can do anything with them and it'll likely turn out good.


The ME of AS is intriguing. My memory isn't the greatest when it comes to past OAOAST angles, but I think we've only done a heel vs. heel match once or two. Looks like PR will finally get his long awaited run with the title sooner rather than later. The ME promo was better than I expected (those, as in real life, can turn into disasters), although I'd like to see a little less of The Rock-isms, especially if PR gets the belt. Less Rock and more PR.

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