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The Niggardly King

I need a good baseball game for the PS2

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MLB 2006 was great, up until I got 3 years into my franchise and all the bugs and glitches started happening. Well, now it's the start of the 2012 season in my game, and I can't even play it. So can someone recommend me a good baseball game, that doesn't have these irritating bugs that can wreck a season or dynasty mode? Anything from the last 2 or 3 years would be fine.

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MVP Baseball 2005 is a really fun game. It's hard to hit HR's (at least for me) but that can be tweaked with adjusting some of the sliders for power/contact. You can play 120 seasons in dynasty and if you have a max drive (or go buy one) you can download the 2007 rosters into the game bringing it up to date.


The only thing that sucks is you can't adjust the length of the season so you have to do 162 games. I basically play the division games/any series I feel is significant and then sim the rest.


One of the few sports EA got right was baseball, its a shame they don't have that license anymore.

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