Tony149 0 Report post Posted September 12, 2007 (edited) [i][size=4][color="#FF0000"][b]HEY WAIT I GOT A NEW COMPLAINT![/b][/color][/size][/i] As the music plays, Abdullah Nerdly, the cowboy hat, Arabic head dress-wearing guiding light of the Heavenly Rockers, leads Logan Usher Mann and Synth ringside. BUFFER Wrestling fans, the following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Sin City, COLONEL ABULLAH NERDLY presents the “GREATEST rock 'n' wrestling band of AAAAALLLL-time“...THE HEAVENLYYYYYYY RRRRRROOOOOOOOOCCKKEEEEEEERRRRRRRSSSSSSS! “BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” The arrogant rockers pose for the people who once worshiped their every move COLE On Sunday night, September 30th, the Heavenly Rockers will meet their ex-manager Holly-Wood and Melody Nerdly -- yes, Holly and Melody, or the Angels of Death as they’ve dubbed themselves… COACH I’ve dubbed them dumb and stupid! COLE …at Zero Hour in one of the great under card bouts that evening which could main event anywhere in the world. But the Heavenly Rockers must first get by these men, as we toss it up to Michael Buffer! [b][COLOR=red]*WHIIIR!* *WHIIIR!*[/COLOR][/b] Doctor, doctor, give me the news I've got a bad case of lovin' you No pill's gonna cure my ill I've got a bad case of lovin' you COACH They’re still around?! I thought getting their ass kicked by CPA two weeks ago and COD last week would send them back to the ER, but no. They must be gluttons for punishment. The Love Doctors treat the ladies to a strip tease, and unlike last week’s chilly reception their antics are warmly received. BUFFER And their opponents, total combine weight 456 pounds... THE LLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOVVEEEEE DOCTOORRRRSSSS! "YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" COLE Here’s another team who’ll be in action Sunday night, September 30th at Zero Hour, as the Love Doctors seek revenge against these men, Theodore Moneymaker and Christian Wright. [b]* [color="#008000"]SWOOSH[/color] *[/b] We cut to a wide shot as a square box settles in on the top left hand corner of the screen. There stand the former and first ever One & Only World tag team champions in front of a grey backdrop. WRIGHT Love Doctors, I’ve burned the midnight oil at Enterprise headquarters crunching the numbers and they reveal you made the biggest mistake of your careers when you crossed Theodore Moneymaker and at Zero Hour you’re going to pay for it in full. MONEYMAKER Opportunity was knocking at the door and you failed to open, Doctors. The philanthropist that I am I loaned you the money Windy City Hospital needed to continue providing its precious free healthcare to all your nickel-and-dime patients, only to let some code of ethics cause you to rethink your decision. Now you’re in debt to my Enterprise. The beating at the hands of CPA was merely a message, a message you failed to heed. You’ll learn at Zero Hour what every person before you already has: you don’t stab the Billion Dollar Heir in the back. [b]* [color="#808000"]SWOOSH[/color] *[/b] COLE Theodore Moneymaker, a philanthropist? To what, the Republican party? Give me a break! COACH Like Teddy said, when you don’t get the job done you don’t get paid. He and CW survive an assassination attempt on the night of a major title defense, but those idiots, Anderson and Pigley, couldn’t fax a freakin’ doctor’s note letting Anglesault know the champs were in no condition to wrestle. Subsequently, Wright and Moneymaker lose the titles to COD. A miscarriage of justice if there ever was one. * DINGDINGDING * Dr. Steven Pigley and Synth begin for their respective teams, but as Steven leans in to lockup the Synthmeister develops a case of dance fever. He swivels his hips and struts away, then guides backwards to his corner :headbang: to a chorus of boos. COLE Did he--Did he just [I]moonwalk[/I]? Who still moonwalks in the year 2007? COACH Only those who can pull it off like Synth. His manhood apparently challenged, Dr. Steven responds with his own hip swivel, drawing the ladies out of their panties and a clothesline from Synth! COACH See, Cole, that’s what happens when you can’t bust a move like Synth. Often imitated, never duplicated. Whipped into the ropes Pigley is launched overhead, but he lands on his feet and decks Synth with a dropkick, then adjusts his elbow pad and delivers a RUNNING LARIAT! ONE… KICKOUT! Synth rolls outside and shakes off the cobwebs. After a brief conversation with Col. Abdullah Nerdly he tags Logan. The “Macho MACHO” Mann comes in full of bravado, requesting a visit with Dr. Max Anderson and gets his wish. COLE Well, I suppose a person should be able to choose their own doctor. Anderson gets a clap started. The rhythmic sound doing little to take Logan off his game. Both men lock horns and Logan clubs Max hard across the shoulders, and then slaps him insultingly upside the head. LOGAN You ain’t shit, Anderson! Humiliated in front of a worldwide television audience, Dr. Max responds with SPINNING BACKFISTS of fury, rattling the mind and then the body with a big time backdrop! Enter Synth, who once more gets knocked on his ass courtesy of a dropkick. Anderson wrings Mann’s arm and tags Dr. Steven. The Doctor of Love quickly scales to the top and, following an equally quick hip swivel, drops a double axe handle down onto the outstretched arm of Logan and wrings it again. COLE The Love Doctors targeting the arm Mann throws his wicked left hook with. Excellent strategy on their part. Unable to counter the hold Mann resorts to pulling Pigley downward by the hair, only to miss the follow-up elbow drop and be placed in an arm bar! Utilizing fast tags and middle rope axe handle smashes, the Love Doctors continue to punish the left arm as Col. Abdullah scolds referee Earl Hebner in Arabic. Meanwhile, Logan tosses Steven outside by the top of his trunks. He doesn’t stay there for long, however, rushing back to his feet and onto the apron for a springboard… “OH!” …FACEPLANT!? COACH Really, Steven, you shouldn’t come to work in no condition to wrestle. Not only do you put yourself in danger but also everyone in the ring. COLE Baloney. Synth pushed Dr. Steven off the top and the referee didn’t see it because Logan had him distracted. The Heavenly Rockers tag and, preceding a Falcon Arrow, the Synthmeister scores on a SECOND ROPE ELBOW DROP! ONE… TWO… KICKOUT! Synth follows a body slam with a leaping knee drop, but Pigley blocks it and counters with a FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK! The Heavenly Rockers pain is doubled when Dr. Max Anderson decks Logan Mann and applies the Figure Four on him as well! “YEEAAAAHHHHHH!” COLE Stereo Figure Fours! COACH Do your job and break this up, Hebner! Col. Abdullah can only watch :firedevil: as his men agonize in the ring. Fortunately Logan manages to rake Steven’s eyes, thus freeing Synth who returns the favor. Once again in the driver’s seat, the Heavenly Rockers attempt a double suplex, but Max Anderson catches Steven in his arms on the way over and the Doctors perform a pair of dropkicks! COLE The Love Doctors operating with precision. With Logan laid out on the apron, the Docs use the DEFIBRILLATOR on Synth! ONE… TWO… THREE-- NO!! Rather than tag out Dr. Steven Pigley stays in, scooping Synth for a slam and is wrapped up in a SMALL PACKAGE! ONE… TWO… KICKOUT! Vertical suplex coming up, but Dr. Steven floats over and rolls Synth up in a pinning combination. ONE… TWO… But only two, as Pigley is kicked forward and right into a WICKED LEFT HOOK~ from Logan Usher Mann on the apron, followed by a back suplex from Synth! COACH Dayton, Ohio or Florida -- you could hear that one everywhere you may be. The Synthmeister proves you don’t need a medical degree or even high school diploma to be ring smart, as he tags in the fresh Mann. Perched on top Logan spreads his “wings” and flies, crashing BOTH KNEES into the sternum of Dr. Pigley! ONE… TWO… THR-- NO! Dr. Anderson got the page in time to breakup the pin. Wise beyond their years, the Heavenly Rockers throw Pigley to the Colonel outside and distract both the referee and Max Anderson while Abdullah gets his kicks in. “BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” COLE Turn around, ref! When Hebner finally does Abdullah is far away from the crime scene, praising the heavens for another job well done. Logan, meanwhile, slams Steven and drops the big leg for the… ONE… TWO… KICKOUT! Snapmare takeover into a reverse chin lock, but Pigley slips out and places Mann in a hammerlock. Both men return to a vertical base, and Logan gets floored by a FLATLINER after Steven ducks a back elbow! COACH Where did that come from? COLE Out of nowhere! Seeing stars, both Logan and Steven look to make a tag and do almost simultaneously. Dr. Max Anderson and Synth come ready to fight, but it’s Anderson who gets the best of the exchange punching, chopping and kicking the blond rocker into a state of confusion before spiking him on his head with a HURRICARANA from a standing position! ONE… TWO… THREE! NO!! Logan makes the save and then is leveled by a Dr. Steven Pigley running dropkick! They resume their battle out on the floor while Dr. Max climbs to the top signaling for the 450 splash, bringing the fans to their feet in anticipation. But leave it to referee Earl Hebner to be out of position as he concerns himself more with the situation outside than in, allowing Col. Abdullah Nerdly to shove Max off the top! “BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” COLE This is tragic. The Heavenly Rockers are going to steal the victory. Synth prepares to deliver a Percussion DDT but pauses… “YYYEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!” …after spotting HOLLY-WOOD and MELODY NERDLY heading ringside. COACH They have no business out here. Somebody in the back needs to come and take them away. You know they have evil intentions. The girls are confronted by Abdullah, who goes off on a foreign tirade before taking a SWING at his sister…but Holly grabs the arm and Melody decks him with a BITCHSLAP! MELODY :p Synth angrily points at the girls, and then is suddenly snapped over in a NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX! ONE! TWO! Logan slides in… THREE! …but is too late! * DINGDINGDING * “YEAH!” COACH What the hell was that?! COLE A 3 count! The Love Doctors have won it! BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, here are your winners… THE LLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOVVEEEEE DOCTOORRRRSSSS! "YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" [b][COLOR=red]*WHIIIR!* *WHIIIR!*[/COLOR][/b] Mann searches for answers and spots Holly and Melody celebrating with the Love Doctors on the stage. LOGAN :firedevil: COLE The Love Doctors are the winners and the Heavenly Rockers are pissed. Zero Hour can’t get here soon enough. It’s going to be an explosive night of action to be sure. Edited September 13, 2007 by Tony149 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites