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King Cucaracha

HD: Tyler vs. Soul

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Two weeks ago, courtesy of Simon Singleton's roving camera, we were taken to Beverly Hills Vista Elementary School with The Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew. Now, the Crew were there in search of Krista Isadora Duncan but they instead ran into D*LUX, who happened to be there as little Maya Isadora Duncan's show and tell project. And after more than a few choice words exchanged, the crutch of which being Lucius Soul claiming he'd like to 'pimp out' Chicks Over Dicks, we come to tonight where Tyler Bryant has challenged Soul to a one on one match, looking to avenge the honour of Krista.

Three problems off the bat. One, two grown men being a little schoolgirl's 'show and tell project'. Two, the reason they did it in the first place, cause they've got the hots for feminazi Krista. And three, the suggestion Krista has any honour to defend. Okay. Carry on.

Thank you.

"Makes Me Wonder" by Maroon 5 begins to play right on cue, to a whoop of delight from the fans. Out from the back bound Shayne Brave and Tyler Bryant, high-fiving before stepping aside, making way for JADE RODEZ, firmly back in the D*LUX fold to everyone's joy!!


Oh please, this jezebel.

Jade points D*LUX to the ring, the boyband duo already half a step there ready to slap the hands of the Dayton natives. Even though it's just a singles match, D*LUX showing a great togetherness and comradery.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by JADE RODEZ and SHAYNE BRAVE... he hails from Auburn Hills, Michigan. Weighing one hundred and ninety six pounds... one third of the OAOAST World 6-Man Tag Team Champions... "TREMENDOUS" TTYYYYYYYLLLLLEEEEEERRRR... BBRRRRYYYYYYYAAAAAAANNNTT!!!!


"Give me something to believe in
Cause I don’t believe in you anymore
I wonder if it even makes a difference to try
So this is goodbye"

With Jade and Shayne applauding him from their adopted corner, Tyler enters the ring and fires the crowd behind him. For all the fist-pumps and shouts of 'COME ON!' though, all he really needs is to remove his purple denim jacket to whip (some) of the crowd into a frenzy!

Tyler, along with Shayne Brave of course, two young men who've really risen through the ranks of the OAOAST in the last year and a half, to become one of the best and most popular teams in the company. And a lot of credit for that rise could be attributed to Jade Rodez. Now they've learnt to cope without her, they're the stronger for it I'm sure. But now Jade is back by their side, it could be a matter of time before these two are challenging for the One And Only Tag Team Championships.

With their crush holding one of the belts? Pssh!

Tyler hands his 6-Man Title belt to the referee and begins his warm-ups, as all eyes turn to the entrance way. A drumroll begins to roll through the air, building into THE BEST SONG EVER, "Jive Soul Bro"!! Looking confused to hear this at an OAOAST show, Tyler tries to contain laughter as "Sweet" Lucius Soul comes strutting out through the entrance doors, combing away at his 'fro with a confident grin on his face and Rico De Janeiro backing him up. As Lucius stops to comb out the 'fro properly, Rico pats his partner on the back and points him out as the "Heart And Soul Of The OAOAST".

And, introducing at this time the opponent! He hails from New Orleans, Louisana... weighing in tonight at one hundred, eighty eight pounds... he is accompanied to the ring by RICO DE JANEIRO, one half of THE MARDI GRAS HOMEWRECKING CREW... here is "SWEET" LLUUUUUUCCCCIIIIUUUUUSSSSSS... SSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLLL!!!!


"You're a jive soul bro
A jive soul bro an' you're always lyin' to your friends
You're a jive soul bro
A jive soul bro an' you'll never get nothin' in the end"

Ya know, D*LUX might not have to worry about the tag titles being forbidden fruit too much longer. Come Zero Hour, these two men, you could be looking at the new One And Only Tag Team Champs!

Well, The Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew do have their shot at Chicks Over Dicks, September 30th at Zero Hour. And you never know. It'd be considered a major upset but Rico and Lucius, another team who've climbed the ranks in a short space of time.

Climbing to the apron, Lucius demands Tyler is held back before he'll even contemplate entering the ring. Of course, the honourable Tyler isn't anywhere near him. But Lucius insists on it nonetheless, before he saunters in and combs out the 'fro some more for the disapproving Ohio crowd.

He sure loves that hairdo, doesn't he?

You would though, wouldn't ya. If I had hair like that, I'd cherish it just like Lucius. That thing is a work of art!

To be fair, you'd cherish ANY hair, but let's not dwell on that too long.

Lucius places his 'fro pick in his hair and allows himself to be checked out by referee Mike Chioda. Meanwhile, Tyler gets some last words of encouragement from Shayne and Jade before we're ready to go.


The bell sounds and Tyler skips into the centre of the ring, his eagerness to get underway causing Lucius to duck through the ropes and call for a timeout. Tyler looks frustrated but backs off, Lucius coming out of the ropes and pointing out he's not ready yet because he needs to comb his 'fro again.


After a few teases of the comb, Lucius is finally ready to go and the two men circle. Collar and elbow tie-up, initated and won by Tyler who brings Lucius down into a side headlock. Lucius instantly backpedals into the ropes though, forcing a cheap break of the hold and scrambling out of the ring with steam coming out of his ears. When the referee starts to count him, Lucius and Rico who has come over to comfort his partner complain that Tyler was "all up in the 'fro, dawg".

Now, these could very well be mindgames on Lucius' part. Or, he could just be REALLY unnaturally obsessed with his hair.

Can't it be both?

Rico provides a second opinion for Lucius on the outside, his partner clearly flustered over the state of his hair. Everything seems to be fine. But all the times it takes between them to agree wears thin on Tyler Bryant, who runs to the ropes and takes the fight to the floor with a TOPÉ!!


There we go! Tyler Bryant taking both Homewreckers out with that dive, enough stalling, it's time to fight here tonight!

Slapping a few hands outstretched to congratulate him on his successful dive, Tyler collects his actual opponent and throws him back into the ring. Tyler then leaps to the apron and lures Lucius into a shoulder, driven in through the ropes to the gut. Over doubles Lucius, allowing Tyler come in up and over the top, rolling down Soul's back and making for the ropes. Recovering his senses, Lucius rushes to meet him with a Hiptoss... blocked! Tyler jabs Lucius in the gut and twists on the arm, wringing it out and whipping Lucius into a corner. Grabbing the top rope, up and over the invisible man goes Soul, not realising Tyler has come off the ropes in front of him until a Flying Clothesline is winging it's way towards him! Cover by Tyler...




Tyler meets Lucius with a forearm shiver. And a second. Make it three! Calling on the support of the crowd, Tyler then whips Lucius off the ropes and ducks his head... too soon, allowing Soul to boot him in the shoulder blade!


Swagger back in his step, Soul struts around for a second or two before making a sudden dart into the ropes. Drop down by Tyler though, Lucius going up and over before being forced to duck a leapfrog. Off the ropes comes Lucius again, looking for a sattelite headscissors. Tyler throws him off though... missing with a clothesline... but getting the knockdown on a back elbow!

Fast paced action here from these two young athletes!

Holding his jaw, Lucius retreats into a corner looking for a timeout. Tyler isn't about to let up though, reminding Lucius exactly why he's doing this as he climbs to the middle rope and lets out a cry of "KRISTA!"...










...Tyler messes up the 'fro, flustering Lucius up before punch number...


Now that's not neccessary at all!

Jade and Shayne applaud their cohort's efforts as he jumps down from the ropes, whipping Soul out of the corner. Lucius hits the opposite turnbuckles hard and comes staggering out, Tyler coming off the ropes at the side and attempting a Bulldog. A hand in the back pushes him off though, Tyler managing to save himself from a bad collision in the far corner...




Oh, my! That might be a knockout right there!

Collapsing out of the corner, Tyler looks like he may well be KOed, to the concern of his manageress and tag team partner. Standing over him, the confident Lucius proves he's also resourceful, pulling out a second 'fro comb from his beige pants and tending to his hair. The boos of the crowd seem to spur him into making the pin though, not perhaps what Dayton had intended...




Oh man, I would love it if Lucius did that to Krista at Zero Hour. You see how worried Shayne looks now with his partner down and hurting? Just imagine what he'd be like if his precious pin-up got her face smushed beyond recognition!

Pulling Tyler out of the corner, Lucius simply puts the boots to his opponent a little, buying himself a little time to maybe catch his breath. Slapping the thighs, he then squats down and applies the time-tested Camel Clutch! Soul pulls back on the jaw, referee Chioda dropping in to check for a submission.


"TY - LER!"
"TY - LER!"
"TY - LER!"
"TY - LER!"

The Dayton crowd catch on quickly and rally behind "Tremendous" Tyler, just as Lucius starts to get real nasty and fishhooks the eyes and nose, trying to mess up the boyband features a little more!

It looks like Lucius is more interested in smushing Tyler Bryant's face right now Coach!



Lucius breaks quickly enough, reasserting the Camel Clutch while Rico tries to get the crowd to quieten down. It has the reverse effect though. And the increased noise of the crowd begins to get the blood pumping for Tyler! Fists clenched, a burst of energy allows Tyler to push up and start to escape the hold, much to Lucius' shock. Just as Tyler starts to escape though, Lucius releases the hold and lands a boot to the back of the head!


Following up, Lucius hits a snap suplex and floats over...




Shooing the referee out of the way, Lucius now looks to get this over and done with, heading to the middle rope. There he perches while Tyler climbs back to his feet, still looking a little dis-orientated from the kick in the corner earlier. Lucius lines him up and leaps from the top, looking for a double axehandle...

...DUCK, Tyler catching Lucius and going behind into a rear waistlock! Soul breaks it though, connecting on an elbow and executing a standing switch. O'Connor roll...




Off the ropes comes Lucius, being forced to leap up and over Tyler who's still on the mat. Lucius hits the far ropes and lunges at Tyler for a wild Lariat. Wild is the operative word however, missing high with the line and turning around as Tyler now runs the ropes, coming back with his own YAKUZA KICK!!



There's a little reciept for ya! Bam!

Jade and Shayne play intergender cheerleader duo again for the Dayton crowd as both men stay down after that thunderous kick. Rico tries to make his lone voice heard to encourage Lucius on but he's hopelessly drowned out by the rest of the pro-Tyler masses in the arena. The only man standing, Mike Choida, putting a standing ten on the two wrestlers.

This crowd trying to get behind Tyler Bryant here. There's very few men in the OAOAST with the following that D*LUX can boast.

That's why this country sucks!


At the ref's count of seven, Lucius is first to his feet. Tyler is right behind him though and possessing the most of his senses as he strikes first with a stinging right hand! Lucius is rocked, but responds in kind. Back comes Tyler though, landing one, two, three right jabs before drawing on some more crowd energy. Off the ropes, Tyler throws another YAKUZA... 

...DUCKED! It's Lucius coming off the ropes now at full pelt, looking for another headscissors... and getting countered, dropped across the knee with a Tilt A Whirl Backbreaker!

Around the world and nothing to show for it but a bad case of jetlag!

Hooking the leg, Tyler folds Lucius up in a pin...




Applying a front facelock, Tyler drags Lucius into the centre of the ring and clubs him across the upper back. Turning back to back, the boyband sensation then shoots for chart success with the Recordbreaker...

...but Lucius floats over the back and lands on his feet! A quick shove in the back sends Tyler into the ropes, building momentum for a clothesline attempt. However Lucius ducks underneath and makes a sudden turn, coming off the ropes at the side of Tyler Bryant. With Soul out of his line of vision, Tyler doesn't know what's coming. And he doesn't know what's hit him either as he's sent airborne by THE POOOUUUUUUUUNNCCCCEEEEEEEE~!!!!



Let's see anyone in the NFL match that for distance! Tyler just FLEW!

Inexplicably, Lucius smells the top rope before deciding to follow up with the cover...




"TY - LER!"
"TY - LER!"
"TY - LER!"
"TY - LER!"

Telling the crowd to shut their mouths, Lucius climbs back to his feet and sees Tyler beginning to get back up. A smile forms on Sweetness' face and he clasps his hands together, indicating it's 'bedtime'.

Uh-oh, time to 'Fro 2 Sleep' perhaps!

Lucius helps Tyler the last little way up, smirking over to where Jade and Shayne watch on while he hoists Tyler up into the fireman's carry. But his arrogance costs him as Tyler is able to slide down the back and escape! Ducking low, a quick back suplex folds Lucius up! And as he rolls through onto one knee, he finds himself prone to get his head shone with the SHINING ENZIGURI!!



But no! It's Lucius who's napping now!

No, come on Lucius!

Rolling Lucius over, Tyler hooks the leg, Rico barely able to watch as Chioda counts the...





No! Referee Mike Chioda saying that shoulder came up JUST in time, Lucius Soul showing plenty of resiliancy to kick out after that vicious kick upside the head.

Looking understandably disappointed at not getting the three, Tyler has to drag Lucius back up, looking again for the Recordbreaker. Dropping to his knees, Soul sandbags the attempted move though. He then goes one better than just blocking, tripping out Tyler's feet from underneath him and causing him to fall forward, throat first across the middle ring rope! Away staggers Lucius, bringing referee Chioda with him...



Hey! HEY! De Janeiro from the outside!

What, I didn't see anything?

Clearly pleased with himself, Rico turns to the fans and strokes his 'stache. However, when he turns around, he's shocked to see Shayne Brave flying towards him, HITTING A CROSSBODY OFF THE APRON!! Shayne mounts the Brazilian and rains away with right hands, getting the crowd going on that side of the ring.

The other three sides are more concerned with the action in the ring though, as Tyler staggers off the ropes and into a BICYCLE KICK from Lucius Soul! Dropping like a sack of potatoes, Bryant looks out. But Lucius wants to make sure and quickly brings Tyler back up, hoisting him into a fireman's carry and parading him around for a second... before throwing the boybander up and CRACKING him in the face with a knee on the way down!!


That's going to do it.

Lucius quickly hooks the leg, Chioda ignoring the protests of Jade Rodez long enough to make the count...






The Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew pick up YET ANOTHER win over D*LUX!!

Upon hearing the three count, Shayne Brave leaves Rico be and jumps into the ring. He's too late to catch Lucius though, as he's already sliding to the floor and smugly celebrating his win. Rico stumbles over holding his jaw and looking pretty angry, but not too angry to wrap an arm around his victorious partner and join in the victory party.

Here is your winner of the match... "SWEET" LLUUCCIIUUSS... SSSSOOOOOUUUUULLLLLLL!!!


Lucius points to his brain as he and Rico back away, looking on with amusement at Shayne shouting back at them and Jade Rodez knelt down, tending to the semi-conscious Tyler.

Fair means or foul, clearly the latter here tonight, it's a win for Lucius Soul and another win for Mardi Gras over D*LUX, who seem to certainly have their number.

No doubt about it. And now, they've also got the confidence to go on to Zero Hour and bring home those titles. The uncrowned Tag Team Champions, Lucius Soul and Rico De Janeiro!

As the gloating Mardi Gras Homewrecking Crew disappear through the entrance doors, still celebrating 'their' big win, D*LUX are left in the ring. A clearly groggy Tyler sits back up and is held there by Shayne who makes sure his partner doesn't move anywhere too soon. A consolation is given to them in the form of the 6-Man Tag Team Title belts, handed over by Jade Rodez who then leads the crowd in some consolidatory applause for D*LUX.

A great reception from the Dayton crowd for D*LUX, even in defeat. And it's great to see Jade Rodez back by their side.

Yeah, good job kids. You came out to defend Krista's honour and you got beat, for real. Congratulations.

Way to put a downer on a great moment Coach.


We'll have more HeldDOWN~! coming up, don't go anywhere fans.

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