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King Cucaracha

HD: Landon/Zack segment

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Starring: Landon, Zack.



Backstage we go, into the locker room of our very own Franchise, Zack Malibu. Why we're in Zack's locker room while he's in the middle of a presumably private phone conversation isn't clear but hey, it's wrestling. As Zack continues to talk away as you would if you didn't realise you were being watched, his locker room door begins to open though. And much to The Franchise's surprise, LANDON MADDIX breezes in.

Can I have...

Zack, looking very surprised still under his scowl, holds up a hand to Maddix.

(down the phone)
Just give me a second wouldya.

Setting down his phone, Zack stands up, ready to fight.

What the hell do you want?

Relax, relax. I've got a proposition for you, one you might be pretty interested in.

Why would I be interested in anything you have to say?

Well, hear me out here, okay? Jeez. Look, we don't agree on much. We don't see eye to eye on many things, if any. But after what happened last week, I think we can both agree on one thing... Tha Puerto Rican can not be trusted.

Scoffing under his breath, Zack shakes his head and sits back down.

Tell me something I don't know.

Right, so, we can both agree that he's a conniving little son of a bitch who we both hate.

MALIBU (glances up)
Sure. And I deal with those kinda people every day here.

If that was meant at a shot at Landon, it flies over his head.

Okay, but here's the thing, we shouldn't even [i]have[/i] to be dealing with him. I'm the reigning World Heavyweight Champion, you're the former Champion... what is PRL? He's a distraction. So he won some battle royal, got himself a title shot? He lost at AngleSlam. HE lost, I pinned him... with your help, I guess... anyway, the important point is, PRL doesn't deserve this rematch at Zero Hour! By rights it should be you and me, one on one. Deep down, that's what you want and don't try to kid me and tell me any different. And for that to happen, we need to get rid of PRL. Now, I've pulled a few strings and I've got us a Handicap Match tonight, you and me versus PRL...

(chuckling to himself)
You have got to be kidding me.


You do realise I know you gave PRL this exact same speech last week, right? What's changed? A little matter of a superkick to the face perhaps? Come on Maddix, what did you think was going to happen, you coming in here offering to TEAM with me.

Don't think of it like that. Think of it as using a situation to your advantage. Come on Zack, think of yourself for once! You live your life for those people out there, being their 'Franchise', doing what they want. Be selfish for once. Do this for you. Not for me, you! Come on Zack!

Standing back up, Zack stares at Landon, still looking mildly amused.

You know, you are so full of crap...

Now, come on...

...but, I'm not doing anything else tonight. And hey, maybe I'll get to pin PRL like I pinned you last week. So, what the hell, you've got a partner tonight.

And I can trust you. Because, you're a trustworthy guy, right?

Sure. You can take my word, I won't walk out on you tonight.

Looking like he can hardly believe his luck, Landon looks ready to hug his arch-rival for a second before realising just what he's doing. He settles for patting Zack on the shoulder, which still earns him a dirty look, pumping an encouraging fist to his makeshift partner before leaving the locker room with a big smile on his face. Hands on hips, Zack shakes his head and picks up the phone again.

Candie, you hear all that? ..... Yeah, can you believe that kid?

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