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King Cucaracha


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*DUM DUM*[/i]


The Kentuckians rise to their feet, booing the opening of Incubus' "Megalomaniac". And the boos only intensify the moment Landon Maddix steps through the entrance doors. With Megan Skye by his side as ever, Landon extends his arms to the crowd and double-dog dares them to disrespect him. Sure enough, they do just that.

Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is your MAIN EVENT of the evening, a handicap contest which is scheduled for one fall. Introducing at this time, the first competitor. Hailing from Huron, South Dakota by way of Madrid, Spain. Weighing in at two hundred and eight pounds... he is led to the ring by his "Perfect 10", MEGAN SKYE... the reigning One and Only AngleSault Thread HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WOOOOORRRRRLLDD... LANDON! "LA CUCARACHA"... MMMMMAAAAAAAAAADDIIIIIIIIIIXXXXXXXXX!!!

Reaching the ring, Landon leaps to the apron, looking out at the crowd as Megan climbs the steps. Megan holds open the ropes and Landon bounds into the ring, spinning himself into the centre of the ring HBK style and posing with Megan.

Landon Maddix, just ten days away from defending his World Title at Zero Hour. And his two challengers, the two other men involved in this match. Last week it was Landon teaming with PRL against Zack Malibu. And, well, that didn't work out too great, so tonight the roles have been reversed.

You have to admire the man Michael. Even after what went down last week, our Champion is still man enough to come out tonight and compete.

On the right side of a handicap stipulation.

Makes no difference, you should still admire him all the same.

As he removes his jacket and title belt, giving both his treasured items over to Megan, Landon goes through some warm-ups.

And, his tag team partner.

.:CUE: "Getting Away With Murder", Papa Roach:.


Hailing from Providence, Rhode Island... he weighs two hundred, ten pounds... "THE FRANCHISE"... ZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCK... MMMMMMMAAAAAAAALLLLIIIIIIIIIIBBUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!

Walking through a shower of golden pyro, Zack marches to the ring. A burst of white pyro shoots out from either side of the ramp behind him as he makes his way down the aisle, looking in a far more promising mood tonight as he tags away at the outstretched hands of his people. Landon tries to show some solidarity by applauding his partner, who just gives him a funny look from the outside and continues hand-slapping.

What I don't get is, why Zack would even agree to team with the guy who he's been mortal enemies with ever since he arrived in the OAOAST.

Well, you heard what he said earlier, he had nothing better to do.

Then why not find a bar, shoot some pool, go to a strip joint.

Coach, he's married with a young child.

But he wasn't neutered. Guys still got needs.

Into the ring slides Zack, turning his back on Maddix and climbing the turnbuckles to fire up the crowd. Zack then goes about removing his jacket, still yet to show any real acknowledgement of his tag team partner for the night.





Smirking to himself, Zack shrugs his shoulders to Landon and raises his arms to get another pop from the Kentucky crowd. Landon forces a smile and a thumbs up, despite being clearly POed at being shown up. Suddenly the lights go down in the arena. A Puerto Rican flag appears on the AngleTron. In big white blocky letters, the following words appear on the screen, with Tha Puerto Rican saying them:


With that, a lightning bolt hits the entrance, the PRL entrance video plays on the AngleTron, and "Know Your Role '99" begins playing, with the crowd standing up and booing. PR is heard saying, "THE CHAMP IS HERE!" throughout the song, while smoke fills the entryway and strobe lights appear on the entrance set. A few seconds elapsed, and out from the curtains and through the smoke steps "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican, backed up by Stephen Joseph Popick and by his fiancee, Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez.

And, their opponent. He comes to us from San Juan, Puerto Rico... weighing in at two hundred, twenty pounds and being accompanied by his "Career Consultant", STEPHEN JOSEPH POPICK and the OAOAST World Women's Champion, MS. LINDSAY GONZALEZ! Here is, "THE CORPORATE CHAMPION"... THA PUUUUUEEEEEEEERRTOOOOOOOO RRIIIIIIIIIIIICCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANN!!!


Chants of "P.R. SUCKS!" fill the arena as PRL and Popick continue their walk to the ring. Tha Puerto Rican gets on the ring apron and sneers at the crowd. Popick holds the ropes and Tha Puerto Rican enters the ring. He spins around; soaking in the fans boos while "Know Your Role '99" continues playing over the P.A. system.

PRL not looking too happy tonight. But, to be fair, he brought a lot of this on himself by walking out on Landon during their stint as a team last week, not to mention the superkick that helped lead to Zack picking up the pin on the World Champion.

Yeah... I loves me some PRL, but I'm not sure what to think about what happened last week.

Looking across at his opponents, PRL cracks his knuckles and high-fives Popick. A quick kiss from Lindsey and Tha Puerto Rican is ready to go, already talking some smack even as he's checked out by the referee.

I was about to say that PRL won't have anyone to walk out on this week. But, looking at the odds here, walking out might just be his best option.


The bell sounds and without hesitation, Landon elects himself to start for his team. Zack doesn't have a problem with that and after a few simple words of conversation, Zack steps out of the ring... giving Landon a little 'good game', which freaks him out a little bit.

What was that about!?

Offended at the percieved ass-grab, Landon reels around to in no uncertain terms warn Zack off... and PRL capitalises with a schoolboy...




Scrambling to his feet, Landon comes swinging with a big right hand. PRL ducks underneath and lets Landon spin around, right into a BIG Atomic Drop! He then gives Zack something to think about with a back elbow that almost knocks him off the apron, laughing it up at The Franchise's expense before charging at Landon... and into a HIGH BAAAAACK bodydrop!!


PRL rolls to his knees and begs off, going so far as to PRAY for mercy from the World Champion. This isn't Landon's first rodeo though. And sure enough, as he goes to pull PRL back up, The Corporate Champion is waiting with an eyepoke... which Landon blocks, Three Stooges style, kicking PRL in the stomach and sending him rolling into a neutral corner.

Can't kid a kidder, can't ball a ball'ah.

Following PR into the corner, Landon pens him in and asks for the encouragement of the crowd. Not even being Zack Malibu's tag team partner will get him that though and as boos ring out, Landon disappointedly decides to just irish whip Tha Puerto Rican. Hitting the far corner, PRL staggers back out into the centre of the ring. Jawbreaker by Landon, who then comes off the ropes. But PRL leapfrogs him, gaining his bearings before reverse leapfrogging Maddix on his way back. A third time Landon rebounds off the ropes and this time he gets taken over with a deep armdrag, to the delight of PR's cheering section aka Popick and Lindsay!

PRL is so crisp in that ring, beautiful series of moves.

I think Landon's got the eyepokes and such pretty sussed but he didn't have an answer for that.

Looking a little dis-orientated, up comes Landon and right into a boot to the gut he walks. PRL makes sure Landon is set before hitting the ropes at the side with a Million $ Kneelift in mind. Landon retracts his head just in time though and shoves PRL in the back. Off the ropes comes PRL, swooping underneath a leapfrog from the World Champion. A quick drop-down then sends PR up and over, running the ropes for a third time... and right into a DROPSAULT from La Cucaracha!!


How about that for crisp movement though?

Landon right on the money with that Dropsault.

Cover by Landon...




Zack offers his hand for a tag now, all but ignored by his partner. Instead Landon pulls PRL back to his feet, rocking him with a quick forearm. PRL quickly responds with a big right hand, only for Landon to fire right back with a second forearm. Shaking that off, PRL lands with a second punch. And a third. And a fourth, rocking Maddix backwards. PRL stops and spits on his left hand before throwing a final punch... DUCKED, Maddix taking The Corporate Champ over with a Backslide...



PRL kicks out and quickly catches Landon with the La Majistral...




Both men scramble to their feet... AND SIMULTANEOUSLY JAB EACH OTHER IN THE EYES!!



Zack rolls his eyes in the corner. Temporarily blinded, both Landon and PRL both stagger around comically for a couple of seconds, both complaining that the other should be disqualified to poor referee Mike Chioda. At a stalemate, he just insists they get on and wrestle. Which is what they eventually do, as Landon rears back...



...and chops Tha Puerto Rican!



...and again!



Third time! Covering up his chest, PRL can take no more of the chops and baits Landon in, backing away into a corner and throwing out a boot just as the World Champion approaches. Quickly he switches Landon into the turnbuckles. But, instead of throwing chops, he starts to stomp a mudhole into the chest of La Cucaracha! PR stomps the mudhole and walks it dry, over wails of pain from Maddix which grow more and more pathetic with every successive stomp. Finally, with the referee reprimanding him, PRL puts everything behind one last stomp before marching out of the corner, 'smelling the electricity' in the arena!

Tha Puerto Rican, stepping up the intensity a notch. It seems like PRL and Landon took more offence to being poked in the eye than a normal, rule-abiding competitor would and all of a sudden the strikes started flying!

And it's PR, on top!

As Landon weakly drags himself up in the corner, he's met by PRL. Irish whip by the P.R Menace, sending Landon corner to corner and setting him up for the Stinger Splash, which connects! Landon gets crushed in the corner and any wind he had left in him is knocked out of his lungs, causing him to stagger weakly from the corner. Quickly backtracking, PRL crouches down in preparation, drawing Maddix in...




...NO! Landon pushes PRL off! Able to slam on the brakes quickly though, PRL spins around...

...and gets DROPPED with a Leaping Diamond Cutter from the World Champion!!


Cucaracha Cutter! From out of nowhere, he hit it!

How the hell do you know it's called the 'Cucaracha Cutter', I've never seen Landon use that before in my life.

Me and the Champ are tight. That's how I roll.

That's how you keep your job you mean. Explains a lot come to think of it.

Slowly but surely, Maddix follows up on that desperation move with a lateral press, eventually hooking the leg to go with it...




Just a two, but Landon has PRL dazed now. And he's still got Zack waiting on the apron.

He'll have to wait a little longer though, as instead of making the tag, Landon exits the ring and heads to the top in what would be PRL's corner, if he had any tag partners. Maddix reaches the top, taking a moment to get himself set. He then stands... just as Tha Puerto Rican charges for his ankles! Thinking quickly, Landon vaults off the top, up and over PRL onto his feet. PRL hits the turnbuckles but doesn't worry about that too much, turning on his heels to charge at Landon again. Landon quickly drops down, forcing Tha Puerto Rican into the ropes and into the line of fire. As PRL rebounds off the ropes, off his feet springs Maddix, looking to snare PR's head for a Hurri-Lanrana...

...but PR grabs the ropes, causing Landon to come down HARD on the back of his head! Holding his neck, back up climbs Landon, soon wishing he hadn't as PRL now comes off the ropes of his own accord and whips around, striking the World Champion in the FACE with his shin, gamengiri style!


Did you just call your 'tight' World Champ a bitch? Cause I think ya did.

See, this is why I want these two to team together instead of fighting. I hate dividing my bias between two people!

As Maddix sees stars on the canvas, PRL takes a quick look at Zack, half expecting him to jump into the ring. Zack seems pretty happy to kick back and watch his two Zero Hour opponents settle their difference though for now and even goes so far as to 'encourage' PRL to go for the pin, which he does...




Grabbing Landon by the hair, PRL begins to pull him back to his feet.


PRL taunts the crowd by yelling "WELL, YOU AIN'T GETTIN' HIM!", as he sets up Landon for the LATIN SLAM... NO! Elbows from Landon, fighting PRL off. The elbows eventually force PRL away and gives Maddix room to breathe. Back comes PRL though, connecting with a right hand. Another. And a third. And a fourth! Backed up against the ropes, Maddix gets irish whipped by PR, who ducks his head ready for the Spinebuster. Presumably. We'll never know, because Landon puts the brakes on and kicks him in the shoulder blade! Landon then fires off a couple of kicks to the hamstring of The Corporate Champion, weaking his base.

Landon showing off his educated feet right there.

Off the ropes comes Landon now, but PRL still has enough in him to duck a clothesline. He then hobbles off the ropes himself and throws himself at Landon with a crossbody.

Unfortunately, Landon had the same idea.


OH! Mid-air collision, both men going for crossbodies and both men are down!


Hurting now, Landon has no choice but to give the people what they want and go for the tag to Malibu. PRL has no choice either way and takes advantage of the breather for a couple of seconds, before beginning to pull himself up. Past him crawls Landon, reaching out to Zack, who true to his word is there to offer the tag...

...and it's MADE!



Zack steps into the ring, completely fresh and EN FUEGO~! A clothesline knocks PRL down. And a second time. Make it a trio! Zack drags PRL to his feet now and sends him off the ropes, ducking his head and boosting PRL towards the rafters with a BAAAAACK bodydrop!

Zack is cleaning house right now!

Yeah, after Landon did all the work for him! Can't PRL at least take a timeout or something?

PRL doesn't even have the time to beg off after that though, as Zack brings him right back to his feet. Waistlock by The Franchise, taking PRL up and over with the German Suplex! He hangs on to, rolling through and dragging the un-cooperative Puerto Rican back up with him for a second consecutive German!! Not done yet though, Zack continues to hang onto the waistlock, rolling his way through and climbing to his feet. PRL is forced to follow. And he's forced up and over with a third Rolling German, shades of AngleSault!

Oh, I hate those!

Zack is rolling here, literally and figuratively! And PRL doesn't know where the hell he is right abo...





The Louisville crowd erupt as in a flash, the World Champion is DOWN! Zack stands over Landon after the Superkick with a smirk on his face, Megan holding her head in shock.


The crowd continue to roar their approval as Zack remains true to his word. He doesn't walk away. Instead, he casually walks over and picks up PRL, dumping him on top of Landon and telling him to count.

Just like AngleSlam!




The World Champion is beaten, AGAIN!!


Your winner of the match... THA PUERTO... RRRRIIIIIIICCAAAAAAAAAANN!!!!

Barely able to bring themselves to celebrate, Popick and Lindsay look at each other in confusion, as Zack stands back and watching PRL climbing back to his feet.

I can't believe that dirty, backstabbing, cheapshot artist... defend that! Defend that Cole, defend your boy, I dare you!

A little bit of a reciept from last week by Zack Malibu!

Oh you are unbelievable.

PRL pushes back onto his feet and looks up at Zack, clearly as confused as anyone else as to what just happened. In slide Lindsay and Popick but PRL motions for them to stay back as he walks over to Zack, running his mouth to The Franchise. Zack talks as good as he gets though and points a finger in PRL's face, clearly mouthing the words "we're even" before he turns to walk away...

...which is when PRL extends his hand.

What's this now?

Oh, this isn't happening...

Looking down at the hand, Zack sees right through PRL's facade and goes to leave again. But PRL is insistant and pulls Zack back, extending the hand again. Still Zack is doubtful though, not shaking his rival's hand but certainly being pulled into it by PR. The Corporate Champion locks hands with Zack and nods his head, clearly trying to thank Zack for his help with the victory tonight...



Ah, back to reality.

Damnit, you talk about a cheapshot. Right there's a cheapshot... and NOW what!?

Now what is THE LIGHTNING CREW, being waved to the ring by SJP! PRL starts to put the shaky boots to The Franchise as out from the back runs Vitamin X, Cuban Wall and Mr. Boricua a few paces behind but on their way too. X slides in and quickly gets in on the stomping, to loud jeers from the Louisville crowd. In come Wall and Boricua, the muscle of The Crew. And just as things look bad for Zack Malibu, Landon begins to come to his senses.

This is a mugging! An old fashioned Lightning Crew mugging, Zack is defenceless!

Landon clears the cobwebs and looks up, to see a sea of bodies in front of him. And the World Champion takes one look at just who those bodies are, before sliding out of the ring!


Grabbing Megan and his title, Landon quickly makes his escape, a wry smile on his face as in the ring behind him the beatdown continues. Zack is brought back to his feet and with the Crew surrounding, victimised by THE WALLBREAKER, right in the centre of the ring! PRL then points to Vitamin X, who leaves the ring. X heads right to the top rope and sets himself, soaring through the air with the picture perfect ELBOW DROP to the sternum of Zack Malibu!


The Lightning Crew just laugh at the abuse, the boots still being put to Malibu. Referee Chioda takes a spill at the hands of Popick, who takes great delight in getting in Zack's face and shouting some abuse.

Landon Maddix may have been beaten, but in the end he may have gotten what he wanted after all. One of his title rivals, laid out and being picked apart by a pack of wolves in the middle of this ring!

Sure enough, Landon is watching all this as he backs away towards the sliding doors. And a smile forms on his face as PRL points a threatening finger towards him, not looking too concerned about his defeat after what he's just seen.

The Lightning Crew have struck! And with just ten days until Zero Hour, one stop left on the road to Memphis, what does this mean for the future of the World Heavyweight Championship!? We are out of time, we'll see you next week, same time, same place! Goodnight! Get somebody out here already!

With Landon watching on, PRL and The Crew stand over Zack and celebrate their dominance as we...


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