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HD: AoD interview

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OAOAST babe reporter Maggie Nerdly greets us atop the world famous interview stage with a smile that’d melt your heart and harden your dick. 

Hey, you guys. Don’t touch that remote because the raddest and baddest action on television will resume in just a moment. But right now I’d like to introduce a couple of independent women who played a key role in last week’s Heavenly Rockers-Love Doctors match. So ya’ll give a warm KFC welcome to my sister Melody and her non-Nerdly sister BFF Holly-Wood, the Angels of Death!!


[I]Another Body Murdered[/I] blares overhead, and the Angels of Death receive a thunderous ovation. Maggie and Melody share a family moment, which Holly declines to be apart of despite Melody’s constant nagging. 

In the interest of equal time, the Heavenly Rockers were also offered an opportunity to speak here tonight, but they’ve REFUSED all media requests. You ladies have rattled their cages going into Zero Hour. 

Normally I’d be against disturbing animals, Maggs, but Synth and Logan are two dogs who deserve to be put down! Instead of counting down the days to the release of Halo 3, I’ve had to deal with those nitwits. They injured Jock and Baron and they’ve tried to intimidate me out of professional wrestling. Well, let me tell you something, Heavenly Rockers. I ain’t afraid of you. You may be bigger and stronger than me, but Holly has taught me everything I need to know about defending myself. With her as my partner and the support of the fans, it won’t be a beautiful day for you at Zero Hour. 

Wow, M, I’ve never seen you so confident. Holly must have you training 24/7. 

Oh, gosh, that’s the best part -- I’m not! Jock and Baron think it’s a mistake and offered to train us while they recover from their injuries, but Holly told me she’s been in the biz over 3 years and hasn’t bothered to learn anything other than your basic moves, you know, body slams and stuff. If it’s good enough for her, it’s good enough for me. Holly’s so calm and collect she’s cooler than the other side of the pillow! 

Holly, by no means am I a wrestling expert, but…uh…shouldn’t you guys be training a little harder? I mean, M’s idea of wrestling is something out of “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon“ -- lots of high wire acrobats -- and the Heavenly Rockers are former tag team champions. They’ll be able to exploit your weaknesses. 

Um, excuse me, but have you ever wrestled? 


Have you ever managed the World tag team champions?


Then what do you know about wrestling? Oh, I know. Nothing! 

All right, geez. I’m sorry. Don’t get so defensive about your methods. 

Which has proven to be quite successful, thank you very much. I’m richer and more famous than I was 3 years ago. I can’t walk down the street without somebody begging me for an autograph. Women the world over wish they could be me. At this time Melody has the honor of tagging with the most devilish woman in professional wrestling. I’ll do anything to anyone, including my own husband, to get what I want. And believe me, I’m going to get what I want at Zero Hour. 

Me, too. When the Angels of Death terminate the Heavenly Rockers. Yee-haw!

Melody fires her imaginary pistols as we go to…

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