King Cucaracha 0 Report post Posted September 27, 2007 If there's anything by anyone with Maggie involved, this should go before it really. We're back at the back of the building again and much like earlier, a guy and a girl can be seen walking in, lost in each other's thoughts. However, this time, the guy and the girl in question are a more unorthodox 'couple'. "Silky Smooth" Leon Rodez, with his OAOAST 6-Man Tag Team Championship belt over his shoulder, chats away to OAOAST interview personality extraordinaire Maggie Nerdly who seems intriguing interested in what he has to say. As the duo near the door to enter the arena though, they're confronted by a trio of figures, they being Leon's tag partners D*LUX and his sister Jade Rodez, walking in the other direction. Leon's conversation trails off and he quickly scoots in front of a confused Maggie just before the trio can notice him. LEON Uh, so, in answer to your, uh, question Maggie, yes I am looking forward to my 6-Man Title defence this Sunday night at Zero Hour. I always look forward to any chance to go against The Enterprise. And I'm sure my tag team partners will agree on that count. SHAYNE Oh, most definately DUDE, we're gonna kick some ass in Memphis, Tennessee and we are... JADE Uh, Shayne, I don't think they're doing an interview. Shayne, cut off in a rare moment of talking prime, sulks a little. LEON Well, sure we are! Why else would we, two completely unrelated characters in the land of the OAOAST, be talking to each other out here with no-one else around, hmmmm? JADE Uh-huh. So, where's her microphone? LEON Ah, see, here's the thing, see... uh... [i]budget cuts[/i]! Yeah, they just extended everybody's contracts. Eighty-four active wrestlers, wouldn't you know it! Lots of downpayments. So, out go the microphones. Always the first thing to go. I just hope they spare our nameplates. JADE Leon, I know. LEON Know what? JADE Maggie texted me last week. And you texted me three days ago. LEON No I didn't. JADE You didn't [i]mean[/i] to. But, assuming the words "BOOYAH CITY" mean something to you, although they certainly shouldn't since it's just nonsense, then you might just have sent to the wrong contact. Either that or Tyler happened to leave his phone on and I read it. I dunno. With a wry smile, Leon fist-pumps with Tyler quickly if a little belatedly, before turning to Jade. LEON Yeah, well, I don't know why I was trying to keep it a secret from you anyway. You've got so much to make up for I could sleep with all the Nerdly sisters and still be in the moral highground compared to you. And, for your information, "BOOYAH CITY" happens to be a very meaningful inside joke between myself and two of my close friends. I think we both know where you were when that inside joke originated but as I promised to try my hardest to let bygones be bygones, I shall let that place go unmentioned. Jade hangs her head a little. MAGGIE Wait, why did you sent these two a text message to let them know we had coffee last week? LEON Well, as I say, we're very close friends. SHAYNE You only had coffee? But I thought... LEON Not now Shayne, huh? Head hanging over, Jade looks up with a smile. JADE So when we agreed that you'd lay off holding the past few months with The Enterprise against me in exchange for you being less of a wannabee lothario around my friends, that didn't include Maggie? Or, was it [i]just[/i] coffee? LEON Well, I mean... (looks at Maggie) yeah, but, uh... (looks at D*LUX) see then we, uhm... (looks back at Jade) look, there's really no safe answer here so, let's all just agree that I'm in the wrong and move on, okay? Besides, 'wannabee lothario' were your words. I don't even know what they mean. JADE Well, I think we're even. Come on guys. LEON Oh we are SO not even! JADE (walking away) Oh yes we are. LEON Oh no we're not, you come back here! If you're running off to Ned... JADE That's not funny! As Leon and Jade stride off bickering like any good brother and sister, Maggie is left with D*LUX. TYLER Come on, you can tell us. SHAYNE Booyah City? MAGGIE (a little sheepishly) The overnight stop-over. Letting out a loud cheer, Tyler and Shayne high-five. Maggie joins in with the high-fives too, albeit the teensiest bit embarrassed, as she's escorted off by a clearly detail seeking D*LUX. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites