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King Cucaracha


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"Call me (call me) on the line
Call me, call me any, anytime
CALL ME! (call me)"

As we go up to the ring the sounds of Blondie's "Call Me" begin to ring through the arena. Totally unintentional pun. Totally awesome nonetheless. Marching through the entrance doors, the sour-faced foursome of Ned Blanchard, Simon Singleton, Mackenzie DeCenzo, Molly Nerdly and the always poker-faced Christopher Patrick Allen are roundly booed as they walk to the ring. The camera zooms in on Ned in particular, sporting a wounded look on his face. Simon senses his partner's mood and pats him on the back in a weak attempt to pep him up.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is our opening contest of OAOAST ZERO HOUR, TWO THOUSAND AND SEVEN! Scheduled for one fall, it is for the OAOAST World Six Man Tag Team Championships, which can only change hands in the event of a pinfall or submission! Introducing first, on their way to the ring, the challengers. Representing THE ENTERPRISE! At a total combined weight of seven hundred, twenty five pounds. CHRISTOPHER PATRICK ALLEN, otherwise known as C-P-A... and, accompanied by their manager MACKENZIE DECENZO... SIMON SINGLETON, NED BLANCHARD, they are... THE BEVERLY HILLS... BBLLLLLLOOOOOONNDDSSSSSS!!! 


The Chief Financial Officer for The Enterprise takes her seat in the director's chair at ringside, while Ned, Simon and CPA are subjected to the abuse of the crowd in the ring.

The former Champs looking for redemption here at Zero Hour 07. The Beverly Hills Blonds and CPA defended their titles successfully against the reigning Champions back at our Syndicated presentation in London, England, albeit thanks to some shady tactics. But just a week later, they were dethroned by Leon and D*LUX, under the guise of 'Los Ninos Anorexicos'.

Ugh. A dark day in wrestling history.

Well, it was slightly controversial. And up until now, The Blonds and CPA haven't recieved what they feel is a long overdue return match, a 'Sequel' if you will. But here tonight in Memphis, they're going to get their opportunity. A lot of water has passed under the bridge between these six men in the past 7 months, especially with Jade Rodez having returned to the side of D*LUX since that title change. Tonight though, it's not about Jade Rodez. It's simply about the title belts of the World Six Man Tag Team Champions.

In the ring, Ned runs the ropes, trying to get himself prepared.

It may not be about Jade to you but it still is to that man! Look at Ned, I've never seen him so dejected, so subdued. The poor guy had his heart broken...

Oh, please!

Come on, have some compassion! Poor Ned just isn't the same and it's a crying shame.

Ned and co have been uncharacteristically quiet since AngleSlam, that much is true.

And, introducing the opponents!

[i]"Love Generation" by Bob Sinclar[/i] takes the crowd momentarily by surprise, surprise making way to delight as through the doors pile the Champions. Jade Rodez leads the way for her regular (save for a few months, winkwink) charges, D*LUX. Jade stops on the stage with hands on hips, striking a pose as "Showtime" Shayne Brave and "Tremendous" Tyler Bryant emerge and stand either side, saluting their fans. They soon find themselves posing besides a different Rodez though, as Leon steps in front of her sister and takes her spotlight, hiding her with an outstretching of his robe. Jade and Leon bicker a little, left to it by Shayne and Tyler as they hand-tag their way down the aisle. But like all good brother and sisters, the Rodez siblings are all smiles again a few seconds later as they follow D*LUX to the ring.

They are accompanied to the ring by Ms. JADE RODEZ! At a total combined weight of five hundred and ninety nine pounds... they are the reigning and defending OAOAST Six Man Tag Team Champions of the WWOOOORRRRRRRLLLLD!! First, the team of "SHOWTIME" SHAYNE BRAVE and "TREMENDOUS" TYLER BRYANT, they are D*LLLUUUUUXXXXXX!! And, their tag team partner. He is Silky Smooth, he is "LUSCIOUS" LEON RODEZ!! Together, they comprise the team of LLLOOOOOOOOVVEEEEE GGEEENNEEERRRRRRAAAAAAATTIIIIIIOOOOOOOONN!!!!


D*LUX climb the apron and reach down, giving Jade a helping hand or two up onto the apron. Leon stands next in line and holds up his hands expecting the same assist. He's cruelly DENIED~! though and left to sadly slide in on his own power.

A new guise for the Champions, new music...

"Luscious" Leon!?

Well, "Showtime" Shayne, "Tremendous" Tyler. It's good. It fits.

With the entrances out of the way and the mound of ring jackets being taken to the back, we're ready go with the action. Referee Charles Robinson tries to hold the three belts aloft in the usual tradition, which proves a bit of a handful, so he just lifts the one as the teams have their seperate conferences in their corners. Simon Singleton it is to start for The Enterprise, while Leon begins the match for the champions.


"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"


"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"
"LE - ON!"

Grinning from ear to ear as they lock up, Leon quickly grabs a headlock on Singleton. Rolling behind, he transitions into a hammerlock, then picks the ankles and trips Simon up so he lands flat on his face! Rodez walks over Singleton and kicks up some dust in the Video Voyeur's face, sending him scrambling for his corner to regroup. The Enterprise all loudly complain (well, except CPA who's pretty quiet), especially when Leon cracks a cheesy, DDP-esque smile at them from across the ring.

Haha! Great to see Leon Rodez back wrestling with a smile on his face after a long, tough emotional period.

Words of encouragement ringing in his ears, out of the corner circles Simon Singleton. He and Leon lock up again and after a brief tussle, this time it's Singleton who grabs the headlock! Cue impromptu celebrations from his corner. Singleton gets a little over-confident as a result though and loses Leon. The Silky Smooth One slips out of the headlock and behind into a hammerlock, trips Simon up, walks over him and loungs in the neutral corner!!


Hands covering his head, Simon glances up from his cowardly position... and curses a blue streak as Leon waves back at him.

Now that's just disrespectful.

He's just having fun Coach.

This is the OAOAST Michael. It's not supposed to be fun!

Simon has had enough apparantly, tagging in an eager Ned Blanchard. Loud boos go up for The Handsome Hustler as he marches into the ring and squares up to Leon, mouth motoring away. Leon looks pretty uninterested at first. But Ned continues to run his mouth before pointing out at Leon's sister Jade at ringside, no doubt reminding him of her recent allegiance to The Enterprise (as if he needed reminding) before laying his hand on an imaginary figure in front of him and GRINDING HIS HIPS SUGGESTIVELY!!


Oh yeah, he would have Leon! He would have!



And I bet that's what he would have got for his trouble, a slap in the mouth!

Leon starts throwing right hands now with the crowd and his sister right behind him with every punch! Grabbing the arm, he then whips Ned... no, reversal, Ned whipping Leon in. As Leon rebounds off the ropes Ned ducks his head for a backdrop. He telegraphs it though and leaves himself open for a Sunset Flip...

...Ned wobbles...

...he wobbles some more...

...but, stays upright, prompting Leon to take drastic measures and reach up for Ned's tights. Fortunately for Ned, he still doesn't go down. Unfortunately for him and the entire world watching, his tights do, EXPOSING HIS ASS TO THE PAY PER VIEW AUDIENCE!!

*horrified screams*



Mackenzie covers her mouth in shock, nobody quite able to bear to watch any more. Still determined to get the sunset flip, Leon kicks up his legs, hooking Ned's arms and finally pulling him to the canvas...




Ned kicks out and rolls to his feet, swinging for The Silky Smooth One. Duck underneath from Leon though, lifting up Blanchard and dropping his bare behind across his knee with an Atomic Drop! Ned favours his bare backside, while Leon comes off the ropes in front and soars with a crossbody block...




Off the ropes comes Leon again. But this time Ned manages to cut him off with a knee to the gut, pointing to his head to show how smart he is. Of course, nobody is looking at the man's head amirite? And despite the pleas from the sidelines to pull up his tights and save us all the horror, The Handsome Hustler is in the zone and doesn't hear them! Instead, he picks Leon up and executes a bodyslam in the centre of the ring. Ned then hits the ropes, giving the Siclopse a most unwanted close-up angle, as he drops the point of the elbow...

...into the canvas.

You've gotta say this for Ned, that's a great all-over tan he's got.

What is WRONG with you!?

Standing up, Ned shakes out his arm and absent-mindedly walks into a scoop and a slam from Leon! Only after executing the move does Leon realise where his hand had just been in the crotch-hold and lift, looking horrified for a moment before Ned comes back at him. Leon had little time to think and goes on instinct, executing a second unhygenic scoop slam! Barely able to hold in their laughter, D*LUX have little sympathy for their partner's plight as he executes a third scoop slam, complete with grimace as he lifts Ned, finally putting The Handsome Hustler down for long enough to grab Charles Robinson and use his shirt to wipe his hand!!

I sure hope that baby-oil doesn't stain.

Looking down at Ned, Leon quickly offers a tag. However neither Shayne or Tyler will accept it due to the hand it's being offered with and lean as far back on the apron as possible! Leon goes right over to his corner with the hand out-stretched, Shayne and Tyler diving for cover... all this allowing Ned to attack from behind, kneeing Leon in the back.


Ned seems completely oblivious to the laughter and groans coming his way, backing Leon in his corner...



...and laying in a chop. Blanchard then points over to his corner, warning his partners of his next move.

For God's sake Ned, pull your pants up!!

No avail. Pushing in, Ned looks for an irish whip on Leon. It's reversed by The Silky Smooth One and Ned ends up going hard into his team's corner. That would be a lucky break, if not for one small problem. Simon and CPA are unavailable for the tag as they've jumped off the apron for fear of contact with their partner's exposed ass! Still Ned seems confused, but manages to get his wits about him long enough to get a boot up, blocking a charge from Leon. Rodez falls down holding his face and Ned quickly exits the ring, heading to the top rope.

Oh my God no! Think of the children Ned!

Why do we have to have our table on this side of the ring!?

Ned slowly scales the turnbuckles, to the unbridled torture of everyone sat in that corner of the crowd. The studious Molly Nerdly angles the Siclopse camera up to capture every moment of the action but this footage too raw for even Simon Singleton to take and he places one hand over the lens of his camera, one hand over his burning eyes!

Don't look it directly in the eye!!!


To everyone's dismay, Ned stalls on the top rope, crouched as he waits for Leon. Even his teammates are pleading with Leon to hurry up and turn around, which he seems to take an eternity to do, before Ned finally comes off the top and CONNECTS with the double axehandle!

*clap clap clapclapclap!*
*clap clap clapclapclap!*

Landing safely on his feet, Ned comes to a stop in mid-celebration. Looking over his shoulder, Ned finally realises what the world has been trying not to notice and PULLS UP HIS PANTS, to the biggest cheer he's ever recieved in his career!

Folks, I've seen some things in my time but... 'oh my' doesn't cut it.

I never thought I'd hear that chant again Michael.

You are too much. Seriously.

In the middle of all this insanity, a wrestling match has broken out! And Ned Blanchard tags out to Simon Singleton, who still looks a little pale after that experience. Simon comes in and takes over on Leon, grabbing hold of the back of his singlet and dragging him into a forearm to the kidneys. And a second. Reaching up, Simon then grabs Leon by the head and drops to a knee, crushing the coconut by driving Leon's famed good-looks across his kneecap. Only dazed by the move, Leon is quickly on his feet again but reels unsteadily into a neutral corner. A weak guard is put up by The Silky Smooth One. But Simon isn't here to box, he's here to wrestle, going to the gut with a knee and whipping Rodez coast to coast. Fist clenched, Singleton then follows in with a charge... but runs right into the knee of Leon Rodez! Simon staggers away, allowing Leon to run the rails to his corner and the tag to Tyler Bryant!

Our first taste of D*LUX tonight!

Tyler jumps into the ring and wastes no time in mowing down Singleton with a clothesline. And a second. And a third, "Tremendous" Tyler all fired up! Irish whip by Tyler, sending his old rival high overhead with a BAAAAACK bodydrop on the rebound. That draws Ned into the ring, right into a dropkick which sends him tumbling right back out through the ropes!


Quick tag and in comes Shayne Brave for the Champions. Together, the tag-team specialists set up Singleton for a double irish whip. Back he comes and D*LUX 'rock until they drop', with a Double Hiptoss and Double Fistdrop combo! Out goes Tyler, covering goes Shayne...



Broken up by CPA!

Uh-oh. I think CPA's getting sick of watching his buddies getting embarrassed and that's not going to put him in a good mood.

Just for a change.

As CPA is ordered to leave the ring by the referee, D*LUX get ready for another double team move. Shayne quickly drops Simon across his knee with a quick inverted atomic drop and holds him in place, while Tyler comes off the ropes and tries to kick his face off with the Yakuza Kick! The illegal man Tyler quickly slides out of the ring, leaving no distractions for Charles Robinson when he turns around to spot a jacknife pin from "Showtime" Shayne...




Opposites Attracting there for D*LUX, Paula Abdul would be proud.

Paula who?

Oh you're so fickle.

Another quick tag is made by the D*LUX duo and in comes Tyler. Outraged at the continued double teaming, Ned climbs to the apron and tries to get in the ring to complain. All he ends up doing is distracting the ref though, as D*LUX pick Singleton up and drop him across their knees with the Cowell Movement. And they hold onto Simon, keeping him over the knees as Leon steals into the ring...


...and dropkicks the prone Video Voyeur right across the top of the head!

Great teamwork from the Champions right there.

Oh sure, it's 'great teamwork' when your favourites do it. One in, two out. That's how six man tags are supposed to work.

Well there you go, Shayne and Leon out, one man in, there's the cover...

Robinson finally gets rid of Ned and turns to count the pin by Tyler...




Pulling Simon back up by the jericurls, Tyler tries to set Simon up with an irish whip. But Simon pulls out a reversal from out of nowhere, sending Tyler off the ropes and right into a well-placed knee from the apron by Ned Blanchard!


As the Champions complain about the well-disguised cheapshot Ned holds up his hands and walks innocently back to his corner, leaving Singleton to take advantage and cut down Tyler with a deseration clothesline. Landing in his corner, Singleton then reaches up, letting the bigman CPA tag into the match for the first time.

We've seen that one too many times. A cheapshot from Ned turns the tide for The Enterprise and now, in comes the big-hitter, Christopher Patrick Allen.

CPA comes in and stalks Tyler, waiting for the youngster to get back up. The moment he does he then pounces, landing a bodyshot that almost puts Tyler through the ropes. Tyler hangs on the ropes as the former pro-boxer continues landing bodyshots, ignoring the warnings of the referee to back away. Eventually CPA does relinquish though and whips Tyler off the ropes. A big shoulderblock on the rebound puts Tyler down, earning the applause of The Blonds from the corner. Cover by CPA...




By the hair CPA drags Tyler back up. Another irish whip loads him up, this time for a big Powerslam, into another pin attempt...



Shoulder barely out at two!

Leon applauds his partner and tries to lend some vocal support, despite the dominance CPA is able to have with him. After a hard shot with he inside of his forearm CPA accepts the tag from Ned Blanchard. CPA doesn't leave immediately though, as he again whips Tyler off the ropes. Using the referee's full five count, Allen picks up Tyler on the rebound and just lets him plummet to the canvas with a Flapjack! Ned follows that up off the ropes with a simple but effective boot to the side of the head. With all his veteran tricks Ned then detours into the Love Generation corner and piefaces Shayne Brave, drawing the youngster into the ring.

There's another cheapshot for those keeping score.

Referee Robinson quickly interjects as Shayne and then Leon try to come in. Which provides the distraction for The Enterprise, as Simon Singleton has scaled the ropes and gets thrown onto Tyler with the ROCKET LAUNCHER!!


What happened to one in, two out Coach?

Leon and D*LUX had three in at a time, I think we can let The Enterprise have a little leeway.

Why? Because you say so?

Pretty much.

As Singleton rolls from the ring, Ned quickly makes the cover and hollers for Robinson to turn around...





Upset that the patented Rocket Launcher wasn't enough, Ned mounts Tyler and hammers away with a succession of right hands! The five count forces him to break that up before all his frustrations are released, so he gives Robinson a bit of a shove for getting too close.

"TY - LER!"
"TY - LER!"
"TY - LER!"
"TY - LER!"

The Memphis crowd get behind the boybander on his team's prompting, as he's dragged to his feet by Ned. A forearm rocks Bryant, as does a second. Grabbing a front facelock, Ned then looks to put his rival away with the Slingshot Suplex...

...but Tyler floats over in mid-air, rolling Ned up from behind...




Safely out in time, Ned quickly snuffs out the fire Tyler had been building with a hard knee to the gut!


Down in a heap goes Tyler, to a smug grin from Ned. The Handsome Hustler points down at Tyler and sarcastically asks Jade if this is really a better option to hang her wagon from (so to speak) than his good self. A stomp further humiliates Tyler and Jade as Ned continues to mock her, Jade scowling back at her not-so secret admirer with a look that could kill.

Ned really needs to get his head in the game here.

Relax Michael, Ned's a professional. He's just taking a second out to remind Jade what she's missing out on.

I think we all saw more than enough of that earlier.

Backing Tyler into a neutral corner, Ned trips out the legs so that his opponent is sitting against the bottom turnbuckle, then places the flat of his foot right over Tyler's windpipe!


Breaking cleanly, Ned insists he was using an open-hand so it was legal. An open-hand is then used to tag in Simon Singleton, who makes his way into the furthest corner from his opponent and ROLLS CAMERAS~ Sure enough, the boos sound out even before Singleton has made his move, running across the ring and pushing up off the top rope. Hanging onto the rope, Singleton then swings himself back, arrowing both his feet into the ches...

...NO! Tyler rolls out of the way and Singleton dropkicks nothing but the bottom turnbuckle!

Nobdoy home on that one!

After a jarring landing, Simon drags himself up and goes after Tyler again. But Tyler is already on the move and comes back off the ropes, using the last of his burst of energy to take Singleton down with the Phantom Neckbreaker!!


But there was plenty home for Tyler Bryant. And now, can he tag one of his two, fresh partners!?

Jade, Leon and Shayne lead the crowd in some clapping to try and encourage Tyler over to them. Mackenzie and Molly are pretty vocal themselves, yelling for Singleton to hurry up and make the tag. The two men are on the wrong sides and have to crawl past each other on the way to their corners, Singleton seemingly thinking about grabbing the leg to stop Tyler. But he's more concerned with tagging out himself though and with Ned desperately hanging out his arm, he keeps on crawling...

...tag to Blanchard...



Tag on both sides, here comes Leon Rodez!

Having rushed into the ring, Ned suddenly doesn't feel quite so eager and slams on the brakes holding his hands up to Leon. His attempts to beg off earn him a hard chop though!



A second.



And a third! Irish whip from The Silky Smooth One, Ned bouncing back and getting taken up and over with the BAAAAACK bodydrop! Leon is feeling it now. And as Ned hobbles back up with another vain attempt to beg for mercy, he walks right into a jab!

A jab!

A jab!

A jab!

Rodez turns, blowing the kiss to his sister, saying this one is for her before turning back on his heels...


...and nailing Blanchard upside the head with the enziguri!



With a beaming grin, Jade counts along with her brother's pin attempt...



Broken up by CPA! The bigman hauls Leon right off of the cover with scary ease and destroys him with a Northern Lariat!

That wiped the smile off of her face, huh? You watch, Jade'll start routing for Ned again now her brother's not getting the job done. What a glory-hunter.

Give me a break!

With Leon seeing stars, CPA wraps him up in a gutwrench and lifts him over his shoulder, ready for the Dominator...

...but before Mackenzie can even finish cheering into shot flies Shayne Brave, soaring off the top and nailing CPA with a Missile Dropkick! Leon lands on his feet and reacts quickly to a charge from Ned, pushing the un-sighted Shayne out of the way. Ned is forced to keep running and come off the ropes, but Leon is waiting on him and connects with a beautiful standing dropkick on The Handsome Hustler.

The referee, beginning to lose control here. And who can blame him, there's bodies everywhere.

Dazed, Ned has enough sense to roll out of the ring. Meanwhile, Leon and Shayne get themselves together and target CPA. A pair of dropkicks from the duo staggers the 280 pounder but doesn't take him off his feet. So they send him off the ropes, looking for a double clothesline. CPA ducks the line though and keeps on running, coming back off the ropes with a double clothesline of his own. "Showtime" gets taken out with the clothesline on the right side. But Leon manages to duck the left and waits, catching CPA as he turns around and pulling him down onto the knees with an Inverted Lungblower!


Having 280 pounds come down on your knees isn't ideal though and Leon hobbles a little as he comes back to his feet. All of which allowing Simon Singleton to pounce, running through Leon with a diving clothesline and making the quick follow-up cover...



Tyler saves!

Tyler starts to unload with right hands on Singleton, backing him into a corner. And while the going's good, he climbs the ropes and pulls Simon back by the jericurls for some more punches...













...ten more to be exact. The path has cleared behind him so Tyler sends Simon into the opposite corner, then follows after him. Singleton sidesteps but Tyler manages to put the brakes on before he hits the turnbuckles, turning around and running...

...into a FRONT SPINEBUSTER from CPA!!


That's like getting ejected out of a rollercoaster. Up, up, DOWN! Not fun.

CPA is immediately jumped by Shayne, who shows more heart than power and gets unceremoniously pitched out of the ring by the bigman. CPA follows Shayne out to carry on the punishment though, leaving Singleton to finish off the job he started. Up top goes the Video Voyeur, looking to bring this production to an end with the Clapboard Legdrop. Molly makes sure the Siclopse is focused firmly on it's owner as he sets himself up top. On the outside though, CPA suddenly makes a charge. An ill-advised charge towards Shayne, who moves away from the ringpost...


...AND CAUSING CPA TO HIT NOTHING BUT STEEL! The reverberations shake Simon on his perch a little and force him to stop and reset himself on the top. And that extra second or three proves crucial, as when he finally does soar with the legdrop...

...there's NOBODY HOME!!


Oh no! Take two, take two!

Not gonna happen, we are LIVE!

Coming down hard on his tailbone, Simon looks in shock as Shayne slides back in. D*LUX wait on Singleton and take him off his feet with a Double Side Russian Legsweep. Standing back up, D*LUX then give the signal for Leon to go up top. Leon does just that, while D*LUX position themselves either side of Singleton. Tyler reaches down and grabs the wrists, Shayne by the feet, the tag-team specialists stretching out Singleton and elevating him about a foot off the canvas. And up top, Leon doesn't have to deal with any shaking ringposts, getting his footing and tumbling, CRASHING DOWN ONTO SINGLETON AND DRIVING HIM INTO THE CANVAS WITH THE 450 SPLASH!!!


WOW! What a triple team from the Champions, Singleton got crushed!

Tyler and Shayne keep guard as Leon makes the cover, Tyler bumping Ned off the apron as he tries to save...





And that's gonna do it! The Enterprise just got lovesprung by Love Generation here at Zero Hour!

Oh, a Justin Timberlake reference. Be gayer Cole.

Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match... STILL the OAOAST World Six Man Tag Team Champions... "SHOWTIME" SHAYNE, "TREMENDOUS" TYLER, "LUSCIOUS" LEON, LOVE GENERRRRRRAAAAAAATTIIIIIIOOOOOOOONN!!!!


The Champions jump for joy just like the fans in Memphis, Jade rolling into the ring and embracing her man. Leon meanwhile climbs the turnbuckles and holds out his hands with a shrug, a cool if a little cocky reaction to his winning show of athleticism. Jumping from the turnbuckles, Leon exchanges high-fives with his partners and a victory hug with his sister, as the titles are handed in to the referee. All of this watched from the outside by Ned, distraught and looking close to tears with his head in his hands.

A great way to kick off Zero Hour 2007, with Love Generation picking up a big victory in defence of their 6-Man Titles. And this crowd in Memphis, Tennessee loving every second of it!

Oh yeah, they're loving this, all at Ned's expense. They're sick! Sick!

Still despairing, Ned looks down at the fallen CPA and then to Mackenzie as if to say what happened. His gaze then drifts upwards, as Jade holds D*LUX's hands up in victory and blows a kiss to Ned. Like a spoilt child Ned immediately launches into a temper tantrum at ringside, Molly Nerdly having to hang onto the Siclopse for dear life to prevent it getting caught up in Ned's wake! Mackenzie tries to calm 'poor' Ned down, as in the centre of the ring, the triad of Tyler, Shayne and Leon stand and raise their 6-Man Titles over their heads.

Another chapter is written in this rivalry between The Enterprise and the members of Love Generation. And again, it's Leon and D*LUX who come out on top. They've got the girl, they've got the belts. And no matter how hard The Enterprise have tried, all the money in the world can't continue to buy that away from them!

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