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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Why Rob Van Dam has to win the KOTR

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

This thread contains Smackdown Spoilers.



The KOTR winner gets the shot at the undisputed title at SummerSlam.  So this year the winner is more important than simply what midcarder gets a little push.


It also semi-justifies Chris Jericho being in the thing.


Now I'm just throwing Test out right away...cause he ain't handing Brock his first loss...and he aint main eventing SummerSlam.  Period.


Jericho is the most established guy of the 4...but his contract runs out prior to Summerslam and since I haven't heard anything about him resigning yet...I seriously doubt the WWE would book him in a match after his contract is out.  On top of that they won't go heel vs. heel at SS (Jericho/Taker) and Jericho/HHH has been done to death...and Jericho isn't nearly enough of a threat to HHH to draw any kind of buyrate anyway.




then there were 2.


RVD and Brock Lesnar.


One is over, one is not.  One has been a near top guy in the company on and off for a year...one has not.


Lesnar vs. HHH would be a terrible match...since neither one would be able to bump for the other.  Think Nash vs. Goldberg.  God...its scary to think this has a very good chance of happening.


Now...RVD vs. Taker would be huge.


They have a 4 match history leading into it...a history that has seen Taker win the last 3...by less and less each time.


With 2 months before SS, the buildup for RVD vs. Taker could get even better.


In essence...If RVD beat Taker for the title at SummerSlam (given their chemistry and history of RVD coming closer and closer to knocking him off) The payoff would actually mean something.


Putting over RVD is the only thing that Taker has left to give the company...and if RVD is ever going to win a world title it should be from Taker.


But lets discount ALL OF THAT and look at the simple truth.


2 months of buildup.


2 months.


In those 2 months a face should DEFINITLY be the challenger...so people can look forward to his winning.  Its just like WrestleMAnia...2 months of build.


If Brock wins...who cares.  Its not like fans are going to be behind him.  Hes a heel...and an unover one at that.


But if RVD is chasing Taker...like I said...an actual payoff.




Now the fuzzy part:  There is a ppv in between KOTR and SS.  I know they wont fuck around with the KOTR winners title shot...but they could fuck around with the champion.


Dont get me wrong...either Taker or HHH will be champ at SS.


But it is possible that Taker wins at KOTR, and HHH wins a rematch at Vengeance.


I only say this because there is a ppv in between the two...but I honesly can't see a heel winning both the title and the tourney.


HHH is injured...surgery has been rumored...so the WWE may be forced to keep the title on Taker...and I say GOOD.


A three month reign in todays climate is damn respectable.  Holding it as a dominating heel for 3 months than putting over the most over fresh guy on the roster is a hell of a last run for the Deadman.


And if the WWE was smart enough to book it that way...I'll be his number 2 fan (behind Taker Mark).


HHH vs. Brock?  No one would look forward to it and the payoff is either hotshotting the belt onto a young unover hoss...or HHH once again getting put over someone who has a bright future (future being distant at this point IMO).


Taker vs. RVD?  Payoff.  Change in direction.  2 months of buildup leading to a hot match.


How can they consider anything else?


Oh wait...I forgot who I was talking about.

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I have to agree with you bps21 especially with RVD being Over and brock not being over. Van Dam and Taker have chemistry plus i dont think anyone wants to see the title change hands until atleast Summerslam. The 2 month build up would be Good to Establish RVD as a main eventer.

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I agree. RVD should win.


But I KNOW WWE will have Brock go over. Then it seems like they'll give the belt to The Rock, and it will end up being Brock beating Rock for the belt at SummerSlam.


Either that, or Test will win.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

good in theory.  imo rvd/jericho are the only people in the tourney who even have a snowballs chance in hell of main eventing summerslam.  there is one question mark, and that is the rock.  he will be at kotr, and who knows from there? he could win the belt at july ppv, then you get a possible face-face situation with rvd leaving brock as the only alternative (jericho-rock is done for a while).  now that match would blow, as nobody would buy due to brock not being in the same stratosphere as the rock.  so we are left with taker-rvd, trips-brock or rock-brock as combinations.  rvd-taker would draw the best of these, unless they can do some serious building of brock and make him a threat to rock (goddamn that rhyme is annoying).  at this point, trips is dead, let him go have his surgery and come back as a totally badass heel (and about 20 pounds heavier, because he "eats so much" to quote good ol JR). ;)

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I agree. RVD should win.


But I KNOW WWE will have Brock go over. Then it seems like they'll give the belt to The Rock, and it will end up being Brock beating Rock for the belt at SummerSlam.

No say it isn't so the Belt on Brock already.


PS. does anyone know how long Rock will be back for anyway.

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Guest cabbageboy

Man, I couldn't have said it better myself.  I know Lesnar is getting a push right now, but giving him the title is going to do nothing but cause a backlash and ruin him.  He can get much more over by entering a feud with the Rock, which is a scenario I outlined for KOTR.  Since Rock is presenting the trophy to the winner he will likely do commentary or something as well.  Rock can prevent Heyman from running in, RVD can get a rollup type win....it's all so simple.

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Guest Human Fly

With buyrates, live event attendance, and ratings going down the worst thing the WWE could do would be have Brock go over. Think about it, he would be the focal point of storylines until SS, and then he would ME the 2nd or 3rd biggest show of the year. If Brock is unover now, forcing him to the top won't be any good. They might as well bend the ME over and stick an un-lubed cucumber into it.


If Brock does win however, they have to give Rock the title. The Rock is the only man that people will care about who is having a match with Brock. They won't care about Brock, but they might watch if they stick around to watch if they think the Rock will show up. Having the Rock on both shows wouldn't hurt either.


That's if the WWE goes in the wrong direction. For the same reasons that the WWE should go with Brock (ratings, attendance, buy rates) are the reasons they should go with RVD. RVD is over, and as has been discussed has a history with 'Taker. When they put the title on 'Taker I figured they were going to give it to RVD or Edge, and they would get a good rub, as well as finally being elevated. Well, this is the perfect time for that. Besides the Rock, RVD is in the top 2 or 3 over guys right now. Now is the time, we want new stars elevated, but we don't want them to be uncomfortably forced onto us.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

yeah...I said before the only way to possible come away from an RVD vs. Brock match without destroying both guys is to have RVD try and do his spots and have them all countered into Brocks power moves.


RVDs one of the best bumpers around...he can make Brock look like a God.


Then a fluke roll-up win from RVD gives RVD the win...but doesn't hurt Brock since he absolutely dominated.


Throw in a Jericho beat down on RVD after losing in round 1 and you have a classic face underdog that fans will go absolutely nuts for in the main event.  Hell...it may even get heat to stick on Brock too.


See how everyone benefits...INCLUDING THE VEIWERS!!!!!!!!!

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I still think that Test will win.

Hahahaha Test wins KOTR and goes on to win the WWE Title at Summerslam Against Taker can anyone see the Buyrates Dropping here. I dont even think the WWE is that stupid hmmmm then again as they say anything can happen in the WWE.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

It's the "Summer of RVD" dammit!


If Edge weren't injured I'd say he would be going over HHH at Summerslam.


Hopefully their injuries have forced a change in plans that involves RVD and Taker.



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Hahahaha Test wins KOTR and goes on to win the WWE Title at Summerslam Against Taker can anyone see the Buyrates Dropping here. I dont even think the WWE is that stupid hmmmm then again as they say anything can happen in the WWE.


Shane McMahon: Hey, let Test win! He HAS to get over this time!

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It's the "Summer of RVD" dammit!


If Edge weren't injured I'd say he would be going over HHH at Summerslam.


Hopefully their injuries have forced a change in plans that involves RVD and Taker.



God Damitt man you took the words right out of my mouth It is the Summer of (say it with me) Rob Van Dam. Fuck he's 10 times more over than Brock.

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Guest What?!

I'd go with RVD over Rock at SummerSlam.


Sure, RVD vs 'Taker makes more sense for SummerSlam, but I fear a low buyrate for that match and I think we know who'll end up getting blamed for it out of those two.

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Guest Nevermortal

Also, if RVD wins the KoTR, it not only elevates him, but it also elevates the IC title.


I'd like to see RVD as IC Champ fighting the World Champ Undertaker. We haven't seen a meaningful IC vs. World Title match in a long time.

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Guest cabbageboy

When the Rock came back the other night I instinctively knew the reason for it.  Austin wouldn't job to Brock, so they got a guy that would with no questions asked.  They aren't going to put the title on Rock since he is probably leaving again in Sept. to film Helldorado.  That said, in that time he can certainly get Brock over in a feud.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Yeah, the whole 'Rock is crowning the KotR' thing threw me off. But, if the aftermath of RAW is any indication, Rock will hopefullly help RVD beat Rock so he gets the title shot (and the title) at SummerSlam, while Rock 'elevates' Brock.


That's ideally what I would do...so of course Vince will crown Jericho and have him job to HHH in 10 seconds...twice.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

The completely logical winner is RVD.  RVD winning would mean a lot of buildup for RVD vs Taker at Summerslam, which would be a step in the right direction in so many ways, all pointed out by BPS in the first post (elevation of the IC Title, 4 match history, 2 month buildup..etc..etc..).


I agree that Jericho isnt a good choice based on the Summerslam stipulation (HHH vs Jericho not a good idea, heel vs heel in Taker vs Jericho also not good).  Also the heel vs heel thing in the Finals match also works against him, although I could see Jericho vs Lesnar happening.  


We also know that they want Lesnar to become the next Goldberg, its so blatantly obvious.   Now, Lesnar could lose in the first round to Test by a DQ, and that would save the "never been pinned or made submit" streak for a more important matchBut if Lesnar  makes it to the finals, he HAS to and WILL win. I dont see the WWE blowing off the KOTR finals with a DQ win for RVD/Jericho against Lesnar so that Lesnar can lose without losing his streak and someone else can win the KOTR.  If Lesnar loses that streak, they lose the Goldberg angle thing down the road.


But of course this is the WWE, and so I still figure that Test will beat RVD to win the finals.

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Guest Just call me Dan

I can honestly see this happening, and I would definetly enjoy it.  But GOD there are so many obstacles to get around, yet there are also good signs as well.




RVD is the IC Champ.  I don't really know how keen Vince is on having both titles in the same match, or having the IC Champion never losing the title.  He might have to job it at the PPV before SS.  Could be worked out though, Taker could cost him his IC gold, so in retribution, he pins The Deadman.


WWE Right way:  Rob holds on to the Gold (Warrior WM6) or Takr costs himj it in buildup to their SS Match.

WWE Wrong way: Rob hot shots the belt back to Eddie or even Brock just to get it off of him, hurting his cred, and making way for a mini-feud that would slow buildup for this possible great blow-off.


Taker aint done.  No way will this be his LAST run.  Maybe with the belt, but not on top of the hill.  I could seriosuly see him sticking around until Wrestlemania 20 because it is a milestone and it gives him a couple of years left. Now, he could give Rob the clean win and always hate Rob.  Feud could pick up every now and then (Rock/HHH), but all in all the run will definetly be cemented and RVD will be on the top teir. Rob's lucky becaue getting the rub as a face is a lot easier to keep than as a heel (look at Jericho, because of the WWE's #1 rule Heel=pussy)


WWE Right way: Rob goes over clean, leaves the door open for as later feud rematch (LATER, not the next month)


WWE Wrong Way: He wins, but no one else worth a damn as far as drawing ability feuds with him.  Rob is on both shows wrestling Farroq, Test, Regal etc.  Loses later to HHH or Rock.

Taker's loss does nothing.


The way the WWE builds this will determine the buyrate.  Shitty buildup (HHH/Y2J, Austin/Rock WMX7) will kill the numbers, kill Rob's supposed drawing ability and he'll be treated as if he were Jericho.  An intense LONG buildup using the two guy's history and emotion rather than comedy and retarded stunts just making both look like imbeciles.


WWE Right way: Buildup rules, they capitalize on how close Rob gets every time to beating Taker, Taker's age, etc. Good buyrate.


WWE Wrong way: Taker continues his streak by tying Rob up to the back of his motorcycle and draging him into a pile of boxes, next week Chokeslams him on a tin foil trashcan and they screw up an announce table spot.  Feud buildup is basically trying to wow us, but it's two guys fighting for no reason.


Finally, Taker might not retain, RVD might not win.  With HHH's ever apparent pull, The clique reforming, and the fact that he got the belt when he was rusty, unover and had been gone for 8 months, he has a great chance. That threat is good for an entertaining match, but damn he better not win.

Rock also could be hotshotted the title because of his great ability to draw. WWE needs ratings, and it is proven Rock=Ratings. Brock could win the KOTR because they are cared to have him lose.  Brock/Rock would satisfy JR's hoss apetite and give Vince the easy way out of a decent buyrate.  This could go A LOT of ways. Look at the history of the Belt. 4 PPVs, 4 switches. Odds look bad.


WWE Right way: Taker/RVD

WWE Wrong Way: Any way else.


Bottom Line: A Well built Taker/RVD feud for 2 months, using history and psychology, all culminating in this huge blow off at Summerslam with Taker giving the Ultimate rub to RVD by jobbing clean is an awesome idea, and it has a great chance.  RVD has a big opportunity with Austin gone, and if he is given the ball, improves mic work and tweaks his character, you have a player of high magnitude.  Who knows where SS would be right now, had Austin not left.  This may be the best thing for the WWE after all. I wish Rob good luck and I'll be glued to my screen for the next few months with this being a possibility.  That's something I haven't been able to say since early Feb when the nWo was coming back.  We all know how that went. Hopefully this will be MUCH,MUCH different.

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Guest Brian

Unless they find a way to totally salvage Jericho by beating HHH, and even then RVD/Undertaker is still the way to go.

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I want Jericho to win this. But I agree about RVD. Logic suggests that RVD is the man to take the crown this year.

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Guest goodhelmet

okif hhh is taken out of the equation (which he won't be but we can dream) then you can easily build brock and rvd at the same time.


rvd wins KOR due to Heyman accidentally hitting brock or rock preventing heyman interference or whatever.


rock presents rvd the crown and brock ruins the proceedings destroying rock.


boom. bps's idea can happen. rock and brock can happen and you have two summerslam matches that can be built up in the meantime.


have rvd drop the ic title due to taker interference and you have another logical reason for rvd to get revenge on taker.


it's all very logical which leads me to believe none of it will happen.

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Guest Flyboy
it's all very logical which leads me to believe none of it will happen.

Of course, it would very logical, GH... but you're using WWE logic therefore we know it won't happen.  -_-

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Yeah, it all makes sense. Give the WWE three hours for ppv time and they will screw it up.

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Guest TheyCallMeMark
yeah...I said before the only way to possible come away from an RVD vs. Brock match without destroying both guys is to have RVD try and do his spots and have them all countered into Brocks power moves.


RVDs one of the best bumpers around...he can make Brock look like a God.


Then a fluke roll-up win from RVD gives RVD the win...but doesn't hurt Brock since he absolutely dominated.


Throw in a Jericho beat down on RVD after losing in round 1 and you have a classic face underdog that fans will go absolutely nuts for in the main event.  Hell...it may even get heat to stick on Brock too.


That nail is suffering severe brain damage.

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Guest converge241

I agree ive been saying RVD vs Taker for the title in a high profile match for a while here (i just figured they would do it at Vengeance.


summerslam card consisting of:

Taker - RVD

HHH - Edge

Rock - Brock

Flair - Benoit


works for me

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Guest Flyboy
summerslam card consisting of:

Taker - RVD

HHH - Edge

Rock - Brock

Flair - Benoit

That sounds good, but Edge is injured.

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Guest big Dante Cruz

And if the WWE is being difficult about a 2 month buildup, have Brock get into it with RVD over having a match in the interim PPV for the rights to the title shot.  'Taker interferes to try and screw RVD and RVD still wins.  Huge buildup, huge heat.  Brock is still seen as a beast...




So many ideas...

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