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Xavier: Renegade Angel

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I dunno if this was the first episode or if it's been on a while, but I just caught it tonight. Wow. That had to be like the second or third to worst thing I've ever seen on TV. Blech.

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I dunno if this was the first episode or if it's been on a while, but I just caught it tonight. Wow. That had to be like the second or third to worst thing I've ever seen on TV. Blech.


Yeah, that was god awful. I must have missed something about it that was funny. I'll give it another episode but damn, that was horrible.

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I don't even think I'll give it another episode. I had to force myself to give it all of this one. I can't think of a single other thing on TV right now that I've seen that I hated more.

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After reading this thread, I DVR'd the ep to see if it really was as bad as you two were proclaiming it to be.


I have to say, this was the absolute worst TV show I've seen in years. There appeared to be no true point to it. The animation looked like it was amateurs with pro tools and the voice acting was too bush-league. Oh yeah, and the writing was horrendous. That show almost ruined Adult Swim for me.

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They basically live off Family Guy, Boondocks and the husk of Aqua Teen (still good, but long in the tooth) at this point. If they were to ever lose Family Guy they would be fucked since they haven't put anything else into the network for a while now. Boondocks is the only new thing within the last couple years worth keeping up with, along with Metalocalypse and Venture Brothers before that.


Yeah, after finding success with weird and cheap productions that don't require much effort like Space Ghost, Aqua Teen, Sealab 2021, Harvey Birdman, Home Movies, etc., they began taking certain elements from those and started forcing it, pushing things to the limit and throwing shit against the wall because, hey, they could and it worked before. Things like Squidbillies, Perfect Hair Forever and the really obvious 12 Oz. Mouse. Truthfully I haven't watched the comedy blocks much since they cranked out those gems, basically once it became certain they were losing it and were producing these shows in order to artificially replicate their past successes instead of trying to make them entertaining. Perhaps worse is that once they hit the air it convinced even more idiots with flash that adding a snarky, deadpan voice to a crude drawing involving no skill makes it funny.

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I found a little bit of the writing to be entertaining merely based on how outlandish it was, but I assure you I would have appreciated it much much more as a radio show. The same can sometimes go for 12. Oz. Mouse.


Frisky Dingo is hilarious, much much better than post-Murphey Sealab. Squidbillies can be quite funny. Lucy is good. Metalocalypse is good.


I mean shit, if this show Gabriel is from the creators of Wondershowzen, I wish that they had stuck with Wondershowzen itself...

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