Guest Some Guy Report post Posted June 28, 2002 Well some people are just ignorant and need to be yelled at sometimes i suppose. May be you did her a favor and she no longer sits on people with out asking first. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EricMM Report post Posted June 28, 2002 See in your own way, you made this world a better place Liberal or conservative, I think we can all agree on one course of action: YELL AT THE IDIOTS MAKING THE MISTAKES! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ripper Report post Posted July 1, 2002 If you look in the new people, you can see a picture of the a woman that got charged for 2 seats, and it illustrates my point exactly. I was expecting to see some huge, 300 lb lady and instead I see this woman that isn't that big at all. Go look at the picture and tell me if you think it is fair that this woman should have to pay double for a plane ticket. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Spicy McHaggis Report post Posted July 1, 2002 Should anorexic people who take up only 1/2 a seat be charged half-price? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ripper Report post Posted July 1, 2002 If you agree with this policy they should. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Some Guy Report post Posted July 1, 2002 Should anorexic people who take up only 1/2 a seat be charged half-price? No, becasue they are using the whole seat. Whether they need that much space or not they are still occupying a seat that none else could sit in. It is a different situation. And I'm assuming that you're being sarcastic Spicy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Spicy McHaggis Report post Posted July 1, 2002 If you agree with this policy they should. No, the policy is that one should pay for however many seats one is using. Fat people using two seats should pay for two, anorexic people who use one's seat should pay for one despite how much space they may not use... you are charged for the seat not the space. According to your logic, people who take up only 1/2 a seat should be charged half-price. And I'm assuming that you're being sarcastic Spicy And you would be correct Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Some Guy Report post Posted July 1, 2002 How's this to end this thread? If you take up 2 seats, you should pay for two seats. If you take up one seat, you should pay for one. If you want to lie down and sleep across a whole row of seats, you should pay for the whole row. Seems simple to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheMikeSC Report post Posted July 1, 2002 <<<Should anorexic people who take up only 1/2 a seat be charged half-price? If you agree with this policy they should. >>> Except, of course, airlines can't technically sell half of a seat. If some tubby sack of goo can't fit their rotund BUTT in only one seat, they should be charged double. -=Mike Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Cancer Marney Report post Posted July 23, 2002 Some support for NAAFA's position, courtesy of The Onion VOLUME 35 ISSUE 12 — 31 MARCH 1999 Glandular Problem Causes Man To Eat Fifth Helping FREDERICKSBURG, MD—Born with a rare, debilitating glandular disorder, 450-pound Fredericksburg resident Gordon Hotchkiss, 41, helped himself to a fifth serving of mashed potatoes Sunday. "Why, oh, why, was I chosen by God to suffer from this horrible blaaarghmummm?" moaned the stricken Hotchkiss, helplessly shoveling fistfuls of buttery mashed potatoes into his mouth. "What have I done to deserve this awful glomphummm?" Hotchkiss' condition, known within medical circles as "bigfatfuckitis," also prevents him from using the stairs instead of the elevator to get to his second-floor apartment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest deadbeater Report post Posted July 29, 2002 Fuck this, I'm taking the bus. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HoffmanHBK Report post Posted July 29, 2002 Hmm....seems a lot of people can't have intelligent debate on this subject without using slurs like "fat fuck" and "sideshow freak." But I digress. I, myself, am 6'5", and a shade over 300lbs. A big man. And, no, it doesn't run in my family. I like food. Hell, I love food. Tonight I ate two steaks. Yeah, that's right. I also work out (not as much as I should), and I am 6'5", so I carry my weight a little better than a lot of people. I'm no two-seater, but I am usually pretty damned cramped in most airline/bus seats, in terms of both ass room and leg room. It pretty much sucks. That having been said, I find this policy to be fair and just, so long as it is not abused by the airlines. You know, weight is often influenced by genetics. People have different body types (I myself have a very large frame to begin with), and people have different natural metabolisms. Thus, weight gain comes easier to some, and weight loss comes easier to others. That isn't "bullshit" as some people like to claim, either. However, the vast majority of these people aren't doing themselves any favors. Many times, someone from a big family will grow up in a house where eating a lot is seen as normal. That's a hard habit to break. It can be done, though. Save some money and hire a dietician. Get on a schedule, a routine, and in that routine take time to excercize. Talk to your physician and get on a diet, or heck, take diet pills. Weight loss IS hard for a lot of fat people, believe me, I know. But it is possible. Furthermore, there are ways to get around this problem. For one, ask for an aisle seat. While you can't just clog up the aisle, once everyone is on the plane, you can spread out a little and only squeeze in for that little bit of time when the drink cart rolls by. Also, look into the size of each airline's plane and seats. Most are the same, but their might be some subtle differences or alterations which can help bigger folk out. Basically, it's all about being a smarter passenger. In the end, it does come down to economics. As long as the airlines aren't ripping people off with this, then it's a standard business procedure -- Economics 101, as somebody stated. And while the airlines probably wouldn't fold from giving up a seat here and there, they are entitled to charge by the seat, not by the passenger. If someone truly is big enough to take up two seats, they deserve to pay. It's like paying higher prices at big and tall men's stores -- as a big fella, it becomes a part of your life. It sucks, but that's just how it is. Either deal with it, or as deadbeater said, take the bus. Greyhound coaches are usually less than full anyway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Cancer Marney Report post Posted July 29, 2002 You're a fat fuck. That said, I'm glad you're big enough to admit it. Cheers, sideshow freak! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HoffmanHBK Report post Posted July 29, 2002 I'm more of an all-around big fuck than a fat one, ha....seriously though, play nice, man. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest fk teale Report post Posted July 29, 2002 "I'm not fat, I'm big boned! Enormously boned, actually. Fantastically huge bones the like of which have never before been seen on creatures without a trunk or a blowhole." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DrEvil Report post Posted August 1, 2002 The type of person they have in mind. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest danielisthor Report post Posted August 1, 2002 Planes are cramped as it is. Whenever i fly, i always try and use my points to move up to first class. It doesn't matter if the plane is filled with 112lb fashion models, they would be cramped as well. What about tall people who practically have to beg for an aisle seat. in this case shouldn't they be charged for sticking their legs into the aisle. its the same point. In todays day and age, airlines should be making the planes a little larger, take out a few rows of seats and make it more comfortable. As much as i have paid for airline tickets in the past, i should have enough room for a freaking lap dance from the female stewardess the whole flight. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EricMM Report post Posted August 2, 2002 Oh my god! Yeah I don't see how that woman could ever sit in an airplane seat. Wow. And she'd probably say the airlines aren't accomodating. Sheesh. How can you let yourself go like that? I weigh in at a little less than 200, I'm 6'2" and I consider myself pretty fat. I can't imagine having that much weight on me. If she lost it, what would her skin look like? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HoffmanHBK Report post Posted August 2, 2002 Funny someone mentioned height in this thread as well... I'm 6'5", and a good friend of mine is 6'4". Recently we went to a Minnesota Twins baseball game. Now admittedly the Metrodome is a little older than some stadiums, but that shouldn't be an issue. The two of us were practically eating our knees throughout the whole game. It really, really sucked. The point here is that while I've admitted to being fat, this friend of mine weighs about 160 lbs. And stands 6'4". So, in this case, I'd say weight really didn't factor in. Leg room, people...leg room. You can help being fat (to a point), but you sure can't help being tall. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Invader3k Report post Posted August 3, 2002 yeah, I definitely think there should be a decent minimum requirement of the length between two rows. I hate having my knees crammed into my stomach during an event (or on a bus for that matter). And I'm only 5'8 about, and I have problems sometimes, especially at older theaters. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Shaved Bear Report post Posted August 3, 2002 being somewhat overweight i dont sympathize with these people at all, we all control food cravings, try some will power Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Shaved Bear Report post Posted August 3, 2002 being 6'3 and around 225 (hey only 15% fat) I'm overweight, but to get like that bitch in the picture... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Some Guy Report post Posted August 3, 2002 Funny someone mentioned height in this thread as well... I'm 6'5", and a good friend of mine is 6'4". Recently we went to a Minnesota Twins baseball game. Now admittedly the Metrodome is a little older than some stadiums, but that shouldn't be an issue. The two of us were practically eating our knees throughout the whole game. It really, really sucked. The point here is that while I've admitted to being fat, this friend of mine weighs about 160 lbs. And stands 6'4". So, in this case, I'd say weight really didn't factor in. Leg room, people...leg room. You can help being fat (to a point), but you sure can't help being tall. Hoff what did you pay for the ticket, $10-20? I paid $55 to "eat me knees" and be squished on the sides at Fenway. I feel empathy, but no sympathy for you. I'm 6'2", 170lbs and I'd bet that a baseball stadium built in 1912 has smaller seats than a stadium originally built for football in the 60s or 70s, especialy considering the size of most Football fans. There is no sympathy in this country unless for the tall, only for fat people. BEcause fat people are somehow "victims." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HoffmanHBK Report post Posted August 3, 2002 Well, I wasn't really looking for sympathy... and I paid $11, for the record. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Some Guy Report post Posted August 3, 2002 And you complain? The cheapest seat at Fenway is $16 and that's to sit all teh way at the back of the bleachers. I'd stand teh whole game for $11 and not complain at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HoffmanHBK Report post Posted August 5, 2002 In "not looking for sympathy" I felt "not complaining" was implied... and if I was complaining about anything, it wasn't the price, slick. Lern to reed what I'm saying before getting all pissy and defensive. Not that I can't see your point, in that paying more than $20 to go to a baseball game seems unfeasible to me. But yikes, I didn't mean to step on your dick. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LooseCannon Report post Posted August 5, 2002 You're a touchy man Hoff. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HoffmanHBK Report post Posted August 5, 2002 Heh...funny you should say that, as I felt like SG was being touchy. I suppose it's how I came off, though. In any case, all I meant to say was that the issue isn't price, it's leg room. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LooseCannon Report post Posted August 5, 2002 Yeah I sympathize with your legroom problems. I just thought Some Guy was joking around. But then, I dunno, maybe he was seriously being pissy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HoffmanHBK Report post Posted August 5, 2002 That's the vibe I was gettin'. Apologies, of course, if I was mistaken. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites