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King Cucaracha

November Reign 2007

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Across a river, over a bunch of mountains, through fields, sweeping past trees and bushes, hovering over the skyline of New York City, the OAOAST logo flies through the air...before sweeping down, brushing past an elderly man who seems understandably shocked to see six over-sized letters fly past him. The logo continues going, nearing a house...which luckily, a woman is leaving, meaning the logo can sweep through the open door, continuing on down the hallfway and into the living room where a young kid is sat on his computer. It sweeps past him, hitting the computer...which explodes with a flash, lighting up much to the kid shock and delight.






We begin the show with the ending of the Stephen Joseph Popick/Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship Match from OAOAST Halloween Spectacular on October 31, 2007. Mellow music plays as we witness Popick's shocking Title victory all over again.


The fans are going nuts as Cortez rolls out of the ring, trying to disappear into the background a little as he stands by the barricade.


The mood suddenly starts to change though, the moment Stephen Joseph Popick starts to crawl towards Landon.



He's not moving Tony! Maddix isn't moving!


Chioda is starting to come to his senses now and all of a sudden, the fans are anything but behind Cortez, those closest to him begging him to jump back in. Cortez just ignores them though, watching on stoicly.



No... this can't be...


Still nursing the effects of the lowblow, Popick makes one last concerted effort as he drops across Landon. A sense of dread fills the arena as Chioda then gets his wits about him...










In the aisle, PRL nails Zack with a knee to fend him off...















...and turns to the ring...

























:o :o :o




















A slightly muted reaction goes up across the stunned crowd as Popick rolls off of Landon and punches a fist in the air. The camera zooms over the top of him though to the entrance way, where Zack Malibu and PRL stand. The two rivals who'd been beating the hell out of each other not 3 seconds ago now stand no more than 5 feet away from each other, both with the same look of absolute shock on their faces.



Jesse... Jesse, we have witnessed perhaps the biggest upset... the biggest shock in OAOAST history! Stephen Joseph Popick is... is the World Champion again!



Unbelievable scenes here at the Halloween Spectacular! Just unbelievable!


PRL and Zack continue to stare, mouthes agape, as the groggy Chioda takes the OAOAST World Championship belt and gives it to Stephen Joseph Popick. "The Most Hated Man in the OAOAST"™ holds the belt to his face, looking as if even he can't believe it, boos raining down on him as well as some scattered pieces of trash from the crowd.


Fade out.


We fade in on a black screen. Suddenly, we see a match being lit. The lit match is used on a stick of dynamite. As we see the flame travel across the black line, the "Mission: Impossible Theme Song (Dance Remix)" starts playing.


Cut to a screen showing information about Stephen Joseph Popick.






Cut to a montage of Popick career highlights.



The current One And Only AngleSault Thread World Heavyweight Champion.


The Most Hated Man In The OAOAST.


An OAOAST Original, you have been through it all and done it all.


Your mission, shall you choose to accept it, is to outlast five of the greatest superstars the wrestling world has ever seen. You must retain your World Heavyweight Title, and shock the world one more time.


A map of the planet Earth is shown. Several markers appear on the map, showing the locations of the six competitors in the Triple Decker Cage Match for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship tonight. The camera zooms in on each of the six locations. The "Mission: Impossible Theme Song (Dance Remix)" continues playing.


Cut to a screen showing information about Bohemoth.






Cut to a montage of Bohemoth career highlights.



The Metrosexual Monster.


Former HI-YAH World Heavyweight Champion and former OAOAST 24/7 Champion.


At 6'7", 284 lbs., you are one of the largest athletes in the OAOAST.


Your mission, shall you choose to accept it, is to obtain the biggest prize in the industry. Become OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion for the first time in your career.


The flame continues moving along the black line as highlights of all six competitors in the Triple Decker Cage Match are shown. The "Mission: Impossible Theme Song (Dance Remix)" is still playing.


Cut to a screen showing information about "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican.






Cut to a montage of PRL career highlights.



The Corporate Champ.


The leader of The Lightning Crew.


You have won almost every singles Title in the OAOAST.


Your mission, shall you choose to accept it, is to finally win the one Title that has eluded you your entire career, the World Heavyweight Title.


Cut to a close-up of the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt. Sparks fly around the belt. The "Mission: Impossible Theme Song (Dance Remix)" continues playing.


Cut to a screen showing information about "Urban Legend" Todd Cortez.






Cut to a montage of Todd Cortez career highlights.



You have made a name for yourself in the Smartmarks Wrestling Federation.


Your finisher, The Riot Act Plus, is one of the most feared finishers in wrestling today.


You have decided to set out on your own in the One And Only AngleSault Thread.


Your mission, shall you choose to accept it, is to make a name for yourself in the OAOAST by winning its World Heavyweight Title for the first time ever.


More highlights of the six competitors in the Triple Decker Cage Match for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship are shown. The "Mission: Impossible Theme Song (Dance Remix)" is still playing.


Cut to a screen showing information about Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix.






Cut to a montage of Landon career highlights.



The previous Champion.


The first man to hold both the SWF AND OAOAST World Heavyweight Titles.


The current SWF Commissioner.


Your mission, shall you choose to accept it, is to regain what you have just lost and become a two-time, two-time, two-time OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion.


Cut to a screen showing information about Zack Malibu.






Cut to a montage of Zack career highlights.



The Franchise of the OAOAST.


You have proven your greatness time and time again.


Your legend will forever live in professional wrestling history.


Your mission, shall you choose to accept it, is to add a fourth One And Only AngleSault Thread World Heavyweight Championship reign to your resume, and climb to the top of the OAOAST mountain once again.


Cut to a silhouette of the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt.


Cut to pictures of the six competitors in the Triple Decker Cage Match for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship shown in tune with the "Mission: Impossible Theme Song (Dance Remix)".






Cut to a shot of the Triple Decker Cage.






Cut to another shot of the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt.


Cut to the flame coming closer and closer to the stick of dynamite. In between this shot are shots of the six competitors in the Triple Decker Cage Match for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship, the Triple Decker Cage itself, and the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt. The "Mission: Impossible Theme Song (Dance Remix)" continues playing.



This tape will self-destruct in five seconds.








Sparks are shown. Headshots of all six competitors in the Triple Decker Cage Match for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship are shown. Then...




An explosion. We see a black screen again. The "Mission: Impossible Theme Song (Dance Remix)" ends. We fade out.



Fallout Boy take over the music baton as we now go into the arena, to be confronted with a huge pyrotechnics display! Twenty seconds and about $80,000 later the smoke clears and we are LIVE in Las Vegas, Nevada, where the crowd are on their feet and going crazy. CRAZY I tells ya! Maybe because of the Triple Decker Cage structure which hangs enticingly from the ceiling of the arena, ready for later on. For now though, we zoom over to Sofa Central where Michael Cole and The Coach are as always (until we can find better replacements) standing by.



It's is November 25th...



Are you sure?



Quite sure, yes. And tonight, the lives of six of the OAOAST's top superstars could change forever as we present to you, the Triple Decker Cage Match, here at November Reign 2007! We are in the fantastic Bellagio Hotel and Casino in the so-called 'Sin City', Las Vegas, Nevada, ready for what promises to be a very memorable OAOAST Pay Per View presentation. There's a feeling in the air tonight. A slightly unnerving on, but a very exciting one at that, with those three cages hanging overhead.



The stakes are high tonight and the casualty list could be pretty high once tonight's over with too.



Big night of action but one match we won't be seeing here tonight is the scheduled 10-Person Survivor Series Rules match between 'Team Krista' and 'Team Alix'. Developments over the course of this past week, as have been documented by OAOAST.com, in a legal capacity. Both Alix and Krista have been advised strongly by their legal teams not to show up tonight and especially not to fight each other while certain issues are being attended to, which has led to the match being postponed. Couple that in with an injury to Dr. Max Anderson and the fact nobody wants to see Biff Atlas and Vinny Valentine near PPV any time soon...



Harsh, but fair.



...means we've shuffled the deck. Tonight it'll be Christian Wright stepping up for Team Alix and The Enterprise, to take on Dr. Steven Pigley of Team Krista and The Love Doctors. All that plus a whole lot more, let's not hang around any longer, our opening match of the evening, take it away Michael Buffer!

Edited by Ed Wood Caulfield

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The following is an 8-man elimination contest! Introducing first, team co-captains LOGAN USHER MANN and “THE HANDSOME HUSTLER” NED BLANCHARD! COLONEL ABDULLAH ABIR NERDLY presents the greatest rock ‘n’ wrestling band of AAAAALLLL-time, THE HEAVENLYYYYYYY ROCKERS, featuring THE BEVERLY HILLS BLONDS. Collectively…THE ENTERTAINERS!


Theme music: Trust Company, "Rock The Casbah"


"Rock The Casbah" by Trust Company cues up and Leon Rodez struts out onstage with the rest of his squadron. Jade and Melody chat amongst themselves as their charges go around slapping hands, and collecting phone numbers in the case of Leon and Tyler! The Gunslingers, however, choose to focus their attention on the Heavenly Rockers, eying them all the way. Baron through a protective mask design to guard his nose from any further damage.



Their opponents, being accompanied by JADE RODEZ and MELODY NERDLY! First, two-thirds of the World 6-man tag team champions... "TREMENDOUS" TYLER BRYANT and team captain "SILKY SMOOTH" LEON RODEZ! And their partners, from San Antonio, Texas… “THE TEXAS TWISTER” JOCK MULLIGAN and BARON WINDELS… THE LONE STAR GUNSLINGERS! THE KINGS OF LLLEEEEEEOOOOONN!!





You can see the hatred in the Lone Star Gunslingers’ eyes. They badly want to repay the Heavenly Rockers for what they did to them and Melody.



Didn’t anybody ever tell Jock and Baron it’s not good to hold grudges? They were getting too big for their britches and the Heavenly Rockers put them in their place.



Revisionist history at its finest. But one has to wonder how much effect that protective guard will have on Baron.


The Gunslingers rush the ring with vengeance in mind, but the Entertainers high-tail it as Rodez and Bryant join their partners inside. To save face the Entertainers huddle together for a last-minute “strategy session“. Little do they realize OAOAST cameras pick up Ned telling everyone to “stay here so they think we know what we’re doing.”





Logan proves why he’s the real captain of the team, ordering Synth to jump Jock from behind as the Kings of Leon casually remove their pre-match garb in the corner. With Leon and Tyler flirting with the female ring attendant and the Gunslingers conversing with Melody and Jade, Synth is able to blindside the Texas Twister and drag him out towards the center of the ring away from his corner.





With no regard for human life, perhaps due to being stoned out of his mind, Synth walked into the lion’s den and left unscathed!



Synth is fearless, Cole. How many people do you know can say they’ve died 3 times?



It certainly explains his erratic behavior at times.


The Synthmeister pummels Jock to his knees, and then rakes the laces of the boots across the eyes, momentarily blinding the proud Texan. Sent in for the ride Jock manages to put on the brakes and kick Synth in the shoulder, followed by a round of Cowboy Bebop (bionic) elbows that stagger his foe. Jock gives Synth a taste of his own medicine, firing him off to the ropes, and connects with a diving lariat!






Baron receives the tag and the fans voice their approval. The statuesque Gunslinger delivers a clubbing overhand right onto the outstretched arm of Synth from the top, then wrings the arm, but Synth answers with a knee to the midsection and an uppercut from way downtown. Logan immediately asks for the tag as Baron struggles to remain on his feet after that shot from Synth. Logan climbs the stairway to heaven, figuratively speaking, and spreads his “wings” before flying…but Baron catches him coming off the top with a shot to the gut!



He was playing possum, Cole.



Logan took a chance and it didn’t pay off.


Baron smashes Logan’s face in the turnbuckle and hammers away from the middle rope.













Whipped into the ropes, Logan ducks a big boot and tags Ned, much to the fans chagrin.





The fans aren’t happy to see that. They were looking forward to Logan getting his.



He’s doing them a favor, Cole. Baron’s lucky he caught Logan being overanxious or it’d have been a whole different story.




Team captain Leon Rodez receives a rousing ovation as he enters for the first time. Blanchard is none too impressed, talking smack to Rodez who just stands there with his arms folded chewing a piece of gum. “Are you even listening to me?” Ned barks. In typical Leon Rodez fashion, the Silky Smooth One responds lightheartedly, blowing a bubble in Blanchard‘s face. But the Handsome Hustler is less than amused and pops Rodez with a stinging right hand!



That sure burst his bubble, huh? Ha!


Leon fights back, trading blows with Ned. Just when it seems Rodez is about to gain control Blanchard comes back with a fury. The Grand Rapids Golden Child ducks a back elbow and levels Ned with THE SHACK ATTACK!






Rodez charges in after whipping Ned to the corner and drives both knees into the sternum, then plants the Handsome Hustler mid-ring with an EXPLODER SUPLEX!








Leon moves as Simon accidentally drops an elbow on his tag partner! Then Rodez brings the Blonds together for a DOUBLE NOGGIN KNOCKER! Quick tag to “Tremendous” Tyler Bryant, who Rodez assists in the ROCKET LAUNCHER CLOTHESLINE!



How about that? Larger Than Life Line as performed by Leon Rodez and Tyler Bryant!








Ned quickly rolls away towards his corner and tags Simon. Pumped up by the rest of his teammates, the Box Office Draw storms inside and is brought down by an arm drag takeover! Down but not out Simon RISES UP~ and lands a back elbow to free himself from Tyler’s clutches.


* CHOP *



* CHOP *




* CHOP *




Following a trifecta of knife-edge chops, Tyler reverses Simon’s Irish whip and takes him around the world is a TILT… NO, SIMON COUNTERS WITH A HEADSCISSORS! Singleton charters a flight and…





















Eliminated: Simon Singleton

Eliminated by: “Tremendous” Tyler Bryant (pinfall)

Advantage: Kings of Leon, 4-3



The Colonel and half-sister Molly help Simon outside and eventually to the back. Meanwhile, fellow BHB Ned Blanchard clubs Tyler from behind, then violates him in a non-sexual way in the corner -- punching and chopping the teen dream sensation before he STOMPS A MUDHOLE AND WALKS IT DRY!



The Handsome Hustler firing on all cylinders. He wants to even the odds once again for his team.


Pelvic thrust earns Ned a thumbs down from Jade but a big cheer from Molly whose returned to ringside along with Colonel Abdullah after escorting Simon backstage. Ned fires Tyler into the ropes and hip… NO, Tyler twirls out and delivers a hip toss of his own! When Blanchard returns to his feet he’s leveled by a Jock Mulligan, now the legal man, HIGH CROSS BODY PURPLE MONEY DISHWASHER!!








Mulligan staggers Blanchard with Cowboy Bebop elbows, then flattens him with the TEXAS PRAYER BOOK!









Give the Handsome Hustler his due, Cole. He’s displaying a great deal of intestinal fortitude.



No doubt about it.


The Texas Twister whips Ned in and snaps him over with a beautifully executed BELLY-TO-BELLY SUPLEX!



1337 Pwnage! Blanchard is moments away from joining his partner in the shower.


Unbeknownst to him and the announcers, there was a blind tag, and Synth capitalizes with a SECOND ROPE ELBOW DROP!


The cover!






What’s going on here?



I think we had a tag.
















Eliminated: Jock Mulligan

Eliminated by: Synth (pinfall)

Advantage: Even, 3-3



Leon and company protest the call, but the second official ringside verifies there was a tag. The Entertainers, meanwhile, celebrate as though they just won the match. Synth lets his guard down the most as he jams to his air guitar, and Baron clobbers him with a TOP ROPE LARIAT!













Eliminated: Synth

Eliminated by: Baron Windels

Advantage: The Kings of Leon, 3-2




You’ve got to be kidding me?!?



What a sudden turn of events. The Kings of Leon have regained the advantage. Unbelievable!


Baron waves Logan in, and the Macho MACHO Mann obliges. The atmosphere is electric as both men come face to face. With their teammates cheering them on, Logan and Baron hook ‘em up! Mann rakes the eyes and rams Windels into the turnbuckle, but due to his face mask it doesn’t faze him one bit!





Stunned by a blow to the jaw, Logan is tossed into the corner and worked over with a combination of Cowboy Bebop elbows and American made right hands. Irish whip, and Baron scores with the MYSPACE COMEBACK!








Windels places Mann on the top rope for a SUPERPLEX, but Ned Blanchard yanks him off and delivers a series of rabbit punches. The Handsome Hustler holds Baron in position as Logan steadies himself on the turnbuckle.



Spread your wings and fly, Macho MACHO!


Logan does…






Colonel Abdullah and Molly can’t believe it. Logan shows little concern for Ned, shrugging his shoulders at him, allowing Baron to hit the BULLDOG out of nowhere!! The Colonel hops onto the apron and gets popped for his trouble.


The cover!






Referee Earl Hebner stops the count as Holly-Wood enters the ring, but Melody takes care of her with a SPEAR!





Kitty can scratch. Unfortunately she decided to attack a poor defensive young woman.



Give me a break. Holly is tougher than some of the guys, and Melody is kicking her ass!


As officials try to separate the girls, Baron signals for the big boot…but Logan reverses and Ned drives the knee into the spine of the back. Baron stumbles forward into a DDT!!!



Percussion DDT!



And no one’s there to save Baron, Cole. Tyler and the Rodez family are busying helping the officials separate Melody and Holly. He’s going to be eliminated.











Eliminated: Baron Windels

Eliminated by: Logan Mann (pinfall)

Advantage: Even, 2-2



Leon and Tyler are left shell-shocked, much like the Entertainers were earlier following the elimination of Synth. They help Baron out and then it’s ON, as Leon slides in and trades blows with Ned, who‘s now the legal man. After getting the worse of it Ned is whipped to the buckle, and Rodez flies in with the SUPERMAN SPEAR! Blanchard staggers out and is dropkicked from behind, causing him to land throat-first on the middle rope.





Uh-oh. Ned’s in big trouble here and the crowd knows it.


The New-Age Love Machine does a little dance and drops all his weight across… NO, Ned moves, but Leon manages to bounce off and land on his feet. Thinking he’s escaped a bullet the Handsome Hustler points to his head, only to turn around and…










* blow kiss, deck Logan because he can, and then finish Ned with an enziguri *


…have Leon tell him MAMA SAID KNOCK YOU OUT!!!













Can you believe that? Logan saved Ned! If I had told you that 11 months ago…



I’d have thought you were crazy.


The Kings of Leon make a tag, and Tremendous Tyler sends Ned in, up and down courtesy of a GUT BUSTER, and follows it up with a SHINING ENZURIGI~!








Quick tag, and the Kings of Leon ROCK YOUR BODY with a sweet Samoan drop/neckbreaker combo on Ned!






But only two, as Logan pulls Ned to safety outside. The KOL respond with another fast tag and Tremendous Tyler dives out onto the remaining Entertainers with a SUICIDE DIVE! Blanchard is rolled back in and relives a painful memory, his torrid affair with Krista Isadora Duncan, as OPPOSITES ATTRACT!!



The Entertainers are moments away from going down another man, their last man!


As Leon is escorted back to his corner, Logan comes down off the top with a DOUBLE KNEEDROP ONTO THE BACK OF TYLER’S HEAD!!


Ned drapes the arm across Tyler’s chest.











Eliminated: “Tremendous” Tyler Bryant

Eliminated by: Ned Blanchard (pinfall)

Advantage: The Entertainers, 2-1




They’re starting to drop like flies now, Cole.



It’s come down to captains of each team, but the odds heavily favor the Handsome Hustler and the Macho MACHO Mann.






The crowd rallies behind Leon as he faces the daunting task of having to eliminate both Ned and Logan to achieve victory. The Silky Smooth One wastes no time getting started, jumping right on top of Ned, peppering him with right hands. He whips Blanchard across and smashes him with a FLYING FOREARM!








Determined to score a quick pin, Leon wraps Ned up in a small package.








Now a backslide from Rodez.






But again Ned kicks out. LIONTAMER coming up, but Leon’s six sense kicks in and he slingshots Ned towards the Entertainers corner, causing a collision between him and Logan as the Macho MACHO Mann set to come off the top!





Rodez hooks Blanchard in a front facelock and runs up the turnbuckles, kicking Logan in the face as he flips back and plants the Handsome Hustler with Slice Bread #2.



Feedback THIS, Ned Blanchard!













Eliminated: Ned Blanchard (pinfall)

Eliminated by: Leon Rodez

Advantage: Even, 1-1




What action! These guys have been going non-stop for 15-20 minutes by now. Maybe more.


With Logan still crotched on the top, Leon brings him down with a SUPERPLEX!








Scoop slam near the corner, and the Grand Rapids Golden Child heads to the top for his patent 450 SPLASH…







And just like that Logan Mann is back in control. More importantly perhaps, Leon’s window of opportunity may have closed with that move right there. That had to suck the life out of him and his supporters.


Mann smashes Rodez in the turnbuckle and pummels him with an array of sharp left jabs to the face and body. Irish whip, and Leon is decked by a running elbow. Logan then heads up and delivers a double axe handle smash.








Logan applies a choke and waits until the very last second to break. He slams Leon in the center and heads back up…FLYING DOUBLE KNEEDROP!!



Thanks for stopping by Leon. Have a safe trip home.



















Logan scoops Leon back up, but the Silky Smooth One slips over the top and surprises the Macho MACHO Mann with a quick roll-up!













Eliminated: Logan Mann (pinfall)

Sole Survivor: Leon Rodez







What the hell just happened?!



Unbelievable! Leon Rodez defied the odds and came back to win.


Leon and Jade celebrate while Lolly remain in a state of shock.

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The camera cuts to the parking lot. A long black stretch limousine drives into the parking lot. The camera does a close-up of the license plate. It reads






The long black stretch limousine stops. The driver gets out of the limo and walks on over, opening one of the passenger doors. Out steps the current OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion Stephen Joseph Popick to loud jeers from the audience. Popick, in his suit and tie ensemble, has an evil smile on his face as he looks at the parking lot.



It's showtime!


Popick grabs the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt from the limo and slings it over his right shoulder. He chuckles for some reason.



Come on guys!


Coming out of the limo next is "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican, to a noticeably positive reaction. He is also in his "Corporate" attire of Puerto Rican flag bandana on his head, sunglasses, earring on his left ear, gold chain around his neck, white dress shirt, red tie, black sports jacket, $500 Rolex watch on his right wrist, his engagement ring on his right ring finger, black dress pants, and black dress shoes. PR is less excited then Popick, but still manages to crack a smile to humour his "Career Consultant".



Let's hustle! Hustle! A big night ahead of us!


PRL helps Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez out of the limo. She has the OAOAST Women's Championship belt over her right shoulder. Lindsay is wearing hoop earrings, a black sleeveless sweater with a large white skull and crossbones design on it, a gold necklace, gold braclets around her wrists, her engagement ring on her right ring finger, a gold watch on her right wrist, a blue ruffled miniskirt with a black belt, and black heels. Following Lindsay is Vitamin X, then Princess Stacey, Cuban Wall, The Bone Thug, Thomas Rodriguez, and finally, Mr. Boricua. The Lightning Crew and Stephen Joseph Popick all stand outside for a few moments.



All right. Let's go! Main event match tonight!


Stephen Joseph Popick leads the way to the parking lot exit, the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt gleaming over his right shoulder. With a beaming smile, Popick motions for The Lightning Crew to follow him. They do so.



And here they are. Stephen Joseph Popick, the World Heavyweight Champion, and "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican, just ONE of the five men Popick will be facing in the Triple Decker Cage Match later on tonight here at November Reign.



This will be a big night for either Popick OR Tha Puerto Rican! Or possibly both! What if they both capture the Title?



That won't happen, Coach.



What makes you so sure? Are you Nostradamus?



No. But I doubt that'll happen. Not if Tha Puerto Rican's the same Puerto Rican that's been in the OAOAST since 2003!



Oh there you go. Always hating on Tha Puerto Rican!



Weren't you hating on him three weeks ago when we were in Puerto Rico?



That's different. I had my reasons!



Oh come on!



We dissolve (dissolve rules!) into Mister Moneymaker's office, where the man himself, attired in a pinstriped suit, sits behind his desk, frowning at the rant he's been forced to listen to. Such a rant comes courtesy of the wordy superstar, Christian Wright, who in jeans and a white dress shirt, paces in front of Moneymaker's desk with anger pouring from his every word.



Mister Moneymaker, I ask you be reasonable!


Moneymaker relaxes in his leather swivel chair, a stark contrast to the passionate fury Wright is driven by.



I am being reasonable, you ask me to be a tyrant.



No! I beseech you only to heed the chastisements you presented these summer nights past! I ask you to do no more and no less then pay conceit to the messages of your conscience. Mister Moneymaker, draw your sword and manage it to separate Mackenzie and Alix from The Enterprise!


MONEYMAKER (waving Wright off)

You'll get me to do nothing of the sort.


Wright clinches his fists, barely able to contain his disgust with his boss' casual dismissial.



Bah! So you will consort so openly and so readily with those you have so openly and readily condemned to the eternal chambers of damnation? You'll play part and party to the enabling of the militant dyke agenda, homosexuality's affront on the cultural values and norms that have risen this nation above all others? To their filthy lesbian degeneration of every outlet of decency we have in this society? If that is the case, Mister Moneymaker, then every word you've spoken thus far is to your discredit and your dishonor. It is with pity I look upon you, sir. I had once entertained the notion that you and I traveled under the direction of the same moral compass. I see there is no such case.


Moneymaker's eyes narrow, and his deep voice rumbles like a ghost train.



Just because I have given you permission to speak freely, does not mean I have given you permission to freely question my character.


Not intimidated by the warning, Wright kicks a chair out of overwhelming frustration.



Every second you permit Alix and Mackenzie to lie together, this character, you speak of becomes further removed from the man you aspire towards! I pray you, sir, the moment for action against these perverts is here, and I fear that you will act too late!


MONEYMAKER (settling into a cooler tone)

Be calm, and take no note of their presence within The Enterprise. Mackenzie is as she always was, the same woman who's helped me steer this company to greatness both financial and athletic, and her little girlfriend is but harmless sweetheart.



Nay! They are disgusting beyond contempt! Just their presence alone works ceaselessly to corrupt and wither an organization I have dedicated my life to! What dares these lesbians, subhuman degenerates, to see themselves on equal footing with men such as us? To believe depraved daughters of Satan can successfully weave into our finely spun thread, and frustrate a hatred we are so devoted to following? To profane our holy shrine with unworthiest hands? My appertaining rage shall not be tempered, nor shall I give a quarter of my fealty. To have them both struck down, you of all people, should hold it not a sin! They have sinned away their last day of grace, and I demand judgment!



I would not for the life of them do either Alix or Mackenzie any disparagement.


As anger plays upon twisted and horrific features, Wright's outrage forces him to smash his fist onto the desk.



I can not endure them!


Apparently, Moneymaker can't endure Wright's insubordination any longer, as he rockets from his chair and flashes flames through eyes that lock menacingly on Wright.



Am I the master here or you? They will be endured as long as I say they will be endured! Or are you daring to make a mutiny among my Enterprise?






Treason has steep a price, Mister Wright, one I don't believe you'd gladly pay.


Moneymaker manages to settle himself down long enough to pull a thick stack of papers out his desk drawer.



Perhaps you may be interested to see why I make no qualms about driving a dagger straight into the heart of my every last moral fiber. Go ahead. Take a look.


Moneymaker slides the massive packet across the desk to Christian. Eyes widening in awe he flips through it slowly, taking in the stupefying figures presented on each page.



What in the devil should this be?



While you continue that nasty habit of spewing baseless rhetoric, I'm tirelessly working to expand the very company that handsomely pays you to spew that baseless rhetoric. And what you're reading is several million reasons why we are all about to receive a very generous boon to our bank accounts. That Mister Wright is the first and second quarter profits for Miss Spezia Sweetie's, owned and operated by the woman you have hastily deemed as not worthy of sharing your air. That girl, as stupid as we may think her, is a honest to god, walking cash flow. The company has yet to even reach its real financial potential. When it does, I and I alone, intend on reaping the benefits. So, you see Mister Wright, its not as if I plan to slap a rainbow sticker on the Jag, crank up the Village People, and parade down South Beach in assless chaps with a boyfriend half my age who's only knowledge of English are the words “Yes, harder and faster”. Far from it. Alix and Mackenzie, as lesbians, are an abomination against church, country, and man himself. For that they have guaranteed themselves an eternity in the fag infested flames of hell. But, while they're here on earth, what do ya say we make a few bucks off 'em?


With cooler heads having prevailed, the duo shake hands over the money generating scheme. We're left to cut back to the sold out Bellagio hotel arena.



Doctor, doctor, give me the news

I've got a bad case of lovin' you

No pill's gonna cure my ill

I've got a bad case of lovin' you


To the uninitiated it may appear the entry way has been converted into a makeshift Hospital, as red and blue lights flash about the area at a frantic pace. Those uninitiated may become even more confused when a soft miss begins gently seeping into the area. But, those OAOAST faithful know that flashing lights and romantic miss can only mean the arrival of a Love Doctor! And arrive, Stephen Pigley does, his flawless skin, with its maple syrup tan, such a beautiful contrast to the pale white smoke working around him. His exceptionally well developed muscles become the objects of deep lust for women across the globe, as they writhe through a near x-rated stripper routine on the stage.



Ladies and gentlemen the following OAOAST bonus contest is scheduled for one fall with a time limit of fifteen minutes! Now making his way to the ring, from The Windy City, he weighed in at two hundred one pounds, he is one half of The Love Doctors, Doctor Stephen Pigley!


The camera glides down Pigley's, flawless completely untainted and unblemished body, from the meaty shoulders which ripple as he flexes his arms through the air, to his tight backside and taut leg muscles.



Yo, look at the one woman over there waving them dollars around. Big ol ho be lookin like Dudley from Different Strokes. Dudley from Different Strikes. This fat ass bitch be douching with maple syrup and bacon grease. Probably got Katrina victims still housed up in her coochie.



Uncalled for. Folks, this match was originally scheduled to be Team Krista against Team Alix, but that match has been postponed due to unfortunate events. It hopefully take place on HeldDOWN. Tonight you can enjoy Stephen Pigley facing off against Christian Wright. Pigley and his tag partner Max Anderson will join Vinny Valentine and Shayne Brave on Team Krista. As has been mentioned before Krista's teammates are not exactly up to par. And a lot of that has to do with shady moves conducted by Mackenzie DeCenzo. She may deny it, but I think we know what her plan was.



We don't know nothing unless we got proof! Krista got a bad draw, but that's the OAOAST's fault, it ain't Mackenzie. Otherwise Mackenzie would've put Dos or Mariachi as Krista's fifth partner instead of letting Shayne Brave take the job. Brave, unlike Valentine and The Docs, is semi competent, its just that he's barely over three feet tall.


Tailored suits, show of your cars

Fine hotels and big cigars

Up for grabs, up for a price

Where the red hot girls keep on dancing through the night


Boos, jeers, and every vulgarity known to the English language overwhelms the sold out arena, as ACDC's monster tune powers its way through the venue. Bellow the swirling green and gold spotlights that slide across the entrance stage, doors part to reveal two of the more reviled Enterprise members, Christian Wright and Christopher Patrick Allen. His lean frame stretching through a pair of biz-casual khaki pants, Wright pounds his fist against his treasured briefcase and offers a dismissive stare to the camera. To his side stands, CPA, cigar planted firmly in mouth, and baggy jeans and white t-shirt sagging of his enormous body. The two allys pass a silent fist pump before making their way down the ramp through the typhoon of hatred that builds around them.



And the opponent, being accompanied to the ring by Christopher Patrick Allen...ow residing in Washington, D.C... weighing in at eight and one-third BARS of GOLD! He is the Financial Analyst for THE ENTERPRISE... "THE NATURAL" CCHHHRRRRRRIIIIISSTTIIIIIIAAAAAAANN WWRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIGGHHHHHTT!!!


“CHRISTIAN SUCKS! CHRISTIAN SUCKS!” the fans sing. Christian responds to their cruel words by calling for silence, but they can't hear him above the pounding bass of his entrance music, and even if they could its unlikely they'd stop.



Christian Wright, a moralist to the very end, has found hard to approve of Mackenzie and Alix's relationship. I think that may be the first time he's ever gone against the grain that Moneymaker's laid out. And to call for Mackenzie's firing, after she's supported and aided you since the formation of The Enterprise is low. Its dirty and its low. I have no love for Mackenzie, but Christian's lack of loyalty is remarkable in its insanity.




Unable to tolerate the blatant show of disrespect that greets him every time he wrestles, Christian motions to the ring and flat out refuses to enter it unless he's given the silence he's requested. But his decision to stand up for his self esteem just generates a more raucous round of chants. Anger and annoyance steams from his frame, as he informs the audience that they will get no match unless he gets his silence. In the distance Allen nods his approval for Wright's stand against the bothersome fans.



He can't be for real! Get in the ring!


Disgusted by the pompous superstar's refusal to even entertain the notion of entering the bout, Doctor Pigley decides Wright needs “special” motivation to enter the ring. With his hands already balled into tight fists, he dives through the ropes, black eyes zeroed in on CW. Completely to his surprise, Wright is put under fire but a bombardment of punches to his back, that thrill the sellout crowd. Before the former HI-YAH world champion knows what's what, Pigley is throwing him into the ring, causing the match to get underway...




As soon as CW rises, the muscular arm of Doctor Pigley coils around his neck for a side headlock. The sexy muscle stud strains and tugs on Wright's neck, perhaps secretly wishing to rip it right off his shoulders! But he fails to do even a modicum of damage, as CW powers his way out the hold. With Pigley's clutches a distant memory, Moneymaker's right hand man begins smashing forearms into Pigley's lower back. The strikes impact with such amazing ferocity that they manage to bulldoze the Chicago native into a corner. Even as Pigley holds onto the ropes to earn some kind of reprieve, the enraged Wright continues to assault him with perfectly placed elbow strikes. As Pigley wilts under the assault, elderly referee Clem Buzzlefoxer is forced to step in and call for a break.


Face bubbling with volcanic anger, Wright hollers, “Apprise me halfwits! Name the entertainer that sucks from your disinformed vantagepoint!




After scowling to the annoying audience, Wright returns his focus to his overmatched rival. Unfortunately for Wright, his focus is blurred by the pair of elbows the good doctor slams into his forehead. But Wright recovers from the shock of the attacks quickly enough to blast his knee into Pigley's lean stomach. However, Pigley returns fire with a headbutt that blasts CW all the way back towards the center of the ring. Beside himself with disgust, CPA orders that Pigley be DQ'ed for usage of such an awful tactic.



What a load of crap! The Love Doctors aren't going to be able to cheapshot their way to five eliminations this Sunday. Its five up and five down for Team Krista, and a clean sweep for Team Alix.


As Wright is momentarily distracted by the fact that his nose may very well be broken, Pigley speedily scampers into the second rope. Never one to disappoint the ladies in attendance, he seductively pumps and grinds his heavenly body as a few girls in the front row wave twenty dollar bills towards him.



How we even gonna let The Love Doctors in the same ring as cats like Moneymaker and CPA? The Docs ain't even hardbody enough to handle some OAOVW ring rats!


After he sends a few female fans to orgasm, the gorgeous MD departs the ropes with a missile dropkick. His black boots crash through Wright's chest, plummeting the detested Enterprise member to the canvas, and bringing out a wave of cheers from the audience!



You were saying?


Realizing that every moment in the ring is a moment closer to defeat, Pigley dives upon Wright for a pinfall...




But, Christian authoritatively pushes his way out of the pin, as though his foe had the body weight of a baby bird's feather. Snorting with rage, he leaps to his feet, but finds himself placed immediately under attack by a stunning combination of jabs from Pigley. As the blows leave CW dazed on his dress shoes, the doctor heads to the ropes. But as he returns his moment of offense is brought to a violent end, thanks to a murderous lariat by The Natural!


“CHRISTIAN SUCKS! CHRISTIAN SUCKS! CHRISTIAN SUCKS!” the audience belts, as a coolly smirking Wright admires his handiwork.



At the very least Christian Wright by himself could demolish a team of The Love Doctors, and Vinny Valentine. By himself.


Gasping as if he were on the verge of drowning in quicksand, Pigley struggles horribly to regain the breath CW just ripped out of him. But, his efforts grow monstrously more difficult when The Financial Analyst of The Enterprise suffocates him with a sleeperhold. A soft gurgling noise bubbles out of his lips, as the color in face begins fading into a pale blue. On the outside, CPA applauds Christian's showing.


Bored with merely choking his foe into an early retirement, Wright decides that pummeling him to death would be far more pleasurable. Thus he frees Pigley, leaving him in a seated position, while he charges to the ropes. As is Brooks Brothers shoes carry him back to his rival, he dives forward and plows into Pigley with a brutal basement shoulder block! Droplets of crimson goo now litter the ring, as the incredible attack draws gobs of blood from the doctor's nose.



Wow! We always knew Wright was a high impact performer, but that just took it to a whole new level. With any more momentum, he could've snapped Pigley's neck.



Is that so.....DO IT AGAIN! AGAIN!


Dazed and completely unable to determine his surroundings, Pigley tries to struggle to his feet. But, hindered by throbbing pain and a terrible headache, he moves dangerously slow, and becomes victim of another sleeperhold by The Natural. The affects of the basic submission are instant and painful, a sharp spreading of agony throughout Pigley's throat. Misery twists and turns his groaning face as Wright's arms do the same to his neck.




Somehow, Pigley finds it within himself to agonizingly step to his feet, but still can't rid himself of Wright's torturous shackles. However, the slow shift of movement has weakened Wright's grip just enough for Pigley to begin worming his body towards the direction of Wright's chest. He then begins pumping wave after wave of punches into the snobbish wrestler's midsection until he finally secures his freedom.



And let's see what Stephen Pigley can do on offense!


Absolutely nothing. CW clamps down on his parted hair and uses it to violently slam the ex-stripper backwards. Pigley's head snaps off the canvas like a tennis ball, pulling screams of anguish from his throat, and admonishments of CW to the referee.



Christian Wright was the 2005 rookie of the year, and while his 2006 saw him go through a huge sophomore slump, we're seeing why 2007 has been such a fantastic return to greatness for him.


As Pigley remains incapacitated by horrific pain, Wright is free to bound off the ring ropes. Once he returns to his prone rival he throws his frame into the sky, and bombs his two hundred twenty five pounds across the chiseled chest of the doctor with a frog splash. An audible oomph passes through the lips of Pigley, as what little air and energy he had left is smashed clear out his body. While Allen applauds on the outside, the referee counts the fall..






Pigley manages to find the strength to kickout, gaining a small round of applause from the audience, and a perturbed grunt from his constant tormentor. Grumbling to himself over the failed pin attempt, Wright roughly drags Doctor Pigley off the canvas. He displays a devious grin, as his eyes lock onto the ring posts. Within moments the already injured shoulder of Stephen Pigley is gruesomely driven into the harsh steel, filling the air with sound of cracking bones, and Pigley's wails of torment. As he listens to Pigley whimper under the weight of his massive anguish, Wright can only smile and dust his hands off at his sinister handiwork.



That's that arm that got destroyed by The Blonds at Halloween Spectacular! My man C-Dub, a true killer, has been whupping ass all night, and he's just now going to that arm.


Wright peels his hollering victim away from the crash scene, allowing the camera to get a sickening view of the inflamed skin on Pigley's shoulder. That skin is again ravaged by the rock solid ring posts, as a grinning Wright gleefully chucks his victim into them once more. He screams again, feeling like the flesh were being ripped straight off his body. There's little sympathy for his plight from Christian, who uses his foe's trembling carcass like some kind of step ladder as he scales his way onto the second rope.



What could Christian possibly be doing up there?


The audience murmurs their confusion, just as unsure of CW's intentions as the announcers. Christian is more then happy to alleviate their questions in the most disgusting way possible, he leans forward and digs his fingers into Pigley's eyes! Fresh shouts of terror pour freely from Pigley's mouth, as water and tears seep from the sockets Wright's fingers are gouging through. As the fans boo The Natural's poor sportsmanship, the official begins counting down to a DQ...












Long before Buzzlefoxer can even make eye contact with the time keeper, CPA casually waves about wad of hundred dollar bills. Unable to resist the allure of a group of Benjamin's Buzzlefoxer forgets all about his previous count and starts anew..










Finally Wright ceases his efforts to permanently blind Pigley, dismounting the beaten doctor to a ringing chorus of jeers and boos.



What a load of junk by Clem Buzzlefoxer! I thought Clem had some honor.



The man is eighty eight years old! That funeral ain't gonna pay for itself, dawg.


Pigley sinks back to the canvas, mortally exhausted by the tremendous beating he's undergone, and kept upright only by the bottom turnbuckle. His relentless assailant looks to drive him straight through that bottom post as the undersole of his boot repeatedly crashes into Pigley's sore pectorals.



Somewhere Max Anderson, Shayne Brave, and Vinny Valentine are watching this and are crapping themselves to death. Those dudes is ruined. Krista gonna be looking at five on one odds all match long.



And I'm pretty sure we can thank Mackenzie for that.




“SILENCE! YOU SHALL GIVE ME DUE REVERENCE OR YOU SHALL GIVE ME SILENCE!” Wright bellows, spit almost erupting from his rabid mouth.


Wright's moment to chastise the audience for their absence of respect, provides Pigley with the time he needs to stagger to his feet. Still leaning against the turnbuckles, he can't do much more then take labored breaths and pray that Wright will continue his wordy rebuke of the fans. No such luck. The Natural diverts his attention to his rival, and barrels in on him with a body splash! But, Pigley exerts a huge amount of energy and slips out of the way! The cheers are enormous as the hated Wright finds himself roughly introduced with the steel posts!



Oh my!


Vision shaking like tremors from the impact, Wright stumbles out of the corner, throughly unable to defend himself against the onslaught of punches Pigley drives into his face.



And this is what Stephen Pigley has to do to win this match and win at November Reign an all out assault!


That all out assault manages to blast Wright into the corner, where he remains totally helpless in the face of the buff stallion's unyielding strikes. While Christian struggles to catch his breath, Doctor Pigley leaps onto the second rope, preparing to hammer him with the tried and true ten punch combo.



And it here it comes!


If by it, Cole meant a forearm straight into Pigley's meat and potatoes then yes here it comes, and here it comes quite painfully.


“OOOOOH!” the male audience members wince in sympathy pain.



You ain't working any poles tonight, Piggy!


Overwhelmed by the pain flowing through his netherregions, Pigley sags backwards to the canvas Though he lands on his feet, there's little else he can do besides clutch his giblets and moan in anguish. Fully recovered from Pigley's shortlived comeback, Wright's clubbing forearms tear into his rival. The harsh blows makes ribbons of her back, burning his skin as if it was doused with gasoline. Once finished with the forearms, The Natural snares his rival into a front facelock. Pigley instantly twists within the bond, desperately trying to break free, but Wright's grip is as tight as cast iron bars and he lifts his adversary into the air. His feet are then hung over the rope, leading a chilly buzz of dread to emanate from those audience members who know exactly what Christian has planned.



The Conversion Rate!


In one deliriously fast motion, The Natural violently twists his rival over, cranking his neck at an awkward angle as they plummet to the canvas. Wright successfully braces himself for impact, but Pigley meets with no such luck as his neck endures a grotesque landing on the apron. The crowd deflates with a disappointed rage, as they watch Wright cover the now limp body of the doctor....








And all Wright needs to hear is that sound of his hand slapping the mat in order to jump off the canvas and triumphantly slap his palm into his chest. Allen joins him in short order, and together they happily infuriate the audience by standing above the destroyed Pigley with arms raised and faces smiling.



Your winner as a result of pinfall...THE NATURAL CHRISTIAN WRIGHT!!



Well, first Christopher Patrick Allen destroys Max Anderson, then Alix rips through Vinny Valentine, and now Christian Wright beats Stephen Pigley into the ground. Heading into the survivor series match things look very bleak for Team Krista. Just the way it was intended to be.



I don't even like Krista, but asking her to do anything with that team is like asking Tom Brady to lead a Pop Warner team of Jerry's Kids to the Super Bowl. It ain't happening

Edited by King Cucaracha

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The camera cuts to The Lightning Crew dressing room where "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican and Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez are located at at this moment. The crowd gives a noticeably positive reaction. PRL is taking off his black sports jacket and looking through his black duffle bag for his ring gear. Lindsay Gonzalez is sitting on the leather sofa, the OAOAST Women's Championship belt laying over her right shoulder.



This is it, Lindsay! This is it! This is my night! I can feel it! Finally, after so many years, so many matches, so much blood, sweat, and tears, tonight is the night where Tha Puerto Rican ascends to the top of the OAOAST mountain and becomes the NEW World Heavyweight Champion!



Wooo! That's right, baby!



And Lindsay, afterwards, we shall truly be the Golden Couple of the OAOAST! Just think about it, you and me, champions of the world, side by side, as husband and wife!



That truly warms my heart.



I know. You and I will be a power couple. But in order to get to that, we have to get through tonight. And after tonight's done, we can go out clubbing, maybe get our groove on with our belts high up in the air, everybody going, 'Heyyyy! Hooooo! Heyyyy! Hooooo! Heyyyy! Hooooo! Heyyyy! Hooooo!' And then, we'd be dancing...


PRL starts dancing, rather badly, causing Lindsay to hold in her laughs. As PR continues his dance, Stephen Joseph Popick walks into the shot, already in his ring gear.



What's that I heard you say about tonight?



Ohhhhh nothing. Just how when I win tonight, me and Lindsay will both be titleholders here in the One And Only AngleSault Thread.



HA! That's cute. Real cute, P. WHEN you win tonight. Heh. Real nice, champ. Real nice.



What's that supposed to mean?



I'm just saying...you do know who you're up against tonight, right? I mean, five other men, including me. And, Puerto, buddy, as much as I respect you and love you like a brother...I'm not going to be taking it easy on you in the Triple Decker Cage Match.



Well that's fine...because I'm not going to be taking it easy on you either! I want to become World Heavyweight Champion! I NEED to become World Heavyweight Champion! That belt means the world to me, and if I have to stick a ladder up your candy ass in order to win the match, then so be it!






You heard me, Stephen!



Guys! Guys! Guys! Chill! Chill! Chill! Now look, I know how much you both want to win the Triple Decker Cage Match tonight. But you can't let that destroy your friendship! You have had each other's back for the past three years! Don't let that stop now just because one of you just so happens to be the OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion!


PR and Popick stare at each other. Both men are breathing hard. They both take a deep breath.



She's right. We shouldn't let this end our friendship.



Yeah. What's the point of being Champion of the World...if you don't have anyone to share it with?



Yeah, Popick. Good point. Partners?


PRL sticks his right hand out.



Friends for life!


Popick shakes PRL's right hand with his right hand. Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez nods her head in approval. The crowd boos.



Yeah! There you go!



Thanks, Linds. I love you, girl.



No problem. I love you too, boo.



Thanks, Lindsay!



No problem, Popick!



All right, I gotta go get ready. See you later, Stephen.



Later, P.


PRL grabs his duffle bag and walks away. Popick watches PRL leave.



He's got a bright future ahead of him. He just needs to stay on the right track. And I can guide him down that track.


Popick glances over at Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez and then walks away.



Tensions are boiling over as we get closer and closer to the Triple Decker Cage Match for the OAOAST World Heavyweight Title!



Popick and PRL better be careful! Four other guys want to win that match just as much as they do!



Just who will walk out of the Triple Decker Cage the One And Only AngleSault Thread World Heavyweight Champion? We will find out in our main event later on tonight right here at November Reign! But speaking of World Titles, we've got our first of two to be decided right now, International World Championship at stake...






*DING DING DING* (slow and dramatic)



LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLadies and gentlemen, this will be one of two world title matches here at November Reign. Where tonight, an up-and-coming young star gets an improbable opportunity against a premier OAOAST superstar, for the International championship of the WORLD! ARE YOU READY?


*crowd cheers*






*crowd cheers louder*



Then for the thousands in attendance here in Las Vegas, and the millions and millions watching all over the world...there's only one thing left to say. Ladies and gentlemen...LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLET'S GET RRRRRRRRREADY TO RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL



Master Blaster (Jammin') plays, and Denzel Spencer gets a huge reaction as he makes his way to the ring.



This could be the defining moment of Denzel's career!



But maybe not in the way he wants!



Coming to the ring at this time, weighing in at 226 1/4 pounds...this man nearly did the impossible 17 days ago, and tonight, he looks to shock the world once again. The challenger...from Montego Bay, Jamaica...DENNNNNZZZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE





And folks, it was 17 days ago that Spencer appeared to defeat Reject for the International World title, thanks to a fast count by Earl Hebner! That decision was overturned, and this match was agreed to tonight in exchange for Reject getting his belt back!


Spencer slides into the ring and poses on the buckles, as Renegade hits, and boos fill the arena as Reject makes his entrance.



His opponent...weighing in at 235 1/2 pounds...tonight, this man seeks not only to retain his title, but seeks vindication for the incidents of two weeks ago! Ladies and gentlemen...from the Bronx...the OAOAST International champion of the WORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRLD...RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEE



Reject climbs into the ring and poses with the belt, then hands it to the referee, who calls for the bell.





And we have arrived.


Reject and Spencer move to mid-ring and stare down, as Reject talks trash.



Lot of trash-talking by Reject early on here!


Both men back off, then circle the ring and tie up. Reject goes behind, but Spencer is able to get momentum and take him through the middle ropes!



Nice escape by Denzel Spencer, in this World championship match!


Reject slaps the mat in frustration, then slides back inside and ties up again. Reject gets a knee to the gut, then whips Spencer into the ropes, and attempts a hiptoss, but Spencer spins through and delivers one of his own! Spencer follows that up with a armdrag! Reject gets to his feet again, and is hit with a big dropkick! Reject rolls outside again, as the crowd gets behind Spencer.



And Denzel Spencer picking up right where he left off two weeks ago on HeldDOWN~!


Spencer follows, and Reject runs away, causing Spencer to give chase. Reject slides in, and when Spencer slides in after him, he's met with an elbow to the back of the head!



Very smart move by Reject!



One of the oldest tricks in the book, Cole! You can't fall for that one if you're going to be a World champion!


Reject stomps away on Spencer, then picks him up and executes a snap suplex! Cover...












Reject backs Spencer into a corner, and delivers a CHOP~!




And another!




And another!




Reject then whips Spencer across, and charges, but Spencer moves out of the way!



Spencer able to avoid that charge from Reject!


Spencer delivers a foot to the gut, then backs up, and catches Reject with a spinning neckbreaker! Cover...












Spencer whips Reject into a corner, and charges, but Reject moves out of the way! Spencer staggers out, and is caught with a spinning heel kick!



There we go! Nice kick!


Reject catches his wind briefly, then tosses Spencer out to the outside.



And Reject would love to get a count-out victory here...


Reject allows Spencer to climb back onto the apron, then grabs him in a front facelock, before spinning around and dropping his throat across the ropes, sending him back to the floor! Hebner reprimands him, as Spencer tries to get on the apron once again.



And let us remind you once again, if Reject puts his hands on the referee, he can kiss his belt goodbye!


Reject drags Spencer back in, and drops a fist to the face! A second one, and a cover...














Reject picks up Spencer and attempts to ram him into the buckle, but Spencer blocks and rams Reject instead! Spencer then kicks at Reject, allowing him to catch the foot, then spins backwards and catches Reject with his free foot, causing Reject to stagger back and get tied up in the ropes!



And Reject is tied up!


The crowd buzzes as Spencer points at Reject, then starts to hammer away!



Come on, ref, break this up!


Hebner backs Spencer up, then tries to free Reject. Spencer charges, but Reject gets a foot up!



And it looks like Reject's going to break it up himself!


Reject whips Spencer into the ropes, but Spencer ducks a clothesline and catches him with a bodypress!














Reject hits a thrust to the throat, drawing another brow-beating from Hebner. Reject then tosses Spencer out, but Spencer skins the cat!



And Spencer hangs on, just like two weeks ago!


Reject spots this, and sends him right back over with a spinkick!



He didn't hang on that time!


Reject catches his breath, then follows Spencer outside, and sends him into the steel steps!



And Denzel Spencer goes right into the steel steps!


Reject then climbs onto the apron, and comes down onto Spencer with a chop as he gets to his feet! Reject then tosses Spencer back inside, going up to the top, and leveling him with a double axhandle! Cover...




















And Reject's on a roll now, Cole!


Reject picks up Spencer, grabbing him by the hair, and runs and jumps over the top rope, clotheslining Spencer on the rope! Reject slides back in, and covers...




















Reject sets up Spencer, and executes a fisherman's buster! Cover...


















Shoulder up!


Reject picks up Spencer and attempts a back suplex, but Spencer flips over the back, and starts to fire off right hands!



And Spencer fighting back!


Spencer whips Reject into the ropes, but puts his head down, and takes a kick from Reject! Reject then charges, but Spencer backdrops him to the floor!



And Reject all the way down to the floor!


Spencer follows him out, and tosses him back inside. Spencer climbs to the top, and hits him with a MISSILE DROPKICK~! Cover...






















NO! Reject gets his foot on the rope!


Spencer stomps on Reject as Reject rolls to the ropes. Spencer charges, but Reject dumps him over the top. Spencer lands on the apron, however, and delivers a shoulder to the gut, followed by a sunset flip!




















Spencer climbs onto the shoulders of Reject, and comes down with a victory roll!




















Spencer then sets up Reject, and drills him with a SITOUT POWERBOMB~!






















NO! Reject gets the shoulder up!


Reject begs off, as Spencer follows him into a corner. Spencer delivers right hands, then picks Reject up and whips him across. He charges, but Reject moves, and Spencer rams into the post shoulder-first!



Reject moving, and Spencer running with his shoulder right into the steel ringpost!


Reject gets his wits about him, then grabs Spencer, and attempts an Irish whip. Spencer tries to reverse, but Reject reverses his reversal, and the end result is Spencer colliding with Hebner!



And Earl Hebner goes down!


Reject executes a back suplex, then goes to the top and drills Spencer with the BIG ELBOW~!!!111



Reject hits the elbow, where's the referee?


Hebner slowly crawls over and counts...
































NO!!! Shoulder up!


Reject slaps the mat in frustration, then stands over Hebner as he gets to his feet. Hebner, groggy, reminds Reject of the stipulation, as Reject backs him into a corner, putting his hands on the ropes around Hebner.



And Reject getting on Hebner's case again!



He's not touching him, though, that's the important thing!


Spencer slowly gets to his feet, and Reject goes to scoop him up, but Spencer counters to a small package!































NO! Kickout!


Reject and Spencer trade punches, with Reject getting the better of the exchange. He whips Spencer across, but Spencer gets the foot up! Reject staggers into the opposite corner, and Spencer goes for his handspring elbow, but Reject moves...and as Spencer staggers out, Reject catches him with the EULOGY~!!!!!11111



Reject with the EULOGY!



That'll do it!










































And Reject retains his title!






A tremendous effort by Denzel Spencer, but it was not enough on this night!


Reject grabs his belt and celebrates as he retreats down the aisle, as Spencer slowly gets to his feet, met with a standing ovation from the crowd.



And listen to the respect from the crowd here in Las Vegas! A great showing of admiration of Spencer's efforts, but once again it's Reject who walks out with the gold!

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The OAOAST Event Tracker is Brought To You By Gillette-The Best a Man Can Get


November 29 - Portland, OR

December 6 - Tacoma, WA

December 13 - San Fransisco, CA

December 20 - Fresno, CA

December 27 - Phoenix, AZ



COLE: Yes, we're going to be in Portland this Thursday and we'll have more details in the next few days of our New Year schedule, including the New Year's Specta...


The arena goes DARK!


COLE: What the –




The crowds begin to get antsy, a murmur building after a few long seconds.


COLE: Well, fans, we’re not real sure what’s happening here. We apologize for whatever the problem is.




A bell reverberates throughout the arena, oddly familiar to some fans.




A low buzz begins in the crowd –


ON THE SCREEN: THE MOON fades in, slowly –


Whispers of different voices speaking over each other invade at high volume – “Save us – a new day has come –”




“ the world is coming apart –do you know me? – we were all better once – somebody find us – ”




A male voice, again oddly familiar, whispering: “Don’t worry. It’ll be over soon.”




The house lights come back up.


COACH: What the hell was that?!


COLE: Spooky, that’s what it was. Maybe somebody got November confused with October!


COACH: Whatever it was, I’ve got a feeling we haven’t seen the last of it.






Magnum Opus hits, and Alfdogg leads out his team of five.



And we're set for another elimination match! Let's go to Michael Buffer!



The following contest is a ten-man elimination match! The match will end when all men from one team have been eliminated, be it by countout, disqualification, submission, or pinfall! Introducing the first team, at a total combined weight of 1,461 pounds...first, here is the team captain, a former three time heavyweight champion of the WORLD...ALFDOGG!!!!!


Alf gets a mixed reaction, as he walks to the ring with a smug look on his face.





Crowd boos, as Benjamin does his signature pose on the buckle.





Crowd boos, as Strutter rolls into the ring and poses.






Look at the size of the Malibu Mammoth, Cole! If they just kept him stationed out on the coast, they wouldn't need to worry about any wildfires roarin' in!



No doubt, he is a big, big man, 7-3, 518 pounds, as Michael Buffer just stated!


Sweet Home Chicago hits, and Jumbo struts through the curtains, followed by Deuce Deuce Bigelow.





Jumbo and Deuce dance their way to the ring, slapping hands with the fans. They take a lap around the ring, and climb inside. God of Thunder hits, and Thunderkid makes his way out amidst the smoke.



From Green Bay, Wisconsin...THUNDERKID!!!!!


Thunderkid walks to the ring, then climbs in and poses on the buckles, as the crowd roars in approval. A cold, dark voice begins to speak the ungodly hymn over the loud speakers, as smoke begins to cover the entrance way.


"Come on God, Answer Me.

For Years, I've Been Asking You Why?

Why are the Innocent Dead and the Guilty Alive?

Where is Justice? Where is Punishment?

. . . . . . . . . . .

Or Have You Already Answered?

Have You Already Said to the World,

Here is Justice. Here is Punishment.


In Me."


Punishment by BIOHAZARD plays, and Brock Ausstin emerges, stopping to do his HAPPY HAPPY HOSS DANCE~! before stalking to the ring.





Brock leaps onto the apron, and jerks back on the top rope, causing pyro to shoot out of the corners. He then climbs into the ring and dances some more. Suddenly, the lights dim, then begin going crazy, as if a virus has infected them, randomly jerking around the arena, frantically changing colors and turning off and on. It’s as if a bad anime scene has come to life.


Loud scratching fills the airwave, as if a DJ has lost their mind and is attempting to break their equipment. In-between the rips, legitimate music kicks on, of a Southern, heavy metal nature.


I ask you please just give us/

Five Minutes Alone.”


The lights continue to dart and flash as the music leaves and the scratching continues, only to come back again, now of a hip-hop nature.


White America/

I could be one of your kids.”


The rap fades out and the scratching continues, at an even greater pace, until music comes back, now of a hardcore variety.


Final Prayer/

Final prayer for the human race.”


The music leaves once again and the scratches reach their apex, before the sound cuts out and the arena goes pitch black. A single spotlight appears on the stage, the only light in the darkened arena. People look towards the light, but see nothing. Then People = Shit by Slipknot hits.




The crowd goes insane as a figure punches through the curtains, wearing torn black jeans, a sleeveless black t-shirt, and two bandanas, one over his face and the other over his head. His hands are taped up, with a red "X" on the back of each of them.



And the captain of the team...from South of Heaven...he is the OAOAST Heartland champion...SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSAAAAAAAAAAAAAANDMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA




Sandman walks to the ring and climbs inside, then rips the bandanas off. He hands his belt to the referee, then the two teams huddle up. Sandman elects to start for his team, as does Alf for his.





And look at this, the two team captains starting us right off!



And we've already seen here why Alf's team is going to come out on top here!



Why's that?



Alf's team isn't a bunch of prima donnas who had to have their own entrances! They showed comraderie!



We'll see who shows the most comraderie once the action starts!


Alf and Sandman tie up, and Sandman grabs a side headlock. Alf shoves Sandman off into the ropes, and Sandman comes back and takes down Alf with a shoulderblock. Alf turns to his stomach, as Sandman hops over, then catches him with a clothesline!



Alf looking to gain an early advantage in this elimination match!


Alf backs Sandman into a corner, and delivers a CHOP~!




And another!




Alf then attempts to whip Sandman across. Sandman attempts to reverse, but Alf blocks and sends him right back into the same corner. Alf charges, but Sandman moves out of the way! Sandman takes over in the corner, firing away with forearms, then sends Alf into the ropes and floors him with a clothesline! Cover...












Sandman makes a tag to TK, while Alf rolls over and tags Quentin Benjamin.



And now it's Quentin Benjamin of Team Heyross matched up against Thunderkid!


Benjamin and TK tie up, and TK goes behind to a waistlock. Benjamin quickly counters to a drop toehold, then moves forward to a side headlock, before delivering a thrust to the throat. Benjamin is admonished by the referee, but continues to assault, executing a jawbreaker!



Nice move there by Quentin Benjamin!














Benjamin whips TK into the ropes, and attempts a hiptoss, but TK blocks, and floors him with a clothesline!



Quentin giving up a lot of power right there, he needs to use his speed!


TK makes a tag to Deuce, who comes in and delivers a big headbutt! He then whips Benjamin into a corner, and charges, but Benjamin gets his foot up, then makes a quick tag to Moss.



He used his speed right there, making a quick tag to his partner, Charlie Moss!


Moss delivers some kicks to the midsection, then wrings the arm of Deuce, and makes a tag to Strutter. Strutter delivers a dropkick, which just staggers Deuce, then attempts a slam.



And this not a smart move by Felix Strutter!


Deuce blocks, then plants Strutter with a slam of his own! Deuce then tags TK back in, and TK delivers a barrage of right hands, the last one knocking Strutte down to the mat! The crowd cheers TK on, as he wrings the arm, and makes a tag to Brock Ausstin!



Brock Ausstin making his first appearance in the match!


Brock delivers a big right, knocking Strutter right to the mat! Brock then whips Strutter into the ropes, and catches him with a BIG clothesline!



Man, this is not looking good for Felix!














Brock calls for a boot, which Jumbo goes through great pains to give him.



Wow, I'm amazed Jumbo could lift his leg up that high!


Brock rams Strutter's head into the boot, then tags the big(ger) man in.



And now the big man tags into the match!


Jumbo whips Strutter across, and floors him with a big boot! Cover...











Strutter goes to eyes, then makes a tag to Moss. Moss hammers away on Jumbo in a corner, then calls for a boot, which Benjamin gets up considerably easier than Jumbo. Jumbo is rammed into the foot, and then Benjamin tags in. Benjamin comes in and delivers quick kicks, then goes to the top rope.



And now Quentin doing what he should do, using his speed!


Benjamin leaps off the top rope, but Jumbo catches him.



But he's caught here!


Jumbo drops to the mat with Benjamin, then grabs his legs, and looks out to the crowd for support.



Jumbo looking for some support from the thousands here in Vegas, and he's getting it!


Jumbo delivers a stomp to the midsection, then makes a tag to Deuce.



And now the partners Jumbo and Deuce going to work!


Jumbo and Deuce executes a double headbutt, then Deuce lays Benjamin out, and drops to the mat with a headbutt! Cover...
















Benjamin goes to the eyes, then delivers some more quick kicks. He attempts an Irish whip to the corner, but Deuce reverses, and follows Benjamin in with an avalanche!



Quentin Benjamin crushed in the corner!


Deuce makes a tag to Brock, who scoops Benjamin up onto his shoulders...



Could be a quick elimination here!


...and delivers the F-STUNNER-5~!!!!!11111



That'll do it for Quentin Benjamin!

























And Alf's team is a man down!



1st elimination: Quentin Benjamin

eliminated by: Brock Ausstin (pinfall)



Strutter attacks from behind, stomping away, then whipping Brock into the ropes, and catching him with a big dropkick! Strutter poses for the crowd, drawing boos. Cover...
















Strutter attempts an Irish whip into the corner, but Brock reverses, then catches him coming out with a BIG backdrop!



WOW, Strutter went into the lights on that one!


Brock makes a tag to TK, who comes in and delivers a kneedrop to the sternum! Cover...














TK grabs a side headlock, which Strutter reverses to a back suplex!






Great counter by Felix Strutter!


Strutter makes a quick tag to Moss, who executes a belly-to-belly gutwrench suplex!



And a great suplex by Charlie Moss!


Moss grabs the legs of TK, and applies the MOSSY KNOLL~!!!111



Charlie Moss with his patented submission hold! Will this even up the odds?


TK inches very slowly to corner.



TK's not moving much! I think Charlie's gonna get him, Cole!


TK keeps inching, and finally makes it far enough to tag Jumbo.



And that was very lucky for TK!


Jumbo clotheslines Moss from behind to break the hold, then hammers him in the corner. He attempts an Irish whip, but Moss reverses, then charges. Jumbo moves out of the way, then floors him with a clothesline! He follows that with an elbowdrop! Cover...
















Jumbo then backs into the ropes, and gets leveled by Deon Black!



And look at that massive arm of the Malibu Mammoth, hammering Jumbo!


Moss catches Jumbo, and executes an STO BACKBREAKER~! He then makes a tag to Alf, who climbs to the top.



And Alf looks to even it up!


Alf comes off with the FIVE-STAR ALF SPLASH~!!!!!11111 Cover...

























And he does!



2nd elimination: Jumbo

eliminated by: Alfdogg (pinfall)



Sandman steps in, as Alf makes a tag to Strutter.



And now it's Felix Strutter, in there with the man who took the Heartland title from him, Sandman9000!


Sandman and Strutter circle the ring, then prepare to tie up, when Alf quickly steps in and delivers a knee to the back of Sandman, allowing Strutter to gain the advantage.



Alf with the cheap shot, allowing Felix Strutter to get some shots in!


Strutter delivers some blows to the back, then whips Sandman across. Sandman ducks a clothesline, then delivers one of his own! Strutter slowly gets to his feet, and takes a big swing, which Sandman ducks and lifts Strutter in an atomic drop, dropping him crotch-first across the ropes!



Oh no!



Felix Strutter in a very uncomfortable position!


Sandman grabs the ropes and bounces them up and down, eventually bouncing Strutter back into the ring, where he unloads with right hands, then floors him with a discus lariat!



The Heartland champion on a roll!


Sandman wrings the arm of Strutter, then forces him to the mat with a hammerlock! He makes a tag to Brock, who comes in and delivers kneedrops to the arm, then makes a tag to Deuce.



And now Sandman's team making quick tags, very smart!


As Brock holds the hammerlock, Deuce comes in and drops a headbutt to the arm! Deuce grabs the hammerlock, then makes a tag to TK, who comes in and drives an elbow to the back of Strutter's neck! TK grabs the hammerlock, then tags Brock again.



And these guys are taking turns on poor Felix right now!


Brock drives some more knees to the arm, then picks him up off the mat, and tags Deuce again. Deuce takes the arm from Brock, and delivers headbutts to the shoulder, then tags in TK. TK takes Strutter back to the mat with an armdrag. Strutter gets to his feet, and backs TK into a corner, then delivers some knees to the midsection. He tries an Irish whip, but TK reverses, and charges, but Strutter moves out of the way. Strutter grabs the leg of TK, and executes a stepover toehold, but TK shoves him off into the corner, and follows up with a roll-up!
















TK takes Strutter down with another armdrag. Strutter gets to his feet again, then goes to the eyes, and delivers a scoop slam! Strutter then makes a tag to Alf.



And Strutter very smart to make a tag right there!


Alf comes in and attempts an elbowdrop, but TK rolls out of the way, then lifts Alf up in a PRESS SLAM~!



Alf in trouble already, high up in the air!


TK slams Alf down to the mat, then makes a tag to Brock.



And look at these two go at it, Alf and Brock Ausstin!


Alf and Brock exchange punches. Brock gets the better of the exchange, then whips Alf into the ropes, and delivers a powerslam! Cover...
















Brock then picks up Alf, and executes a BELLY-TO-BELLY~! Cover...
















Shoulder up!


Brock then makes a tag to Sandman, who comes in and delivers BOOT SCRAPES~! to Alf on the mat. He picks up Alf, and delivers a DDT! Cover...
















Shoulder up!



These guys are going hard for a fall on Alf here!


Alf scurries to the outside, where Sandman meets him with a SOMERSAULT PLANCHA~!



No escape for Alf right there!


Sandman slugs away at Alf on the floor, then picks him up and rams his face into the steel steps!



Alf face-first into the steps!


Alf staggers into the guardrail, and goes to the eyes of Sandman. He turns him around on the railing, and gives him a CHOP~!




And another!




Alf sets up an Irish whip, but Sandman reverses, sending Alf into the ringpost!



Alf into the post, and he is in big trouble!


Sandman rolls Alf back inside, and Alf quickly rolls to his corner and tags Moss, whereas Sandman comes in and tags Brock.



But he got out of there, didn't he?



Yes he did, and now it's Brock Ausstin back in against one of his former associates, Charlie Moss of Team Heyross!


Moss and Brock tie up, and Moss grabs a side headlock. Brock shoves him off, then floors him with a shoulderblock! Brock picks up the dazed Moss and whips him into the corner, but Moss moves to avoid a charge, then catches him with a bulldog! Cover...














Moss picks up Brock and attempts a piledriver, but Brock blocks it, and backdrops Moss, then makes a tag to TK. Moss is able to make a tag to Strutter.



Two former two-time Heartland champions in there now!



And both of Thunderkid's reigns, I should point out, ended by the man across the ring from him, Felix Strutter!


TK and Strutter tie up, and TK backs Strutter into a corner. TK fires off some stiff European uppercuts, then executes a gutwrench suplex!



And Strutter quickly overwhelmed by TK right there!


TK follows with a kneedrop to the sternum, and covers...
















TK grabs a side headlock. Strutter shoves him off, then drops down...but when he gets back up and turns around, TK collides with him mid-ring!



Oh, and a mid-ring collision there, both men down!


Both men crawl to their corners, and tags are made to Charlie Moss and Brock Ausstin. Moss pounces Brock as soon as he climbs through, and attempts an Irish whip. Brock reverses, and drives Moss into the mat with a spinebuster! Cover...
















Alf saves!


Sandman tries to even things out, but is restrained by the referee. Brock hammers Alf, then hooks him and takes him all the way over to the floor with a BELLY-TO-BELLY~!



Alf with a long fall out to the floor!


Strutter attacks Brock from behind, and he and Moss execute a double Irish whip. However, Brock bounces out with a double clothesline! Brock then scoops up Moss, and delivers the F-STUNNER-5~!!!!!11111



Brock looking to pick up another point for his team!



But there's no referee!


The referee is busy trying to put Strutter out, which allows Alf to come off the top with a legdrop to the back of Brock's head! He rolls Moss on top, then scurries out of the ring as the referee comes around...




























BIG win for Alf's team! Brock Ausstin eliminated!



3rd elimination: Brock Ausstin

eliminated by: Charlie Moss (pinfall)



Sandman comes in after Moss, but gets lured into the enemy corner. Sandman tries to fight out, but Deon Black drills him from the outside.



And again, it's the Malibu Mammoth with those clubbing blows from the outside!


Moss makes a tag to Alf, who executes a snap suplex, followed by a snap legdrop! Cover...


















Alf tags Moss back in, and Moss executes a double underhook suplex!



Great suplex by Charlie Moss!


















Moss attempts a kneedrop, but Sandman rolls out of the way, and makes a tag to Deuce! Moss rolls over and tags Alf back in, and Alf grabs Deuce on the way through and backs him into the corner, delivering a CHOP~!




Deuce fires back with a big right hand, and Alf with another CHOP~!




Deuce starts firing off rights, the last of which knocks Alf to the mat! Deuce then scoops Alf up, and executes a running powerslam! Cover...
















Deuce whips Alf into a corner, and goes for the HANDSPRING ELBOW~! However, Alf moves, and makes a tag to Strutter.



Alf dodged a bullet right there!


Strutter grabs Deuce's head, and rams it into a turnbuckle, which has no effect.



Don't want to do that!


Deuce stares at Strutter, then grabs his head, and rams it into the buckle as the crowd counts along!































Deuce looks to the crowd for approval, and gets it. He then tries to drop a headbutt, but Strutter rolls out of the way, and tags Moss. Moss comes in and sets up a double-arm suplex.



Can Moss get the big man over?


Deuce blocks, and trips him up, then slingshots him into the corner! He follows up with a Ghetto Blaster, then makes a tag to TK, who comes in and plants Moss with the THUNDERBOLT DDT~!!!!!11111



And this should even it up once again!




























4th elimination: Charlie Moss

eliminated by: Thunderkid (pinfall)




Maybe not for long, Cole, look who's in the ring!


Deon Black spins TK around, and grabs him around the throat with both hands, lifting him into the air and slamming him to the mat!



Look at the power! Thunderkid, at 250 pounds, just like a rag doll!


Black then picks TK up, scoops him onto his shoulders, and plants him with the SWAN RIVER SLAM~!!!!!11111 Cover...

























Thunderkid eliminated, by this MONSTER, Deon Black!



5th elimination: Thunderkid

eliminated by: Deon Black (pinfall)



Deuce comes right in, and starts to fire off right hands.



And look at Deuce, even he looks like normal size compared to big Deon!


Deuce backs up a couple steps, then dives with a headbutt to the midsection! He then delivers a traditional headbutt, followed by a dropkick!



Look at that, barely staggered him!


Deuce goes for another dropkick, but Black simply brushes it away!



And he just brushed away a 390-pound dropkick!


Black then scoops Deuce up, and executes the SWAN RIVER SLAM~!!!!!11111

























Deuce eliminated, and now Sandman faces possibly the biggest challenge he's ever faced! It's 3-against-1!



6th elimination: Deuce Deuce Bigelow

eliminated by: Deon Black (pinfall)




I think just Deon alone makes it 3-on-1!



You may be right there!


Sandman comes in, and starts delivering quick kicks to the legs!



But look at Sandman take it right to the big man!


Sandman backs into the ropes, and comes back with a dropkick to the knee! He backs in again, but this time Black comes back with a Vader-esque body attack!



But he couldn't sustain it for long!


Strutter shouts out orders to Black, and Black nods his head.



And I head Strutter say to Black, "hurt him!"



I don't like the sound of that!


Black grabs Sandman around the throat, lifting him right off the mat, and into the air for a CHOKESLAM~! Black never lets go of the throat, and begins to choke Sandman! The referee counts, but Black refuses to break! The referee climbs onto the back of Black to try to break the hold.



Hey, he can't do that!


Black gets to his feet with the referee on his back, then reaches back and grabs the referee's shirt, flipping him forward onto the mat! Black then picks up Sandman, and executes the SWAN RIVER SLAM~!!!!!11111 As he does this, the referee calls for a bell.



And I think Deon's been disqualified!



Ladies and gentlemen, as a result of a disqualification, Deon Black is eliminated!



7th elimination: "The Malibu Mammoth" Deon Black

eliminated by: disqualification




He's not done yet though, Cole!


Black goes back to choking Sandman. Sandman's face begins to turn blue, as the referee grabs teh arm of Black. Black then releases the chokehold on Sandman, in favor of the referee!



And now he's going to manhandle a referee!



This guy is not all there, Cole!


Black lifts the referee and brings him down with a CHOKESLAM~! He then measures the referee, and flattens him with a big splash! Several more referees rush to the ring, as Strutter steps through the ropes, and calms Black, then convinces him to leave.



And I think Felix is telling the big guy "you've done your job!"



And that job appears to have been to soften up Sandman in order for Felix to land the victory over him!


EMTs rush down with stretchers, and drag the prone referee onto it, strapping him in and carting him to the back. Meanwhile, Strutter covers Sandman, as another referee drops down to count...
































NO!!! Sandman gets a shoulder up!



But look, Sandman still not out of the match!



Yeah, but now he's in for a real beating! The big man may be gone, but he's still got Felix as well as Alf in the corner to contend with, and he's all by himself!


Strutter stomps away at Sandman on the mat, then picks him up and executes a DDT! Cover...





















Shoulder up!


Strutter makes a tag to Alf, who whips Sandman into the ropes, and catches him with a Hart Attack clothesline! Cover...
























Alf whips Sandman into the ropes once again. Sandman ducks the clothesline this time, but Alf catches him with a AA SPINEBUSTER~!



Big spinebuster from Alf!
























Shoulder up!


Alf makes a tag to Strutter, who steps in and executes a Northern Lights suplex! Cover...
























Strutter tags Alf right back in.



Look at these quick tags, Cole! Sandman doesn't have this luxury! He's got to go down soon!


Strutter and Alf set up a double suplex, but Sandman drops down onto his feet, then begins to slug away at both, until Alf goes to the eyes. Alf then executes a T-BONE SUPLEX~!! He then climbs to the top.



This could be it right here, Cole!


Alf flies off for the FIVE-STAR ALF SPLASH~!!!!!11111




...but Sandman rolls out of the way!



Nobody home!


The referee starts a count, as both men lay prone on the mat.


























Both men start to inch to their feet, and Alf delivers a right hand...returned by Sandman!



And look at Sandman fight back!


Another right by Alf, returned by Sandman! A third right by Alf, and Sandman unleashes a flurry, then whips Alf to the ropes, and catches him with a flying forearm! Cover...


















Sandman picks up Alf, and executes a URINAGE~! Cover...
















Shoulder up!


Sandman gets to his feet, and executes some BOOT SCRAPES~! He then whips Alf into a corner, and charges, but Alf moves out of the way, then grabs him from behind and drops down with a neckbreaker! He tags Strutter, who slings in with a guillotine legdrop! Cover...


















Shoulder up!


Strutter whips Sandman into the ropes. Sandman ducks a clothesline, then Strutter leapfrogs, and catches Sandman with a spinning wheel kick!



YEAH~! What a kick!






















Shoulder up!


Strutter then chokes away at Sandman, breaking at the referee's four-count. He stomps away at Sandman, then picks him up and sets up a suplex...which Sandman blocks.



Sandman blocking the attempted suplex!


Sandman blocks a second time, then executes a suplex of his own! The referee starts another count.


























Sandman takes a big swing at Strutter, which Strutter ducks, and hits him with a high roundhouse kick! He then sets Sandman up, and goes to the top.



This cost Alf earlier!


Strutter attempts the SHOOTING STAR LEGDROP~!!!!!11111, but Sandman rolls out of the way!



And it's deja vu all over again!


Sandman gets to his feet, sets a foot to the gut, and drills Strutter with the ARCHANGEL'S WINGS~!!!!!11111






Archangel's Wings out of nowhere!


































Sandman has evened it up! It's down to Sandman vs Alfdogg!



8th elimination: "After Hours" Felix Strutter

eliminated by: Sandman9000 (pinfall)



Alf comes right in and stomps away at Sandman, then drags him into a corner, and delivers a CHOP~!




And another!




And another!




Alf then tosses Sandman to the outside, and follows. Once outside, he picks up Sandman, and slams him sternum-first onto the guardrail!



And Alf delivering heavy damage on the outside!


Alf then picks up Sandman, and whips him into the steel steps! He then climbs back inside, allowing Sandman to crawl back onto the apron. Once there, Alf stomps away, then poses for the crowd, drawing mostly boos. He sets up Sandman in the corner once again, and delivers a CHOP~!




And another!




He then brings Sandman out, and executes a fisherman's suplex!
























Alf brings Sandman right back into the corner, for yet another CHOP~!





Alf REALLY laying in those chops!






He then whips Sandman hard across to another corner, and catches him coming out with a big CHOP~!, knocking him right to the mat!




























Alf stomps away at Sandman, until he falls off the apron to the floor. He then poses some more, drawing mostly boos once again. Sandman climbs back onto the apron, and Alf suplexes him back inside! Cover...
























Alf chokes Sandman on the mat, breaking at the referee's four-count. He then sets him up in the corner for...you guessed it, a CHOP~!




This time, however, Sandman fires back with a right hand! Alf backs him into the corner again, and delivers another CHOP~!




Sandman with another right hand!



And Sandman fighting back once again!


Alf backs him into the corner again, for yet another CHOP~!




Sandman now unleashes a flurry, but Alf goes to the eyes, then whips Sandman into the ropes. Alf puts his head down, however, and Sandman catches him with a swinging neckbreaker!



What a match this is, Cole!


The referee counts...

























Both men get to their feet, as Sandman blocks a right hand, and unloads with some of his own! He then whips Alf into a corner, but Alf catches him with a SUPERKICK~! on his way out!



What a kick by Alf!


Alf poses briefly, then climbs to the top. However, Sandman beats him there, and racks him on the top! He then follows Alf up, and takes him off with a superplex! Cover...






















NO! Shoulder up!


Alf rolls back to the apron, and Sandman scoops him up, trying to suplex him back in! However, Alf lands behind, and grabs a waistlock! Sandman quickly goes behind, and executes a German suplex!


























NO! Kickout!


Alf rolls to the outside once again, but this time Sandman follows him...with a HANDS-FREE SOMERSAULT PLANCHA~!






Sandman flies once again!


Sandman slugs away on the floor, then picks Alf up and whips him into the guardrail!



Alf sent into the steel once again!


Sandman rolls Alf back inside, then climbs to the top...and hits him with a missile dropkick!



Kick out, Alf!




























NO!!! Shoulder up!



SO close for Sandman!


Sandman gets in the mount position and slugs away, then begins to choke, before the referee backs him off. Alf goes into his tights.



And now Alf looking for a foreign object, it looks like!


Alf pulls out a pair of knucks, and when Sandman comes back over, he drills him in the mouth! Cover...











































NO!!! Sandman gets the shoulder up!



Come ON, ref!



Sandman STILL alive! Can you believe this?



From nobody else but this guy, could I believe it!


Alf picks up Sandman, and executes a BELLY-TO-BELLY SUPLEX~!



But he won't survive this! Alf setting him up for the kill!


Alf follows up with a T-BONE SUPLEX~!!, then goes to the top. However, Sandman gets to his feet once again, and Alf dives right into a YAKUZA KICK~!



And Sandman with that Yakuza kick to counter!


Sandman then picks up Alf, hooks him...and goes for the ARCHANGEL'S WINGS~!!!!!11111




...but Alf blocks, trips up Sandman, and hooks the SHARPSHOOTER~!!!!!11111



Alf with the Sharpshooter applied! Will Sandman tap?


Sandman struggles for the ropes, as a little bit more of the crowd has started to get on Alf's side. Sandman moves towards the ropes, but Alf pulls him back out to center.



YES! This is it, Cole! Have you ever seen Sandman tap out before?



No, I can't recall that ever happening!


Sandman moves for the ropes one more time, and reaches them!



And that streak remains, as Sandman reaches the ropes!


Alf breaks at the referee's four-count, then picks up Sandman, and delivers a BLUE THUNDER BOMB~! Alf then climbs to the top rope with his back facing the ring.



What could Alf be going for here?


Sandman gets to his feet once again, and pulls Alf off...dropping him with the WIDOW'S PEAK~!



It's a Widow's Peak by Sandman!
































NO!!! Alf gets the shoulder up!



This is incredible!


Sandman attempts a hurricanrana, but Alf counters with a sitout powerbomb!
































NO!!! Kickout!


Alf then goes to the corner, measuring Sandman...and goes for a SUPERKICK~! However, Sandman catches the foot, spins Alf around, sets a foot to the gut...and delivers the ARCHANGEL'S WINGS~!!!!!11111



He hit it! Will THIS be it?










































9th elimination: Alfdogg

eliminated by: Sandman9000 (pinfall)

SOLE SURVIVOR: Sandman9000









What an unbelievable performance from everyone in this match, but especially the two men in the ring right now! Sandman was faced with a 3-on-1 deficit, faced with a 500+-pound Mammoth, but he came through it all, and he is a survivor!



Alf almost had him...he ALMOST HAD HIM...



Yes indeed, Alf gave Sandman a run which he hasn't experienced since his return, but at the end of the night, it's that man, with his hand being raised, Sandman9000, the Heartland champion, who is the sole survivor!


Sandman walks back to the dressing room with his belt, as Alf comes to in the ring.

Edited by Patty O'Green

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Sunday, January 27, 2008



The camera cuts to The Lightning Crew dressing room one more time. Stephen Joseph Popick and "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican are standing by, both in their ring gear. Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez is standing up too, the OAOAST Women's Championship belt over her right shoulder. The crowd gives the three of them a mixed reaction. Stephen Joseph Popick grabs the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt.



All right. This is it! Here we go! It's time. It is time! PR, best of luck to you, buddy.


Popick shakes PRL's right hand with his right hand.



Same to you, Stephen.



All right then. And away we go! WOO!


Popick slings the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship belt over his left shoulder, and then opens the door. Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez kisses PRL on his right cheek.



Don't I get a kiss, too?


After a moment of awkwardness, Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez looks at PRL. PR nods his head, so Lindsay goes over and gives Popick a kiss on his right cheek too. Popick smiles a wide evil smile.



Ooh! I liked that! Just a little more fuel that I needed! HA! HA! WOO!


Popick leaves The Lightning Crew dressing room.



You coming or what?


PRL kisses Lindsay on the lips, and then walks with his soon-to-be wife out of The Lightning Crew dressing room, hand in hand. The crowd boos.



Alright, we've had a great night here so far in Las Vegas. And we're about to get things rolling with our main event of the evening, the Triple Decker Cage Match over the OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship...


The camera cuts to a shot of the belt, hovering in the rafters, just a tiny gold spot in the eyes of most in the arena.



...there you see the belt hanging, fourty-two feet in the air. In moments, these cages are going to lower and the structure will form... and then, six men will enter the three cages, putting their lives on the line for the biggest prize in the sport, the World Title. Tonight could be the making of one of these men's careers. None of the six may be the same once we're done, for better or for worse.



It's actually gonna happen this time Mikey! It's actually happening! Honest this time!


Right on cue, the lights dim. Dramatic music begins to play as the cages start lowering, drawing a loud roar from the fans below.



Well, here we go. The cages are coming down. While we get the Triple Decker Cage in place and ready, let's go backstage, standing by is "Mene" Gene Okerlund with one of the five challengers in this monumental match, the former World Champion Landon Maddix. Take it away Gene.



An abrupt cut backstage, to Landon and Gene-O at the November Reign interview set.



Okay, thank you Michael. Landon, as the cages come down, we're moments away from the main-event. Potentially one of the most dangerous matches in professional wrestling. I'm sure the butterflies have got to be working overtime in your stomach right about now as you think about what it will take to regain the OAOAST World Title here tonight.



You know Gene, ever since this match was announced I was apprehensive. I mean, seriously, the idea of putting six guys in a cage is ludicrous enough... but, three cages, one atop the other, with a belt hanging 60 something feet in the air that somebody's got to grab, it's quite frankly insane. Now I know how Drek felt. The only people who would have been turning cartwheels at the announcement would have been my lawyers and possibly my dry cleaners. At least, they would have been. That was before I had something taken from me. Something very dear to me. The OAOAST World Championship. See, now, it's not an issue of getting into this or not. I don't have a choice, if it means getting my belt back, so be it.


Landon suddenly perks up a little bit, grinning a little even.



That's why I've spent the past few weeks preparing for tonight. I've been in strict training. Without SWF commitments to worry about, I've been able to streamline my in-ring duties, rest up some nagging injuries. I've also had some time to prepare. I've been studying tapes. I've been scaling fences. I've watched Ready To Rumble a dozen times.



So that's where those royalties came from!



Oh yeah. But that wasn't enough. It's not enough to look at those cages and imagine the horrors that wait inside. It's not enough to guess. I needed a muse. A sensei. Someone who'd been there and done it all before, climbing to the top of the cages, been the king of the mountain, lived, breathed, ate the Triple Cage! ATE IT I SAY! That's why I turned to this man...


Okerlund turns his head off-screen and almost loses his dentures, as into shot walks Megan Skye, arm in arm with





DAVID ARF'NQUETTE!!!!! The aclaimed Hollywood actor high-fives Landon and stands beside him, Okerlund trying to keep a straight face.



This man has told me everything I need to know. He's initiated me in the way of the Triple Cage. He's introduced me to his wife.


Landon gives David a wry thumbs up.



Don't forget, Dirt Series 1, December 11th 2007.






And with David Arquette by my side, there's no way I can lose.



Uh... one question... I don't have to get in the cage this time, right?



No. That'd just be stupid.


Arquette breathes a sigh of relief. Everyone watching the show joins him.



So, to answer your original question Gene, am I nervous? Not a bit. I'm ready. I'm ready... to RUMBLE! HAHA!


Landon marches off, with Megan and David Arquette in tow.



Well, so much for that being a repressed memory.

Edited by Ed Wood Caulfield

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With "Thnks Fr Th Mmrs" blaring through the air, we pan around the Bellagio Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas Nevada. A plethora of strobe lights shine around the darkened scene, all focusing on the Triple Decker Cage structure that has been lowered around the ring, just incase you missed it in clear daylight. The camera pans wide to take in the entire structure, dwarfing Sofa Central right beside the steel.



I dunno who it is in the office with the Fallout Boy fetish, but, resign. Now.



In the meantime, the cages are set and we are finally ready to go, ready to rumble if you will...



That would have been funnier had Landon not used that joke already.



The object of the match here is simple. You have first escape the first cage surrounding the ring, through the trapdoor at the top, via one of the ladders around the ring you'd imagine. Once you're out of cage one, you find yourself inside on tier two. The second cage, filled with various 'plunder'. As if fighting in, on and around three cages wasn't dangerous enough, once you get into that second cage you have those weapons at your disposure. From there, you climb cage two, get to the top of the third and final cage some 40 feet above the arena floor, the belt hangs above and the man who climbs the summit will quite literally be the king of the mountain here tonight, the OAOAST World Champion.


The camera again focuses on the belt high up in the rafters.



What a structure this is. This first cage, literally surrounds the ring... there's about six feet between the ring and the cage on each side, this thing has to be close to 25 foot square.



And it's dangerous too. If you get your finger caught in it...



Yeah that joke's been done to death. Like your mom. OHYEHIWENTTHERE~! And with that, let's go over to Michael Buffer at the entrance to the CAGE~!










Llladies and gentlemen, the One And Only AngleSault Thread is proud to be present, live on pay per view, your 2007 November Reign MAIN EVENT of the evening. Tonight, six men will enter a fearsome structure never before seen on OAOAST programming, the Triple Decker Cage, 40 odd feet of unforgiving steel... all vying for one prize, the OAOAST HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE Wooorrrrllld! ARE YOU READY?










Then, for the thousands in attendance and for the millions watching around the world, ladies and gentlemen... LLLLLLLLLLLLET’S GET RRREEAADY TO RRRUMBLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!







To the confusion of the fans, the up-tempo version of "We're Not Gonna Take It" by Bif Naked begins to pump through the PA. All heads turn to the entrance way with furrowed brows, as a wall of fire rips across the entrance way. As the smoke clears, the trio of figures walks into shot, Megan Skye and David Arquette(!) leading Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix to the ring!!



Oh dear lord.



It's really him! Man, I thought Rick Moranis was something! This guy's married to Courtney Cox for crying out loud!



He's also appeared in a few movies.






Entering the cages first, he is being lead to the ring this evening by MEGAN SKYE and a veteran of Triple Cage showdowns himself, MR. DAVID ARQUETTE! Hailing from Huron, South Dakota by way of Madrid, Spain... he weighs in tonight at two hundred and eight pounds! He is a former OAOAST Heavyweight Champion of the World and the current Commissioner of the SWF... ladies and gentlemen, this is... LANDON! "LA CUCARACHA"... MMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAADDIIIIIIIIIXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!


Jogging down the steps from the ramp, Maddix enters the cage and takes it all in for a second. With his cameo for the night done, Arquette heads off with a thumbs up to his protegé, which gives Landon all the confidence he needs apparantly as he enters the ring with trademark flair, spinning into the centre of the ring.



Landon spent his whole title reign as the underdog and managed to overcome the odds each and every defence of that title. But the moment he faced an opponent he was expected to beat in Stephen Joseph Popick, he lost the title. Maybe it's the case that Landon thrives on being the underdog. Maybe that's the only thing that stops him becoming so over-confident, with that giant ego of his.



As Landon gets acquainted with the three cages, the opening beats of "Oh No" by Mos Def, Nate Dogg, and Pharoah Monche begin to play. Head down, Todd Cortez steps through the entrance doors and becomes surrounding by sparks. As his pyro dies down, he then marches straight down to the ring, cracking his knuckles as he makes eye contact with Landon.



Introducing next. Hailing out of 'Hollywood Boulevard'. Weighing in at two hundred, twenty six pounds... he is "THE URBAN LEGEND"! TTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODD... CCOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRR - TTEEEEEEEZZZZZZ!!!!





Todd Cortez main-eventing his second November Reign. Last year he fell to Zack Malibu. This time he's in the top-liner again, but thankfully it's in the Triple Decker Cage this time rather than at the expense of it.


Cortez enters the cage and then the ring, which sends Landon rolling right back out. The Spaniard reaches into his tights and pulls out a pair of gloves, pulling them on ready for any cage climbing he may need to do. For now, Cortez is happy to wait, staring out at Landon from the ring.



The lights go down in the arena. The crowd instantly start buzzing, as Puerto Rican flag appears on the AngleTron. In big white blocky letters, the following words appear on the screen, with Tha Puerto Rican saying them:




With that, a lightning bolt hits the entrance, the PRL entrance video plays on the AngleTron, and "Know Your Role '99" begins playing, to a surprisingly mixed reaction from the natives of Las Vegas. The entrance doors slide open and out come "The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican, accompanied by his girlfriend and Women's Champion Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez. PRL stops and looks at the three cages in front of him, taking a deep breath before he marches on towards them.



Challenger number three, proudly hailing from San Juan, Puerto Rico! He is accompanied to ringside by the OAOAST World Women's Champion, the first lady of Puerto Rico, Ms. LINDSEY GONZALEZ... tonight, weighing in at two hundred and twenty pounds... here is, "THE CORPORATE CHAMPION"... THA PPUUUUUUUEEEEEERRRRRRRTTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... RRRRIIIIIIIIIICCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANN!!!!


Into the cages walks PRL and he doesn't fancy getting in the ring with Todd Cortez this early either. He instead walks over to the ladder in the furthest corner of the cage and scales up halfway, smelling the "electricity" in the arena.



Two years ago at the inaugural November Reign event, Tha Puerto Rican challenged for the OAOAST World Championship, held by Stephen Joseph Popick. The more things change, the more they stay the same. He'll be hoping for a different outcome tonight, though. I think we all will to be honest, after the WAY Popick beat him two years ago.



Now now, let's not dig up the past.



Well, PRL and Popick embraced after that match. I wonder if we'll see the same end result tonight?


PRL stalks around the outside of the ring, trying to keep himself hyped up. Meanwhile, "Getting Away With Murder" hits and the mixed reaction PRL had been getting morphs into an overwhelming reaction for the OAOAST's own. Zack Malibu strides out through his shower of pyro, also wearing gloves on his hands as he pulls away the hood from his head and looks out around the crowd.



From Providence, Rhode Island... and weighing in at two hundred, ten pounds... this is the former three-time OAOAST World's Heavyweight Champion... this is "THE FRANCHISE" of the OAOAST... this is the incomperable... ZZZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCKK... MMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAALLLLLLIIIIIIIBBUUUUUUUUUU!!!!




Zack sizes up the structure, testing out the cage wall on his way inside. He quickly comes face to face with PRL across the arena floor, exchanging just a look with him for now as he enters the ring and fires up the crowd.



The year of 2007 has been all about the Zack Malibu, Landon Maddix, Puerto Rican rivalry. From being the final three in this year's Lethal Rumble way back in January, Landon's World Title win the week after The Great Angle Bash, to the three-ways at AngleSlam and at Zero Hour in a Ladder Match. It's gotten a little more complicated in recent weeks, with Todd Cortez's involvement, with Stephen Joseph Popick winning the World Title, with Bohemoth's emphatic return. But those three, in and around the World Title picture again, plenty of scores to settle.


The four men who made up the original November Reign '07 main-event line-up are all in the cages now.







To be joined by the late addition to the group, the recently returned, always pimpin', big bad BOHEMOTH! The crowd collectively lose it as "Liberate" by Disturbed powers out through the arena and out through the entrance doors powers Bo.



The final challenger hails from Greenville, South Carolina! Weighing in at two hundred and eighty four pounds... he is "THE METEROSEXUAL MONSTER"... BBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - HHHHHHHEEEEEEEMMMMMMOOOOOOOOTTHHHHHHH!!!!





What a reaction here!


Bohemoth enters the Triple Cage and the ring, which suddenly looks a little 'crowded' with Cortez and Zack also inside. The three who were partners just three days now clear rivals, all keeping a close eye on the other as Bohemoth scales the turnbuckles and raises his arms to the crowd.



The first real taste of the big-time for the big-man! The former HI-YAH World Heavyweight Champion, finally making a run at the OAOAST Championship, a run which many in the business will say is long overdue. And part of that may come down to the spell on the sidelines he's just returned from, thanks to Tha Puerto Rican and the aftermath of that Hell In A Cell Match earlier this year.



PR's got more than just the title to worry about tonight, no doubt.


Bohemoth jumps down from the turnbuckles, coming face to face with Zack. The two exchange a quick look before Bohemoth turns out to PRL, a look that certainly isn't quick and holds plenty of warning for Tha Puerto Rican.








"Work itmake itdo itmakes usharderbetterfasterstronger"




The chants are rudely interrupted by Kanye West's anthem "Stronger" and the entrance of the World Champion. Another shower of sparks falls in front of the entrance doors, in front of the crucifix posing World Champ, sans belt of course.




Turning into and through his shower of pyro, Popick takes in the Triple Cage for the first time and much like the five men before him it gives him plenty to think about. Popick wipes a hand across his face, not only seeing three cages but those five men, all waiting for him, all aiming to take his title. And with a pensive look on his face, he makes his way forward.



And finally, introducing from Atlanta, Georgia... weighing in tonight at two hundred and twenty five pounds... this is YOUR reigning, defending, two-time and current One and Only AngleSault Thread HEAVYWEIGHT... CHAMPION OF THE WWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRLLLDD... SSSTEEPHEN! JJJJJOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSEEEEEEEEPPHHHHHHH... PPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPIIIIIIIIIIIIICCKK!!!!!!




Stopping at the end of the ramp, confronted by the wall of the first cage, Popick stares into the ring. Bohemoth, Zack and Cortez all stare back at him, allowing Landon to sneak onto the apron undetected behind everybody. Also into the ring slides PRL now, all waiting on Popick as he stalls over entering the structure.



For as long as Popick has been apart of the OAOAST, for all he's seen and done, he has never, ever encountered anything like this. Tonight he has no championship advantage. He has no advantage what-so-ever.



But he's here! He's here and he's willing to go into battle tonight!



That puts him one step ahead of some champions, at least. But let's not go there again. This is the Triple Decker Cage Match, this is one year in the making... this is history in the making here in the OAOAST. Strap yourselves in for what could be one of the wildest rides we've ever been taken on!


Holding onto the outside of the cage door, Popick continues to stall over getting into the cage. The crowd behind him get on his case, until eventually he steps in. The door is very quickly slammed shut and locked behind him, stopping him from having any second thoughts. There's no turning back now.







The World Champ rounds the ring, abused by virtually every fan he walks past on the way. He rolls into the ring, conveniently enough right next to PRL, slapping him on the back and telling him "you and me are going to walk this". PRL nods back at him.



All is well in the Garden of Eden.



Yeah, for now.


Now that all six men are in the ring, they face off with each other. On one side of the ring stands Malibu, Bohemoth and Cortez. On the opposite side, the group with minimal, if any fan support: PRL, Maddix, and the World Champion himself. A combination of former champions and those who have come *thisclose* to the belt in the past, they all take note that the biggest prize in wrestling is currently hanging some 40ft. in the air...and they have to make their way up this brutal contraption to claim it.




We're off, and no sooner has the bell sounded than the six men pair off, scrambling to be the first to gain some type of advantage in this enviroment. Cortez and Maddix face off, as do Popick and Malibu, and as they brawl back and forth they wind up battling in the corners. PRL is then stuck with Bo at center ring, and when two desperate forearms to the chest barely make Bo flinch, PRL gets floored by a standing clothesline, then pulled up off the mat while he's still woozy. After being sent to the ropes, Tha Puerto Rican finds himself a few feet closer to the championship gold...but that's because Bo is pressing him overhead, almost nonchalantly, before dropping him facefirst to the canvas!



That remarkable power advantage is one thing that the other five men need to watch out for, and PRL just found out the hard way!


Bo pulls PRL up, but Tha Puerto Rican pushes Bo away, then hits a quick dropkick that staggers Bo, sending him through the ropes...and when Bo drags himself to his feet, PRL snaps his head over the top rope, which sends Bo to the floor! PRL smirks at his deed, probably relieved to be ride of the bigman. But he's soon quick to join Bo, as Cortez and Malibu team up, rushing the leader of the Lightning Crew and nailing him with a double clothesline that sends him tumbling over the top!



Did they miss the memo that this isn't under Battle Royal rules?


With Bo and PRL dazed at ringside, Malibu slingshots himself over onto the apron and takes position, looking to nail them with his trademark Apron Run Diving Clothesline...



...but as he races across the apron, he's nailed with a lariat from Cortez, who bounces off the ropes inside the ring and nails Zack on the outside! Zack falls and rolls back into the ring, while Cortez is the one who executes a dive, going over the ropes with a pescado onto the two challengers on the floor!




Back in the ring, Zack gets up but is met with a boot from Maddix, and then he and Popick double up and hit Zack with a double-team suplex, putting him back on the canvas! Maddix goes after Zack again, but when he does Popick spins him around and rakes his eyes, then shoots him to the ropes...but Maddix reverses! Popick clings to the ropes, and when Maddix charges he winds up going up and over, as Popick sends him crashing down onto the rest of the people at ringside! Popick surveys the scene, and then goes to climb the turnbuckles...but once he's on the top rope, Malibu comes from behind and knocks his legs out from under him! Popick falls hard onto the top rope, and Malibu climbs up the ropes, and ONTO POPICK'S BACK, using his rival as a launchpad to dive onto the rest of his opponents!



If this is what people mean by Crash TV, they're certainly getting their money's worth!


Cortez is the first one up from the floor, and gets back into the ring. Popick eases himself off the ropes, still favoring his "little friends"...and Cortez takes note of that, because his first move on offense is his patented inverted atomic drop! Popick reels, and winds up struck with another one...and stumbles backwards into Bo, who has also returned to the ring. Popick glances back over his shoulder and looks as if he's ready to cry, while Bo shoves him forward into a THIRD inverted atomic drop, which is followed by a full nelson slam from Bohemoth! Popick rolls off to the side, while Cortez opens fire on Bo, throwing kicks at his leg to try and knock him off balance...but when he tries one too many times, Bo captures the leg, grabs Todd by the throat with his free hand, and hurls him backwards into the corner! Cortez bounces off the turnbuckles, then gets sandwiched by a running lariat before getting placed on the top rope. Bo climbs up after him, but Cortez punches wildly, trying to back him away...and it works! Bo goes off balance, falling to the mat, and when he gets up he's quickly snapped back to the canvas by Maddix's Russian leg sweep...and PRL caps that off with a springboard senton that crushes the big man! PRL rolls to his feet, but immediately gets dropped with a Dropsault from Maddix... who in turn gets nailed with a springboard dropkick from Malibu!



It's like a game of dominoes in there, Cole! One falls, they all fall, one after the other!



It's literally a fight to the top here tonight, and the sooner you can take one, two, or all of your opponents out, the better. Imagine what it's going to be like having to be trapped in one of the higher cages, battling for the belt!


With everyone scattered about on the canvas, Zack heads back to the floor for a ladder that will aid him in moving to the next level of the cage.



Plus, they've got to use a ladder to even get there in the first place, with five guys all trying to stop you.


Malibu pulls a ladder up, but as he pulls it up to his chest, he's nailed with a baseball slide by Cortez! Zack falls into the steel wall, while Cortez yanks the ladder away from him and slides it in. Cortez opens fire on Zack, nailing him with some hard fists and then a European uppercut! Zack falls to the floor, allowing Cortez to return to the ring. When he does, he picks up the end of the ladder, looking to set it up...but Landon grabs the other end, trying to pry it out of Todd's hands! They both pull, looking to claim the ladder for their own...but when PRL comes charging both men raise the ladder up and crack the Spanish sensation in the forehead with the ladder!





Break out the Advil!


Cortez loses his grip on the ladder after that shot, and Maddix takes control of the steel implement, setting it up so that he can try to get into Level 2. Maddix starts climbing up one side, while Cortez races up the other...but the ladder starts teetering as they get to the top, because the Metrosexual Monster heaves it over! Cortez and Landon both don't want to fall, so they act quickly, both grabbing onto the roof of the cage, dangling in the air as the ladder falls, resting on the ropes!



They're stuck in the air!


Cortez and Landon continue their fight, each man trying to kick the other down...but Bo ends that by reaching up and yanking both men to the canvas! Cortez and Landon both land on their feet, and find themselves with Bo's hand wrapped around their throats! The former Martial Law once again act as a team, both nailing Bo with a kick to the stomach at the same time and then take him by the head, snapping him onto his back! Landon then takes Cortez and bodyslams him onto Bo, then orders Cortez to get up and do the same thing with Landon. Cortez calls Landon on and obliges, but as he lifts Landon, Maddix squirms free, spins Todd around, and jabs a thumb in his eye before running him facefirst into the turnbuckle!








That snake in the grass! That's as close as you'll ever get to seeing Martial Law in action again, I promise you that!


Landon blocks Todd in the corner, cutting him off from the rest of the ring, and stomps him down. Meanwhile, first Popick and then Zack slide into the ring. Popick retrieves the ladder, waiting for Landon to turn around so the two can get better acquainted. Before Landon can turn though, Zack creeps up behind Popick and grabs him in a waistlock before popping the hips with a German...




...Popick JUST able to throw the ladder in front of him in mid-move, to prevent it falling on top of him on impact!



Popick saved himself there. Well, kinda, he still took that suplex but it could have been a lot worse.


Having stopped Cortez down, Maddix now takes a moment to put the badmouth on his former running buddy. Unfortunately, this wasted time allows Zack to size him up from across the ring. Shooing Bohemoth out of the way, Zack sprints out of the corner, right the way across the width of the ring... with two knees, right to the back, crushing Maddix against the turnbuckles!!







Maddix collapses, while Zack turns around to find himself clotheslined up and over the top by Bohemoth! The Meterosexual Monster then takes back off across the ring. Narrowly avoiding the turnbuckles, Bo bounces off the ropes right in the corner of the ring, rushing back... and KICKING CORTEZ'S FACE INTO ROW F WITH THE FACEWASH!!! Turning away, Bo then sees Popick rested up against the bottom turnbuckle in the opposite corner... AND FACEWASHES HIM AS WELL!!!


"BO - HE - MOTH!"

"BO - HE - MOTH!"

"BO - HE - MOTH!"

"BO - HE - MOTH!"



The Meterosexual Monster beginning to dominate the field and listen to this crowd, they are loving every second of it!



It's unrestricted violence. What's not to love?


Pulling himself out of the corner, Bo walks over to Maddix and spins him around, looking to gorilla press him over his head. But Maddix manages to escape just inches above the cage roof, landing behind Bo. A dropkick to the back sends Bohemoth stumbling forward and out through the ropes he goes, landing on the elevated rampway on the outside.





Are you saying 'Boo' or 'Boo - hemoth'?




Cursing under his breath, Landon stomps over and grabs Bohemoth as he stands back up, attempting to hang him up over the top rope... CAUGHT! Bo grabs him by the throat and hauls him clean off his feet! Maddix ends up kneeling on the top rope, pleading for his life. Turning away from him, Bohemoth lets Landon land across his shoulders and pulls him away from the ropes, aiming him towards the cage wall in front of him.



Oh no...


Maddix again tries to bargain his way to safety. But, not to be...







Bo jogs down the ramp, driving Maddix face-first into the cage which doesn't give nearly enough for Megan Skye's liking. She holds his head in her hands as Landon flops off of Bo's shoulder, laid out on the rampway, while the bigman casually re-enters the ring.



Face-first into the wall of the cage! And no prizes for guessing who's going to win out there, flesh or jagged steel.


Sliding back into the ring just as Bo enters is PRL, The Corporate Champion still shaking off the effects of the ladder shot he took earlier. Shaking out the cobwebs, he turns away from the ropes ready to go for the trapdoor. But he soon finds himself facing off with the man he put on the DL list six months ago!



Oh boy!



Run PR! Run!


But, to the surprise of everyone, PR isn't running. Staring back across the ring at Bohemoth, PRL wipes a hand across his nose. Summoning up all the guts he's got deep down inside, The PR Menace hops around from foot to foot, Bohemoth breathing heavily, snarling under his breath as he waits for the opportunity to take out six months of frustration...



...on the man who's telling him to "BRING IT"!!!!





PR isn't running anywhere! Oh yeah, let's get it on, let's see it!


Happy to oblige, Bohemoth marches across the ring. PRL shuffles towards him and the two meet somewhere in the middle, with the fists flying and the crowd whipped into a frenzy!!




PR and Bohemoth exchange right hands, back and forth at a frenetic pace, hard to keep up with just who is getting the better of who. Eventually the power and the size begins to win out for Bohemoth though, pounding PRL onto the backfoot. The rights keep landing and PRL finds himself back against the ropes, Bo quickly grabbing him by the arm and shooting him off the ropes. Back comes PR, swooping underneath a clothesline attempt from Bohemoth. PRL bounces off the ropes again and soars back, trying to catch Bohemoth with a Flying Forear... NO! Bohemoth catches him in his arms like a baby! Spinning around with a quick 360, The Meterosexual Monster then spins PRL around, out and... NO! Tha Puerto Rican escapes the Erotic Awakening of B, landing on his feet as he's spun forward! A quick boot to the gut and a DDT follow, dropping Bo to the shock of the crowd!





Pounding his chest, PRL proudly marches around the ring celebrating his victory. Unfortunately, the fans he's playing to fail to tell him that Bohemoth is right back up! Shaking off the effects of the DDT like it never happened, Bo stalks PR, waiting for him to turn around...












Pinballing off the canvas, PRL staggers into a corner looking for a reprieve. Bohemoth lines him up and sprints in looking for another big clothesline... but PRL is able to get his feet up in the face of the onrushing bigman! Bo is staggered, allowing Tha Puerto Rican to push up onto the middle rope. Hooking the head, he launches and plants Bohemoth with a Tornado DDT, from which he certainly isn't getting up from mere seconds later!



Tha Puerto Rican is taking the fight to Bohemoth here! All other four men in this match are down, we're in the middle of an impromptu PRL/Bohemoth showdown right here inside the Triple Cage!


Seeing that the bigman is definately down this time, Tha Puerto Rican jogs to the ropes, coming to a stop next to Bo and dusting off his shoulder, before dropping the fist right between the eyes!!



Five Knuckle Shuffle!





PRL pops back up, right into the path of an airborne Zack Malibu, who has springboarded from the top... narrowly avoiding clipping the roof of the cage on his way up, but certainly clipping PRL on the way down with a Springboard Lariat!




Some of the crowd apparantly don't appreciate the fact the mini-duel has been ended. But Zack has more important things to worry about, like getting the World Heavyweight Title. Grabbing the ladder in the ring, Zack sets it up directly underneath the trapdoor over the one corner of the ring. That corner happens to be the one Todd Cortez is laying dazed in, so Zack gives him a few stomps just incase, before going back around and beginning his climb.



Here we go, the first attempt to escape the first cage. Zack looking to break through the mesh ceiling.







The fans route behind Zack on his climb up the ladder, seeing that Popick is getting back to his feet. Just as Zack reaches up to push the trapdoor open, Popick is on the scene and grabs a hold of an ankle! Malibu tries to kick Popick away, but the World Champion clings on trying to desperately wrench Zack off of the ladder. All of this delay has allowed Todd Cortez time to get back to his feet as well, not bothering to try and get out of the corner he's trapped in, instead making the most of the situation befalling him and climbing up the opposite side of the ladder.



This is beginning to get dangerous here. Six men to one trapdoor, it just doesn't go.



And whoever gets through that trapdoor first has the head-start on the rest of the pack. Popick can't afford to let Zack, or anyone for that matter, get away from him.


With Popick still on his tail, Zack kicks out again. Finally he connects hard enough to get rid of Popick who goes rolling back across the ring. No sooner has Zack gotten rid of one problem though, he finds himself confronted by another as Cortez appears in front of him on the opposite side of the ladder. Cortez nails Zack with a right hand... retaliated in kind by Malibu! Right hand by Cortez. Right by Zack. Cortez... Zack... Cortez... Zack...



It's a battle atop the ladder here!



And only one way to go, which is down!


Both Cortez and Malibu are unsteady on their perches above the ring in the one corner, unable to knock the other down. Over comes Popick again looking to get involved. But suddenly, Bohemoth bursts into view and bursts right through the World Champion with a Clothesline! Bohemoth then quickly turns his attentions to the ladder, reaching up and grabbing Zack by the ankles. Pulling him off the ladder, Bo ends up with Zack on his shoulders in an electric chair. But Bohemoth is tall enough for Malibu to reach up and grab the roof of cage one, stopping Bo from carrying him all the way across the ring. Stopped in his tracks, Bo tries to drag Zack's grip off the cage, Zack holding firm...




...just as Bohemoth manages to prise Zack away from the cage roof, throwing him forward and right down onto the recovering Stephen Joseph Popick!!




The two bitter rivals end up in a heap, all leaving Todd Cortez seemingly free to escape the cage! But just as soon as the trapdoor opens, the opportunity is slammed shut on him. From the rampway, Landon Maddix walks down the apron and grabs hold of the unsuspecting Urban Legend's ankle, yanking him off the ladder...









Cortez hangs across the top rope groaning in pain, with Landon ending up resting on top of him, bleeding from the forehead.



That was about all Maddix had, to get across and prevent Todd Cortez from moving on up into cage two. Looks like that meeting with the steel cage has lacerated La Cucaracha.



He's not going to be the last to bleed either. Not in this match.


The only man left standing, Bohemoth walks over to the ladder and folds it up. Bo then nonchalantly pushes the ladder forward...












Good Lord!


Maddix goes tumbling off the apron, bringing Cortez with him as he unconsciously grabs out for whatever's in front of him. Which leaves the path open for the bigman! Bohemoth re-sets the ladder underneath the trapdoor, making sure no-one is around to stop him as he begins his climb.




Halfway up the ladder, Bo stops to push the trapdoor open before taking another couple of steps up... and getting his upper body into the cage! An expectant roar goes up through the arena as Bohemoth then deadlifts himself up from the ladder and in through the opening to cage two, leaving his five opponents behind him!!



And Bohemoth has made it into Cage 2! The Weapons Cage, although he might be best served to leave that behind and go straight for the belt, he's away here!


The camera abruptly cuts to 'Cage 2' cam, the hapless cameraman who got stuck with the job of patrolling around the roof of the first cage focusing on Bohemoth in his solitary cell.


"BO - HE - MOTH!"

"BO - HE - MOTH!"

"BO - HE - MOTH!"

"BO - HE - MOTH!"


Bo finds the door out of Cage 2 and tries to leave... perhaps not realising that it's padlocked shut. After a brief few seconds rattling the door and a couple of swift kicks fail to open it, Bohemoth curses under his breath before looking around the wall of the cage. Which is when he finally spots the boltcutters across the cell, handily provided by OAOAST officials. Bo goes over and unties the boltcutters from the wall of the cage...




...as back in Cage 1, Tha Puerto Rican has escaped the pack and is also making his way up through the trapdoor!



Alright PR!



The Meterosexual Monster is about to have some company up in Cage 2!


Getting impatient with the ties, Bohemoth finally just settles for ripping the heavy boltcutters from their attachment to the cell. After a couple of tries he manages to rip them away and turns back to open the door...












Caught completely by surprise, down goes the bigman, dropping the precious boltcutters in the process. PRL unsteadily walks across the mesh floor of the cage, which also happens to be the roof of the cage below, laying into Bohemoth with the shaky leg kicks!



Worthwhile pointing out at this point, these three cages have all been specially reinforced a couple of times, just to make sure they can all withstand the weight of what will be potentially six men up there. A lot of work has gone into this structure over the past few weeks.



Yeah, heaven forbid these three steel cages, one filled with weapons, be unsafe!


After a few more kicks PRL reaches down and picks Bohemoth back up. By the head, he runs Bohemoth off to the right and looks to drive his face into one of the walls... BLOCKED! Bo gets his hands up and lands an elbow to the gut which sends PRL retreating. Following after him, Bohemoth lands a right hand on PRL. Tha Puerto Rican falls into the side of the cage but opportunistically reaches out, pulling a chair from the wall of the cage...





...BLOCKED! Bohemoth manages to get his hands up and catch the chair as it's swung towards his face!



This is like Hell In A Cell all over again! Bohemoth and PRL, surrounded by steel, trying to physically decimate one another!


A brief tug-of-war ensues over the chair. Brief because Bohemoth quickly wins it, pushing forward on the chair rather than pulling away which causes PRL to go back into the wall of the cell again, this time with more force than before. Bohemoth then takes the chair, waiting as PRL staggers past him...







...before CRACKING him over the back with a chairshot!!



DOWN goes PRL!



Oh, what a shot that was. PR should have done the smart thing and waited for Popick to help him out.



How is that the smart thing? If PRL wants to be the World Heavyweight Champion, he needs Stephen Joseph Popick as well as everybody else as far away from him as possible!


As Bohemoth stalks PRL, directly below their feet the action has resumed in the ring. Having been sent to the ropes, Zack puts the brakes on to avoid being backdropped by Popick, hooking the head and hitting a Swinging Neckbreaker! Zack instantly looks up from the canvas, seeing Bohemoth and PRL overhead and realising he needs to get up into Cage 2, fast. But as he goes for the ladder, Popick grabs onto his trailing leg and holds him back.



The situation is growing a little desperate for our unlikely World's Champion right now.


After a stomp to the back of the head, Zack lets Popick back up...







...and lashes him across the chest with a knifedge chop!







...and another! With Popick reeling, off the ropes comes Malibu, looking to take him out with a flurish as he throws a big Lariat... DUCKED... AND A LOWBLOW BY POPICK!!





Perfectly legal, great thinking by SJ!



It was cheap if you ask me, whether it's covered by the rules of the match or not.


As Zack crumbles in a heap, we go back to Cage 2 to where Bohemoth is busily trying to set up a TABLE! Setting up a table on a steel mesh floor proves a tricky task though and his hesitations and re-adjustments allow PRL back into the fight, catching Bo from behind with a forearm. PRL pounds away on Bo, while down in Cage 1 Popick wastes little time in taking his chance to climb the ladder and join his running buddy in the second cage.





What was that you were saying about things looking desperate there Mikey? Because things are looking pretty good to me right now. PRL and Popick, in the cage with Bohemoth, the odds in their favour. The plan is finally beginning to materialise. What did I tell you?



Don't count your chickens too soon Coach. I wouldn't trust either of those two men as far as I could throw them, the 'plan' may not last too long.


Into the cage, Popick joins in with PRL in stomping Bohemoth down. As PRL continues the beating, Popick then sets about grabbing the table. Looking down at the three challengers in the tier below, Popick drags the table over and with a little difficulty, he gets the table set up. Not just anywhere though, set-up with the legs directly on top of the trapdoor.



Brilliant! That is brilliant Michael! Stephen Joseph Popick has just cut the field in half, he's pinned down the trapdoor... Zack, Landon and Cortez are stuck in the bottom cage with no way up!



I have to admit, that's some real cunning on Popick's part right there. We may very well be down to three!


Bohemoth manages to get to his feet under the attack from PRL, who changes to throwing punches at the bigman. Over comes Popick and again the numbers get the better of Bohemoth. Popick and PRL drop Bohemoth in one corner of the cage, PRL pressing his foot against the throat of the bigman and choking him against the wall of the cell while SJP torments the fans from inside the cage.



*clap clap clapclapclap*


*clap clap clapclapclap*


Directing traffic, Popick picks up the steel chair and holds it in place as PRL picks Bohemoth up. An irish whip sends Bo running across the floor of the cage...







...and straight into the chair! Bohemoth hits the deck, taunted by Popick as PRL takes the chair from his Career Consultant. The duo look to set up the same move again, but this time with PRL holding the chair.



PRL and Popick switching it up, Popick now playing the role of the pitcher. Feel free to make your own jokes at home.


"BO - HE - MOTH!"

"BO - HE - MOTH!"

"BO - HE - MOTH!"

"BO - HE - MOTH!"


PR readies the chair as Popick lifts Bohemoth to his feet, landing a knee to the gut. He then sets The Meterosexual Monster up, aiming him towards the wielded chair of Tha Puerto Rican...









As PRL is driven to the steel floor, Popick holds his head in his hands. Eventually he reacts and tries to catch Bohemoth on his way back up. But Bohemoth catches him and scoops him right off his feet! Carrying Popick forward, Bo then picks his spot for the World Champion...

















Goodnight Big Poppa!


Staying down, Bohemoth lays in the wreckage of the table with Popick. All of which is on top of the trapdoor still, still blocking off the three men in Cage 1.



Who's bright idea was it to have weapons in the second cage anyway!?


Speaking of whom, Todd Cortez is back in the ring and is now putting the boots to Zack Malibu. Behind him, Landon slides into the ring, woozy from the blood loss but still able to pull the ladder from the corner and fold it up. Heaving the ladder up over his shoulder, the Spaniard then sprints across the ring...












Maddix sets the ladder aside for a second, dropping to his knees next to Cortez and pulling his head up off the canvas. The blood has begun to flow from The Urban Legend, Maddix targetting the cut with some closed fists to the forehead.


Meanwhile, back up in Cage 2, another of the challengers has joined the growing list of blood casualties. Tha Puerto Rican staggers around the cage with his forehead opened up as well, Bohemoth looking to add to his misery as he drags him across the cell and GRINDS HIS FACE INTO THE CAGE WALL!!!



That's just sadistic! There's no need for that!


PRL's high-pitched screams ring out through the arena as Bo eventually relents, looking a little shaken himself as he lets PR fall to the floor. Across the cell, Popick drags himself out of the table wreckage and tries to crawl across the cage. Bohemoth stomps him down though before Popick can get to the boltcutters. As all this goes on upstairs, on the ground floor Maddix has let up on Cortez and is now targetting Zack Malibu, picking him up off the canvas and landing a forearm strike. And another. Irish whip by Maddix... reversed by Zack, Landon sent towards the corner. Landon is able to get a foot onto the middle buckle to block though, catching Zack as he runs in behind with a back elbow. As Zack staggers back, Landon then climbs up to the middle rope and attempts to reel The Franchise in for a Flying DDT...




...but Zack sidesteps! Landon is able to adjust in mid-air and land on his feet...



...scan relief, as Malibu grabs him in a waistlock and pops the hips with a German Suplex! Zack hangs onto the waist and rolls his man through, back to his feet for a second rolling German!



Again, it we wanted AngleSault, we'd have booked him.


Hanging on tenaciously, Zack brings Landon back up for the third and final suplex. And after a vain grab at the ropes fails, Maddix finds himself taken up and down again, drilled with the third German Suplex! Releasing on impact, away rolls Zack to retrieve the ladder. He spots that the table that was blocked the trapdoor is now in pieces and quickly jabs the ladder at the door a couple of times, knocking some of the loose debris away before he sets the ladder up and begins his climb.



Here goes Zack now. We're about to have four men up into cage number two, it's going to get pretty crowded up there.


Holding PRL by the back of the head, Bohemoth rams him face-first into the wall of the cage again. The bigman then targets Popick again, manhandling the World Champion and sending him into a meeting with the steel as well. With both his opponents down, Bo then goes back to his original plans and grabs the boltcutters from off of the steel floor, ready to unlock the door out of Cage 2...



















Bohemoth slowly teeters backwards, dropping the cutters and hitting the floor of the cell with a thud. And after that, he moves not one muscle.



I think Bohemoth may be OUT! He is out cold, Coach!



No kidding, he just got boltcutters smashed into his face.


Looking a little surprised at the success of his kick, Zack doesn't waste time crying over spilt milk and quickly grabs the discarded boltcutters off the ground. The Franchise then walks over to the door and works on the padlock, managing to clip the chain and get the door out of Cage 2 open! A rousing cheer goes up through the arena...




...but just as it looks like Zack may be on his way, he's pulled back by PRL, connecting on a big punch! A couple more punches force Malibu into dropping the boltcutters and allow PR to sneak out of the door, out of Cage 2! Grabbing the outside of the door, PRL then swings it violently towards Zack's head...



...BLOCKED! Zack pulls his head clear and kicks out at the door, which swings back into PRL's face! PR goes stumbling backwards, LUCKILY not staggering over the edge of the bottom cage, instead down the length of the outside of Cage 2.



The further you go in this one, the more dangerous the territory. There is nothing between PRL and about a 16 foot drop to the arena floor but gravity itself!


Out of Cage 2 steps Zack as well and he follows after PRL, who has just rounded the corner and started to make his way up the outside in sight of the third and final cage! Grabbing PR by the tights, Zack pulls him off of the side of the cage, RAMMING his already bloody face into the cage wall! PRL falls on the six or so feet of steel between Cage 2 and thin air, his face beginning to grow more and more crimson as the cut on his forehead has been sliced even deeper.




("p - r - l!")



("p - r - l!")


Carefully stepping over PRL, Zack puts the boots to him.



Meanwhile, back down in the bottom level, Landon Maddix is slowly climbing the ladder, attempting to join everybody else up on the second tier. He only makes it halfway up though before Todd Cortez gets over to drag him down. Landon quickly pops Cortez with a forearm as he lands however, before quickly reeling Cortez in and lifting him into a fireman's car...




NO! Cortez slips down the back and avoids the GTS, spinning Landon around and booting him in the gut. Cortez now reels Landon in, into a standing headscissors, flipping over top and dragging Maddix all the way over with him TO SPIKE HIM ON HIS HEAD WITH THE RIOT ACT PLUS~!








How many times!?



That Riot Act Plus, the achilles heel for La Cucaracha and it has struck him again!


With Landon out, Cortez now heads for the ladder...



...while up above him, Popick has left Cage 2 behind and gets around the perimeter of the cell to help out PRL, jumping the unsuspecting Zack Malibu from behind. Popick clubs away on The Franchise with forearms, giving PRL time to recover his senses. Grabbing Zack by the head, SJP then hauls him back up and aims him towards the edge of the ca...



...elbow by Zack! And again! And again, Zack fighting the World Champion off!



Thank heavens for that, I think Popick was thinking about throwing Zack off of this cage and down onto us!!



Nah. Relax. He'd have warned his buddy The Coach before he put him in danger like that.


As soon as Zack gets rid of Popick though, back comes Tha Puerto Rican with an attack. Forgotten in all of this though is Todd Cortez, pulling himself up through the trapdoor and exiting Cage 2. Looking over, he sees PRL and Popick tied up with Zack and sees his chance, getting over to the corner of the cell and climbing his way up the side towards Cage 3!





Cortez is going for it! He's going for the belt, I don't think anybody's seen him!



No no, they have!


Popick just about spots Cortez in time and leaves PRL behind to fight his own battles while he sets about preserving his title reign! He scales the side of the cage and gets up onto the third level just a second or two behind the blood-clouded Cortez, who grabs onto the outside wall of Cage 3 and starts to climb up towards the belt hanging overhead. A bodyshot from Popick stops him though, Cortez dropping off of the side of the cage and onto his feet besides Popick. Popick continues to fire away on Cortez, putting Cortez down to one knee under a barrage of right hands.



A heart-stopping moment for Stephen Joseph. He was seconds away from seeing his second World Title reign slip away.


As Popick and Cortez do battle on the roof of Cage 2, PRL and Zack continue their fight on the roof of Cage 1 and make their way back towards the door. PRL manages to get a thumb in the eye of Zack to stop him momentarily, giving him time to duck back into Cage 2 and grab a steel chair and a trash can lid off of the cage wall. By the time he gets back out though, Zack has enough vision back to land a quick boot to the gut to fend off the shot with the lid. PRL drops both impliments and falls against the wall of the cage, pinned up against it and in the firing line for some SCHOOL'S OU...





...DUCKED! Zack's foot hits nothing but cage! As Zack bounces off, PRL then spins him around....











Diamond Cutter on the cage!




PRL starts to pick himself up, just as Cortez starts to get some momentum going on Popick up on the outside of Cage 3. After a few right hands and some alternate knifedge chops thrown in for good measure, Cortez gets Popick weakened enough to set him in the standing headscissors and call for another Riot Act Plus!!



Oh... oh no, Todd, don't do this! Not even to Popick!



On the roof of a cage!? This guy is an animal! An ANIMAL!


As Cortez gives the signal though, Popick manages to deadweight him. A few more shots to the back soften the World Champion up some more ready for a second attempt by The Urban Legend. Seeing his Career Consultant in mortal peril though, PRL springs into action. Grabbing the chair, he climbs a couple of inches up the cage wall, enough to clear it with his throw...








...hitting Cortez in the side of the head with a steel chair...






...followed moments later by a backdrop from Popick, Cortez hitting the roof of Cage 2 hard on landing!!



Tha Puerto Rican just saved Popick's ass right there! No doubt about it, nevermind the World Title that could have been career over for Stephen Joseph if he took the Riot Act Plus up there!



Exactly why this match should have never happened, not with Drek, not with Popick, not with no-one!



You've changed your tune...



The only consolation is that Popick has got his buddy PR there to watch his back and help him retain the title.






I mean... uh... you know, there's a... let's go PR. Whoo.


Both PRL and Popick breath sighs of relief before PRL joins Popick up on the roof of the second cage, actually given a helping hand by the World Champion. The two stop and look up together at the OAOAST Title in the sky above them, realising there's only one more cage to scale before the belt is within reach.



Which is when the duo finally realise, two into one doesn't go.


"P - R - L!"

"P - R - L!"

"P - R - L!"

"P - R - L!"


Looking down at the crowd, PRL is urged by Stephen Joseph not to listen to them, making very frantic reminders to PR that they're "friends for forever". Words are clearly being exchanged by the two, maybe trying to decide between them who should go for the belt and who will stand back and let them. Which, obviously, isn't drawing any easy answers.


"P - R - L!"

"P - R - L!"

"P - R - L!"

"P - R - L!"



Would you listen to this, this crowd wants PRL to go! They're trying to convince him not to listen to Popick! Is this going to be Tha Puerto Rican's ultimate night of destiny? Is he going to finally hit the jackpot, here in Las Vegas!? Or is he going to stand back and let Popick keep the belt he's fought so long for... surely not!



He's going to do what's right! He's going to do what's right, or he's going to regret it!


As the noise in the arena grows so does the heat in the arguement between the two. Fingers are being pointed now and Popick makes it very clear that he's the World Champion, which seems to go a little too far as PRL looks set to make a move towards him. Popick convinces him to back up though, finding a handy diversion in the fact that Zack Malibu is up and climbing up the side of Cage 2. PRL thinks quickly and bends down to cut him off...












Zack quickly makes it to the top of Cage 2 as Popick tries to turn tail and head up to the summit un-opposed. He's cut off by The Franchise though, pulling Popick down from the cage and throwing him into, and through, the door into Cage 3! Zack follows Popick inside and the World Champion finds himself trapped with the man he's hated for so long. And vice-versa, of course.



*clap clap*


*clap clap*


Popick begs off from Zack, buying himself time while PRL recovers and gets into the cage to save him. A mule kick from Zack cuts PRL off, sparking an exchange of punches with Popick as he tries to get the jump on The Franchise. Recovering again, PRL clubs Zack from behind though, Popick staggering away. With an irish whip, PRL sends Malibu hard into the wall of Cage 3, which bounces him back into the waiting arms of Tha Puerto Rican, Popick watching on from the doorway as he sets up the LATIN SLA...




...NO! Zack elbows his way out and pushing PRL away...






...into the wall of the cage! PRL is bounced back by the steel now and Zack stalks him...





...as Popick turns tail and leaves Cage 3, scaling the side and heading for the belt!!



Where's he going?



He's going for the belt stupid!



Going for the belt and he's leaving PRL to the wolves...








Zack drills PRL with an ANGLESLAM which rocks the floor of the third cell!! But as he and PRL lay out in the cage, Popick has his hands on the roof of Cage 3 and is on his way to the belt!



Popick just sold PRL out! He sold him out to get the belt!


Back up, Cortez latches onto the wall of Cage 3 and makes a last, desperate attempt to climb up! But Popick is away now and out of reach. Popick pushes himself onto the roof of Cage 3, looking down 40 plus feet to the ring below, to Landon in Cage 1, to Bohemoth in Cage 2, to Zack Malibu and PRL below him, taking a last glance back at Cortez before steadying his jelly legs...







Just don't look down!
















Zack looks up in despair as above him, Stephen Joseph cradles the World Title in his arms and breathes some huge sighs of relief. A despondant Todd Cortez drops off the wall of the cage and to his knees, also unable to believe how close he was to stopping Popick from retaining and yet how far away he came.







In the entire arena, the only person celebrating is Popick, some 40 feet in the air. Making his way down from Cage 3 on the side opposite Cortez and furthest from the door that Zack may come out of, Popick eases down onto the roof of Cage 1, antagonising the crowd with his retained championship belt. An angry Cortez kicks the wall of Cage 3 in frustration, while Zack just watches on sadly from inside the same cell.



I can't believe this. Stephen Joseph Popick, defies the odds again!


Popick continues to celebrate his win, as PRL begins to come to his senses in the third cage. He hears "Stronger" over the PA system, sees Popick a level below celebrating his win... and doesn't seem quite able to know what to make of it all.



PRL saved Popick from a certain defeat earlier in the match when he prevented the Riot Act Plus by Todd Cortez and how does Popick repay him? He sees PRL in trouble, he sees PRL about to get drilled with the Angle Slam, he sees a chance to help out the man who's career he's supposed to be guiding and aiding and abeting... and he sells him out! He sold PRL out!



And he retained the World Heavyweight Title! What do you want me to say? Popick did what he had to do to win the title, that's the difference between him and PRL. That's the difference between a two-time World Champion and a man who's never been able to win the big one. Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do to make it to the top and Popick made it fourty feet to the top tonight, PRL didn't! And that's the Truth, Ruth!


The celebrations continue on, while the door to the outside opens ready for the five challengers to leave. Empty-handed. That's Las Vegas for ya. Some you win, most you lose.



From the Coach, Michael Cole, we thank you for joining us at November Reign 2007. We leave you, with Stephen Joseph Popick, by hook or by crook still World Champion. Goodnight.


Popick raises the World Title over his head with a hearty laugh, to widespread boos from the crowd. The camera pans wide on the scene to fit in the image of PRL staring down from inside Cage 3, as we...





Edited by Ed Wood Caulfield

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King Cucaracha!




King Cucaracha

Zack Malibu


Ed Wood Caulfield

Patty O'Green




Patty O'Green







© 2007 OAOAST Entertainment

All Rights Reserved.

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