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Zack Malibu

HD: Zack stuff.

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The backstage hallways are filled with OAOAST talent and staff, and at this moment no less a talent that Zack Malibu himself walks with a purpose through the backstage area...that is until an arm stretches out and stops him in his path! Malibu turns to the individual off camera who interrupted his stroll, and it's none other than the Metrosexual Monster himself, Bohemoth!



Whoa...where you going, preppy?



Out to the ring. I've got a bone to pick about the way the end to the Triple Cage Match went down at November Reign, and figured what better place than here on HeldDOWN~! to air that grievance.


Bo softly chuckles to himself, shaking his head.



That's funny, because I've got a bit of an issue with how things went down that night myself.



Do you?



Yeah...namely for the fact that I'd be World Champion if it wasn't for getting my jaw rattled like a baby's toy thanks to someone's superkick.



Hang on...you're bitching about getting superkicked? Bo, I don't have time...



No, you do have the time. We're right here, right now, so just listen. I'll give you the chance to talk, but you need to open your ears first!


Malibu is half angry, half shocked at the snap from the normally reserved hoss, but he respectfully remains silent, choosing to hear Bo out.



I know why you're here tonight, Zack. You're going to go out to the ring and cry foul, find some way, some excuse to stay in the title hunt. Last time I checked, you've lost all your recent title opportunities. Your not exactly batting 1000 in title matches, but yet you always find a way. Now I know you've been screwed in the past by Popick, by Maddix, by PRL...but instead of whining about it, DO something about it! I've been in this company for almost three years now, and you and I, we haven't always seen eye to eye. Right now, we're more or less on the same side of things, but I'm not going to let that get in the way of how I feel. I bust my ass just like anyone else to get to where I'm at, and I got a shot to be in that Triple Cage Match. Now neither one of us walked out with the belt that night, but do you see me going out there and cutting a promo on why I should be the champion? No, because I'm gonna get back in the ring and earn the right to fight for it again. I'll go through anyone and everyone on the roster, and I'm challenging you, Zack, to do the same.



You know, Bo, you make some good points. My being screwed though, that's not an excuse, or even a reason to want another title shot. It goes back to the aWo days, to Popick, to your old buddy, and you know who I'm talking about...this is a company that I helped build, and I EARNED the right to be called its Franchise. I earned the right to be the face of this company by busting my ass for the last five and a half years, going to hell and back whether it was for a belt, for this company, or for my own personal pride. I am tired of this company being represented by people who treat that belt as a trophy, disregarding what it truly means to be a champion. What you just said to me...it took balls, my friend. It took balls, and it showed you have heart, and that you're not out for the quick fix. So you know what...challenge accepted. If you're going to build yourself back up, then so am I. Now it's just a matter of who gets there first.


With that, Zack extends his hand, and Bo accepts, shaking on their little agreement.



Even if you get there first, Zack, I won't be far behind.



Likewise, big man. Likewise.


Zack pats Bo on the shoulder and walks off, as Bo watches and smirks, then turns and goes his own way.

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Welcome back to HeldDOWN~!, folks! Michael Cole alongside the Coach here, and if you're just joining us, we've added a match to the broadcast that wasn't on our original card. Zack Malibu arrived here tonight looking to get a few things off his chest regarding our, ahem, beloved World Heavyweight Champion and his recent successful defense in the Triple Cage Match at this years November Reign event. Zack was stopped backstage by Bohemoth, another competitor in that matchup, who laid out a challenge for Malibu. Bo stated that he felt that Zack should prove himself once again, and work his way back up the ladder just as anyone else would do, and it was there that the challenge was set. Zack Malibu and Bohemoth, two men who valiantly struggled to become the OAOAST World Champion, will both start working their way back up the ladder, making their way through the superstars of the OAOAST until one of them is able to secure a World Championship match!



A bit of friendly competition to spice things up here in the OAOAST Mikey Cole, and who knew that it was gonna start tonight, because Zack Malibu faces his first obstacle in getting back to the top of the mountain in the form of Conquistador Uno!



A little one-sided, but we all have to start somewhere.


Already in the ring, Uno is flanked by his partner Dos, who encourages his partner to win one, since the number of checkmarks in the win column of Los Conquistadors isn't all that impressive. "Getting Away With Murder" hits, and out to the ring comes the OAOAST's favorite son, welcomed by a tremendous reaction from the crowd.



Introducing the opponent, he hails from Providence, RI. Weighing in at two hundred and ten pounds, this is ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLIBUUUUUUUUUUUUU!


The fans roar as Zack hops up onto the apron, then climbs the ropes to get a better view of his supporters. Malibu then hops into the ring, cracking his neck as he paces, waiting for the bell to ring. Dos gives Uno one last bit of advice, and whether it's going to work or not is about to be found out, as the bell sounds!



Here we go! Zack Malibu's quest to regain the World Title starts here and now against a rather unlikely opponent.



In this place, anything's possible, Mikey Cole.



It's a belief system like that that explains why you've still got a job, Coach.





Immediately, Zack locks Uno in a collar and elbow tie up, but the feisty luchadore uses a quick go-behind, pinning Zack's arm against the small of his back with a hammerlock! Zack braces himself, then fires back a hard elbow, catching Uno in the face and causing an immediate break! Zack then reaches back and snapmares Uno over, and backs up as his opponent starts to rise up off the mat...then absolutely CRACKS him with a SCHOOL'S OUT the moment he gets to his feet!





Malibu jumps on top of Uno and hooks the leg, waiting for Charles Robinson to make the academic three count, as the fans are going batshit for Malibu's patented finisher.











Well, we...we barely got a word in edgewise. I think Zack's walk to the ring took longer than that match!


"Getting Away With Murder" is cued up again, almost as quickly as it had faded out. Malibu gets his hand raised to the crowd's delight, while Dos slides into the ring, as shocked as everyone else as he kneels beside his partner, slapping his face trying to get him to come to. Malibu turns and looks back at the damage he's done before exiting the ring, and as he makes his way up the aisle, he sees Bo at the entranceway, clapping for him.



So is Bo Zack's new motivational speaker or something?



In a way you could say that, because this little challenge of his has certainly lit a fire under The Franchise!


Zack comes up the aisle and doesn't stop, choosing to walk right past Bo...then he backsteps and holds up one finger (no, not like that!), signifying that Malibu's already got one victory as a part of the deal the two made no more than an hour earlier. Bo nods at Zack and watches as he disappears behind the curtain, then does so himself as we cut to break.

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