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Guest Ace309

Promo: Black Mist

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Guest Ace309

Durandal sits in a bar in downtown Niagara Falls. He's dressed casually, as Clan members go: black Clan robe, cargo shorts, white t-shirt and black-lensed sunglasses. With the robe slightly open, we can see that even in public, he has the US Title strapped around his waist. As the camera pulls back, we see that he's sitting next to the SJL's Insane Luchadore, Andrew Rickmen. Each man has a tall, thin highball glass filled with a carbonated black liquid sitting in front of him.


"How's the JL treating you, Andrew?" Durandal toys idly with his stir stick before taking a sip of his beverage. "I know it's rough down there, especially with Frost and Sydney sharing a locker room. Ye gods... talk about creepy."


"Yeah, too much visual, I guess." Rickmen takes a sip of his drink as well, then pauses. "Tom-" Durandal sighs visibly. "Er... sorry, man, I just can't get used to calling you Durandal."


"Don't worry about it, Rickmen. It's just frustrating. I mean... it's like they don't even get it."


"The gimmick? Well, you have to-"


"No, it's like they don't get that I'm better than they are." Rickmen, looking slightly incredulous, takes a sip of his drink. Durandal calmly clinks his glass against Rickmen's, and they both finish off their drinks. "Seriously, Andrew, it's like everyone's forgotten about me."


Rickmen signals the bartender, obviously taking a minute to try and comprehend the sheer arrogance of what Durandal just said to him. "Yo, man... another round."


The bartender looks disgusted. "You guys want another round of those...."


"Black Mists."


"God, you wrestlers are weird." He refills each highball with 7Up, then dumps a large shot of Jagrmeister into each, coloring it a deep black. "Disgusting. I don't know how you can drink this shit."


Durandal clinks his glass against Rickmen's, declaring "Gentlemen, to evil." The two drink, and Durandal gets back on his soapbox. "I can't believe they're still throwing the damn Carnival at me. I mean... RAYNOR. Jesus. He hasn't been in the ring in weeks, and they expect to throw him in there with.... with ME? I know they owe him a title shot, but why the hell would they risk injuring one of their top draws like that? Didn't they see what I did to Annie last week? I practically forced her into retirement!"


"Tom, don't you think you're being a little...."


"And Ash. I know I'm going to have him again soon... but... damn. I thought I was over this already. I mean, I know I lost the belt back to him on my last night in the SJL, but... shit, I've beaten him here. Besides, he's stuck fighting for that garbage belt, doesn't even HAVE it anymore... and I'm champion of all the United States. I think that just about says it all."


Durandal takes another sip of his Black Mist, then throws a handful of dollar bills onto the bar. "Andrew, let's get out of here. I've got to catch my flight to Atlantic City, and I'm sure you should be getting to Fort Meyers." He clinks his glass against Rickmen's, and toasts, "To Black Mist, the cause of and solution to all life's problems." They finish their highballs and slam their glasses down at the bar, then stand up and start to walk out. As they walk away, Durandal chuckles to himself and mutters, "Damn, I'm superior."



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Guest Insanityman

*Marks out for Superior One coming back*. Good work, I guess part of it was because I was in it.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Heh. Very nice, good stuff. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT R0x0rs!


And to think, I'm currently writing a bar promo of my own. We all love our brew...

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Guest Rabbi_wilson13

Nice promo, dude. Bonus points for using IL and for the clothes description.


"T-shirt, cargo shorts, US Title belt...all under a Clan robe. This is a hot look for this summer, and runs around one hundred...."


Yeah, well I had...ummm....taffy in my promo. You ever think we should just close down the SWF and open a theme bar? Bouncers wouldn't be hard to come by, at least.

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Guest chirs3

... I'm a top draw?


*remembers how Chris Smash got started*




And while we're on the subject, excellent promo.

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Guest Suicide King

Boy, but we have a bunch of evil alcoholics in this fed! Nice stuff Tom.

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Guest kelloggs

Good promo Taamo. The WF's been railing off a lot of good ones lately. And everyone...everyone loves, loves, loves the drinks.


:::Here's Flesher whisper:::


Once more for old times sake. Well back to the lowly JL for me. ;)

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Guest realitycheck

Cocky? Brash? Arrogant? NAH! That *can't* be Tom! ;)


w00t for superiorocity. Bar promos are a staple of the WF, so they get a w00t, too.


Oh, and not to put any ideas into anyone's head, but...


Superior One + Z + U.S Title x Whatever PPV is up next - Raynor factor = BUYRATES, BAYBEE!



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Guest Ash Ketchum

Ahhh... so Tom Flesher is back? :D


Or is it Durandal still? ^_^


Anyways, nice promo dude.

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Guest HVilleThugg

Hell yeah!


*Marks out for "The Superior One" Tom Flesher returning*


Seriously...nice one dude.


I'd like to give props to the WF right now. You guys, at least thus far, have really jumped up to the task of getting this fed going again. THere's been a bunch of promos since the decline, and it looks like we're headed back up, thanks to the hard work of all of you...so, mad props from the big guy.


Let's just hope none of these go to waste and people actually write matches now.


Da "superior than thou" H

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"Wearing your title belt out in public is the way to go.


It keeps your pants from falling down.


Mothernature say...what an insightful comment Stubby!"

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Guest midnight_burn

Quite a good promo. The inklings of the 'Superior One' attitude returning are very cool.

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