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No More Heroes

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Wow I picked the wrong night to finish this game. Took a "special" cookie from a friend with the intent to watch some Aqua Teen Hunger Force and veg on the couch.. well when it didn't kick in after 2 hours I decided to play NMH. When's DOES it decide to kick in? Right at the cutscene before rank #1 begins.. ergh, as if it wasn't confusing enough already, lol.

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Man, what a disappointment the fifth ranked battle was.

I follow the blood trail out to that striking highway landscape, go through the whole build-up and then...nothin'. Mysterious stranger flies in out of nowhere, slices the giant robot in half, then disappears. Still, I have to respect a director that's willing to sacrifice so much build-up just to advance the plot.


Ranked fourth at the moment. Got the MKII just before the battle to get that rank and it definitely came in handy. I love the exaggarated wind-ups for the deathblows.

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I'm kinda pissed. I beat the game and chose the non-real ending ('cause, y'know, I wanted to see both), not realizing that I wouldn't be allowed to return to the game afterwards. Now I can't find a way to return to that file to choose the real ending, meaning that I'm going to have to beat the game to experience it.


If any of you guys can point something out that I'm missing here, I'd really appreciate it.

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Did you save over your file after you did it?


If you didn't, reload the save and head back to the crapper to go for the real ending. If you saved to a new slot, on the next boot of the game it will auto-load the new game, but all you need to do is pause with + when you're back in Santa Destroy, and chose to load your old save.


If you did save over your game...well...





I haven't done it myself, but I've heard folks from other boards try it and it worked out okay for other games.

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