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*Smackdown Spoilers*

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Guest dustinbeaverton
You just suggested WWE use the Battlebowl Lethal Lottery.


Yeah, sure, that sounds about right. I guess that's an old WCW thing? I really don't know, I just remember watching it at my cousin's place... they were WCW kids, I was WWF, so I didn't really know what was going on at the time, just vaguely remember the concept.

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You just suggested WWE use the Battlebowl Lethal Lottery.


Yeah, sure, that sounds about right. I guess that's an old WCW thing? I really don't know, I just remember watching it at my cousin's place... they were WCW kids, I was WWF, so I didn't really know what was going on at the time, just vaguely remember the concept.



Reading this makes me feel old.

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I wouldn't be surprised if they make it a trifecta and have a 3rd chamber match, with ECW guys.


Burke, Benjamin, Kane, Punk, Dreamer, Morrison?


As for Raw's chamber, wouldn't it be something if Jericho won? Gets a title shot and wins, and there's his reward for signing with the company.




HHH wins the money in the bank, cashes it in immediately, PEDIGREE, 1-2-3, new champion.


I can totally see HHH wanting to do that.

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They might as well just pull the War Games cage out of mothballs and rechristen it the Devastation Battle Fence Enclosure System or whatever dumbass name they need to make sure they wipe their hands of the filthy, disgusting, dirty WCW affiliation the cage has all over it.

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Guest Anubis

For me the lineup smells like they're planning to have the Triple Threat Match at WrestleMania. The Orton/Cena match for me is very likely to end in some sort of unclean finish or draw and with Hunter winning the chamber the Triple Threat would be easily done. Voilá. I like this idea hence this Triple Thread should be a classic you really can't see the end of. It could go either way.

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I suppose if it ends up in a triple threat then it's not such a bad idea. It's definatly not a good one.


And if Cena go to wrestlemania, it will be the 3rd in a row where the Rumble winner hasn't headlined.

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Guest DCH

I seriously think HHH is gonna win, with a feud win Cena brewing. Then somewhere down the line Hardy is going to lose that IC he has and suddenly burst back onto the picture with a MITB that he won at WM and probably kick the shit out of HHH at SummerSlam, due to their friendship turning sour or something.


That reminds me, what the fuck happened to the Cruiserweight title. They retired it off Hornswoggle and it hasnt been seen since. IC hasn't been defended in months and neither has US.And nobody gives a shit about tag team championships now. Only thing there is the top champion ships, and the ECW was good when Lashley had it, but when Chavo holds the belt it makes the ECW Championship looks worse than the Cruiserweight. Which is their aim I guess.

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