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Nightmare on Elm Street

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Was 3 the one with the 3 gang members as well as the curly haired fat kid that only wanted to have someone to love? Yeah I didn't like that one.


6 is great!


"This is gonna be a hairy turn"


*makes a hard right turn, Tommy's face goes in to her crotch*



I agree with part 6 being great. Here's what the director has to say about it from the Crystal Lake Memories book.


"That was the goal I set for myself- that the comedy would work with the horror, that my Friday the 13th still delivered, that is wasn't just another Jason movie.


In general, there has been negative response to Jason Lives from hardcore horror fans - that there wasn't enough sex leading to the decapitation or whatever. And the line that is still quoted more than any other from the film, in both the positive and negative responses to it, is the one when the caretaker looks into the camera, breaking the fourth wall and says, "Some folks have a strange ide'r of entertainment." It has almost been taken as a question. Are you making fun of the audience? Are you making fun of the genre? Are you making fun of yourself? It really sparked a lot of interest.


Any time I noticed a sequel being successful, it's because you've taken another genre or another element and challenged the formula. Put Sigourney Weaver in a monster movie and have her be tougher than the alien, and you've got something.


Cut to many years later, and I was sent a script called "Scary Movie" by Kevin Williamson. Of course that ultimately became Scream, but I passed on it because I'd kind of made this movie already with my Friday..."

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6 was probably my favourite growing up, but I've gained a lot more appreciation for the first movie since then. That said, the one thing I really hate about 6 is that fucking Alice Cooper soundtrack. Ugh..

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Anybody remember that awesome music video they had for Nightmare 3? I think it was at the end of some of the VHS copies of the movie. I loved it as a kid and strangely enough I heard the Dream Warriors song at the gym about a week ago. Havn't heard it in about 10 or 12 years.

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In 6, I thought it was an interesting touch how Jason doesn't kill the little blonde girl...she's innocent.


Which sparked much debate amongst me and my young peers at the time, as we speculated that if you "say a prayer" in Jason's presence he won't harm you, or something like that.


Any way, Jason killing annoying middle-aged paint-ballers on a weekend retreat = Gold!

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could be worse...could be Dokken from Nightmare 3.


You mean you don't like Dream Warriors? But they ain't gonna dream no more!

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My favorite Nightmare music moment is when "Anything Anything" is on in part 4 during the karate training. Love that song


You just inspired me to toss that song onto my iPod before I head to the gym.

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