King Cucaracha 0 Report post Posted February 2, 2008 We abruptly cut backstage to a scene of chaos. The lone cameraman rushes through the hallways, trailing behind a pair of referees who are just catching up to a couple of their colleagues. Shouts echo through the halls as the referees try in vain to pull apart a fight, breaking out between no less than ZACK MALIBU and BOHEMOTH!! The four officials are far from enough to keep the two from throwing fists at each other. Zack goes low on Bo and tackles him into a wall, Bo trapping him in a facelock and getting in a few uppercuts to the ribs. CHIODA Guys come on! That's enough! Chioda gets shoved out of the way as a shot sends Zack reeling down the hall. But he quickly regains his senses and turns to go back after Bo, jumping up on the bigman with right hands flying! The two turn a corner and disappear off down the hall, the officials running off after them in the vain hope of stopping them. *back to the arena* SCHIAVONE Wow. A real situation brewing backstage... let's go to the ring. *DINGDING!* BUFFER This contest is a Los Infernales Conference Semi Final Match in the 2008 Anderson Cup! .:CUE: "Chelsea Dagger", The Fratellis:. The lights alternate between red, white and blue through the intro to the song, boos ringing out as Nathaniel Black steps out onto the stage. Black raises his arms in the air and stomps to the ring confidently. BUFFER Introducing, team number one. The number eight seeds in the Los Infernales Conference... first, from London, England. Weighing in at two hundred and thirty eight pounds... NNAAAAATHHAAAANNIIIEEEEELLLLLL... BBLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCKK!!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Black slides partway under the bottom rope so he's facing into the crowd, staring out at them with contempt for a few seconds until he bridges up to his feet. SCHIAVONE So Black and O'Hara in their second match as a team, if you can call them that. And as we saw in their victory over Los Diablos two weeks ago, when they're on the same page there's potential in the team. VENTURA But there-in lies the problem. It's not a case of trying to be on the same page, they're being FORCED to be on the same page by AngleSault! I know 'Sault thinks forcing them into finding some common ground is going to sort out their differences, but I'm not so sure. That kinda thinking might work in some nine-to-five office job, but this is pro wrestling. If two people don't like each other, let 'em fight I say! SCHIAVONE It's not just 'O'Hara and Black' though Jesse. It's Black's mindset to people who don't wrestle his way, who don't act his way, that he's trying to sort out. VENTURA What the hell are you talking about Schiavone? He teams up with a crazy Samoan and a guy in a fur coat! They're hardly his kind of people under your criteria! "OOOOOOOOIIIIIIII!" "Fix Up, Look Sharp" pumps through the arena and a man who definately isn't Black's kind of people, Jamie O'Hara, walks through the entrance way with a typical swagger in his step. O'Hara throws some 'shout outs' down the camera in front of him as he heads to the ring, virtually ignored by Black who goes through his warm-ups. BUFFER And, from Birmingham, England... weighing in at one hundred and seventy pounds... "THE BIRMINGHAM BAD BOY" JJJAAAAAAAMMMMMIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE... OOOOOO'HHHHHHAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAA!!! "YYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" In slides O'Hara, jumping to the middle rope to salute his fans and backflipping off back to the mat. Not appreciating the showboating, Black gets in O'Hara face and tells him in no uncertain terms to cut the showboating out. And again the referee is forced to seperate the 'partners' before their match has even begun. VENTURA See, I just can't see these two ever getting along. Even if they do win the Anderson Cup... even if they win the Tag Titles, there's just a huge clash of personalities that's not gonna go away. As O'Hara and Black continue their disagreement from across the ring, Rise Against's "Like The Angel" hits to remind them they've got opponents to worry about as it is. Out rush MARV and MEL, the brothers Nerdly fist-pumping out to the fans as two seperate rockets of pyro go up behind them, one orange and one blue! MARV and MEL then jog on to the ring. BUFFER And introducing their opponents. Hailing from Edmonton, Alberta Canada... total combined weight, three hundred and seventy pounds. They are the number five seeds in the Los Infernales Conference and former OAOAST World Tag Team Champions... MARV and MEL... THE CHRIST AIR EEEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXPPRRRRRREEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!! "YYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" VENTURA Fireworks, huh? Wonder if their 'secret advisor' had anything to do with that. SCHIAVONE Could be. MARV and MEL get the crowd pumped as Black ducks out of the ring to let O'Hara start the match. Still the disagreements go on though while the twin brothers of The CAE are the very model of continuity. A double high-five gives way to MEL starting out with O'Hara. *DINGDINGDING!* A show of respect from the two opponents does nothing to improve Black's mood, getting on O'Hara's case as he locks up. MEL quickly grabs a side headlock and sinks down to a knee to control O'Hara. Going down with the momentum however, O'Hara pulls out a front flip, over MEL's back and onto his feet to escape the headlock. MEL shows his appreciation for the escape as despite Black's encouragement to "get on him", O'Hara lets MEL up. They lock up again and this time it's O'Hara grabbing the headlock. MEL pushes him off into the ropes and a shoulder block knocks Jamie down. Off the ropes goes MEL now. A nip-up comes out of nowhere from J-OH though, allowing him to armdrag MEL over on the rebound. MEL then walks into a Hurricanrana, cradled into a pin by O'Hara... 1... 2... MEL pushes forward, putting O'Hara down on his shoulders... 1... 2... Rolling through, O'Hara jumps to the side of MEL and throws himself back with a Standing Moonsau... NO! MEL moves... but O'Hara gets his hands out and pushes off the mat and to his feet! Sidestepping O'Hara, MEL drops down and forces him over top as he hits the ropes. O'Hara springboards up to the middle rope on the other side. But as MEL takes a step back O'Hara fakes him out, landing harmlessly on his feet in front of MEL, backflipping from the mat and hooking his legs around MEL's head for a headscissors takeover!! "YYYEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" SCHIAVONE And that is what Jamie O'Hara can do like no other in the OAOAST. Great speed, incredible athleticism. Finding himself in a neutral corner MEL pulls himself up and stops to re-collect his thoughts. O'Hara meanwhile plays up for the crowd, again to the dismay of his partner. VENTURA That kinda thing's only going to get you so far though. And Black... The fans on each side of the arena rise to their feet in unison. Not for Jamie O'Hara though, but for the sight of ZACK MALIBU AND BOHEMOTH BUNDLING THROUGH THE ENTRANCE WAY!!! Zack and Bo are now being surrounded by at least twice as many officials and suits as they were before, having the same lack of success in pulling them apart as before. Zack is sent staggering down the aisle from big right hand from Bo, the bigman shrugging off the arms of three or four referees to get another shot on Zack. He runs into a right from Zack though, the two bundling into the ring apron as the action in the ring has abruptly stopped. VENTURA What is going on here!? SCHIAVONE Zack Malibu and Bohemoth, tempers have spilt over! They had to be seperated at AnglePalooza and it's going to take the same thing to seperate them tonight by the looks of it! VENTURA It's gonna take more than they've got at the moment, that's for sure! Bohemoth and Zack brawl around the ring as right on cue, another sea of official figures and road agents rush out from the back to try and get some control. The fight continues on unabaited meanwhile, as Zack bundles Bohemoth back into the ring steps hip first, sending Black into the ring to safety. The officials finally get a hold on Zack at this point, but he manages to break free, running at Bohemoth... who cuts him off with a knee and grabs Zack by the head, sending the referees scurrying... *THUD!* "OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!" ...BEFORE THROWING ZACK OVER THE ANNOUNCE TABLE, RIGHT ONTO SOFA CENTRAL!!! Michael Cole and Coach help out the officials by scrambling for cover and running for the lives. But they needn't worry, as the refs finally get in front of Bohemoth and hold him back from getting any more shots in. [b]"LET THEM GO!" "LET THEM GO!" "LET THEM GO!" "LET THEM GO!"[/b] VENTURA Let 'em go some other time, we're in the middle of an Anderson Cup Match here! SCHIAVONE I don't think these two care Jesse. I doubt they're even aware where they are. The red mist has descended between these two and they're just worried about getting their hands on each other! VENTURA They're both sore because they're not going to AngleMania! Tell it like it is Schiavone! SCHIAVONE I don't doubt that for a second. And it looks like they blame each other for tha... LOOK OUT!!!!! "YYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" The crowd go NUTS as Zack Malibu jumps from sofa to announce table and SOARS onto the sea of people in front of him with reckless abandon! Referees, officials, road agents and Bohemoth of course go down, everybody dragging themselves up quickly in order to pull Zack off of Bohemoth! At this point more reinforcements head out from the back, the LOCKER ROOM being emptied to keep the two apart (and that's a LOT of people!). Amongst them, Leon Rodez gets a hold of Zack's arm and tries to talk some sense into him, which is going unnoticed apparantly as Zack continue to try and wrestle free. Two-thirds of the bodies are around Bohemoth as finally Zack is restrained and the people around him start to manoeuvre him back towards the backstage area. SCHIAVONE I haven't seen Zack like this in some time. He wants to go, he wants Bohemoth! VENTURA And the feeling is more than mutual let me tell ya! There's a lot of hurt pride out there, a lot of tension brimming over. SCHAVIONE O... okay, we're going to go to a break while we sort this out. Don't go anywhere, our Anderson Cup match WILL continue once we've restored order... we'll... we'll be back! [b]*COMMERCIAL BREAK!*[/b] As we return from commercial, it's a thankfully calmer scene in the arena. Zack and Bohemoth have been carted off and the action has resumed, with MARV and Nathaniel Black in mid-flow. MARV goes up and over the roadblock created by Black, rebounding off the ropes and countering with a dropkick as Black attempts to throw him up into the air! "YYEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!" SCHIAVONE Welcome back everyone. We apologise for having to leave you briefly, but we've managed to get control and this crucial Anderson Cup Match continues on, as a tag is made. Controlling the arm with a wristlock, MARV holds Black in place for an axehandle smash from the top by MEL. Grabbing the arm, MEL then wrings it out into a wristlock of his own... but suddenly gets yanked forward by Black and turned INSIDE OUT with a Short-Arm Lariat!! "OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" VENTURA That's gonna change the complexion of things. Black picks MEL up off the canvas and runs him back across the ring, into his team's corner. As he stomps away, O'Hara slaps Black on the back and tags himself in. Oddly Black doesn't seem too concerned by that and continues kicking away without getting on his partner's back. Waiting for Black to get out of the way, O'Hara then slingshots himself into the ring, coming in with a dropkick against the bottom turnbuckle on MEL! He drags MEL out of the corner, hooking a leg... 1... 2... No! O'Hara brings MEL back to his feet, before taking him with with a snap suplex. Positioning himself in front of Black, O'Hara then sets... and hits a Standing Corkscrew Press!! 1... 2... NO! BLACK Oi! Gimme a tag! O'Hara obliges and Black waits for him to get into position in the corner. Stomping MEL, Black then positions himself beside the prone MEL and sets, for a Standing... up yours hand gesture to O'Hara, before applying a chinlock on MEL! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" VENTURA Haha! There's some wrestling right there, none of this gymnastic crap! SCHIAVONE And you can hear which these fans in Cleveland prefer. VENTURA Well, we are in America. Style over substance, truer than ever considering we're in SuperBowl weekend. Fighting to his feet, MEL is abruptly chopped back down with a European uppercut from the European competitor. "That's how us English wrestle!" Black yells at his partner, before tagging in aggressively back into the fray. Shrugging, O'Hara follows his partner's lead, hitting MEL with a considerably less effective European uppercut. MEL stays on his feet, so O'Hara is encouraged to hit another one... but instead he sweeps out MEL's legs and hits a Standing Moonsault! 1... 2... NO! SCHIAVONE Two very different approaches, but the end result is the same, MEL in trouble. VENTURA Yeah, but I don't think Black's convinced somehow. As MEL pulls himself up, O'Hara crouches down waiting on him. SuperJay then takes flight with a spinkick... ducked by MEL, but O'Hara lands on his feet. A waistlock prevents MEL from getting over to make a tag. O'Hara struggles to keep a hold on MEL however, especially when an elbow cracks him up under the jaw. Standing switch by MEL, going behind and applying a full nelson. O'Hara squirms free of the hold and sits down, throwing up his legs looking to cradle MEL. But MEL catches him in a wheelbarrow and throws him up, back onto his feet, re-applying the full nelson and driving him forward with a Full Nelson Facebuster!! SCHIAVONE Face-first goes O'Hara, no way to sugar coat that! Sensing the same thing, MEL turns Jamie over and reaches back for a leg... 1... 2... Kickout! With the pinfall not succeeding, MEL heads for his corner to make the tag now. SCHIAVONE In comes the fresh man, MARV, looking to get over his Lethal Rumble disappointment here tonight. MARV quickly brings O'Hara up and lands a forearm. A second. And a third. O'Hara falls to one knee and MARV grabs a wrist, pulling him back to his feet and whipping him into the ropes. Around the world goes J-OH... and out the other side he comes, landing on his feet and hitting a flipping dropkick! O'Hara then rolls over to his corner, getting the tag out to Nathaniel Black. SCHIAVONE Black wasn't exactly stretching for that. VENTURA Doesn't matter, he's in and he's got MARV in his sights. As MARV picks himself up, Black catches him from behind with a Half Nelson Backbreaker!! Cover... 1... 2... KICKOUT!! With two handfuls of hair (something not going unnoticed by the referee), Black drags MARV right back up. A headbutt unsteadies the Canadian heartthrob. And a second, same effect, setting MARV up as Black hits the ropes... but the Lariat is ducked! MARV boots Black as he turns around and floats over, looking for a sunset flip. The 185 pounds MARV struggles to bring Nathaniel down however, needing the help of MEL with a running dropkick to haul the Englishman down... 1... 2... NO! As Black kicks out, Jamie O'Hara springs back into the match, springboarding to the top and wiping out MEL with a Springboard Somersault Seated Senton! SCHIAVONE You simply can't take your eyes off of Jamie O'Hara for a second! Rolling off of MEL, O'Hara waits in the wings as Black sends MARV off the ropes with an irish whip. As he rebounds MARV tumbles forwards with a roll, forcing Black to hurdle him. As MARV rolls through, O'Hara comes off the ropes in front of him with the Busaiku Knee Kick... but MARV ducks and [i]Black[/i] ends up getting the knee to the face! "YYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" SCHIAVONE Uh-oh, a miscue there. VENTURA Or was it? SCHIAVONE Oh, I think that was unintentional Jesse. With Black down, O'Hara freezes for a second and gets spun around by MARV. A scoop and a slam only half succeeds though, O'Hara floating up and over and getting the slam on MARV. No prizes for guessing where O'Hara heads now. Up top, looking to fly. SCHIAVONE We could see any number of things from the top rope with Jamie. One of those being a punch to the gut, courtesy of MEL. On the opposite side of the turnbuckles from O'Hara, MEL stops him from reaching the top with shots to the midsection which leave O'Hara stranded on the middle turnbuckle outside. With O'Hara stunned MEL then climbs up with him. Both men are precariously placed on the middle rope on the outside, holding onto each other for support while they exchange shots. As this is going on, MARV recovers and quickly rolls back to his feet, climbing to the middle rope on the [i]inside[/i] and looking to help out his partner. VENTURA This cannot end well Tony. Three men in a very dangerous position! MEL and MARV get their shots in on O'Hara, but the Englishman lands an elbow to the gut on MARV. O'Hara then hits a right hand on MEL. Holding onto the top turnbuckle, MEL manages to avoid falling to the floor. He then reels back for a right of his own... but O'Hara has the same idea, both men punching each other at the same time and BOTH FALLING FROM THE MIDDLE BUCKLE TO THE ARENA FLOOR BELOWii "OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" VENTURA Something had to give and it gave right there. SCHIAVONE O'Hara and MEL just took each other out of the equation, in a big way. As they lay on the outside, MARV finds himself all alone up on the middle rope. Before he can think of climbing back down however, Nathaniel Black reaches up from underneath and Powerbombs him down!! Black stacks MARV on his shoulders... 1... 2... KICKOUT!! SCHIAVONE Only two, but with MEL and O'Hara out of the picture we may be down to a one on one match. VENTURA Which can only suit Nathaniel Black! Dragging MARV into the centre of the ring, Black crosses the arms underneath and sets him up for the Pyramid Bomb. MARV does his best to block the lift, dropping to a knee. Black is too powerful though and muscles MARV back up, throwing him up onto the shoulders. However he loses the arms with the lift, allowing MARV to float over the back with a sunset flip... 1... Black rolls through with the momentum and laces up the legs, deadlifting MARV up off the canvas for another traditional Powerbo... ...NO, MARV floats through this time, landing on his feet in front of Black. Hooking the head, MARV then trips out the leg, as MEL slides into the ring and connects with the Enziguri, Black then driven face-first with the Flatliner, sending him to the PEARLY GATES!! SCHIAVONE No, it's MEL, The Christ Air Express with a patented double-team move! MEL carries on out of the ring, as MARV hooks the leg... 1... 2... 3!!!! "YYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" Black kicks out a split second too late, O'Hara a split second too late getting back into the ring as well. MARV jumps up and embraces MEL, the brothers Nerdly having their hands raised in victory as O'Hara pulls himself up and wonders what happened. SCHIAVONE What a victory for MEL and MARV, let's get the official word! BUFFER Your winners of the match, advancing to the Los Infernales Conference Final... THE CHRIST AAAAAIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRR EEEXXXXPPRRRRRREEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!!!! "YYYYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!" MARV and MEL leave the ring with fists pumping and eyes gleaming, while Black starts to pull himself up. Looking a little shaken-up still, Black shakes out his head and glares as O'Hara questions him over... well, getting beat. Clearly blaming his partner for the errant knee earlier, Black tells O'Hara to "back off". But as a chant of "LOOO - SER, LOOO - SER" rings through the arena, Jamie cheekily waves for the fans to get louder... *WHAM!* ...AND GETS A LARIAT FOR HIS TROUBLES!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" VENTURA And all bets are off now! Black staggers a little as he stands back up, getting his bearings before putting the boots to O'Hara. But as he does so, MARV and MEL rush back from the aisle and dive into the ring to make the save! Black quickly hightails it out of the ring, holding his head all the while as The Christ Air Express check O'Hara is okay. SCHIAVONE Nathaniel Black proving himself to be a sore loser once again. VENTURA That's got nothing to do with it. Black was told he and O'Hara had to get along as long as they were in the Anderson Cup. Well, now he doesn't have to worry about standing the sight of him anymore, he can just clothesline his head off! SCHIAVONE And I guess AngleSault is back to square one with Nathaniel Black. As Black marches off, O'Hara is helped to his feet by The Christ Air Express. O'Hara graciously shakes the hands of MARV and MEL and raises their hands in the air, with "Like The Angel" striking up again. SCHIAVONE And The Christ Air Express, two matches away from the change of a lifetime at AngleMania! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites