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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

How could the NWO angle get any better?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I want JJ back about 10 million times more than all the NWO guys combined.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

JJ has more talent than HHH...is better on promos than HHH...




Isn't it funny that JJ opted out of the WWF when HHH rose in power?



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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Hey there are tons of files.


The RVD is just the big one at the moment.


It all started with the Barry Horowitz file.


Barry was over as hell during his feud with Candido.  Someone asked me once (in relation to RVD not being pushed) Barry Horowitz was so over why didn't he get pushed?


A little research and it all became clear:


Horowitz hit his most over point around Summerslam 1995.  Guess who made their debut that same PPV?


That's Right...HHH.




It begins.

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Guest sebstarr

Wait now, hold up...Is this the same Eric Bischoff that ran WCW into the ground even tho he had pretty much every conceivable advantage over McMahon. This is the same Bischoff that would have done the invasion angle sooo much better?


Yeah right, I'm not saying that the WWF hit any home runs with the angle, but they were snakebit by a total lack of star power, and by the fact that they really couldnt use the ECW likeness because of legal issues. Plus, nobody ever gave a shit about WCW until the NWO showed up, and when the angle got cold, so did WCW. People seem to forget that WCW wasnt exactly thriving when it WENT OUT OF BUSINESS, so there was a severe uphill climb. A climb the WWF couldnt make.


Getting back to Bischoff, I really dont see the need in bringing him in. Casual fans dont give a crap about Bischoff, so the only reason why he would be brought in is to throw the smarks shoot bones. Same with Bret, he never drew a dime. Ask Russo if designing your programs around smarts is good.


Plus, Bischoff put himself over Flair at Starrcade. Little ass 150 pound Bischoff. And people talk about Vince having an ego. Vince has treated Flair better in the three or so months he has had him, then Eric did in damn near a decade. Eric isnt really a wrestling guy, he cares little for the business, he just got into it to try and lauch a mainstream entertainment career. Fuck him, nobody respects him. Both Bischoff and Goldberg can go to hell.

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Guest Tony149

If the WWF brings up how Eric was once the WCW V.P. and did everything he could to kill the WWF, it might not be bad.

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Guest Slingshot Suplex

Personally I'd be more entertained if the whole thing turned into a swerve and out came Stevie,Meanie and Nova.

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Guest Tony149

Yes, the bWo. The split off WWF could bring in the bWo as a rib on the nWo. Just like ECW did.

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Guest TheMikeSC

JJ has more talent than HHH.



Umm, WHAT?


JJ has more talent than HHH?


He did a bang-up job of hiding it in his WCW stint from '99 until the promotion died.


Heck, Cornette was telling a story in his shoot inteview. Somebody asked Jeff's dad who would be the first guy he'd fire, outside of his son. Jerry said 'Heck, why not Jeff? You can find anybody to say slapnuts and hit a guy with a guitar'.


While HHH was busy cranking out 5 star matches in 2000, Jeff was busy churning out mediocrity in WCW.



..is better on promos than HHH...



Saying "Slapnuts" makes him a better promo guy?


My lord, Christian & Edge hit the cheap heel heat route less often than Jarrett.





Isn't it funny that JJ opted out of the WWF when HHH rose in power?






Isn't it funny he left when his savior Russo left the company and he realized that his saving grace was departing and the push he enjoyed (mind you, it took the WWF YEARS to get him even remotely over) would end?



...Amazed at just how bad the WCW ME scene was at the start of 2000.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Ah...another opinion.


HHH promos are intense right?


And now that he's back he doesn't move aroung the ring like the Big Show, right?


JJ was the only thing remotely interesting about WCW in 2000.


JJ could have a good match with anyone (CHYNA?)


but HHH can only have good matches with good workers (Austin, Jericho, Foley, and the rest)


HHH promos are boring, not intense.

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Guest Tony149

SCSA & JR had heat with J.J. So it was smart that he left with Russo knowing he would get a push.

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Guest Brian

HHH bumped like hell in those matches and threw in his fair share. How can people say Triple H carried Rock in the iron man match and then say Triple H could only be a decent worker. It's not a two-way street.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I never said that he carried Rock in that Iron Man match.


I never even beleived that.


I think that match is grossly overrated.


first ten minutes:  Stall.


next 50 minutes:  11 finishes.


OF course 11 finishes is going to make a match more exciting.


That doesn't make it a good match...just exciting.


Who needs to carry anyone in a match that sees a finish every 4 and a half minutes (since the first 10...literally nothing happened)

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Guest TheMikeSC

Ah...another opinion.


HHH promos are intense right?





I don't even LIKE his promos, to be honest----but they're worlds better than Jarrett's.



And now that he's back he doesn't move aroung the ring like the Big Show, right?



Hmm, I'm trying to think of the last really bad match he had. I guess the ME at Backlash.




JJ was the only thing remotely interesting about WCW in 2000.




Funny, I found Booker far more interesting.


Not a little more interesting, mind you---FAR more interesting----and he was better on the mic, to boot.


And being the "top draw" for a company that can't draw anybody doesn't say much.



JJ could have a good match with anyone (CHYNA?)



Hmm, interesting definition of what constitutes a good match ya got there.


HHH worked a good match with Undertaker (UNDERTAKER?) at WrestleMania.


JJ can't touch that.



but HHH can only have good matches with good workers (Austin, Jericho, Foley, and the rest)




Well, except for Rikishi.


And Tazz.


And Undertaker.


Take away those guys and, yes, you have a point.



HHH promos are boring, not intense.



True, they are dull.


But they are much better than JJ's repetitious promos.



..Wondering how many people who wax nostalgic about Jarrett actually watched WCW in 1999 and 2000.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

You thinking that UT/HHH from Mania was a good match tells me everything that I need to know about you and your opinions.


You do have a good thing going here, though...taking my posts, cutting and pasting...and then putting your opinions under mine as if they are right.  


Way to go.

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Guest Brian

Just like every WWF match of the last two years, it's grossly overrated. It's still a really good match, deserving of ***3/4 stars and a US MOTYC. Match was much better than Bret/Shawn, which was all stall. Finishes flowed and were original.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I agree.


But it's not as if anyone needs to be carried through a match like that.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

bps, the match was watchable, which is more than i can say for most taker matches.  that alone gets some props from me.  i think *** was a fair rating, solid, but totally forgettable in the grand scheme of things, especially considering the TLC and main event + benoit/angle iirc were all much better.  correct me if im wrong, my memory is hazy.

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Guest TheMikeSC

You thinking that UT/HHH from Mania was a good match tells me everything that I need to know about you and your opinions.




If you're going to call Jarrett v Chyna good, you really have no room to talk.


Sounds like somebody doesn't like somebody disagreeing with him.



You do have a good thing going here, though...taking my posts, cutting and pasting...and then putting your opinions under mine as if they are right.  


Way to go.




What's with the snotty attitude?


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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I think the only reason that anyone remembers that match as being good is because HHH actually put someone over.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Chyna/JJ was better than HHH/UT.


People have such a hard on for HHH they overrate everything he does.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

lol, thats a pretty fair assessment, though personally i feel he did put on some pretty nice matches 2000/01, culminating at no way out.  he will have quite a hard time getting back to that level though, and most of this is because he is so damn slow now.

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Guest TheMikeSC

Chyna/JJ was better than HHH/UT.




And I vehemently disagree.


Yet I manage to not insult YOU in the process.


Amazing, huh?




People have such a hard on for HHH they overrate everything he does.




And WCW marks didn't do the same for Jarrett, who hasn't had a match hit above 3 stars in a few years now?


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Guest goodhelmet

"You do have a good thing going here, though...taking my posts, cutting and pasting...and then putting your opinions under mine as if they are right. "


It's a good strategy. I employ it myself.


Both matches left something to be desired. HHH/UT was a shock because HHH put someone over. Unfortunately, it was the UT. Chyna/JJ was shocking cos JJ carried Chyna to a watchable, not good, match.

Bret-Shawn rocks this world in any capacity even if Bret had attitude problems.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I just looked to see what Keith thought and found that I'm not the only one who thought so...


He has JJ/Chyna from Unforgiven 99 rated higher than Taker/HHH from Mania.


Go figure.

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