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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

How could the NWO angle get any better?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

From Rajah


- There are also rumors that Eric Bischoff will join the nWo within the next few months. The WWF had previously attempted to sign Bischoff but those talks fell through. However, now reports indicate that Bischoff to the WWF is a "lock".




That's what this angle needs!



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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

It's time to put my Eric Bischoff pic back under my name.




Preperations must be made.

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Guest goodhelmet

Bischoff as the leader would give the angle some more credibility. But if they're gonna go through with this thing full force, they have to let the fans toss trash in the ring. It just wouldn't be the nwo without a ring full of garbage. I think it was Hennig who got knocked upside the head with a cup or plastic bottle or something. Classic.

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Guest Downhome
From Rajah


- There are also rumors that Eric Bischoff will join the nWo within the next few months. The WWF had previously attempted to sign Bischoff but those talks fell through. However, now reports indicate that Bischoff to the WWF is a "lock".




That's what this angle needs!



The moment WWFE bought WCW, I thought they should hire Eric Bishoff, he would be a huge asset...


...I also think Eric pulls off the cocky, power hungry, "cool" boss ten times as well as Vince. Eric needs to come on, and let it be known that the nWo just used Vince and the WWF to get into the WWF, and then just run wild.


Hell, can you imagine Eric Bishoff Vs. Vince McMahon for Wrestlemania!? That would just be, outstanding.

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Guest Tony149

Bischoff would of done wonders for the WCW invasion. Him & Heyman could of done the WCW/ECW invasion 10 times better than Shane & Steph did.

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Guest goodhelmet

I just hope they don't let Bischoff pretend he's the host of a late night program. That was crap! If I see Jay Leno on smackdown, I'm turning the tv off.

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Guest Tony149

The closest thing Eric would getto a talk show if he signs with the WWF is those nWo "paid ads".

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

So...I figure that sooner or later the NWO will turn against Vince and allign themselves with Bischoff.


Screw Hogan...McMahon vs. Bischoff = Good TV

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Guest Downhome
Bischoff would of done wonders for the WCW invasion. Him & Heyman could of done the WCW/ECW invasion 10 times better than Shane & Steph did.

Hell, the fact that they even put Shane & Steph at the head of that angle in the first place was simply a forshadowing that it would fail.


I mean really, they bring back ECW, and NOT allow Paul Heyman to be the true owner? As one Hurricane would say...


...what's up wit dat!?


The show that ECW reformed, it was both one of my favorite moments ever in Pro. Wrestling history (when the ECW guys got together, and Heyman got in the ring as seemingly their "leader/owner") and also one of my least favorite moments ever in Pro. Wrestling history (when the ECW guys JOINED the WCW guys, and then STEPH of all people was annouced as the actual "leader/owner" of ECW).


That one show both boosted the Invasion angle, and destroyed it in my eyes. Of course, leave it up to the WWF to pull that one off.


Had BISHOFF been the leader/owner of WCW, and HEYMAN been the leader/owner of ECW, and they worked TOGETHER to invade WCW, then we would have had something magical on our hands.

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Guest goodhelmet

you're right. Bischoff vs. McMahon would be great. the shoot promos could keep flying if Mcmahon allows it. I just wish Hogan and Nash weren't in the thick of things.

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Guest Tony149

Hogan & Nash need to be "in the thick of things." Eric needs his big money "boys" to fight Vince. I think Vince would let the shoot promos fly. He did somewhat with Heyman.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

though bischoff returning could be really cool, it will probably just result in vince burying bischoff out of revenge.  though the possibility for *awesome* tv is there if bischoff is revealed as the *real* mastermind of the nwo.

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Guest Tony149

If Vince makes Eric his bitch, which he probably will. He should do it on PPV. Let Bischoff get the best of him on TV, but when they go at it, then Vince can do whatever the hell he wants.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

that would be ok, because no way vince wont put himself over bischoff.  but the same thing wil probably happen as did with wcw, vince will just belittle and destroy bischoff on tv, totally ruining any perceived chance of him being a threat.


this whole scenario also sets up vince face turn #476, which will lead into vince heel turn #477.

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Guest Tony149

If somebody can tell Vince the guys he's facing need to look good before beating them. Then the whole angle has a chance.

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

that seems to be the problem, vince allegedly seems to be just vetoing any stories he doesnt like.  and im pretty sure that he wouldnt be terribly fond of a story where he was *gasp* made to look threatened, even for the shortest amount of time.

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Guest Downhome

Ok, let's say Eric Bishoff DOES sign with the WWF to take up whatever role, then what? Ok, let me specify what I mean, what happens backstage?


As you all know, there is MORE THAN ONE guy backstage that has legit heat with Eric, and it could be rough. They would have to take EVERY precaution against anything going on if he was to come in!


Eric used to be MANY of those guy's BOSS, but when/if he comes back, he wouldn't be a boss, he would just be one of them, just an employee!


How would guys like Austin, Benoit, Jericho, etc... etc... take to him, the guy who was a big reason they left WCW, being in the WWF, and in one of the BIGGEST WWF angles?


Just a thought, I want to see what you guys think of this issue. :-)

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

when they left, bischoff was the boss and had the power, now when he returns, bischoff has very little power, and benoit/austin/jericho are all established uppercarders.  bischoff would have to rebuild a number of bridges very quickly.  especially austin, (didnt bischoff fire him by fedex or something?).

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Guest Tony149

They probably wouldn't be thrilled with it, but I think they would geta kick out of knowing now Bischoff is just an employee. The top guys would probably act professional.

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Guest The Electrifyer

How could the nWo get any better??? Well, they should turn it against Vince McMahon, I say, and then have Bret Hart come back to lead the New World Order against Vince. I know it'll never happen, but it could be like Bret's revenge for Surivor Series 97.

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Guest goodhelmet

Yeah, Bret Hart returning in ANY capacity would be a million times better than Hogan or Nash or Bischoff coming into the WWF. Talk about emotion and a feud that would sell!

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Guest The Vanilla Midget

bischoff has better history though, and i think he would be better used for the nwo.  although bret does have his whole vince = devil thing going... but still, when i think of the nwo, i see bischoff before i see bret.

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Guest goodhelmet

If Bret returned to the WWF, you wouldn't need the dinosaurs because the intensity, hatred and pain would be real instead of the manufactured NWO product we are going to receive. Bret-Vince would be the ultimate markout!

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Guest TheMikeSC

From Rajah


- There are also rumors that Eric Bischoff will join the nWo within the next few months. The WWF had previously attempted to sign Bischoff but those talks fell through. However, now reports indicate that Bischoff to the WWF is a "lock".




That's what this angle needs!




So, after stepping on the proverbial nail with the idiotic nWo angle in the first place, the WWF will now smack itself in the head with a hammer by hiring EB?


Man, it's amazing how inept WCW was run because the WWF seemed so intelligent and logical when WCW was around. I guess without the comparison, the WWF's problems shine a little more.



...Heck, why not bring back Russo next?

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Guest muswp1

The one thing that would get the NWO angle down perfectly would be to have Vince lead the NWO until Wrestlemania, then have Bischoff suprise Vince and the NWO would immeaditely punk Vince out.  Then Vince would grab five or six of the wrestlers that Bischoff screwed with the most (Flair, Austin, Benoit, Jericho, etc...) and they could easily play that out until the rumored split.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



Does anyone really WANT the NWO angle to work?



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