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I recieved King's Quest Collection in the mail, today

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Ok, so I bought this King's Quest Collection CD-ROM computer game off of Amazon.com, and got it in the mail, today. It includes the first 7 King's Quest games. My favorite, bar none, is part 6 where Prince Alexander goes on this mission to save Princess Cassima from the evil Vizer, Abdull Alhazered. This was easily the best of the whole King's Quest series, because of the best stoyline behind it.




Anyone else know about King's Quest?

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Guest Smues

Six is awesome, as is 5. I bought the King's Quest Collection along with the Space Quest Collection and Leisure Suit Larry Collection back when they were all released. The King's Quest and Space Quest collections rock, but they fucked us over on the Larry collection. Yes, a year and a half later and I'm still angry about that.


Back on topic, I spent a LOT of time playing King's Quest 6 back in the day trying to figure out all those damned puzzles.

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Six is awesome, as is 5. I bought the King's Quest Collection along with the Space Quest Collection and Leisure Suit Larry Collection back when they were all released. The King's Quest and Space Quest collections rock, but they fucked us over on the Larry collection. Yes, a year and a half later and I'm still angry about that.


Back on topic, I spent a LOT of time playing King's Quest 6 back in the day trying to figure out all those damned puzzles.



I have the actual hintbook for King's Quest VI, and it's helping me a lot. Plus, there's also some walkthrough videos up on YouTube, if you're stuck on some things.

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Guest Smues
Six is awesome, as is 5. I bought the King's Quest Collection along with the Space Quest Collection and Leisure Suit Larry Collection back when they were all released. The King's Quest and Space Quest collections rock, but they fucked us over on the Larry collection. Yes, a year and a half later and I'm still angry about that.


Back on topic, I spent a LOT of time playing King's Quest 6 back in the day trying to figure out all those damned puzzles.



I have the actual hintbook for King's Quest VI, and it's helping me a lot. Plus, there's also some walkthrough videos up on YouTube, if you're stuck on some things.


If it's the hintbook I hope it is then all I have to say is:

"I found the hatchet, but where's the magic hen?"


Yeah I confuse people whenever I just burst that one out randomly.

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Guest Smues
I don't think there's a magic hen in King's Quest VI. Maybe you're thinking of something else.


Damn you must have a different hints guide than the one I had.

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Yeah I picked up the KQ Collection at a Best Buy one day. All the puzzle answers came rushing back and I beat I in like 45 minutes. Forgot how easy I was once you had figured out the quickest way through everything. I need to go back and play through the rest of them once I finish Rogue Galaxy. I beat most of the early titles when I was a kid, but the only one I beat in the last half of the series was VI. Dammit, now I want to go play it.

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I just managed to win King's Quest VI in record time, today. Now, once I get my strategy in place, I'm gonna try and win King's Quest V. But, I'm still stoked about this.

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