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Zack Malibu

HD:Zack and Bo

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We head backstage to see Zack Malibu, prepped for action (no pun inten...ah, yes it was), exiting his locker room. As soon as the door closes behind him he turns, and comes face to face with Bohemoth. The two share a tense moment, both men probably wanting to knock the others jaw loose, but cooler heads prevail, and instead Bo starts talking rather than punching.



So, what are you, the resident mystery partner all of a sudden? First a few weeks ago, and that I could see...you've got a history with Cone. Now tonight, with Tha Puerto Rican? C'mon Zack, what happened to Mr. Fan Favorite, siding with a goon like that? Pressure finally getting to you?



Smartass. See, you're so intent on trying to make me out to be the bad guy in all this, but you've got tunnel vision. Me and PRL, we're not friends. Not even close. But he came up to me, face to face...something you're not familiar with lately, and asked me for my help because no one in this company is more familiar with Popick than I am. Now think about it...I'm in a match with the World Champion tonight, someone that I've beaten many times before, and someone that has something that I want...and knowing Popick the way I do, what happens if I pin him tonight, Bo? What happens if I pin the World Heavyweight Champion on national television. I get *that much* closer to the World Title, while you've still got steam coming out of your ears over the Lethal Rumble. If I pin Popick tonight, it looks good in the record books, and it means that instead of chasing the belt, the person with the belt might start chasing me. So where does that leave you, Bo? Bitter? Angry? You and I, we've got issues and we're going to settle them at Anglemania...but you need to play it smart. Opportunity knocked tonight, and I took it. For one night only, Zack Malibu and Tha Puerto Rican are going to see eye to eye, which is longer than you and I have lately. I know it's eating you up inside, everything that's been going on lately. Things have gone further than we wanted, and there's no going back now. We're going to the big time, the grandest stage in all of wrestling so that we can hopefully bury the hatchet. I'm just worried that you might try to bury one in my back before then.



You're not giving me enough credit, Zack.



Not true, Bo, I'm giving you a lot of credit, because like I said...I saw an opportunity tonight. Who's to say you won't see one en route to Anglemania? I'm just saying, face to face, save it for then. Don't let this thing break down further than it did. I'm just giving you fair warning that my eyes are open. I learned a long time ago not to put anything past anyone, friend or foe. You might be watching my back, or you just might be measuring up the spot to plant the knife, I'm not sure. At least with PRL there's no question what kind of guy he is.



And teaming with him doesn't put you in a shade of grey?



No one said it doesn't...but at least I said my piece on it. I know why I'm doing what I'm doing. I'm just wondering if you're living your life to get to the top, to get the belt that you and I both realize can take us to the top of the mountain, or to make my life a living hell. I'm wondering what's more important to you. Like I said, the match at Anglemania is signed and set. You and I are going to have a hell of a lot of frustration to let out...in the meantime, you're dwelling on it, while I'm stepping into the ring with the man who has what you and I both want. So who's coming out ahead tonight, Bo? How's that for our "friendly competition"?


Malibu pats Bo on the shoulder and walks past, heading for the gorilla position. Bo turns, a sneer stretched across his face, as the screen fades to black, and segues into a word from our sponsor.

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