King Cucaracha 0 Report post Posted February 21, 2008 [b]"PREPARE...FOR...LANDON!"[/b] [i]...WAAAAAHHHHH... *DUM DUM*[/i] "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" COLE Ten man tag team action, let's go to the ring! As "Megalomaniac" blasts through the arena, the entrance way becomes a sea of humanity as out pile the entire force of Cucaracha Internacional. One extra body is in there somewhere this week, as Landon Maddix makes sure to point out, Todd Cortez stands with his head down and a Cucaracha Internacional t-shirt on, just like his team-mates. All except Faqu, of course. BUFFER This ten man tag team contest is scheduled for one fall! On the way to the ring, team number one. Total combined weight, one THOUSAND, one hundred and eighty one pounds! The team of "THE TRENDSETTER" JAMES BLONDE... "THE SAMOAN WRECKING BALL", FAQUUUUUUU... "THE URBAN LEGEND" TODD CORTEZ... NATHANIEL BLACK... and, being accompanied by his manager, MEGAN SKYE! He is the former OAOAST World Heavyweight Champion... LANDON... "LA CUCARACHA"... MMMMMAAAAAAAAADDIIIIIIXXXXXXX!! Together, they comprise the team known as... CUCARACHA... INTERNACIONAL!!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Blonde pulls open his faux fur coat to flash the new t-shirt, available at today! The fivesome make their seperate ways into the ring, with Todd keeping a noticeable distance from the rest. COLE So, Cucaracha Internacional to team together in full for the first time here tonight on HeldDOWN~! And as you can see, they welcome a new member to the ranks. Todd Cortez, after he lost last week in controversial circumstances I might add, now forced to be a part of Cucaracha Internacional and once again follow the lead of Landon Maddix. COACH You know, you did this last week and you're still on it, making that sound like a bad thing. COLE And I'm wrong about that? COACH The best place for Todd Cortez is under the tutelage of La Cucaracha. Lets face it, he was never going to make it on his own. Now he's back with Landon, just like he was in Martial Law, just like The Wildcards. Count the number of titles he won back then, compare with the number he won since he went off on his own. Discuss. The six members of Cucaracha Internacional all watch on from the ring, as "God Of Thunder" by KISS blares out and the first of the opponents heads out. Yellow strobe lights pick out Thunderkid in the otherwise darkened arena, marching to the ring with a purpose. BUFFER And, the opponents! First, from Green Bay, Wisconsin... weighing two hundred, fifty pounds... THHUUUUUUUUUUNNDDEEEEEERRRR - KKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDD!!! "YYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" As soon as TK hits ringside, "Fix Up, Look Sharp" replaces his music and Jamie O'Hara marches out to join him. Hey, no time to hang around. BUFFER Weighing in at one hundred and eighty three pounds and hailing from Birmingham, England... he is "THE BIRMINGHAM BAD BOY"... JJAAAAAAMMIIIIIIEEEEEE O'HHHHHAAAAAAARRRRRRAAAAAAAAAA!!! "YYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" O'Hara is all but ready to hit the ring at first, but thinks better of it as he sees the numbers. Instead he pitches up next to Thunderkid, the two nodding to each other in a show of respect. COLE How Jamie O'Hara would love to finally get his hands on Nathaniel Black tonight. COACH And vice versa. .:CUE: "Love Generation", Bob Sinclar:. If Thunderkid and O'Hara got warm receptions then the crowd reach boiling point for the arrival of the Six Man Tag Team Champions. Leading the way is Jade Rodez, with the amped up boybanders Tyler and Shayne on either side fuelling the fires of the crowd in the Joe Louis Arena. Behind them is Leon Rodez, much cooler about the homecoming than the others and simply waving to a couple of sections of the crowd before they're all pointed on to the ring. BUFFER And, the final members of the team! They are accompanied to the ring by Ms. JADE RODEZ! At a total combined weight of five hundred and ninety nine pounds... the current OAOAST Six Man Tag Team Champions! Hailing from the state of MICHIGAN... "SHOWTIME" SHAYNE BRAVE and "TREMENDOUS" TYLER BRYANT, they are D*LLLUUUUUXXXXXX!! And, their tag team partner. He is Silky Smooth, he is "LUSCIOUS" LEON RODEZ!! Together, are the LLLOOOOOOOOVVEEEEE GGEEENNEEERRRRRRAAAAAAATTIIIIIIOOOOOOOONN!!!! "YYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" The five members of Cucaracha Internacional watch on from the floor now as Love Generation slide into the ring and work the turnbuckles. Thunderkid doesn't get involved with the hot-dogging, going through his own warm-ups. And O'Hara just stands by the ropes, mouthing off to Nathaniel Black. The two Brits exchange words while Blonde and Maddix concentrate on keeping Faqu calm until the bell rings. Off at the side, Todd Cortez distances himself from his new stable-mates despite Landon's attempts to get his troops together. COLE What a reaction here in Detroit for the natives of Michigan, D*LUX and Leon Rodez! COACH So they're popular in their home state? Big whoop. COLE Yes, it was a big whoop. I just said that. COACH You're an idiot. The point is, these people are bias. I could get a reaction like that in Kanses. Even you get a reaction in wherever in the hell it was you were spawned. Nobody cares. COLE ...and with that, we're thankfully ready to go. *DINGDINGDING!* After some last minute huddles, it'll be Jamie O'Hara to start out, with James Blonde from the Cucaracha Internacional side. Not what Jamie had hoped for. O'Hara looks right past Blonde to Nathaniel Black, daring him step into the ring. Black shrugs him off, to which O'Hara responds with some [i]double-dog[/i] dares! But his pre-occupation with Black ends up distracting The Birmingham Bad Boy, allowing Blonde to get in a quick cheapshot! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Blonde stomps away on O'Hara as Black smirks away in the corner. Pulling O'Hara up, Blonde then sends him into the ropes, ducking his head early for a backdrop. Over the top tumbles O'Hara, landing on his feet and carrying on into the far ropes. Blonde quickly regroups and tries to catch him on the rebound. But O'Hara manages to count the sideslam attempt, bringing Blonde over with a headscissors takedown! COLE Catching Jamie O'Hara is like trying to pour smoke through a keyhole. COACH Who in the world does that anyway? Why would you want to? Rolling through to his feet Blonde charges at O'Hara, but gets sent on into the ropes with a sidestep. Up goes O'Hara with a leapfrog and Blonde sees his chance, putting on the brakes as he goes underneath and waiting for Jamie to land... before running into an elbow! O'Hara then backflips, hooking the head and pulling Blonde over with another headscissors! Love Generation, and to a lesser extent Thunderkid, raise the roof for that. But O'Hara gets a little too ahead of himself and runs right into a knee as he charges Blonde in the corner. Landon bounces around on the apron and indicates that O'Hara just got 'served', while Blonde pushes up onto the middle rope and signs for a DDT. As he reaches out to grab O'Hara though, J'OH suddenly jumps up and catches him in the shoulder with a kick! COACH AH! Hang on... Blonde grabs the rope to avoid falling to the floor. His stay on the ropes doesn't last long anyway though, as O'Hara leaps to the middle rope, springboarding off and pulling Blonde from the buckles with yet another headscissor variation! "YYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" COLE Wow! Blonde brought down the hardway right there! O'Hara tries an early cover... 1... 2... Kickout. Tag is made to Tyler Bryant, getting a loud scream of approval from the crowd. Tyler kicks Blonde in the exposed midsection before taking over from O'Hara, whipping Blonde to the ropes and connecting with a beautiful standing dropkick! 1... 2... Kickout. Undettered, Tyler takes a moment to appeal to the crowd as he pulls Blonde up again. Realising he's in trouble though, Blonde quickly goes to the gut with a knee and scrambles to the corner, getting the tag to Nathaniel Black. COLE Well, Black had no problem coming in that time, with O'Hara out on the apron. COACH He marches to the beat of his own drum, Michael. He's not going to step into the ring just because some scrawny little punk is mouthing off at him to do so. Making a far from auspicious start, Black runs right into an armdrag from Tyler and finds himself locked in an armbar. The European technician has few problems finding his way out of that though. Pushing the hand into the jaw, he forces the head back, allowing him to kick up and trap Tyler in a headscissors. Tyler manages to escape that with a kip-up though and beats Black to his feet, meeting him with a dropkick! A second dropkick puts Black back down! And a third, sending Black rolling right back to Cucaracha Internacional territory! COLE Black tried to go to the mat where he's most comfortable, but Tyler had other ideas. And that series of dropkick has got Black all bent out of shape! Scowling, Black reaches up and tags out to Landon. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Giving a thumbs up to a completely unresponsive Todd Cortez, Landon steps in... ...and takes a step back, as Tyler reaches out and tags in Leon Rodez. "YYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE Oh, how about this for a showdown! The Face Of The Year and the 'Rudo' Of The Year. "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" With the Michigan crowd solidly behind their favourite son (Grand Rapids, Detroit, same dif.), Landon doesn't look quite so confident all of a sudden and urges Leon to settle down. The two circle, coming together in a collar and elbow tie-up. Landon quickly grabs a headlock and just as quickly gets shot off into the ropes, coming back with enough momentum to knock Leon down with a shoulderblock. Inexplicably, Maddix does the DAS WUNDERKID~! dance over Leon, to applause from... well, one of his team-mates at least, James Blonde. COLE What in the world was that about!? Done dancing, Landon backs into the ropes again. Leon flips over and forces Landon to hurdle him, quickly up to meet him on the rebound, looking for a hiptoss. Showing great agility, Maddix lands on his feet. He then leaps up looking for a monkey flip... only for Rodez to show similar agility, landing on HIS feet! Unaware of this, Landon stands up with a smile, only to be confronted by Leon doing the CARLTON BANKS FROM THE FRESH PRINCE~! dance!! "YYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" COACH Are they tryin' to out-white each other or something? For some reason, Maddix takes great exception to this and charges looking for a double axehandle. Leon quickly ducks behind with a schoolboy... 1... 2... No! Landon quickly gets to his feet, faked out with a right hand and caught with a backslide as he ducks his head... 1... 2... No! Again Maddix is quickly back up and quickly back doubled over, courtesy of an Inverted Atomic Drop. Leon then tumbles over top, bringing down Landon with a sunset flip... 1... 2... NO! Finally Landon manages to cut off Leon's offence as he lands a quick boot to the gut. "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" COLE Boy, did Landon need that. COACH Well, it was smart. One opening and he took it, that's the mark of a true champion, a former World Champion. COLE And Todd Cortez, not looking too encouraging to his supposed 'buddy' as he watches on from the apron. With his bearings back, Landon pops Leon in the jaw with a quick forearm. And a second. *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" Before cracking him with a knifedge chop, draping Leon over the ring ropes. Wringing out an arm, Landon whips Leon and with a confident clap of the hands he goes up for a a Dropsau... CAUGHT! Leon catches the legs and as Maddix hits the mat, he tries to turn him over in the Liontamer! "YYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Unfortunately for Leon, James Blonde reacts and rushes into the ring to break the attempt up. Clubbing Leon in the back he then pins his arms back, holding him in place as Landon gets back up. Landon smiles, seeing that Leon is defenceless as he rears back... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...or, perhaps not, as Landon ends up cracking Blonde with the chop instead! COACH That's okay, regroup. COLE Okay? He just chopped his own partner! In the middle of apologising to Blonde, Landon almost forgets that he's still got an opponent lurking in the ring with him, snapping around and aiming for Rodez's head with a clothesline. Rodez ducks though... and ducks again... *SLAP!* [i]"AAAAAAHHHHHH!"[/i] ...causing Blonde to chop Landon, who squeals out in pain! Hands on hips, Leon watches Maddix and Blonde get into a brief arguement, breaking up the hostilities with a DOUBLE NOGGIN KNOCKER~! Leon then switches in front and grabs the waistbands of both Maddix and Blonde's tights, falling backwards and pulling both men forward into STEREO SPRINGBOARD CLOTHESLINES from Shayne Brave and Tyler Bryant!!! "YYYYYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE Tremendous teamwork by the 6-Man Tag Team Champions and this crowd in Detroit absolutely loves it!! COACH You can call it 'teamwork' all you want, but there's no way it's legal. Way too many guys in the ring. COLE Yeah, but one of them was Blonde. And he'd been in the ring about fifteen seconds trying to land a chop! As Cucaracha Internacional head outside to regroup, Faqu tries to get into the ring. With all three of the celebrating member of Love Generation in the ring though, he's wisely kept out of the ring by his team-mates. Landon tries to get a huddle going, easier said than done with a wild Samoan savage and Todd Cortez hanging back away from his 'team-mates'. "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" COLE Love Generation standing tall right now... can La Cucaracha rally his troops for the remainder of this huge 10-Man Tag!? We'll find out, when we come back! [b]*COMMERCIAL BREAK*[/b] Back from commercial and the answer would seem to be 'no', as Tyler Bryant has things going his way against Landon. Sent off the ropes, Landon manages to duck underneath a clothesline. He then leaps at Tyler Thesz Press style, planting his knees on the thighs and pushing off... but landing face-first on the canvas as Tyler throws him off! COLE Welcome back to Detroit, where the Michigan natives continue to press their home-court advantage! COACH Yeah and there must be every pre-pubescent teen girl in this damn state crammed in here tonight. It's like a Backstreet Boys concert in here, I can barely hear myself think. I don't know how you put up with it, they're not even all that great live! COLE ...says you. With Landon checking his face is still in place, Tyler wrings out the arm and tags out to Thunderkid. COLE And things are getting no easier for La Cucaracha! TK steps in and lands a punch to the ribs. A second. And a third. Landon groans in pain holding his gut and tries to back off, only now realising that he's in the ring with a 250 pound Thunderkid and dropping to his knees in a weak attempt to beg off. By the hair, Thunderkid drags Landon back up and shoots him into the ropes. And with ease he lifts Landon up on the rebound, pressing him over his head to despairing looks from Megan, Blonde and Black (but not Cortez) and dropping him down with a big Press Slam!! Cover... 1... 2... NO! Crawling across the ring, Landon just tries to get away from Thunderkid, finding himself trapped in a neutral corner. But he manages to lure in Thunderkid, close enough to kick out with a boot. Catching TK in the gut, Landon pulls himself up... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...and chops Thunderkid... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...twice... *SLAP!* "WHOOOOOOOO!" ...and a third time, to very little effect. Realising this, Landon hits another quick kick and runs the ropes. Thunderkid tries to cut him off with the Bicycle Kick... but Maddix ducks, coming off the far ropes with a flying forea... CAUGHT! FALLAWAY SLAM!! "YYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Unfortunately for Thunderkid though, Landon lands close to his corner. Close enough that, at least in a 10 Man Tag, he's able to reach out and tag out. Doubly unfortunate, as it's Faqu who he tags. COLE And suddenly, the mood changes. COACH No doubt. Landon did a great job of softening everybody up and lulling them into a false sense of security, now Faqu's going to clean up. COLE Well if anyone is going to match power with Faqu, it's going to be Thunderkid. The Samoan Wrecking Ball stomps in, Thunderkid not backing down at all. With a primal scream Faqu charges, but Thunderkid cuts him off with a right hand. And again. A third. Faqu is staggering under the punches but not going down, so Thunderkid turns and hits the ropes, clubbing him in the chest with a clothesline. Again Faqu staggers but again he doesn't go down. So TK runs the ropes again... *SMACK!* "OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH!!" ...and gets caught in the ear with a Thrust Kick! With his team-mates looking thoroughly pleased with themselves, Faqu then comes off the ropes... COLE LOOK OUT, LOOK OUT! ...BUT HE MISSES A SPLASH!! "YYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" COLE Man, Thunderkid barely escaped there! Suddenly the confidence sinks a little in Cucaracha Internacional, as Thunderkid hooks up Faqu, looking for a suplex! The big Samoan refuses to go though and jabs TK in the gut with open hands before reversing and lifting up TK. Floating over the back, Thunderkid lands on his feet and grabs a waistlock on the portly Samoan... BEFORE TAKING HIM UP AND OVER WITH A GERMAN SUPLEX!!!! COACH Whu... HOW!? Nobody can quite believe it, as Thunderkid decides to roll over and get a tag. Leon Rodez comes back into the match and goes right for the cover... 1... 2- Kickout! COLE Impressive show of strength there by Thunderkid. But Faqu, still fresh. It's going to take more than one suplex to put him away I'm afraid. Leon sees how close Faqu is to his corner and tries to drag him out into the centre of the ring. Easier said than done. He soon says nuts to that idea and helps Faqu up, looking for an irish whip. Faqu reverses though, sending Rodez into the ropes... AND INTO A KICK TO THE BACK FROM MADDIX! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" As the protests go up from Leon's team-mates and sister, he stumbles off the ropes and walks into an Overhead Belly To Belly Suplex from Faqu, driving him across the ring! And as urged, Faqu follows up with an attempted pin... 1... 2... NO! Faqu shoots a death-glare at referee Mike Chioda, before dragging Leon over to the corner, allowing Landon to tag back in. COLE All it took was one sneaky kick from the apron. And all of a sudden, Cucaracha Internacional have the advantage in this match. COACH They always had the advantage. They're a team, a fully functioning unit. COLE I don't know about that. Faqu seems to be a law unto his own and it's clear to me that Todd Cortez wants no part of this or anything else to do with Cucaracha Internacional. COACH Then he should have won last week, shouldn't he? Measuring Leon, Landon cracks him with a kick as he reaches his knees. Leon rocks backwards before being pulled up by La Cucaracha, suplexed back to the canvas. Off the ropes, Landon then lands across the chest with a double stomp, bottoming out with a back senton and hooking a leg... 1... 2... NO! COLE Quick combination of moves by Landon there, but not enough. Looking up at his group of followers, Landon cracks a smile as he extends a hand towards Todd Cortez. The Urban Legend, yet to enter the match, glares forward and clearly doesn't want to accept, but realises he has no choice and tags in. The former Martial Law then set Leon up for a double team. A double irish whip sends him to the ropes, Landon connecting with a back elbow to the gut, on his way up and over from a Cortez back bodydrop. Clearly not what he had in mind, Maddix asks Cortez what in the heck he was doing and reiterates his call for a double elbow. Cortez resists the urge to punch Maddix's lights out and instead kicks Leon HARD in the spine, telling Landon it might be time to get out of the ring. COLE A distinct lack of communication on that one. COACH Well, they've not been teaming for a while. It'll take a couple of weeks to work out the kinks, but after that? Look out OAOAST, I say! COLE I'm not sure if Cortez is going to last that long before he's had all he can take. The crowd show Todd little sympathy, mainly because he's up against their hero Leon Rodez. So he drags Leon back up, connecting with a couple of European uppercuts before going to the ribs with a spinning round kick. Rodez doubles over and Cortez then cracks him in the chest with a kick, knocking him off his feet, before marching over to the corner and tagging in James Blonde. COLE I don't think Blonde was expecting that. COACH Like I said, they're getting to know each other, that's all. Cortez takes up his position on the apron again whilst Blonde rushes in and cuts off a tag. Close, Leon reaches out... but Blonde quickly lets him go and nails O'Hara, luring him into the ring and allowing Maddix in illegally to help drag Leon away! Referee Chioda is stuck with all four of Leon's partners, desperately trying to keep order, unaware that order has gone out of the window behind him as four of the five Cucaracha Internacional members work over Rodez in the corner! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" By the time Chioda has cleared the ring the beating has stopped, Leon left sat in the corner with Blonde innocently claiming nothing shady went on. "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" "LE - ON!" Pulling LE - ON out of the corner, Blonde hits a snap suplex and covers... 1... 2... No! Tag back in to Landon, who comes in off the top with a fist right to the crown of the head. Landon then takes a moment to taunt towards the opposition corner, mocking Shayne and Tyler's attempts to get some clapping going to route Leon on. Of course, Landon's mocking only makes the crowd more eager to clap, willing Leon to his feet. COLE This Detroit crowd, rallying behind The Grand Rapids Golden Child! COACH Nah, they're just clapping cause the guy next to them is. They don't know what the hell's goin' on, they're just a bunch of sheep. Not impressed, Maddix sneers as he reaches down... and gets a jab to the gut! And another! And another, Leon fighting from below and getting to his feet... but also getting a thumb in the eyes! Leon recoils and clutches at his eyes as Maddix shrugs off the complaints from the referee, jarring The Silky Smooth One with a quick Jawbreaker. Waiting on Leon to turn, Landon then takes a quick run-up and looks for the Cucaracha Cutte... NO! A shove in the back sends Landon off, towards a neutral corner. Maddix throws a boot up and stops himself from colliding with the turnbuckles. But as he turns back around, he runs headlong and right into a Sitout Hiptoss from Rodez to a huge roar of approval!! COLE And now Leon, needs to make the tag! With the clapping and the banging reaching a fever pitch, both Leon and Landon try to do just that, crawling over to their corners... ...tag to Blonde... ...TAG TO O'HARA!! "YYYEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" And O'Hara re-introduces himself into the match with typical style, wiping out Blonde with a Springboard Crossbody Block!! COLE WOAH MY! O'Hara rolls off of Blonde, catching Nathaniel Black coming in with a Spinning Wheel Kick. Not particularly worried about his partners, Cortez realises he needs to act anyway and tries to cut off O'Hara with a clothesline, but runs right into a flipping dropkick! Faqu then barrels forward... but O'Hara sidesteps and The Samoan Wrecking Ball crashes through the ropes and out to the arena floor! COLE Jamie O'Hara has exploded into life here! With Faqu gone, O'Hara goes right after the man he's been waiting to get his hands on, Nathaniel Black. He mounts Black and starts to go to town with some wild lefts and rights. Until, that is, James Blonde grabs a hold of him and pitches him to the floor! He soon follows O'Hara though, thanks to the dual efforts of Tyler Bryant and Shayne Brave. COLE No surprise, this one is spilling out of control. And look out here... Tyler and Shayne get the crowd going, as Faqu, Blonde and O'Hara all climb back up on the outside. The three end up bundled together, mainly thanks to O'Hara's hold on their hair... ...ALLOWING TYLER AND SHAYNE TO SOAR INTO THEM WITH STEREO SUICIDE DIVES!!!! "YYYYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" COLE A five car pile-up in the Motor City!! D*LUX, Flying Without Wings, and they take out Blonde, Faqu and O'Hara! COACH What a stupid move too. They risked their own hides and they took out one of their partners! All to make the screaming masses happy. As the the five pull themselves up, punches start flying as they slug it out. In the meantime Todd Cortez has picked himself up and has lined up the scene. Off the ropes he comes, pushing himself up and over the top AND WIPING EVERYONE OUT WITH A SOMERSAULT PLANCHA!!! "YYYEEEEEAAAAHHHH!" COLE How about that one, Coach? COACH Yeah. Not too smart either. I don't think Todd cares about the fans though. COLE I doubt he cares much for his partners either, to be fair. With now six on the floor, it's Thunderkid's turn to line up a dive. He waits for everyone to start picking themselves up before turning around and taking off for the ropes... which is when Nathaniel Black rushes out of the corner and lays him out with a Lariat!! COACH Yeah! That's Nate Black for ya! You can stick your Space Flying Tumble Flips, give me a good clothesline any day of the week! Black cradles TK up... 1... 2... Kickout! Black pulls Thunderkid back up and clubs him with two hard European uppercuts. The Englishman then crosses up the arms underneath the body of Thunderkid, looking for the Brittania Bomb! TK fights it though. And he manages to power out an arm, twisting out from underneath Black and hooking him for the THUNDERBOLT DDT... NO! Black drives his knee forward, catching TK in the head and escaping the move. Doing a quick 360, The Englishman then throws the Black Lariat... ...DUCKED! TK avoids the clothesline and quickly hooks the head, driving Black down with the Scorpion Deathdrop!! "YYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" COLE That could do it! Before TK can think of going for the pin though, he gets spun around by Landon Maddix. And before he knows what's hit him, Thunderkid gets leant back and pulled into the CRASH LANDON '05!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Jumping to his feet, Landon's brief celebrations are cut short as Leon Rodez rushes towards him. Ducking the line, Landon catches Leon with a quick boot and lifts him onto his shoulders, into a fireman's carry. It's not quite Leon's bedtime yet though and he escapes down the back, scooping Landon up and hitting the Blue Thunder Bomb! COLE IT'S DA BOOM! 1... 2... SAVE BY BLONDE! COLE Right place, right time for James Blonde. And you can thank Faqu for that, he's busy fighting off D*LUX and O'Hara out on the floor. COACH Yes, great teamwork. COLE It's certainly James Blonde's idea of teamwork. Picking himself up, Leon walks into a jab from Blonde. A jab! A jab! Licensed To Thrill, Blonde tumbles behind Rodez... and gets a mule kick in the breadbasket. Spinning around, Leon then gives Blonde a taste of his own medicine with a jab! A jab! A jab! A jab! Rodez turns, blowing the kiss, before turning back on his heels... *SMACK!* ...and nailing The Trendsetter upside the head with the enziguri! COLE MAMA SAID KNOCK YOU OUT! Down goes Blonde, but Rodez has little time to relax as he gets caught from behind AND FOLDED IN HALF with a High Angle Back Suplex from The Samoan Wrecking Ball!! "OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" COACH I hope 'Mama' knows a good chiropractor. COLE This is like a scene out of Rambo, bodies going down everywhere you look! COACH They didn't have no monsters like Faqu though. Rambo wouldn't fuck with Faqu. Fact. The big Samoan stands tall for the moment, beating his chest and encouraging Leon to get back to his feet. It's left to Megan to point out to Faqu what's waiting behind him though, as both members of D*LUX have slid into the ring. Tyler and Shayne quickly start teeing off on Faqu as he turns around, alternating right hands before looking to each other and hitting the ropes. Faqu swings for them with a double clothesline, but they duck underneath and quickly skid to a halt, cracking off two quick Superkicks! Hit Me Baby One More Time!! FAQU BLLLLLLAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! *SMACK!* *SMACK!* ...and they do just that as Faqu fails to fall after the first Double Superkick, a second pair of boots enough to drop Faqu and sending him rolling to the outside! COLE They put the bigman down! COACH Yeah, and it took them four superkicks to do. If the referee had any authority, they wouldn't have had chance to pull that kinda stunt. With Cortez and O'Hara doing battle on the floor, D*LUX quickly turn their attentions to Nathaniel Black. A double irish whip sends Black into the corner, D*LUX loading up across the ring. Shayne runs in first... and eats a knee! As he goes down, Black then hops up onto the middle rope, getting some extra momentum on the way down as he runs towards Tyler with a Lariat... DUCKED! Keeping his momentum going, Black again uses the middle turnbuckle as a stepping pad and turns around... *SMACK!* ...EATING A FACEFUL OF YAKUZA KICK!!!! "YYYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" Black collapses in a heap, while Tyler spots Landon getting up and runs him out of the ring with a clothesline. The momentum takes Tyler up and over the top as well though and they end up in a heap on the floor. Coming off the floor meanwhile is Jamie O'Hara, having got rid of Cortez for long enough to head for the top rope. COLE Look out! O'Hara is up and he's heading all the way up! Black in position below him, are we going to see the 630? Quickly reaching the third floor, O'Hara looks down and flips off Black, before tumbling off the top... ...AND HITTING THE BLAZE OUT 630!!! "YYYEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAA...." But O'Hara lands right at the feet of Todd Cortez! And The Urban Legend in a flash spins O'Hara around, pulling him into a standing headscissors AND SPIKING HIM DIRECTLY ON HIS HEAD WITH THE RIOT ACT PLUS!!!!! "OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" COACH [b]AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!![/b] O'Hara bounces about half a foot off the mat, sending arms flying to mouths all around the arena. The only person not in shock is Todd Cortez, rolling the limp carcass of O'Hara over and hooking a leg... 1... 2... SHAYNE DIVES FOR THE SA... 3!!!!!! *DINGDINGDING!* Falling just short of the save, Shayne holds his head as Megan leaps for joy on the outside. Jade is still as shocked as anyone else in the arena and barely reacts to the defeat for her team. BUFFER Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match... the team of CUCARACHA INTERNACIIIOOONNAAAAAALLLLLLL!!! "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Pulling himself up, Cortez has his arm raised in victory but still looks far from enthusiastic about it. His mood doesn't improve as he hears applause from behind him, turning around to see Landon and Megan making a really big deal about congratulating him on a job well done. Raising an eyebrow, Cortez rolls out of the ring... and right past them, the applause dieing down a little as Cortez blows them off and walks off to the back on his own. COACH ...what a team! COLE Oh yeah, you can just feel the love right there. COACH Hey, they won, that's all that matters. Landon promised Todd Cortez success and glory once he came back to his side. And sure enough, who gets the victory? Who gets the pinfall for Cucaracha Internacional? Todd Cortez does! You have to give that man credit, Landon Maddix did exactly what he said he would! What a leader... what a man! COLE You... Cortez won the match, sure. But you're giving Landon the credit? COACH He's the leader, he gets all the credit. After all, who recruited Cortez in the first place? Landon Maddix, that's who. COLE You're too much. Not letting things get him down, Landon celebrates the victory with the rest of his Cucaracha Internacional team-mates as Cortez heads off into the distance. In the ring, Leon watches with a dejected expression, while D*LUX and Thunderkid divide their time between mulling over the loss and checking if Jamie O'Hara is okay. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites